Fiore’s house got raided by the FBI. I think it has to do with campaign contributions. They interviewed Seaman regarding certain things related to the raid. That is my understanding of why they are no longer friends. Fiord apparently believes Snitches get Stitches.
September 9, 2021 5:52 pm
Wow…way to make the city look like even more of a hot trash mess. FFS though, leave the dog out of it.
Las Vegas is foundationally based on being a hot trash mess. It is the City's brand. Hot trash mess is who we are, what we do, and our primary stock in trade. The tackier and more low-brow, the better. It is admittedly a different way of being a city and community; but it works for us. People either embrace it or they leave. There is no changing it. This isn't Paris or London or Boston ore New York; it's Vegas Baby!
Michele Fiore is who we are!
September 9, 2021 6:09 pm
Told this story before but Fiore came to my work one time and have a staff member shit re "you don't know who I am" "I cant believe that I'm on billboards everywhere" she looked like tammy faue Baker on a bad day
September 9, 2021 6:15 pm
IF you are unvaccinated:
– You may not get unemployment
– You can be fired from your job
– You can be ousted from school/university campuses
– You can lose other benefits
– You may be limited or not be able to get certain medical care…
I wonder if these politicians realize how racist these policies are. The lowest vaccinated demographic group in the United States – BY FAR – are Black Americans. ( These inane policies are aimed at creating further racial divide and inequity among our most vulnerable minority group… Shameful showing by our ruling class. Simply shameful and racist.
I love how the GOP are suddenly racial justice crusaders when it comes to vaccines. Black americans actually have grounds to be hesitant about vaccines and the govt has admittedly done a poor job re public education on the covid vaxx, but that can be remedied. Idiots who think they're getting injected with a microchip while they eagerly post about it on their smart phones are the real problem.
Also, I hereby declare that 11:21 wins quote of the day. Gotta love it!
@11:15 Why is everything racist? I am trying to be polite here, but I am also mighty tired of people blaming others, not taking responsibility, and calling everything and everyone "racist".
The NY Times published a story on Aug 12, 2021 highlighting the fact that only 28% of blacks in NY City were vaccinated. Is anyone pushing vaccination proof to enter businesses okay with excluding 73% of blacks from businesses in the city? How inclusive. It's almost as if the city is retreating back to the days of segregation. Funny that it's the democrats supporting this exclusionary, vaccination segregation.
Funny how you avoid answering the question. I guess that means you're okay excluding 73% of African Americans from businesses due to their non-vaccinated status? Who's the racist?
More likely an avoidance tactic to deflect and project their own racism.
September 9, 2021 7:47 pm
11:21 – If you are fired from your job because of "right to work" you qualify for unemployment. Here, they are proposing to make you ineligible for unemployment not because of something you did at work, but your personal choices with your body. If the management decided to fire someone because they had a face tattoo or pink hair – that fired employee would be qualified for unemployment. This is clearly politically driven and likely illegal, punishment.
11:27 – provide one source that shows that in the US, Black Americans are not the lowest vaccinated group by proportion. I believe the original poster correctly pointed to the CDC. Do you not trust the CDC? Or do you have something like MotherJones to quote us?
11:28 – Racial discrimination should be everyone's concern, not just the GOP. And how do you figure that the poster was a Republican? Sounded to me like they were part of the "woke" class.
re: 11:28 – because this has become a common bad-faith argument against vaccine mandates by people who try to make a "woke" argument and argue that "The Left"/Democrats/Biden are racist. It's a completely bad-faith argument.
I'd be surprised if the people who complain about the potential disparate treatment of unvaccinated minorities care about racial disparities anywhere else – housing, employment, policing, voting rights, etc etc.
No. The "woke" class does not attempt to hijack social justice causes or quote MLK to justify our discriminatory policy positions. That is strictly the purview of the MAGAts.
Also, the "woke" class believes in science. We do not take medical advice from chiropractors on youtube or Andrew Wakefield. We strongly support vaccinations for all because that's what science says protects us from crippling, debilitating, deadly diseases.
Also, although 11:21 cites right to work, if your company requires employees to get vaxxed and they refuse, you can fire them for cause. That's not right to work. Come on, counsel, lawyers are supposed to lawyer. This is basic issue spotting.
1. Covid is not the only disease we are vaccinated against. Also, no one knows the full impact of long-haul covid or covid in general because it hasn't been around long enough. Survivability is not the only issue.
2. Not ever disease we are vaccinated against has a 99% survivability rating.
3. If your family was the 1% that died from covid, I'm sure we'd all be fine with it, but that's not how viruses or science work.
4. Survivability has nothing to do with debilitation. You can "survive" a massive car accident and then spend the rest of your days in a hospital bed being fed your dinner through a tube.
5. Go to hell. Your flip comment is completely disrespectful of the people who have gotten covid and continue to suffer as well as the families of the 600k+ americans who have died from covid. If I was nice I'd say I hope you never experience the same loss, but I'm not nice. I'd be 100% okay if you and people like you had your entire lives ravaged by covid. If that's what it takes to teach you a modicum of decency and empathy, then so be it.
1. I've never been mandated by my employer to receive a vaccination to work, other than Covid. 2. The Covid vaccine is the only one being forced upon me. 3. Only Covid? Why don't you care about the 1% of people that die from other rare diseases that are deadly. 4. Ok, I'll give you that one on debilitating. 5. Actions or inactions have consequences. If someone chooses not to vaccinate, they are opening themselves up to the slightly greater possibly of death. But, let me guess that you don't care about those who have suffered "debilitating" or "deadly" side effects from the vaccine. Only those that suffer death from Covid. Do you have as much hatred for smokers who die of lung cancer? Do you have as much hatred for type 2 diabetics who die from complications of that? What about the obese? What about those who die from the flu who are unvaccinated? You are hysterical, and not the funny kind.
From the British Medical Journal, "More vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant of covid than unvaccinated people." Maybe the unvaccinated are onto something?
Maybe not. As the vaccinated portion of the population grows, and the unvaccinated wanes, eventually a majority of the cases and deaths will be from the vaccinated group even if rates of death and infection are much smaller among the vaccinated.
Hypo: There are 1,000 people in a town and 800 are vaccinated and 200 are not. 5% of the vaccinated people get infected, or 40 people. 17.5% of the unvaccinated people get infected, or 35 people. The unvaccinated, in this hypothetical, are more than 3x more likely to get infected, but the total number of infected vaccinated people exceeds the total number of unvaccinated people. This is why, in places like Israel, there are as many (or more) infected vaccinated people as compared to unvaccinated.
You didn't hear about the Las Vegas teen who had blood clots in her brain? You didn't read the CDC admits the Johnson causes blood clots, but found the benefits outweigh the risks? Open you eyes and ears rather than remaining willfully ignorant. Both were on the local news. Do they not discuss those things over on CNN and you're too narrow-minded to seek out other news sources?
You sniff at a 1% mortality rate and argue that's too low to worry about, and then come back and claim the vaccine has a 0.0007% rate of thrombosis, and that's high enough to be so concerning at to reject the vaccine?
You try to force the vaccine on a vaccine with a near equal fatality rate but discount the side effects of the vaccine? Hypocrite much? Or don't you understand?
I think 12:26 is trying to say that it's hypocritical to force a vaccine where the fatality rate of the disease is roughly equal to the fatality rate of the vaccine.
Out of the millions of people in the world who got the J&J vaccine, like 10 got a blood clot. That's no where near the mortality rate of COVID…even if you want to argue the blood clots were deadly (which they weren't.)
I saw a Facebook post where some idiot was trying to say she knew someone who had their leg amputated due to the vaccine. When it was pointed out to her that the amputation likely had nothing to do with the vaccine, she lost her mind. I guess it's a bad time to tell her that 100% of the people who breath air die. A large portion of them suffer symptoms like body aches, decreased skin elasticity, macular degeneration, and loss of muscle mass before they finally kick the bucket.
I know someone who knows someone who also posted on Facebook who said that every single person he knew got Covid and died. But it actually turned out no one was sick.
Look, I'm going to weigh in because frankly I don't know where else to weigh in, and you all are intelligent folks. I feel obliged to preface that I'm not 'anti-vax' as I have all of my vaccines from youth and law school. It's a book. Thanks for reading, and for hopefully letting it stay up.
I don't care what your view is on the covid shot, whether you got it or not. It doesn't affect me. Your personal health decisions are your own, and I am surrounded by all family and friends who have made the choice to get it. But we all have to stop calling it a vaccine – it's more like a flu shot in that it mitigates your symptoms if you catch it but was never intended to stop you from catching or transmitting it. We are going to look back in years and wonder how all of this happened.
This is a terrifying time, and as lawyers I feel like we have some responsibility to the nation and the Constitution. As I understand it, our president just declared that he has ultimate authority over all private businesses and employees, and just encouraged one half of this country to hate and fear another half. And just declared that a certain definable group of persons is different, bad, and excluded from government benefits or their private employment. This has stopped being about a virus, and started being entirely about control, and I don't know what we can do to stop it at this point.
First, about the employment. I get 'right to work'. But my employer never asked me if I had a TB shot, or a Hep shot, or whether I had any communicable diseases. You are sick? Stay home until you are better. Personally, I am high risk for these shots; I had a terrible reaction to the flu shot for years until I stopped taking it and never once got the flu again. However, I have cancer, am pregnant, and I am not taking an experimental medicine that is just now going into testing to see if it causes problems with women. My shot status does not affect my job. I am not sick, and I have just as much chance of bringing covid into this office as all of my jabbed coworkers. This, frankly, sucks – the fact that I will soon have to choose between my health/child and the job I love. It's wrong. I'm not sick.
Second, please stop thinking that people who haven't gotten the shot are sick, disease carriers – this world is starting to feel extremely sociopathic, and we can stop that. We know better than this. At the beginning of the pandemic everyone looked out for each other, protected each other; now people laugh at the dying and declare their supremacy. We are all people, just trying to people the best we can in this short life. It's not us vs them, it's not you vs me. Try to see people as people.
TL;DR – Please don't cheer for the dictatorship and dystopia that's coming, lets all try to get back to this country feeling like the home of the free, and the land of opportunities. And please, someone with brains run for office so I don't have to.
3:36 I wish you hadn't as your argument is riddled with falsities and flawed logic. "Your personal health decisions are your own…" This might be true if we were discussing whether to get a knee replacment or to take some medications, but a refusal to take the vaccine causes health problems with everyone you come into contact with, and those they come into contact with you. Refusing to immunize is not the equivalent of not wearing a seatbelt, it is the equivalent of DUI. And it is a vaccine, not a symptom mitigator. It prevents you from contracting the disease. Also, i think your point was it doesn't eliminate transmission, which is incorrect. While it does not eliminate all transmission, it cuts it down substantially (last study I saw put this at 71%). I don't think those who haven't been immunized are not sick disease carriers, but I do think that those who aren't immunized and refuse to wear masks exhibit exhibit the characteristics of antisocial personality disorder.
All vaccines are not experimental. Pfizer has permanent approval. Vaccine's developed conventionally (As opposed to MRNA) have also obtained approval.
Respectfully, if people didn't look at immunization as a political issue the truly needed exceptions for vaccine refusal (ie significant health issues) wouldn't merit such contention.
4:04 – The fun part about what freedom of speech is left is that we are allowed to have differing opinions on public forums.
Just curious though, when the mandates come through and 100% of your workplace has their papers in order and you do a little dance, but then your coworkers still catch it and get hospitalized and you still have to wear masks, who is the next group to be banned from the workplace? People with only one shot? People with only 2 shots? People who don't quadruple mask?
The only people I know who have caught COVID this year are people who got the shots.
And the only people I know laughing at hospitalized people are people who got the shots.
We can, however, agree that this should not be a political issue.
When you compare covid to Hep or TB, you are comparing apples to oranges. If you had active TB I certainly hope that your employer would take action to prevent you from coming into the office and spreading it to coworkers and clients.
Personal choice loses its luster when your personal choice is literally killing people. You and I might survive covid, but the guy down the street exercising his "personal choice" could sit next to your grandma in a restaurant and kill her within a week.
Add to that is the issue of medical care. All these personal choice libertarians are happy to scream personal choice until the bill comes due. Who is supposed to pay? Hospitals? If that's the case, then they should be allowed to ban patients walking in the door at their discretion. The government? If that's the case, then the govt should be able to enforce vax mandates. Health insurance? If that's the case then they should be able to deny coverage for covid related treatment. I sure as hell don't want my rates going up because Billy Bob the libertarian's freedom demands my insurance company to pay for his million dollar ICU stay.
And I do think people who haven't go the shot are sick, disease carriers. They are literally killing people all over this country because they think they are more qualified to make decisions regarding vaccinations and public health than the experts are they are not. Neither are we. We are lawyers. I highly doubt there's a single member of the NV bar who is qualified to research, much less opine, on public health issues.
The world never achieved herd immunity with the Spanish Flu. Millions just died. That's what we're on track to do with covid except this time we have a vaccine and people are just too damn stupid to take it…for free.
In short, your post sounds all rational until you start peeling back the layers.
I am stunned that members of the Bar, who have been educated in the criteria of Daubert, are unable or incapable of applying a Daubert analysis to the merits of the vaccine.
(1) whether the theory or technique in question can be and has been tested;
(2) whether it has been subjected to peer review and publication;
(3) its known or potential error rate;
(4)the existence and maintenance of standards controlling its operation; and
(5) whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant scientific community.
I'm not 7:21, but the gist is that if a court won't consider some dude sitting in his car making Youtube videos when making its ruling when it comes to scientific issues that are beyond the knowledge of lay persons, you also shouldn't consider it.
Maybe listen to (1) whether the theory or technique in question can be and has been tested; (2) whether it has been subjected to peer review and publication; (3) its known or potential error rate; (4)the existence and maintenance of standards controlling its operation; and (5) whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant scientific community. Get the shot. Or at a minimum, just don't pretend "authority" that wouldn't pass the Daubert test trumps peer reviewed medical work.
BS 9:51. Joe Rogan is the leading medical mind in all the land! He has neither the time nor the need for peer review. And you overlook the glaring fact that the scientific method has a well-known exception for opinions of former News Radio cast.
September 10, 2021 12:01 am
So because the govt has to pay a portion of the hospital bills they can restrict our freedom? Mandate (force) vaccine? What about psychiatric drugs? If the govt finds that you need to take meds? That my friend is called a slippery slope. I took the vaccine. I am a healthy person. I am not afraid of covid or the vaccine since I am healthy and do not have any predisposition for it. However, I never took the flu shot. Never needed it. I have not been sick for close to two years now. But a mandate is a dangerous slope to slip on.
Do you think you're free to do whatever you want? Do you think the governments does not already restrict your freedom based on funding? You sweet summer child.
September 10, 2021 2:34 am
5:01 so why aren't you concerned that vaccines have been mandated for decades? That didn't cause a landslide of required psychiatric medications, did it? That's because mental illness isn't contagious. Covid is contagious. The slippery slope argument is nothing more than a red herring.
Perfect idea to end this entire problem. The world government makes 8 billion shots. Half are cyanide and the other half are the vaccine. The vaccines are randomly sorted and shipped to all 50 states. Everyone in America has to take the vaccine. The 4 billion that are left will realize that all their petty differences led up to this and we set all differences aside and move on to be a great nation. We also, due to the massive reduction in population, have also reduced our carbon footprint and solved climate change. BOOM! Mic Drop!
7:53 here. Yes, I know 8 billion people don't live in 50 states. I started with just America, but then figured F*** it, let's just do the whole world. Wooooo!
I started off pretty annoyed with my employer requiring that I disclose whether I got a shot (I did), and forbidding me from coming to the office unless I showed proof.
But now I'm annoyed with all the yahoos in my office that didn't get the vaccine, ignored or circumvented the firm's requirement that only vaccinated people come to the office, and unknowingly came to the office with COVID.
Are you intelligent enough to think of ways these fucking idiots coming to the office with COVID might negatively impact my life even if I feel completely safe? Or no?
The only way you'll feel safe is locking yourself away until Corona is over. You can accept that or stay angry with those who think differently than you. Your choice. Just a hunch, but I have a feeling you'll stay bitter and angry. Seems to be the trend of you folks.
You're wrong. I'm not worried about that at all. My son and I were at his practices the minute the quarantine ended 2 Junes ago. I'm worried that my secretary hasn't been in the office for a year and a half because she has a sickly kid, and as soon as she finally returned, the firm decided to reverse course and send her back home. So now I need to hit my billable numbers AND do a ton of administrative work she should be doing. I also needed to do the work of the lawyers and paralegals on my team that were too smart to get a shot, so instead they spend 2 weeks on oxygen. The work didn't go away. I just had to do it. So ya, fuck absolutely everyone that added work to my plate because they were too special to get vaccinated. If they close down schools again I'm going to lose it.
Michele Fiore is ghetto-fabulous.
Well, you're half-right
Which half?
Seaman and Fiore used to be besties. I wonder how and why that unraveled.
Fiore’s house got raided by the FBI. I think it has to do with campaign contributions. They interviewed Seaman regarding certain things related to the raid. That is my understanding of why they are no longer friends. Fiord apparently believes Snitches get Stitches.
Wow…way to make the city look like even more of a hot trash mess. FFS though, leave the dog out of it.
Las Vegas is foundationally based on being a hot trash mess. It is the City's brand. Hot trash mess is who we are, what we do, and our primary stock in trade. The tackier and more low-brow, the better. It is admittedly a different way of being a city and community; but it works for us. People either embrace it or they leave. There is no changing it. This isn't Paris or London or Boston ore New York; it's Vegas Baby!
Michele Fiore is who we are!
Told this story before but Fiore came to my work one time and have a staff member shit re "you don't know who I am" "I cant believe that I'm on billboards everywhere" she looked like tammy faue Baker on a bad day
IF you are unvaccinated:
– You may not get unemployment
– You can be fired from your job
– You can be ousted from school/university campuses
– You can lose other benefits
– You may be limited or not be able to get certain medical care…
I wonder if these politicians realize how racist these policies are. The lowest vaccinated demographic group in the United States – BY FAR – are Black Americans. ( These inane policies are aimed at creating further racial divide and inequity among our most vulnerable minority group… Shameful showing by our ruling class. Simply shameful and racist.
"Oh no, if it isn't the unintended consequences of right-to-work laws coming home to roost!"
Black Americans are not the lowest vaccinated group. That being said, it's not a policy issue, it's an accessibility issue.
I love how the GOP are suddenly racial justice crusaders when it comes to vaccines. Black americans actually have grounds to be hesitant about vaccines and the govt has admittedly done a poor job re public education on the covid vaxx, but that can be remedied. Idiots who think they're getting injected with a microchip while they eagerly post about it on their smart phones are the real problem.
Also, I hereby declare that 11:21 wins quote of the day. Gotta love it!
@11:15 Why is everything racist? I am trying to be polite here, but I am also mighty tired of people blaming others, not taking responsibility, and calling everything and everyone "racist".
The NY Times published a story on Aug 12, 2021 highlighting the fact that only 28% of blacks in NY City were vaccinated. Is anyone pushing vaccination proof to enter businesses okay with excluding 73% of blacks from businesses in the city? How inclusive. It's almost as if the city is retreating back to the days of segregation. Funny that it's the democrats supporting this exclusionary, vaccination segregation.
> Why is everything racist?
Well, because the stain of America's original sin, slavery, runs deep.
3:03 – trying to accuse dems of racism as a backdoor argument for your anti-vaxxer bullshit isn't going to work. We see you.
Funny how you avoid answering the question. I guess that means you're okay excluding 73% of African Americans from businesses due to their non-vaccinated status? Who's the racist?
anyone interested in joining me in buying some remote island and establishing our own New America?
No 4:13 I think they just called you on your racism and refused to engage.
More likely an avoidance tactic to deflect and project their own racism.
11:21 – If you are fired from your job because of "right to work" you qualify for unemployment. Here, they are proposing to make you ineligible for unemployment not because of something you did at work, but your personal choices with your body. If the management decided to fire someone because they had a face tattoo or pink hair – that fired employee would be qualified for unemployment. This is clearly politically driven and likely illegal, punishment.
11:27 – provide one source that shows that in the US, Black Americans are not the lowest vaccinated group by proportion. I believe the original poster correctly pointed to the CDC. Do you not trust the CDC? Or do you have something like MotherJones to quote us?
11:28 – Racial discrimination should be everyone's concern, not just the GOP. And how do you figure that the poster was a Republican? Sounded to me like they were part of the "woke" class.
re: 11:28 – because this has become a common bad-faith argument against vaccine mandates by people who try to make a "woke" argument and argue that "The Left"/Democrats/Biden are racist. It's a completely bad-faith argument.
I'd be surprised if the people who complain about the potential disparate treatment of unvaccinated minorities care about racial disparities anywhere else – housing, employment, policing, voting rights, etc etc.
No. The "woke" class does not attempt to hijack social justice causes or quote MLK to justify our discriminatory policy positions. That is strictly the purview of the MAGAts.
Also, the "woke" class believes in science. We do not take medical advice from chiropractors on youtube or Andrew Wakefield. We strongly support vaccinations for all because that's what science says protects us from crippling, debilitating, deadly diseases.
Also, although 11:21 cites right to work, if your company requires employees to get vaxxed and they refuse, you can fire them for cause. That's not right to work. Come on, counsel, lawyers are supposed to lawyer. This is basic issue spotting.
"Debilitating, deadly" diseases have a 99% survival rate?
This is so awesome!!! Someone finally admitted to being a member of the "woke" class lol Next, people will admit that Antifa is not just "an idea"
1. Covid is not the only disease we are vaccinated against. Also, no one knows the full impact of long-haul covid or covid in general because it hasn't been around long enough. Survivability is not the only issue.
2. Not ever disease we are vaccinated against has a 99% survivability rating.
3. If your family was the 1% that died from covid, I'm sure we'd all be fine with it, but that's not how viruses or science work.
4. Survivability has nothing to do with debilitation. You can "survive" a massive car accident and then spend the rest of your days in a hospital bed being fed your dinner through a tube.
5. Go to hell. Your flip comment is completely disrespectful of the people who have gotten covid and continue to suffer as well as the families of the 600k+ americans who have died from covid. If I was nice I'd say I hope you never experience the same loss, but I'm not nice. I'd be 100% okay if you and people like you had your entire lives ravaged by covid. If that's what it takes to teach you a modicum of decency and empathy, then so be it.
1. I've never been mandated by my employer to receive a vaccination to work, other than Covid. 2. The Covid vaccine is the only one being forced upon me. 3. Only Covid? Why don't you care about the 1% of people that die from other rare diseases that are deadly. 4. Ok, I'll give you that one on debilitating. 5. Actions or inactions have consequences. If someone chooses not to vaccinate, they are opening themselves up to the slightly greater possibly of death. But, let me guess that you don't care about those who have suffered "debilitating" or "deadly" side effects from the vaccine. Only those that suffer death from Covid. Do you have as much hatred for smokers who die of lung cancer? Do you have as much hatred for type 2 diabetics who die from complications of that? What about the obese? What about those who die from the flu who are unvaccinated? You are hysterical, and not the funny kind.
From the British Medical Journal, "More vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant of covid than unvaccinated people." Maybe the unvaccinated are onto something?
Maybe not. As the vaccinated portion of the population grows, and the unvaccinated wanes, eventually a majority of the cases and deaths will be from the vaccinated group even if rates of death and infection are much smaller among the vaccinated.
Hypo: There are 1,000 people in a town and 800 are vaccinated and 200 are not. 5% of the vaccinated people get infected, or 40 people. 17.5% of the unvaccinated people get infected, or 35 people. The unvaccinated, in this hypothetical, are more than 3x more likely to get infected, but the total number of infected vaccinated people exceeds the total number of unvaccinated people. This is why, in places like Israel, there are as many (or more) infected vaccinated people as compared to unvaccinated.
That makes sense.
Plus, a much higher percentage of elderly are vaccinated compared with 0-30 somethings.
@4:29 – "But, let me guess that you don't care about those who have suffered "debilitating" or "deadly" side effects from the vaccine."
Source on that? Other than the completely unverified self-reporting and Facebook anectdata.
If we were actually seeing adverse reactions to the vaccine, or if were actually causing long term problems, maybe there'd be an argument.
But there's no evidence of ANY of that.
You didn't hear about the Las Vegas teen who had blood clots in her brain? You didn't read the CDC admits the Johnson causes blood clots, but found the benefits outweigh the risks? Open you eyes and ears rather than remaining willfully ignorant. Both were on the local news. Do they not discuss those things over on CNN and you're too narrow-minded to seek out other news sources?
You sniff at a 1% mortality rate and argue that's too low to worry about, and then come back and claim the vaccine has a 0.0007% rate of thrombosis, and that's high enough to be so concerning at to reject the vaccine?
Like, for real?
Bingo, 11:25.
You try to force the vaccine on a vaccine with a near equal fatality rate but discount the side effects of the vaccine? Hypocrite much? Or don't you understand?
Um, huh? Like, huh?
I think 12:26 is trying to say that it's hypocritical to force a vaccine where the fatality rate of the disease is roughly equal to the fatality rate of the vaccine.
Of course, 12:26 is completely wrong.
Out of the millions of people in the world who got the J&J vaccine, like 10 got a blood clot. That's no where near the mortality rate of COVID…even if you want to argue the blood clots were deadly (which they weren't.)
I saw a Facebook post where some idiot was trying to say she knew someone who had their leg amputated due to the vaccine. When it was pointed out to her that the amputation likely had nothing to do with the vaccine, she lost her mind. I guess it's a bad time to tell her that 100% of the people who breath air die. A large portion of them suffer symptoms like body aches, decreased skin elasticity, macular degeneration, and loss of muscle mass before they finally kick the bucket.
I know someone who knows someone who also posted on Facebook who said that every single person he knew got Covid and died. But it actually turned out no one was sick.
My goodness you dumb Fs. You can look up adverse vaccine effects on VAERS. There are more than 10.
It looks like they are starting the application process for Dept 11. But the apps have to be in by the 15th? that seems pretty short.
It is a political appointment. Think about it. Who needs applicants when it will be decided by connections? Vegas baby!
2:03 — Applications due by noon on 10/7.
Look, I'm going to weigh in because frankly I don't know where else to weigh in, and you all are intelligent folks. I feel obliged to preface that I'm not 'anti-vax' as I have all of my vaccines from youth and law school. It's a book. Thanks for reading, and for hopefully letting it stay up.
I don't care what your view is on the covid shot, whether you got it or not. It doesn't affect me. Your personal health decisions are your own, and I am surrounded by all family and friends who have made the choice to get it. But we all have to stop calling it a vaccine – it's more like a flu shot in that it mitigates your symptoms if you catch it but was never intended to stop you from catching or transmitting it. We are going to look back in years and wonder how all of this happened.
This is a terrifying time, and as lawyers I feel like we have some responsibility to the nation and the Constitution. As I understand it, our president just declared that he has ultimate authority over all private businesses and employees, and just encouraged one half of this country to hate and fear another half. And just declared that a certain definable group of persons is different, bad, and excluded from government benefits or their private employment. This has stopped being about a virus, and started being entirely about control, and I don't know what we can do to stop it at this point.
First, about the employment. I get 'right to work'. But my employer never asked me if I had a TB shot, or a Hep shot, or whether I had any communicable diseases. You are sick? Stay home until you are better. Personally, I am high risk for these shots; I had a terrible reaction to the flu shot for years until I stopped taking it and never once got the flu again. However, I have cancer, am pregnant, and I am not taking an experimental medicine that is just now going into testing to see if it causes problems with women. My shot status does not affect my job. I am not sick, and I have just as much chance of bringing covid into this office as all of my jabbed coworkers. This, frankly, sucks – the fact that I will soon have to choose between my health/child and the job I love. It's wrong. I'm not sick.
Second, please stop thinking that people who haven't gotten the shot are sick, disease carriers – this world is starting to feel extremely sociopathic, and we can stop that. We know better than this. At the beginning of the pandemic everyone looked out for each other, protected each other; now people laugh at the dying and declare their supremacy. We are all people, just trying to people the best we can in this short life. It's not us vs them, it's not you vs me. Try to see people as people.
TL;DR – Please don't cheer for the dictatorship and dystopia that's coming, lets all try to get back to this country feeling like the home of the free, and the land of opportunities. And please, someone with brains run for office so I don't have to.
3:36 I wish you hadn't as your argument is riddled with falsities and flawed logic. "Your personal health decisions are your own…" This might be true if we were discussing whether to get a knee replacment or to take some medications, but a refusal to take the vaccine causes health problems with everyone you come into contact with, and those they come into contact with you. Refusing to immunize is not the equivalent of not wearing a seatbelt, it is the equivalent of DUI. And it is a vaccine, not a symptom mitigator. It prevents you from contracting the disease. Also, i think your point was it doesn't eliminate transmission, which is incorrect. While it does not eliminate all transmission, it cuts it down substantially (last study I saw put this at 71%). I don't think those who haven't been immunized are not sick disease carriers, but I do think that those who aren't immunized and refuse to wear masks exhibit exhibit the characteristics of antisocial personality disorder.
All vaccines are not experimental. Pfizer has permanent approval. Vaccine's developed conventionally (As opposed to MRNA) have also obtained approval.
Respectfully, if people didn't look at immunization as a political issue the truly needed exceptions for vaccine refusal (ie significant health issues) wouldn't merit such contention.
4:04 – The fun part about what freedom of speech is left is that we are allowed to have differing opinions on public forums.
Just curious though, when the mandates come through and 100% of your workplace has their papers in order and you do a little dance, but then your coworkers still catch it and get hospitalized and you still have to wear masks, who is the next group to be banned from the workplace? People with only one shot? People with only 2 shots? People who don't quadruple mask?
The only people I know who have caught COVID this year are people who got the shots.
And the only people I know laughing at hospitalized people are people who got the shots.
We can, however, agree that this should not be a political issue.
When you compare covid to Hep or TB, you are comparing apples to oranges. If you had active TB I certainly hope that your employer would take action to prevent you from coming into the office and spreading it to coworkers and clients.
Personal choice loses its luster when your personal choice is literally killing people. You and I might survive covid, but the guy down the street exercising his "personal choice" could sit next to your grandma in a restaurant and kill her within a week.
Add to that is the issue of medical care. All these personal choice libertarians are happy to scream personal choice until the bill comes due. Who is supposed to pay? Hospitals? If that's the case, then they should be allowed to ban patients walking in the door at their discretion. The government? If that's the case, then the govt should be able to enforce vax mandates. Health insurance? If that's the case then they should be able to deny coverage for covid related treatment. I sure as hell don't want my rates going up because Billy Bob the libertarian's freedom demands my insurance company to pay for his million dollar ICU stay.
And I do think people who haven't go the shot are sick, disease carriers. They are literally killing people all over this country because they think they are more qualified to make decisions regarding vaccinations and public health than the experts are they are not. Neither are we. We are lawyers. I highly doubt there's a single member of the NV bar who is qualified to research, much less opine, on public health issues.
The world never achieved herd immunity with the Spanish Flu. Millions just died. That's what we're on track to do with covid except this time we have a vaccine and people are just too damn stupid to take it…for free.
In short, your post sounds all rational until you start peeling back the layers.
I am stunned that members of the Bar, who have been educated in the criteria of Daubert, are unable or incapable of applying a Daubert analysis to the merits of the vaccine.
Ok 7:21 I'll bite. Why don't you start with your Daubert analysis and we'll go from there?
In case anyone else wants to start:
(1) whether the theory or technique in question can be and has been tested;
(2) whether it has been subjected to peer review and publication;
(3) its known or potential error rate;
(4)the existence and maintenance of standards controlling its operation; and
(5) whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant scientific community.
Oh and do Ivermectin next!
I'm not 7:21, but the gist is that if a court won't consider some dude sitting in his car making Youtube videos when making its ruling when it comes to scientific issues that are beyond the knowledge of lay persons, you also shouldn't consider it.
Maybe listen to (1) whether the theory or technique in question can be and has been tested; (2) whether it has been subjected to peer review and publication; (3) its known or potential error rate; (4)the existence and maintenance of standards controlling its operation; and (5) whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant scientific community. Get the shot. Or at a minimum, just don't pretend "authority" that wouldn't pass the Daubert test trumps peer reviewed medical work.
BS 9:51. Joe Rogan is the leading medical mind in all the land! He has neither the time nor the need for peer review. And you overlook the glaring fact that the scientific method has a well-known exception for opinions of former News Radio cast.
So because the govt has to pay a portion of the hospital bills they can restrict our freedom? Mandate (force) vaccine? What about psychiatric drugs? If the govt finds that you need to take meds? That my friend is called a slippery slope. I took the vaccine. I am a healthy person. I am not afraid of covid or the vaccine since I am healthy and do not have any predisposition for it. However, I never took the flu shot. Never needed it. I have not been sick for close to two years now. But a mandate is a dangerous slope to slip on.
Do you think you're free to do whatever you want? Do you think the governments does not already restrict your freedom based on funding? You sweet summer child.
5:01 so why aren't you concerned that vaccines have been mandated for decades? That didn't cause a landslide of required psychiatric medications, did it? That's because mental illness isn't contagious. Covid is contagious. The slippery slope argument is nothing more than a red herring.
>That's because mental illness isn't contagious
Counterpoint: Fox News, Facebook, et al.
Perfect idea to end this entire problem. The world government makes 8 billion shots. Half are cyanide and the other half are the vaccine. The vaccines are randomly sorted and shipped to all 50 states. Everyone in America has to take the vaccine. The 4 billion that are left will realize that all their petty differences led up to this and we set all differences aside and move on to be a great nation. We also, due to the massive reduction in population, have also reduced our carbon footprint and solved climate change. BOOM! Mic Drop!
7:53 here. Yes, I know 8 billion people don't live in 50 states. I started with just America, but then figured F*** it, let's just do the whole world. Wooooo!
Are you saying someone should maybe, snap their fingers and half the world's population no longer would exist?
@8:02 c'mon man. Thanos isn't real. I'm posing a realistic solution.
Hunger Games, Vaccine Edition.
I started off pretty annoyed with my employer requiring that I disclose whether I got a shot (I did), and forbidding me from coming to the office unless I showed proof.
But now I'm annoyed with all the yahoos in my office that didn't get the vaccine, ignored or circumvented the firm's requirement that only vaccinated people come to the office, and unknowingly came to the office with COVID.
FFS. You're vaccinated. Maybe you should never leave the house. Will you feel safe then?
Are you intelligent enough to think of ways these fucking idiots coming to the office with COVID might negatively impact my life even if I feel completely safe? Or no?
The only way you'll feel safe is locking yourself away until Corona is over. You can accept that or stay angry with those who think differently than you. Your choice. Just a hunch, but I have a feeling you'll stay bitter and angry. Seems to be the trend of you folks.
You're wrong. I'm not worried about that at all. My son and I were at his practices the minute the quarantine ended 2 Junes ago. I'm worried that my secretary hasn't been in the office for a year and a half because she has a sickly kid, and as soon as she finally returned, the firm decided to reverse course and send her back home. So now I need to hit my billable numbers AND do a ton of administrative work she should be doing. I also needed to do the work of the lawyers and paralegals on my team that were too smart to get a shot, so instead they spend 2 weeks on oxygen. The work didn't go away. I just had to do it. So ya, fuck absolutely everyone that added work to my plate because they were too special to get vaccinated. If they close down schools again I'm going to lose it.
That's valid. Hang in there.