- Quickdraw McLaw
- The gubernatorial candidates had was will likely be their only debate before the election. [TNI; RJ; Nevada Current]
- Longtime county worker finds herself in glare of Telles murder case. [TNI]
- Tony Hsieh’s family level more accusations in new court filings. [RJ]
- The Animal Foundation CEO bites back after City finds contract violations. [KTNV]
- What else is going on out there on this fine First Monday of October?
blog is dead
I think Lombardo has the chance to be a good governor, particularly since it seems that he would have the insight and relative modesty to surround himself with skilled people in particular areas, and rely strongly on their advice.
Unlike many politicians, I don't believe he would shoot his mouth off about policy matters he knows little about. Instead, he would wait till he could provide a measured, reasonable, informed response.
But now for the potential bad news for his camp.. He might lose a close race to a vulnerable incumbent. Part of this is because this is Lombardo's very first non-law enforcement election, and it all plays out on the biggest state-wide stage of them all-the Governor's race. And he has gotten all tangled up, and submarined badly, on this abortion issue.
I think the democrats are drawing blood with this deluge of ads ,and other media coverage, wherein they portray Lombardo as some heartless fiend who would be supremely punitive toward women seeking to end unwanted pregnancies.
And I am convinced Lombardo does NOT really harbor such extreme views, but the opposition got him very boxed in. He is, in fact, a reasonably moderate republican. He is absolutely not some wide-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth, ultra-sanctimonious, fire and brimstone moralist. But that is how the opposition has effectively portrayed him.
I think he'd be a much better governor than he is candidate. And I don't chiefly blame him for these problems. Apparently, his consultants did not sufficiently prepare and protect him, and they allow him to step on this land mine where the democrats now have some response from him that they can grossly distort into something quite frightening sounding to many.
12:32, some of that I agree with, and some of it I don't necessarily agree with.
I agree that his handlers did not apparently sufficiently protect him on this abortion issue. It was not skillfully handled. But you seem to place almost all the blame on the handlers, and very little on the candidate himself.
Also, I share your belief that his personal views are probably not nearly as extreme as they are now portrayed as being.
But I don't agree that the opposition grossly distorted his words. They used his own campaign words against him, which, as you suggest, goes back to how him and his consultants have mishandled some of his statements and responses. And him clarifying this position on his campaign website has not really helped, and in fact may have made things a little worse.
As you suggest he chose the most high profile state race as his first venture into non-law enforcement politics. Add to that the timing of the recent, momentous abortion decision, and the resulting intense pressure from the further right factions of his party, and it all adds up to a real dilemma.
1:17 "He was caught laughing about how much 'play' he got after 1 October when he got snippy with a reporter. "
He said what now?
An excerpt from the post of 1:17 states:
"I don't trust him because he seems perfectly content to change his position depending on which way the wind is blowing. He doesn't appear to stand for much as a candidate, except to get himself elected."
In my view, 1:17 has provided a masterful description of 85% to 90% of all political candidates.
@3:04 he shut down some conspiracy theorist reporter type at a news conference for 1 Oct and then later bragged about how he got the most celebrity out of the whole thing when he yelled at a reporter. He also told a group that the media was more often than not your enemy.
Any governor that tells his state that he will follow what the California governor does needs to be sent packing.
3:35, well if he said that more often than not the media is your enemy, it might be difficult to take issue with that. It all depends on context.
12:32, 12:44-A lot of what you say is accurate, except for the suggestion that how he has handled(or mishandled) the abortion issue, is likely to be somehow dispositive in this race.
Most voters are well-accustomed to the grossly over-heated rhetoric of each party on this issue, and it will not cause them to change how they initially intended to vote.
Democrats will often warn us about back-alley butchers performing abortions if the Republican candidate prevails, while the Republicans conjure up images of monstrous physicians performing abortions in the 8th and 9th months if the Democrat candidate prevails.
Nothing new here. We are all jaded and quite accustomed to it all, and (hopefully) largely immune to it and not sucked in to all the hyperbole.
1:01, perhaps, or perhaps you over-estimate the intelligence and discernment skills of many voters.
It looked for quite some time that Sisolak had a slight lead on Lombardo while Cortez Masto had a slight lead on Laxalt.
But new polling suggests a change and that the Republican challengers are now the ones enjoying a slight lead.
But something to keep in mind is that even though we are now in the age of high tech., it is still true that very little political polling occurs over the computer or smart phones, etc.
Most of these polls of supposedly "likely voters" occurs over land lines. And people who maintain land lines, and will also sit still and answer automated questions, are usually much older, conservative voters
And that may be why a lot of the time when republican candidates have a slight lead according to such polling, they instead wind up on the short end on election night.
I am a Republican who I can tell you is not disclosing that I am voting democrats for AG and SoS. I cannot vote for Laxalt; if he was a useful idiot maybe but he is really dangerously bad. Governor/LtG and Controller are maybe the only statewide offices that I can see voting (R).
Stop false flagging – you cannot be serious
Agree 1:50. This will definitely be a split ticket for me, mainly due to poor, ahem, candidate quality in many races.
I am a Republican. I am not 1:50 or 2:06. For me, the Republican candidate for major statewide office range from No to WTF Hell No. I don't see a qualified candidate for Controller on either side of the aisle.
I am a Republican and not any of the previous posters, but regardless of the candidate quality, I will not be voting for anyone with a (D) next to their name. The D's have had their chance and failed, time for new blood.
@150 and 206 are the same human. And neither are republican.
and @215
Its easy to vote R for both Senate and Governor in this election – only for the fact that after R take the Senate, the bleeding from the WH can finally stop and nothing will pass, including no further spending. I do not care about Laxalt, but I care about fiscal responsibility, and a Republican controlled Senate stops Biden's insane social and economic agenda. And that is good enough for me for now.
As for Lombardo, we already tried a Democrat who nearly killed our travel industry, destroyed businesses and jobs, screwed up DETR, etc., and then without anything changing at all, lifted the mask mandate because he is a coward and has no principal at all. If you are a Democrat, how can you support someone like Sisolak, who uses things like masking mandates (regardless of what you personally think of those) as a political tool? He played you and you fell for it.
So, again, the choices are actually pretty easy. Now 2024 presidential may or may not be a tough choice. I really hope its not Biden v. Trump 2.0…
I feel the same way about the Nevada AG race. Ford has done nothing and taken us in the wrong agenda. Chattah it is.
I am 1:50 and can attest that I am not 2:06 or 2:15. I can provide my Republican bona fides if you wish up to working in DC for Republican congressperson(s) (from a different state) and working for an organization inside of Heritage Foundation. Yes I am a Republican. Aaron Ford is a horrible AG but he is not dangerous; Sigal is dangerous. She at least has qualifications; Marchant is a lunatic. Principled Republicans can acknowledge that democratic policies have failed this state but that the constitutional officers that we have nominated will destroy our party. If you want the endorsement of a guy who thinks its OK to call a former Cabinet secretary (who has been a Republican longer than you have) "China-loving wife, Coco Chow", we are not from the same Republican party.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, the AG position was non-partisan. Frankie Del Papa, Brian Sandoval. George Chanos, and Catherine Cortez-Masto all held the spot and mostly kept politics out of the office. Then along came Adam Laxalt in 2015 and that all changed. Now the AG is a very political, partisan office, sometimes at odds sometimes in line with the governor. The sad thing is that many of the important day-to day "meat-and potatoes" of what the AG office does has been neglected to pursue political agendas and vendettas. Aaron Ford has not done enough to reverse the damage Laxalt did to the office, but I DREAD what will become of the office if Chattah gets her hyper-partisan talons into it. All Nevadans will suffer.
Did Laxalt name the position political, or was it Dems attacking him thereby making it political?
Law dawg has had a heavy hand editing today, biased left.
Counter observation: you are nuts if you think that's the case. If anything, lawdawg has been overly protective of the right, deleting comments that insult the R candidates who are just crying out to be insulted.
Dear 6:49. Do words have any meaning to you? It is such a clear bias. It's OK. It is Dawg's Blog. If I don't like it I can go start my own but the bias is clear. To argue well, admit fact and go from there but you lose all credibility otherwise. I'm not 5:40 by the way but what I am is hungry … going to the Strip for a nice dinner.
Since I'll never make everyone happy, I suppose I'm doing well if both sides are mad at me.
I have always found that the comment "biased right" or "biased left" is as much a product of where I stand as where something naturally falls. When you are on the left, 98% of everything seems to be too far right. When you are on the right, 98% of everything is to the left of you.
Go! Law Dawg!! TTHHWWWAAACCKK away!!
Thanks, Anonymous!
But seriously, can we give the abortion stuff a rest on here? Don't you all have facebook or twitter? Go do your thing there!
Politics too! I'm sick of all that shit!
With all due respect law dawg- you post many articles that are political and/or overlap with legal issues. See your first link above – politics.
Just because LD posts political articles, doesnt mean that LD cannot be sick of it.
Doesnt matter anyway, if he/she doesnt post them, ya'll will just post *blog is dead* anyway.
Can't win or lose. Keep doing your thing, LD. We might give you shit for it, but we are still here 10+ years later. (I cant remember exactly when this blog took over from Wild Wild Law, back in the day, but it has to be over 10 years).
I think that is a somewhat fair point. As you know, this is a Las Vegas-based law blog. So, while I can appreciate a civilized discussion on these topics which relate generally to Las Vegas and legal issues, we've got to try to do a better job keeping the comments civil and on-topic. It can't be that every discussion ends up with Democrat v. Republican, left v. right, insults and nastiness. That is killing the vibe, and me.
Law Dawg is anything but fair in his/her/they deletion of posts. There is a clear overly biased leftist favoritism by Law Dawg.
Fair enough, LD. On other legal news, I'm sure you haven't heard that there's a lawsuit about Camp LeJeune and that YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION
Stop beating the dead horse, @845.
I get TTHHWWWAAACCKKed more than anyone and I am still here and not bitching about it.
@8:51 You definitely sound like you're bitching about it. And stop using the Thwack thing. OG Thwack is my friend and he says you're a poser.
I'm as MAGA as anyone but IT IS LAWDAWG'S BLOG – don't like it go somewhere else (see my conservative/libertarian bent is congruent, keep people freeeeeee!!!)
OG Thwack is actually Copy n paste Poser guy. You know this.
8:54 I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty …
LDs deletions are fair. If you think they're only directed at a particular political spectrum, then you have a victim mentality and that's your actual problem. Whining snowflakes everywhere.
1029 is name calling?
Definitely the Poser CnP guy. Zero originality.