- Quickdraw McLaw
Some of you brought it up in the comments yesterday, but how are you doing? It’s been a tough year on many fronts and there will be more to come. What are you doing to cope? Is the new normal working for you? Are you struggling? What have you found helps you? Do you mind sharing recommendations for therapists?
Confidential help from a fellow lawyer is a phone call awayToll Free: 866-828-0022Any lawyer in need of confidential assistance with alcohol, drug, gambling problems, depression and stress: help is a phone call away. The LCL hotline will put you in touch with a peer who understands the issues of lawyers today. When you call, all you have to leave is your first name and telephone number, and someone with experience and who understands will call you back. You will be listened to with understanding and support by someone who will give you resources you may not know exist out there. One new benefit of this program is three free therapist sessions for support during stressful events. More details at the link above.
You whiny democrats let your protests get out of control. Citizens are scared of your deconstruction of USA and socialist vision of tomorrow. Move to Venezuela! MAGA2020! Trump will win!!
Isn't Generation X, Generation X, Generation X actually Generation XXX?
This post was brought to you by the good folks in Putin's troll army in Timisoara, Romania. Welcome to the Blog comrades.
How anyone could have watched Trump's speech and not come away thinking he is one of our greatest presidents is truly beyond me. At the very least a better choice than Mr. Biden.
I have a feeling lots of things are "beyond [you]."
It is difficult to read 10:36 and 11:16 and not come away thinking they're just trying to yank everyone's chains. Good goin' boys, rile your colleagues up. It's the weekend, let's have some fun with the Americans!
Thank you for posting mental health resources. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I've been quiet, having a nightly adult beverage (or 2, or..), and feel incredibly shut off from the world. Might take advantage of this resource, if only for someone to talk to, since it's really embarrassing to show emotion at work
You obviously never been to the shitshow of Family Court where all they do is make emotional arguments while interrupting, yelling, and hoping the Judge is in a good mood that day toward their client.
I don't really have anyone to talk to either. So far, I'm doing okay with processing my feelings and dealing with the adversity, but it seems like the hits just keep coming. Earlier this year it felt like everyone was in it together, but now things have devolved and everyone is at a different place with a different opinion and it doesn't seem like there is the same kind of empathy. I know I have things good, but the shit I've gone through personally this year ticks all the boxes for creating stress and depression. And I know I'm not alone in these experiences.
I suggest making the switch from alcohol to cannabis. The latter is much healthier depending on your method of consumption and really helps tremendously.
12:32-I just saw a few lawsuits this week wherein the employee was "terminated" for having cannabis in his/her blood – though not partaking the substance at work. What say you?
3:47, Was it affecting their work? What type of job did they perform? and did they have a medical marijuana card?
12:32, any recommendations? I tried 2:1 CBD:THC gummies, but that made me loopy and my sleep was so-so. I drink to unwind and to get a little buzzed before bed. I did take a full indica gummy and — boom! — I was out like Tyson had ko'd me. There has to be a happy medium. Thank you for any tips.
12:32 here, @3:47 p.m., how many firms have you heard of that blood test lawyers? I've never heard of one ever. @2:53, for focus/energy/depression relief I recommend a strain called "Green Crack." For sleep/stress relief, I recommend a strain called "GG4." I also recommend using a dry herb vaporizer as opposed to smoking or edibles. With a dry herb vaporizer you can adjust the specific temperature which alters the intensity of the effects and a dry herb vaporizer does not contain any chemicals like those vape pens you can buy in dispensaries. I've never liked edibles and smoking is harsh on my lungs.
Stop,stop with the politics. This is a law blog. Go find a politics blog. And please, get some help.
You do realize that all law is a subset of, and entirely dependent upon, the political system and public policy. Just the simplest, 3rd grade example should suffice. Depending on who is elected president will determine whether we have socialist or conservative justices at the Supreme Court perhaps for our lifetimes.
Politics has swelled up to the point of an inevitable spontaneous combustion. It's even contaminated sports to a level of absurdity. I'm doing my part to defund the NBA by not watching anymore. Might have to do the same with the NHL. Hopefully the NFL will wise-up, we'll see, but I'm not counting on it. Looks like it's going to be time spent on Youtube watching the good games of yore.
Ok trump trolls…law AND politics. Let's talk about the Hatch Act. Go!
My take away from recent events is that the Hatch Act is nothing but a paper tiger. It should be amended to give it some real teeth. Like saber tooth tiger teeth.
11:59 is exactly right. There are no penalties. The Office of Special Counsel recommended Kellyanne Conway be fired over a year ago. Of course, nothing happened because the President gets final say. Criminal prosecutions under the Hatch Act are the responsibility of the DOJ. Barr? Give me a break. The Act needs to be overhauled.
It's been interesting to see how many laws and important conventions are enforced only by honor and shame, and how easily they are cast aside when the party gang leader has neither.
Watching Trump and conventioneers flaunting the White House, relishing how much it trolls “the libs” after Mark Meadows said no one cared, was like few guys walking into a crowded elevator and ripping loud farts just to prove they could. It wreaks. And it's historic how proud of the putrescence they are.
The once dignified party of boy scouts has been taken over by an alliance of frat bros and trailer park thugs. Stinks
11:30. You do know the Hatch Act doesn't apply to the President, right? You don't? Oh, that's embarrassing.
Kyle Rittenhouse 2032!
There's also the overlapping ethics question. Past presidents, except perhaps Nixon and Clinton, would not use even the Oval Office telephone for anything campaign related. Remember when Republicans were rightfully upset about the Clintons "selling" nights in the Lincoln Bedroom for campaign purposes?
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Or we could talk about conflicts of interest when the head of an agency owns millions in stock in companies that compete with that agency. Go!
Why bother? Let's hold some hearings where said head lies through his teeth and nothing nothing happens.
I have an arbitration set for next week, an actual live in-person hearing!! I am holding my breath that it actually takes place, instead of getting continued or zoomed!
Yes! Good luck!
PUA claimant here, 9 weeks, no payment. All proper documents submitted. No payment. Losing my home, Barbara Buckley and Steve Sisolak. What the fuck??????
Standard UI claimant here: 13 weeks and same boat regarding payment.
Don't worry – I waited 13 weeks and was damn fortunate I was paid!
My wife is still waiting. Thank, Sisolak.
I consider myself an introvert and I worked from home even before the pandemic, so the COVID-19 situation hasn't really changed much for me.
Regardless, I've pretty much had it with the practice of law (mostly civil litigation) after almost 15 years. I want a normal job where I don't constantly worry about it when I'm off the clock and I don't feel guilty when I'm not working.
There are a ton of businesses and careers out there that pay as much or more than being a lawyer and with a lot less stress. Within the next year I intend to close my practice and work full time on a new business in the pet industry.
Might be worth looking up atty John Parris. Heard he left to get into vet school. Nice guy, easy to talk to. Just a thought.
I do not blame you in the least bit in leaving this profession. I cannot believe the sociopaths who are in civil litigators. The nice part of what they do is they lie to the court. I cannot even go into the other shit that opposing counsel is pulling right now, but it will be address sooner than later. Everyone and everything has consequences, aholes.
12:23, do it! I did it (it took me about 3 years) and I make a fraction of what I made as a lawyer but I am infinitely happier. I hate to say it but knowing what I know now, I never would have went to law school. I love getting up in the morning now – I got up at 5:15 today because I wanted to. I almost had a panic attack every morning when I practiced. I could not stand the dishonesty and injustice I saw. Good luck!!
6:11 you are the ❄
I've thought about leaving the practice of law, but I struggle with what to do next. Assume your student loans are paid off (thus making a pay cut much more doable), what would you do if you left the practice of law?
Library or teach
I applaud you for at least making the self-assessment. Without giving away to much, I took a sabbatical for about 18 months from the practice of law. I let my firm know what and why. I organized my cases to allow the sabbatical so that they were in good hands for me to transition out and then for me to transition back. I consulted with 2 attorneys who had done the same thing and who provided good advice on what to do and not to do.
I will say that once you are out it is like that line from Godfather III "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" You will question whether to go back at all. I chose to come back–wiser and slightly rested. But know that it is a choice that you can return or not return at your discretion.
10:03 – That is interesting. Why did you come back? Did you miss it? What are you doing differently this go 'round?
If there were a way I could take even a 1 year unpaid sabbatical and not have it completely ruin my career, I would jump at the chance.
11:46. I did miss it. I missed the work. I missed the feeling of helping people. What I am doing differently is setting boundaries- time, work, clients, priorities. I am transitioning away from litigation to more contracts and transactional work.
Admittedly stepping away at the time seemed financially perilous. And yet it totally prepared me for this year and being able to weather the economic storms.
8:51 – I always think long and hard about "other" careers and have some good ideas – not that I've been able to pull away successfully yet:
1. Truck driver position requiring a CDL. I had a friend of mine quit their lawyer job back in the Midwest about 2-3 years ago after their spouse died suddenly (this person was in my law school graduation class). Within a little over a year, this person told me that they were making the same as their practice (which they had closed). This person worked for Estes, which was in between nationwide/long haul trucking and in-state trucking, and it provided a good fit because the company is extremely well organized and my friend got all their weekly hours in by driving 4 1/2 days per week.
2. Vet School – previously mentioned. Probably need a science undergrad for this though.
3. Pharmacy School. UNLV does not have yet; the best known private one in Las Vegas is Roseman, which costs $52,000.00/year and its a 3 year program (also need a science or science-based undergrad degree I believe). HOWEVER, the starting salaries PRESENTLY are in the neighborhood of about $120,000.00 average, so that is definitely a good trade-off.
Those are the best 3 I can think of – I'm sure there are many others
11:41– Great ideas although I would not want to go anywhere near pharmaceuticals right now. The regulatory liabilities and authorities lurking in the bushes would make the OBC seem tame.
pardon the typos