- Quickdraw McLaw
- Nevada’s educational system is ranked as the worst in the nation. [RGJ]
- Nevada is second to only Hawaii in number of occupational licenses required to work in the state. [Reno News & Review]
Not Like Us
At this point I think he's appeared more on TV…
Job Tips: Using AI
I am the person who posted the AI summary yesterday.…
Job Tips: Using AI
https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
Not Like Us
You must not have seen the Dimopoulos as Batman commercial.…
Through An Unlocked Gate
Why do some people care so much about the 4th…
It’s a shame John Moore won’t be able to propose his “natural persons have a right to work, so they shouldn’t have be licensed to do anything, including doctor or lawyer” bill.
I am surprised there is no mention of Cadish deciding to unseal search warrants for Las Vegas shooting.
She is lost.
She is thinking about politics and bid for Supreme Court not application of the law.
Except she got the law right and was not bullied by an incoherent argument from Metro. If she was really thinking of politics, she would have sided with law enforcement 10 times out of 10 just like every other judge who panders does.
1050 spent shell casings (.223/5.56). Roll that number around in your head for a bit.
Also several hundred images of child porn. Holy hell, the preliminary report contains a lot of info.
Yes – it contains a bunch of info and photos that I'm not sure have been shared before.
OR get the PDF here:
Really great to see that we're ranked last in education, but hey, we're getting a billion dollar stadium, you guys! Something to be proud of! It's not fair to mix those two issues though, because that money was already earmarked from something other than education, right? It's not like we couldn't have added a bit of room tax that would go toward the school system. Or how about that tax on marijuana that was supposed to go to schools that ended up getting yanked out at the last minute?
I sound like a total liberal right now, but I'm not. I just don't believe the government should get involved in paying for stadiums to be used by billion dollar sports teams when the money can go to pay for something better.
I agree and I'm not a liberal either. However, digest the fact that 55% of budget goes to education. 55%. Not including all the different groups that do school supplies drives, food drives, turkey drives at Thanksgiving and "Winter Holiday." Most of the teachers are wonderful, but their hands are tied. They have to teach to the median, and sometimes even the lowest denominator. Parents in the poorest districts are working 2-3 jobs because they can't get more than 20-25 hours a week so employers can avoid paying healthcare, and they just can't spend the time that stay at home mothers can, middle class are struggling as well and are afraid to take time off from work, or flat out told they can't. You can put all the money in the world into education, but you can't change the home environment and you can't force parents to be involved. Charter Schools and private schools have a mandate, if you want your child to attend, you will participate. It's sad that great, smart children, don't have an opportunity if they have lousy parents, and the public schools can't save these children the minute they walk off campus. But the answer would be communism if you "remove" those wonderfully smart children from their parents and give them a decent education. We're a city that is transient, 24/7 jobs, and a broken school district.
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Take your freakshow elsewhere, you freaks!
I knew that was coming. 😉
Not as religious of a reader of the Blog as I should be but Vicki Nelson died. http://obits.reviewjournal.com/obituaries/lvrj/obituary.aspx?n=vicki-nelson&pid=187894477&fhid=32295
I'm very sorry to hear about this. She was a wonderfully unique person. It's weird because I just thought of her yesterday, having not seen her in a few years.
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