Judge Joe Hardy signed a TRO requiring the new owner of the recently shuttered Silverstone golf course to continue to irrigate the course and keep its water features full. [RJ]
Marta Adams, the State’s Yucca mountain attorney who retired in July, is returning as a “consultant” on a two year/$300,000 contract. Nice work, if you can get it. [RJ]
Caesars will pay $9.5 million in fines for violating federal money laundering rules. [RJ]
A seventeen-year old who wounded an officer may face charges as an adult. [Las Vegas Sun]
Homeowner here. It does suck. Big time. Especially for those of us who held on through the worst of the bad times, honoring our contracts and obligations. Remember what that used to mean? Honor? Guess I'm just another old fogey.
September 9, 2015 8:59 pm
General practice comment: Love it when opposing counsel hurls insults at me personally, just indicates what morons they are, and how shitty their case is!
If anyone is interested in following the Silverstone Golf Course case, it's case no. A724197. The homeowners' counsel is Garman Turner Gordon.
That just plain sucks for the homeowners.
What a shift in power, Gordon went from first to last. Love it. Feel bad for Gordon and Silver former employees and creditors.
Homeowner here. It does suck. Big time. Especially for those of us who held on through the worst of the bad times, honoring our contracts and obligations. Remember what that used to mean? Honor? Guess I'm just another old fogey.
General practice comment: Love it when opposing counsel hurls insults at me personally, just indicates what morons they are, and how shitty their case is!
Agreed. You make unfounded personal insults against attorneys, judges note it, and you lose a lot of credibility.