- Quickdraw McLaw
- Nicholas Trutanich is leaving the US Attorney’s Office feeling fulfilled. [RJ; News3LV]
- Fired Boulder City employees file appeal. [BCR]
- Lawyers smoke cigars, drink wine during Zoom hearings. What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen in your virtual hearings? [ABA Journal]
I like the judges who think they have the right to just mute everyone during oral arguments. They don't maintain any decorum, they don't stop interruptions, and then they mute both sides and issue some whacko order. Clearly they've failed to pay attention to the judicial code of conduct (see rule 2.6) and their obligation to hear both sides. I'm looking forward to the complaints to the commission on judicial discipline. Yay for bluejeans hearings.
Be respectful and don’t talk over people, not to mention write better briefs.
I appreciate that you assume it was me talking over people and writing shitty briefs. OC has a history of interrupting and screaming during hearings – turns the whole situation into chaos. OC also brings up issues that are not in the briefs and the judge has thus far allowed it to go on. Judge has also issued orders based the issues that are not in the briefs and only first mentioned in oral arguments. You can see how that's all problematic when judge then decides to mute everyone and start making orders without all the info.
11:29, please retire. You are a miserable fuck.
Who or what is OC?
"Orange County." Attorneys use the term to refer to opposing counsel for some reason.
I agree w 12:55
You're not in California anymore 1:27 pm
Snowflakes on this blog. The judge didn’t let me talk. In federal court you are lucky to get oral arguments. Stop whining. You lost a hearing. The judge sucks. Welcome to the practice of law. God bless 11:29.
11:08–yes, there are problems in this area, but you seem to be advancing conflicting and inconsistent arguments.
You indicate judges often lose control of the proceedings and let people talk over each other, thereby losing all sense of decorum and integrity of the record, etc.
Okay, fair enough. I agree. But you then harshly criticize the judges for doing the very thing that can help establish such control and decorum–muting those who do have the floor at that time, in order for the presenting attorney(or the judge when issuing the orders) to be free from disturbing and distracting interjections an interruptions.
And you then conflate two different things. You indicate when the judge is ready to issue its orders that it mutes both sides in order to issue some "wacko" order.
Whether an order is "wacko" vs. well-reasoned and sound, has little or nothing to do with the matter. Whether an order is going to be bad or good, supportable or not supportable, well-reasoned or not well-reasoned, it does not appear unfair on its face to mute the attorneys and parties when a judge is issuing their order.
Yes, muting the attorneys during a judge's order is probably unnecessary in most cases and does appear somewhat arrogant. However, if it is a particularly contentious matter where one or both attorneys keep speaking over each other, as well as speaking over the judge, muting both attorneys while the judge issues their order might not be inappropriate in such instances.
So, although I am not quite following the logic of some of your specific complaints, I do in general agree with you that this whole system is highly flawed, is a work in progress, is not at all user- friendly, and does tend to make judge appear even more removed, more arrogant, and more unconcerned, than they seemed when hearings were live.
I'm 11:08 and 11:58. 2:27 seems to think there's a contradiction in my original complaint, but the reality is that some judges have zero ability to control their courtrooms and appearing remotely makes it worse. Other judges have no issue at all and don't seem to need to mute anyone, ever…remote or otherwise.
When a judge can't control their courtroom and has a history of allowing certain attorneys to scream and interrupt and then the judge makes rulings based on issues not properly before the court, it is highly problematic. This is all exacerbated by remote appearances and said judges' over-use of and reliance on muting attorneys rather than controlling their courtroom. It also leads to garbage orders that aren't based on the briefs but rather on whatever the judge feels like.
I'm sure 11:29 and 2:07 are just the best attorneys and all their filings are perfect and they're probably great in bed and awesome at parties too. [eyeroll]
Question: An attorney I have been dealing with just filed a paper with the NSC which gave as an excuse for his ineptitude that he came down with Covid19 and his office was under quarantine on January 25, 2021. I had been interacting with his office from January 20-27, 2021 and nobody mentioned that the attorney had Covid or that his office was under quarantine. His office staff was working out of his office. I was never denied entrance to the building.
What duty does an attorney have to inform judges, opposing counsel, clients and runners that he has Covid and/or that his office is under quarantine?
The problem with a fake pandemic is anyone can say "cough cough, sounds like Covid, I can't…." I have heard this from attorney, witnesses, experts, you name it. The next best one is "my [distant relative] was here last week and her cousin's neighbor just "tested positive" and so I have to quarantine for two weeks.
Sick of this. Shame on Trump for letting this massive fraud go forward. Shame on Biden for maintaining it.
Fake pandemic? Fuck you. Half a million people are dead in this country alone. Hundreds of thousands more have lingering effects that aren't going away. You're despicable.
Foul language. Tsk tsk.
Assuming data matters, and you can turn off your telly long enough for your rational mind to power on, browse the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for Covid vaccine reactions (the number of lines is limited to 10,000, so you should narrow search to death only to start). Then, turn your stupid TV back on and see how they are reporting official government numbers.
From there you can decide whether to continue to cower in ignorant fear or not.
Peace be with you.
Anti-vaxxers are dumb.
495,000 dead from virus. 113 dead after (but not necessarily related to) taking vaccine. 5 cases of anaphylaxis per million vaccinations. Fear is a relative thing when people are misleading.
VAERS shows around 3,600 deaths, life threatening events, and cases of permanent disability correlated with receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine. Around 40,000,000 Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine so based on that data the odds of a serious adverse reaction are about 9 in 100,000. I can live with that, especially bearing in mind that correlation does not mean causation so many of these outcomes were likely caused by an external factor.
I concur with 12:04's"fuck you" to and the assessment of despicability of anyone who claims this is a "fake pandemic."
Yes! Do not ever dare question the narrative! Evil! Terrible! Despicable! How dare you!
It has nothing to do with "questioning the narrative." Rather, it's a matter of truth vs. lies and denial of facts. There has been and continues to be a pandemic. It is a stupid and destructive lie to call it a "fake pandemic." We should neither perpetuate nor even tolerate ignorance that has the potential to cost lives. So, yes, a big "fuck you" to any and all who make the idiotic statement that this is a fake pandemic. Do humanity a favor and go play in the fake traffic on the freeway.
Maybe he was lying to the NSC.
Brief update on the SECOND vaccine dose. No proof of employment required at the convention center. Just your appointment QR code, ID, and the shot card from your first visit. The line was massive, but they were pretty efficient. Took about one hour from arrival to departure (9:00am appointment). Sore arm and very mild headache 12-24 hours after. No issues after 48 hours.
Second dose of the vaccine took about 35 minutes at the Cashman Center, and they only wanted the appointment QR code. Administration of the second dose hurt far worse than the first, but I also think the guardsman was trying to touch bone with needle. Otherwise, my arm was sore the day after, and I did not have any other symptoms.
I got my second shot at Cashman and it was quick and easy. The only wait was the 15 minutes after the shot, when they ask you to remain in case you have a reaction. I will say that the shot hammered me – chills, headache, body aches and pains, and my arm was very sore.
Craziest thing I've seen on a video conference? Hmmm, not crazy, but looking at my own pasty, puffy, badly aging face on screen may be the most depressing thing I've seen…
You are beautiful on the inside, and your service to the community unquestionable.
Gentle reminder to all attorneys: keep your clients informed, and do what you said you would do.
Who are you? Bar counsel, someone under investigation by the Bar, a law firm partner or just a concerned fellow attorney?