- Quickdraw McLaw
It’s Juneteenth. How is your firm/employer dealing with the newest federal holiday? Do you have it off?
- Robert Telles, attorney and, after the primary, apparently soon-to-be former Clark County public administrator, responds to RJ article about turmoil in his office. [RJ]
- Changes to HOV lane restrictions are being studied. [RJ]
- Opinion: There’s a reason smoking is still allowed in casinos. [TNI]
- Infrastructure law funds sagebrush restoration projects. [Nevada Current]
No we don't have Juneteenth off, and quite frankly it's racist.
I'm curious; what is racist? The fact that you don't have the day off? Or the whole idea of observing this holiday?
posting that something is racist is racist.
Everything is racist now
Whaaaat? Juneteenth is comparable to, if not more significant than, the 4th of July. How is it racist that slaves were freed? If you feel like it's racist or you feel attacked or whatever it is that you're feeling, that says a helluva lot more about you than it does about the holiday.
Clearly the intention was that it was racist that they didnt have the day off. My policy is if the courts are closed, we are closed. Course, I am always working, cuz I'm da boss.
OP here. I see how 10:00 could be interpreted two different ways. Thanks for pointing that out.
Happy to oblige.
Sorry, but there is no way that juneteenth is more significant than the 4th of July.
Just a reminder for folks: The Juneteenth holiday was enacted by the federal gov't after our 2021 legislative session had already adjourned (yay for part-time legislatures). The governor has recognized Juneteenth, but the legislature has to be the one to enact a recognition day when the holiday falls on a weekend. Likely when the legislature reconvenes in 2023, they will formalize Juneteenth as a holiday, providing for a recognition day, as well. But for now, state/county employees do not get today off because of this, as well as private entities that follow state court holidays.
I work at a large firm and we're off today!
How very virtuous of the decisionmakers at your firm. Are they giving you credit for 8 billable hours?
No, I still need to bill my 8 hours. Or, more like work 4 and bill 8. That's how I roll.
I know someone exactly like 12:35. Sad.
@4:01 – You probably know many someones like 12:35. That's literally how all billable attorneys work.
Well, since it was a Sunday i think our firm had an easy out on deciding whether to give the day off or not.
While Juneteenth is a fine remembrance of a substantial part of American History, there are a number of events in American History that are not commemorated with a day off from work. Our firm policy is if state and federal offices are closed, then our firm is closed. The exceptions are (1) we recognize Nevada Day; (2) we give staff the choice between Veterans Day and day after Thanksgiving (Family Day). Columbus/Indigenous People Day and Juneteenth do not qualify.
We're off.
I closed the office for a staff day off, but being the masochist I am, I'm still doing a few things at the office.
I am a fan of the quiet time too. Also, generally love the staff day off because it manages payroll. Not a paid day off for them.
Rob Telles raises some interesting points which, if true, are worthy of real consideration: when he took office he increased productivity greatly and did not tolerate people chatting and gossiping hours per day; that he put stop to some real, and completely un-necessary over-time abuse which resulted in one or more deputes in prior years virtually doubling their income even though all the work they performed could easily be accomplished in far less than a 40 hour work week; his deputy who ran against him promised unjustified promotions to unworthy employees in the event such deputy wins the election; and generally that a new broom sweeps clean and he was not going to tolerate the slip-shod, unproductive prior approach of the office.
So, he basically claims that this was an inter-office hatchet job, wherein the local media was recruited to help bloody up Telles.
How much of this is actually valid, I know not, but Tells does make a reasonably convincing argument and offers some specifics
But the glaring problem is that he does not really directly address the issue which resulted in the controversy–that he was allegedly physically involved with a subordinate employee. He just vaguely says that people are lying about him and that the truth will eventually come out.
Problem is that even if his side of the situation is more supportable than the opposing side's position, the damage is already done and he was eliminated in the Primary.
Here is my problem: Telles's office is taking alot more actions but they are legally groundless. He ignores the nepotism/inappropriate relationship claims. He ignores the evidence that the office is toxic and that to be a good general you have to have the support of the troops.
Telles's tweet was nuts. A reporter asked him for comment on a forthcoming story and Telles acts like the gestapo is after him. If the reporter didn't ask for comment Telles would complain (fairly) that he was being railroaded. I have no insight about what's actually happening in that office but he seems like he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt.
1:14-as you suggest it is so hard to know because whenever a controversy like this occurs against a pubic official, the public official often offers the standard response that his employees resent him/her because when he/she took office they insisted on greater production and increased accountability, on behalf of the public.
And that's essentially the thematic response he offers in this case, and,yes, he did not really seem to directly address the issue of him and the subordinate employee who he allegedly was physically involved with.
And this controversial story(of the supposed relationship) was released so close to the election that not only could Telles not be afforded time to adequately
respond, but voters were also deprived of receiving the responsive view from Telles. Many voters learned of the controversy, but they were afforded no real time, nor any real responsive info., to decide for themselves how valid or concerning this all is.
1:14, 1:36: And the pity is that even though this is a very important office, I'm not sure the public knows or cares much about its function(until it affects them or someone close to them). And this goes for some other county offices as well, and the voters just quickly breeze past these offices in their ballot, either ignoring them,, or selecting the more familiar name, or whatever.
So, for this office, most voters will know nothing of Telles actual performance in the office. They will only know about the grainy footage of the backseat of that vehicle, and will blindly accept the media's representation that is was Telles, and a recognizable employee, entering, and later exiting , that vehicle.
Obviously, my eyes may not be as good as others, as I know Telles and what he looks like, and I can't say for certainty that was him. Looked like it could be. As for the employee, I don't know her, and I bet 99.9% of readers/voters don't know her, so I'm not sure why we were expected to blindly accept that such was her. Did she concede it was her? I don't think so. Did other employees insist they were certain it was her? If so, I missed that in the article.
1:51 PM-Alleged grainy video of Rob Telles. I too know Rob Telles–where is it posted for available. I would be able to make an identification or not if video shows anything.
He has admitted that he conducted the meetings with the staff member in question. He only denies that the meetings were evidence of anything other than proper meetings and discussions without improper touching.
1:51-It was attached to the original RJ article, but no longer seems to be. But on YouTube there is a 2:28 length investigative video if you type in: Secret Video shows Clark County Public Administrator and Staffer.
To 2:56's point, if he concedes he met the staffer in the back seat of a car, and he does not necessarily dispute that the video shows him, then we are left with the question of how do we prove that this meeting was physical in nature. I would say that if they both insist it was business related, that the video cannot establish that anything physical happened in the back seat. The grainy shadows do appear to get closer to each other at times, but that it not proof of anything.
Now, that all said, it's a very odd premise that we are being asked to accept–that him and his staffer often found it necessary to conduct office business in the back seat of a vehicle in employee parking at the office they both worked at. But still, that may raise suspicions but does not prove they were physical, or that she received any preferential treatment as a result of any special relationship.
2:56–Grainy video of Rob Telles. Found it on YouTube. I can't tell if that is Rob Telles either. Looks like a younger thinner guy than him. The female person is younger than the staffer that he was supposedly close to. Looks like a younger couple. The license plate is conveniently covered up. Sounds suspicious. That is my .02.
If it was not him, he would have immediately flatly denied it. I was aware of this and voted for him anyway, but there is no denying it was him.
No, 1:51, the public, in general, does not know or care about this office, and that is a shame.
And yes, since it was a close race it is clear Telles lost the Primary as a result of the article and the grainy footage, and the suppositions were were expected to make based on that. And, no, few if any voters had any info. or input on how he was performing as to the functions of the office.
Which is why that some additional offices, beyond judgeships, may lend themselves better to appointment process rather than straight popular vote.
Good lesson kids: the "[Reporter] has it out for me" argument never works. When Jane Ann Morrison became a mouthpiece for Judge Markell, the smart bankruptcy lawyers cleared their name on appeal because going to war with a reporter never works. Telles would be well suited to follow the advice.
His diatribe on his website is frankly nonsense. He claims the "rightwing" paper is out to get him but also claims that the goal is to "ensure that Democrats rally around Rita. . . [and] turn most Democratic voters against me" Is it a right-wing or a Democratic plot? Jeff German is not political. He does not get it right all of the time but is pretty fair to those who decide to tell their story. Telles's argument that German would not publish his response is likewise false.
Telles asserts that Clark County and SEIU would not tolerate abusive behavior for years without action. Clark County hired Michael Murphy to audit the office; pretty sure that indicates pretty earnest action by the county. Telles can call Murphy his "assistant" but Murphy was sent in by the County to report to the County not to Telles. Furthermore SEIU has not sided with Telles. That is a BAD argument.
I am familiar with the inner workings of the Public Administrators Office. Rob did dramatically increase efficiency and productivity. The old timers didn't like it. They liked the old, slow pace with John Cahill. If Rob had maintained that pace and procedure, he would probably have won re-election. Instead, his efforts to better serve families resulted from backlash from within. So what exactly is Rita Reid going to do as PA? Go back to the slow and inefficient ways under John Cahill?
No, I am not Rob. But I do know him and what has transpired is a travesty. Rob didn't help with his ill advised meeting in the car, but this was never really about that.
If you watch the video closely, it appears to show the grainy figures engaging in close rhythmic movements for about 5 minutes. @3:18, can you clarify what physical things Telles would engage in in the car with his subordinate?
I know Rob. I know the PA's Office. The poster above who indicated that Rob is wont to taking actions without real solid legal footing has it right. Just because he has been more aggressive and active does not mean that he has been more effective. Quite to the contrary.
From yesterday- I like the THwack guy – he reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously and does it in a poetic way – plus, who uses the word “inane”
I like him too. Along with the other blog "characters," especially the hashtag guy. And blog is dead guy. Double kickstands guy. I find them all entertaining enough to put a smile on my face when I see their comments.
Plot twist: it's all the same person
Well. I am two out of three. Guess which ones.
Can someone explain how to enter a default in Federal Court? Do they have a category you file under like in state court? Please and thank you.
Have you tried checking the rules?
There might be a form. Look at the D. Nev. website.
7:05, no need to be an asshole. The rules for federal court are a lot more convoluted and/or complex and it's perfectly legit for someone to ask a procedural question for the few of us who actually might practice there.
Go easy on 7:05. Stuck at his desk on a day when all of the other jerkish attorneys were able to go outside and play.
Yeah. What's wrong with asking for a quick shortcut? I've done it many times over the years. It allows me to bill 8 hours when working 4.
Posted this question yesterday but understand it got lost. Quick Practice Question: So many cases are being shuffled to overflow trials. No way to disqualify/seek recusal with these overflow assignments? If you have had an effective judge the whole case through you can be stuck with a knucklehead trial judge at the last minute?
You get a choice if 3 judges. Each side can strike 1 Judge.