- Quickdraw McLaw
- The Las Vegas Sun is seeking to uphold an arbitration ruling against the RJ. [Las Vegas Sun]
- Two Las Vegas parents face new charges in the college admissions scandal. [RJ]
- Why Nevada won’t settle opioid lawsuit. [News3LV]
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wins $1 million Berggruen Prize for pioneering legal work. [Fox5Vegas]
- This post over at Reddit is about a tourist who witnessed a suicide while in town–a sad reminder about one of the challenges our community faces. We all know our profession faces that risk as well, so if you see someone struggling or if you are struggling, please reach out:
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Any lawyer in need of confidential assistance with alcohol, drug, gambling problems, depression and stress: help is a phone call away. The LCL hotline will put you in touch with a peer who understands the issues of lawyers today. When you call, all you have to leave is your first name and telephone number, and someone with experience and who understands will call you back. You will be listened to with understanding and support by someone who will give you resources you may not know exist out there. One new benefit of this program is three free therapist sessions for support during stressful events. More details at the link above.
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Overheard a couple Boyd graduates discussing their vacation plans:
Boyd '13 graduate: "I have a great vacation planned for Latin America. I wish I had studied Latin back in college so I could communicate better with those folks down there in Latin America."
Boyd '16 graduate: "Sounds great. My vacation will be to the British Isles. I read that the queen is now 93. Amazing that at her age she can keep drafting and passing all those new laws all the time, and keep running the government."
@ 9:05. Didn't you post these a few days ago?
10:06–perhaps it's been re-posted in the hope it would generate more interest and response this time–kind of like re-tooling, re-editing and re-releasing a movie after it was not well-received when initially screened for critics and test audiences.
At any rate, although those quotes are jokingly attributed to Boyd graduates, I believe similar quotes were actually uttered by two different Vice Presidential nominees(one nominated in '88 and the other in '08).
Since those two individuals could have wound up a heart-beat away from the Presidency, and thus become the leader of the so-called free world, this type of ignorance is shocking.
So, that's downright scary. The '08 Vice Presidential nominee did not phrase it exactly the way as stated above, but she clearly thought the Queen was the head of government and essentially created policy, law, etc. Likewise she did not know of any distinction between North and South Korea, had to be schooled as to which countries fought on what side in World War II, etc.
So, before we get too upset abut what Trump knows of odes not know, he may actually be a font of historic knowledge and current events when compared to those two dolts. Now as to Trump's temperament and stability…
10:21 should have proof read the last paragraph, but yes, I will grant that about Trump–he is more knowledgeable than those two. Almost any thinking person is. Those two GOP nominees were ridiculed ceaselessly for their ignorance, but I agree that such ridicule was a mask for our actual trepidation that those two could have been elected VP, and eventually ascended to the Presidency.
Now, in fairness, the Democrats have also offered some VP picks who were not exactly beaming wizards, or purveyors of sound judgement.
Admiral Stockdale was the best VP candidate ever (especially on SNL)
Apply to be a federal judge: https://www.cortezmasto.senate.gov/news/press-releases/cortez-masto-rosen-announce-members-of-judicial-commissions-and-process-to-apply-to-be-federal-judge
9:12 here. Included the wrong link: https://www.cortezmasto.senate.gov/judiciary-applications
What do you all think is the biggest barrier to more attorneys getting help with stress or mental health issues? It seems every attorney I talk to is over worked, stressed out, or full on depressed. Yet barely any seem to seek treatment.
I think it's a combination. It takes too much time–who can afford to spend an hour at therapy every week. Who can find a therapist worth paying? We have had this discussion on the blog before and lots of people have suggestions, but finding the right therapist is difficult. Finally, the stigma. No one wants to be identified as the emotionally unstable lawyer.
I think part of it is the stigma and not wanting to be labelled. I think another part is the culture. Another attorney just tried to shame me for taking vacations, scaling back on my practice, and doing things that, while not financially beneficial, are enjoyable. Another attorney told me they were shamed by another attorney for spending time with their kids.
For so many years, the "I'm so busy/stressed/overworked" label has been worn as a badge of honor and seen as some sort of indication of your merit as an attorney. This type of culture only adds to the already difficult career we have, and prevents people of seeking help when they need it.
It is all the busy work that the EJDC stacks on attorneys. The early disclosures might be helpful in some way, but the multiple appearances and filings that essentially repeat known information (that the Court never reads) is just unproductive time wasting busy work. The external arbitration program is a joke and waste of the best part of a year.
Time has always been a huge barrier for me. I've found that the virtual therapy platforms can solve this problem. If anyone reading this doesn't consider therapy because of time constraints…try talkspace or better help. Video chat with a licensed therapist on your own schedule. It's done wonders for me.
As to 12:17, I wholeheartedly agree. Also, the lack of tentative or advanced rulings creates unnecessary hearing appearances. Also the limited availability of courtcall.
Nevada courts need to get with the times, but for whatever reason they refuse.
I think 11:29 hit a big part of it – the culture promotes being stressed out and overworked, as if that is supposed to be "normal," and if you're not, you must not be a good lawyer.
I think another issue is that some lawyers don't realize how bad it is until it becomes a full-blown crisis. And maybe not even then, because when you are super stressed or really depressed, you don't always have the best judgment or perspective.
As stupid as some of the EJDC processes are, I don't think they are a major source of mental health issues. Even if those things were fixed, lawyers would still be overworked and stressed out, just over different things. See 11:29's post.
That being said, I fully agree that EJDC needs to fix its shit. If they just stopped having hearings on every little thing, that would help a lot. Do what almost every other district does, which is decide things on the papers. If there's actually a good reason to have a hearing, the judge can order one.
@ 11:06 am, more like nobody wants to be identified as the Brian C Padgett in the room…
Watch your health though folks. The incredible amount of stress I was experiencing (over the last few years) helped contribute to a "congestive health failure, early stage" diagnosis a few months ago.
The diagnosis is treatable and potentially reversible and the medication I'm taking is working wonders. But I'll definitely be balancing my life out better in the future.
To 3:31's point, if someone told you that your current car is the only car you're ever going to get then you'd take ridiculously good care of it. Hey, it's gotta last you decades. For some reason people, myself included, don't do the same for their body.
You should not give a shit what another attorney thinks of you. After all, look at who some of who your fellow attorneys are.
I might be the minority but I feel like if an attorney admitted to me, that he/she was seeing a therapist to manage stress I wouldn't judge them negatively. I'd actually be impressed that they took that step. To me, if an attorney learns positive coping skills I'd assume that helps them litigate better.
What 11:18 said. But with that said, I'm sure there are plenty of other lawyers who think otherwise. They suck.
Agreed, 12:07 PM. That is exactly what I have thought when others have confided in me that they are getting help. What doesn't impress me are the people that never get help and have a break down (which sometimes tragically ends careers and plays out in headlines).
The Sun didn't ask to uphold the arbitration ruling, only the few parts it liked. The Sun asked to vacate every other ruling that was adverse to it. Inaccurate reporting from the Sun.
At least our Judiciary isn't the only group who occasionally makes mindboggling rulings. The Court of Appeals in Michigan ruled that tightening lug nuts is not part of performing a tire rotation.