- JD McNugent
An interesting article in the Review-Journal implies that some type of backroom deal took place on Tuesday when Judge Stefany Miley held a Show Cause hearing as to why Jonathan MacArthur, who is running for a seat in North Las Vegas Justice Court, should not be held in contempt of Court. Jonathan MacArthur is represented by Las Vegas lawyer Thomas Pitaro, whose website was apparently created in the early 90’s (the picture on his “About” page made me wonder whether Thomas Pitaro is an attractive middle aged woman until I saw the out-of-focus old man on the left). Apparently MacArthur failed to remain in court the previous day to represent his client in a probation revocation case and didn’t “maintain appropriate courtroom decorum.”
This article wouldn’t be interesting, except Miley held a meeting with Pitaro in chambers, cancelled the hearing and then never returned to the bench to explain what had happened, to the dismay of the media and observers in attendance. Pitaro refused to comment after the hearing and MacArthur pulled a Houdini by “slipping out a side door.” Miley later issued a written order taking the hearing off calendar.
How do you think Miley handled this? Is Pitaro one of the most persuasive lawyers in Las Vegas? Or maybe just the scariest? Who is going to volunteer to bring Pitaro’s website into the 2010’s? These questions will haunt me until I get some answers.
Seriously? The woman in the pic is Sandy Murphy…as in the Sandy Murphy that was convicted of murdering her husband, Ted Binion, later appealed and was ultimately acquitted. This was pretty much one of the biggest criminal trials in NV history and made the careers of many: David Roger and Dave Wall included (although it pains me to use both of their names in the same sentence-my apologies to Mr. Wall). And yes, Tom Pitaro is just that persuasive.
It’s amazing what passes for journalism these days (conjecture based on conjecture, leading to only more conjecture). I wasn’t in Judge Miley’s chambers so I can’t say what happened but it is worth noting that it’s not uncommon for an in-chambers apology to resolve a civil contempt allegation.
German spun his article as some big conspiracy cover-up because he was kept out of the loop. What a baby. Knucklehead Macarthur apologized privately in chambers and case closed. Move on. No story. Hey Jeff! Why don't you find some real issues to write about.
@10:17 a.m. My apologies to Ms. Murphy for not immediately recognizing her. It's been over three years since her appeal was denied, which is an eternity as far as my memory of rich women murdering their husbands is concerned. I just found it amusing that the one photo Mr. Pitaro chose to use for his Bio page was one where he was not in focus at all. I guess my joke wasn't funny.
I'm a little touchy about criticism of website photos of fat, grey haired, pasty faced guys. [sigh]
Are you going to cover Greg Hafen's accident? Such a tragic story. He's a great attorney and stand up guy, sad to hear about this. http://www.ktnv.com/news/local/141433123.html
Big woop. Attorneys check in with the clerk or marshal and then leave to go to other departments every single day in every courtroom of the RJC. Especially those track attorneys. You can't be in two places at one time, just ask Frank Kocka he is all over the place. What's the big deal?
The real issue here should be why Miley thought she should issue a contempt citation to MacArthur for leaving her courtroomm to go to another courtroom which happens every day. Maybe German should look into the reason for that or why they continually pick on MacAurther for things that are standard with everyone else. MacArthur' personality is a little grating but really, it's quite obvious that they don't want him joining their little judge club. BTW, has Miley ever apologized to the soccer mom that she beat up?
Macarthur didn't just leave. Before he left, he disrupted the entire courtroom talking very loudly with the Marshall while the Judge was on the Bench handling other matters. Of course he went right to the Race Card cause that is his only argument ever.
Judge Miley has been attacked ever since she was elected as a family court judge in clark county. She heard my case back in 2007 and was not only fair, but very understanding as to how parents play each other against their children. She is a class act who is picked on becuase she is very attractive and has courage of her convictions.