- Quickdraw McLaw
- A woman, represented by Les Stovall, is accusing Christiano Ronaldo of sexual assault. [ESPN]
- Litigation is ongoing in a golf course v. water district dispute in Mesquite. [Mesquite Local News]
- The Senate is reviewing the FBI’s confidential report on Bret Kavanaugh on an alternating schedule. Any predictions on when it will leak or what will happen next? [NBCNews]
- Is there going to be a gubernatorial debate between Sisolak and Laxalt? [RJ]
- The Golden Knights officially start season 2 tonight.
— Vegas Golden Knights (@GoldenKnights) October 3, 2018
There are many times I read about an attorney in the news and am tempted to make a comment here about my personal observations and interactions with that person. I always refrain. Today is again one of those days.
Guess we can infer that you are not feeling an overwhelming urge to sing the praises of said attorney.
Name names!
Nah. I'm confident the eventual results, which will play out publicly, will speak more clearly than I could.
Les. Stovall.
I first met him when he was suspended
Heller, you have a no vote from me. Fuck you and Susan Collins.
Don't forget Joe Manchin! And I hope Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse choke on their crocodile tears.
I thought Sen. Collins' speech on the floor today was excellent. She debunked (in my mind) the theory that Kavanaugh would overturn Roe or try to significantly expand executive powers or protections and she laid out her reasons for voting yes in a very measured, rational way. It was a nice contrast to the ridiculous rhetoric from both sides during the hearing itself.
2:52 I agree with you. Agree with her or not, she was very direct and to the point and had reasons backing up her positions. I wish more debate was conducted on that level.
2:52, what exactly did she say that convinced you that Kavanaugh wouldn't vote to overturn Roe vs Wade? And do you think that the other Republican senators, Federalist Society, and evangelical groups who all oppose abortion and supported the nomination did so under the expectation that Kavanaugh would overturn Roe vs. Wade? Were they wrong?
Ha,ha, actually just asking that last question exposes your statements as disingenuous and insulting to the intelligence of anybody reading it.
I'd have more respect for people like you and Susan Collins if you just owned what you were, instead of hiding behind your fake centrist act. Stop lying and admit who you really are.
One big difference between SCOTUS and the Circuit Court is that SCOTUS is not bound by precedent. With his extreme views, you don't think Kavanaugh knows that?
Agree with 1:12 100%. This is war, I hope he ends up impeached.
I am throwing a kegger party to get Jackie Rosen elected. Whose in?
The opposition couldn't manage 51 Senators to oppose the confirmation, but you think somehow they'll manage 67 to convict?
Kick it!