- Quickdraw McLaw
Last week we had a topic on divorce; this week, at the request of one of our readers, we ask for your input on lawyers looking for love. Any tips on the current dating scene in Las Vegas? Is online dating the best option? Should lawyers date other lawyers? Should they avoid other lawyers at all costs? What’s your best law-related pickup line? Should you avoid dating people within your firm? What are the pitfalls? What’s the best spot for a first date?
40ish and grateful to have been married for many years. I am also grateful my spouse is a regular human being and not a lawyer, although that means sometimes they don't really understand what I am going through. But that is more than made up for by conversations with a regular human.
Marry a non lawyer.Marry a non judge.
Married to a lawyer for 14 years. Have a firm with my spouse, and it is great. There are never concerns about who is not doing their fair share, no complaints when one of us has to leave early to get the kids to piano practice, and appreciate the fact that we are absolutely on the same team.
9:32, I'm glad it's working for you but the majority of attorney couples who run their own firm together, even if they get along real well, encounter some financial challenges.
Eventually one of them will go to work at a public agency, or some other firm, at a salaried positon with benefits, while the other spouse will continue to make a go at running the private practice.
And more often than not, the one spouse who remained in private practice eventually folds tents and goes to work for a salaried positon as well.
I'm glad you are an exception and that you guys have not experienced financial lolls.
If both spouses run a private practice together, even if it is relatively successful, there will be months where cash flow is not that impressive(most practices, even successful ones, are not necessarily consistent, as readers of this blog can attest to). But when one of the spouses eventually leaves such practice, and accepts a salaried position with benefits, it becomes far less difficult to ride through the tougher financial times.
Date your Secretary or your vo'worker.
I started dating my current girlfriend, co-worker. at Black and LoBello.
I dated both Black and Lobello.
Married to a non-lawyer. But I'm curious, how do other lawyers answer the question "How was your day?" I feel like I can't talk about my clients, I can't talk about their problems or how I helped, so I can't really talk about what I actually do. Like, at all. I don't have a problem keeping client confidentiality, but I would like to be able to talk about work with my spouse just to communicate. Any suggestions?
Just refer to every client as "John Doe." Your spouse will never catch on that way.
I don't understand this. I talk to my spouse about my cases, but I keep the conversation limited to what is in public filings or stated at hearings or what was said in a depo. That's more than enough to inform your spouse about your cases without breaching any confidentiality issues.
Every relationship is different. Sounds like 9:51 and spouse have a great thing going. Good for them!
10:05, I read 1.6 and 1.9 as preventing me from revealing any information relating to my representation of a client to my spouse – not that I represent Client X, not what I heard during the case, not something that happened in "a" case I'm handling, nothing. Whether it's in a public filing or not doesn't relieve me of my responsibility to keep my mouth shut. Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but it's how I interpret it. Thus my question, and asking whether I'm actually interpreting it too strictly.
I'd talk about what absolute headcases my co-workers are (and I have), but since I went solo, I don't have any co-workers.
I put my spouse on the payroll and BOOM, she shares in "ACP". Makes life much easier.
Male here. I would never, ever, ever marry a female lawyer. Seriously, unless you want everything to turn into an argument, stay away. Paralegals are the best – they look up to you admiringly, show respect, and are usually younger. Hey, before the women say I'm low-confidence looking for a weak woman because I can't handle a "strong, woke" women know this – I'm just spittin' the truf!
Strong, woke woman. Eeesh.
9:52 us a mormon male attorney.
And 10:36 is an asshole.
+1 10:36
Some would say having a commonality of interests and career provides a better basis for a closer, bonded relationship.
Others insist that many attorney couples are often obnoxious, elitist wannabe power couples.
I've encountered likeable attorney couples who seem happy and well-adjusted, but I have on an even greater basis encountered the obnoxious, elitist types who present themselves as power couples.
I'm just speaking form my own, and very limited, anecdotal experience.
perhaps most attorney couples are wonderful, and I've simply been unlucky as to my exposure to, and experience with, such couples.
I have been practicing for 15 years plus and I know of more successful attorney/attorney marriages than failures. I have noticed that among the successful marriages, the attorneys usually practice in different areas of the law.
9:59–I am going to be very presumptuous and assume I can speak for most readers on this blog.
When it comes to married attorney couples, you can trust me on this–the obnoxious, arrogant, elitist wannabe power couples you describe are far more plentiful than the pleasant, down-to-earth, married attorney couples.
Online is the way to go. Ya boi has been gettin it on Hinge lately.
+1 for Hinge, met my current GF (nonlawyer) on there
Don't ever accept a position at a firm owned and operated by married lawyers. You will get all of the work while they will get the bonuses and the vacations.
10:40–And you will be the one who gets blamed for everything that goes wrong.
While they are in Hawai….
There is a certain type of female attorney who feels she can never safely show any femininity. Femininity is what makes women great. There is no correlation between lack of femininity and being a great advocate. Yet somewhere along the line a high percentage of female attorneys get the idea that they must become less feminine in order to become a better lawyer. They become harsh and shrill. And that is sad.
There is a certain type of male attorney who feels he can never safely show any chill. Chill is what makes attorneys non-assholes. There is no correlation between lack of chill and being a great advocate. Yet somewhere along the line, a high percentage of male attorneys get the idea the must become raging assholes in order to become a better lawyer. They become harsh and shrill. And that is sad.
10:55 written by a female attorney who falls into the category described in 10:49.
Like a mean pit bull baring her teeth and snarling in a North Las Vegas junk yard.
TL;DR: be chill my dudes
10:55 seems to be proving 10:49's point
10:55 is a dude. I know. He's sitting in my chair.
10:49 ummmmm two things: unfortunately, society has typically viewed traditionally "feminine" traits as NOT being compatible with being a lawyer/strong advocate.. so I am not sure where you are coming from on this…. two, maybe those female lawyers you are thinking of just aren't all that feminine anyway….do you even see how you have a negative association with females that exhibit what you feel are more male traits? you call them "harsh" and "shrill." This is why women have a difficult time in this field. it's double-edged sword. If you are too feminine, you won't be taken seriously and if you aren't, you are looked down upon, as well…but men can just be men with no one analyzing their looks/behavior.
uhhh huh huh uhhh you said "anal"
May 4, 2021 at 10:49 AM – I'm so sorry you have to compete in a free labor market these days and I'm sure you would be much happier back in the days of yore when you didn't have to compete against women – or Blacks, or Hispanics, or Asians, or Gays, or Jews, or Muslims, or Hindus, or, well you know, other human beings. Where's the justice?????? Truly you are a victim.
Whinny little snot.
12:19 says " If you are too feminine, you won't be taken seriously and if you aren't, you are looked down upon"
Maybe you think that, but it isn't true. Male attorneys do take feminine female attorneys seriously. Feminine female attorneys are not looked down upon. Ironically, the female attorneys who are not taken seriously are the ones who feel they must (and do) put on the full-time nasty façade in order to be taken seriously. That is something I've observed since law school.
Shark Pimp breaking out the indignant loud wokeness today. You go, boy.
Mr Ross, 10:49 here. wtf are you talking about. Your reply in no way addresses what I wrote – compete? wtf world are you in? I was joking about dating and said nothing about competition in the workplace. I love your posts as they always remind me of the Adam Sandler movie "what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." I understand you love to virtue signal and find racism in every single thing you read but c'mon man at least match your replies to the correct post.
1:51 back. Looks like I'm a dumbshit too, not 10:49, everything else stands
Ross is an odd duck. When he was on his game in private practice as a legal recruiter, he was Mr. over the top free market and anti-PC. There's a new tune now that he's on the government's teet.
He was never a really successful headhunter, more of a hobbyist and an expert on his own opinions. We stopped taking his calls after he sent us two embarrassingly unqualified candidates. He was almost always wrong, but never in doubt. He's now part of the Yelling Woke Society.
I've had a lot of professional interactions with Jordan over the years and I have nothing but good things to say.
@ 10:49 and 1:51, "I was joking…" What every person who outs himself/herself as ________ says to try to cover up the fact that they are now seen. Also, no one, no female attorney, GAF what you think about her "femininity." Just because female attorneys are not batting their long lashes at you and wearing stripper heels in depos does not mean they're not "feminine" when and where it matters: outside of work, with someone who they want to be attractive to. Get over yourself, dude. Signed, harsh and shrill AF, all day long, as I'm kicking your a$$ in court. XOXO
What she said ^
Yes, Ms. 5:01; I am very sure you kick a lot of a$$ in court. You are a fantastic lawyer; keep telling yourself that.
Any lawyer who signs correspondence XOXO is to be feared.
Can we do a pickup line thread?
Hey girl, I'm gonna file a Motion to Dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction because that ass is out of this world
My judicial pick up jealously line…hey, girl…you are smarter and better looking than me….you are unethical….I am a female judge who supports female attorneys..
Alternate Idea,
Yesterday or the day before this blog reported that the brothels are open. Avoid the entanglements.
Girl, I can sustain an objection for almost four hours.
Hey girl, there oughta be an injunction against that hemline..
Dang, I sure hope you are a fraudulent corporation so I can pierce your corporate veil.
Hey boi, why don't we go back to my place and and you can show me your long-arm jurisdiction.
Pickup Line: Are you a lawyer from the NSB? Because you should be screwing me.
Dating lawyers is not a great prospect. As a population, we're pretty awful people. Dating online in this town is terrible too…unless you just want to bang tourists and in that case, it's great.
I am trying to date Melinda Gates.
Good choice.
How many female associates have successful marriages with male partners? Is it best for one of them to leave the firm?
Tracey Eglet says no.
What a woman has to do to make partner.
How about the Chauvin juror who lied about being at a BLM ralley and now Chauvin is asking for a new trial??
I don't know what happened in voir dire, but his answer on the jury questionnaire was not a lie. The question was "Have you attended BLM or other protests/rallies in Minneapolis?" He went to DC. Granted, it's bad form because he had a T shirt on that said, "Get your knees off our necks." But not a lie. Maybe the voir dire was just not deep enough.
It won't matter. Law and justice lost in favor of overcharging by a DA blowing in the political winds and the mass media conviction every night for months.
Yes…law and justice was lost because we all watched a video of Chauvin murdering a man who was handcuffed and laying on the ground. Why can't it be like the old days when the media just regurgitated what the murders said in their press release and citizens didn't walk around with video cameras in their pockets. Woe is us.
I think marriage is a dated institution. I say this to people when asked why I am single: "As a licensed attorney, I believe that marriage, as constituted under the laws of the various states, is an inherently biased and decidedly anti-male institution." But you don't need an attorney to tell you that. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUsAcByGPmc. Read this book: https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=helen+smith+men+on+strike&crid=21CTMHJVT2Y06&sprefix=helen+smith%2Caps%2C218&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_11. Or listen to this radio segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQgxXW0ZEcA
Oh, I believe it is a dated institution and am against it, as well…however, I disagree with you that it is 'anti-male.' There are numerous studies that show men's quality of life actually increases when they get married and for women, it decreases.
70% of all divorces are initiated by women. Of college educated women the number increases to 90%.
9:53–on the surface those statistics might surprise some as some people would contend that woman care more deeply than men in general, want to preserve family at all costs, and thus are emotionally susceptible to overtures from their husbands that their husbands promise to change and improve, etc.
By contract, if a man wants out so he can be with Bambi the exotic dancer(who he has been spending tons of marital funds on, that should otherwise go to the benefit of his family), overtures by the wife to implore the husband to preserve the marriage(whether through counseling or whatever) are usually ineffective.
So, if any of the above is true, then why are most divorces filed by woman? I think the answer may be that even if any of the above has any validly, what is much more true and uncontroverted is that woman are much more adept than men at accurately and perceptively detecting real problems with a relationship, and are likewise astute at assessing how likely the problems can be effectively addressed, and even if effectively addressed woman are willing to cut bait, and do so abruptly, if the love and trust is gone and she has no real desire to attempt to rebuild it.
Women don't abruptly leave marriages. We are plotters and planners. If your wife stops nagging you, you might think she's coming around. She's not. She has stopped trying…now she's planning her exit. Google runaway wife syndrome.
Robert Eglet always puts on his website that he and Tracy have 3 grown children which is false. Tracy has no children. Robert had those children with his former wife. I guess she has been erased.
My husband and I have been married for 30 years-we have no children together. He has 3 children. I have 2. If I had a website, it would say that we have 5 grown children.
What if none of the children were your biological children? Would you still say you had 5 grown children with your husband?
I have never been part of a blended family, but I have seen how difficult it can be. I have a sibling who is a stepparent. That sibling sacrifices for, and loves her stepkids, as her own. I've never heard this sibling use the word "Step" describing them. I see no problem with describing a blended family like this. This is just irrational hate and spite for the Eglets (and no, I am not them, and no I don't even know them, they don't even invite me to their Christmas party, LOL).
How does the biological mother fit into this scenario? Does she count?
I couldn't care less about the Eglets, but really? Unless the website says "Tracy and I conceived 5 biological children together" then who cares?
Concern about Eglet's website? I care not as I have better things to do with my time.