- Quickdraw McLaw
- A loss for the US Attorney’s Office on the Bunkerville retrial. [RJ; Las Vegas Sun]
- An Ohio judge returned fire when ambushed outside a courthouse. [KNPR]
- Here’s a look at why you have to drive to Primm to play Powerball. Anyone feeling lucky today? [RJ]
Can we talk about how stupid Trump sounded last night? This guy makes Bush and his "Bushisms" sound like actual intelligence compared to this cheetoh clown
No need to talk about it, everyone knows. The 30% who refuse to care are holding the rest of us hostage. I understand Republican ideology though I don't believe most of it. However, anyone who supports Trump for Trump is an idiot, hands down, no excuses, no explanations.
He's not tough, he's not a badass, he's not going to drain anything except his wee wee. He's a whiny baby who won't stop talking about how great he is long enough to get down to business. Now he's threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his wall.
Worst of all, he's a liar and a thief.
11:10 wins the internet for the day
No you don't, 11:10/11:19.
Yes, he does! So, there.
Trump grows mush and Cheetos bn his toes
As a Republican, we all know that Trump is not a Republican. He did not talk about anything substantive to Republican voters last night. He talked about himself. He is not capable of discussing policy; he is only capable of making it personal. And the ad hominem stuff gets old and alienates people. Republicans in Arizona like McCain and Flake; to insult them in their home state is not ballsy but stupid. Republicans and independents don't want the Government shut down just so you can build a billion dollar boondoggle of a wall; that is putting personal pride in front of any political pragmatism. A government shutdown would kill Republicans in the mid-terms. He has no policies, just personal aggrandizement.
Trump isn't what the Republican Party once was, but he certainly represents what it is now.
Trump is bombastic. He's no getting as much done as most would like, because he made a lot of enemies in the Rep establishment, and a lot of Reps are too worried about reelection to do the right thing in a lot of cases. But if Trump does nothing else in four years apart from appoint Gorsuch (and maybe 1-2 more justices) and routinely trigger amygdala-atrophied leftists into apoplectic histrionics, he will be the best president in decades.
I can't tell if you're a troll or a retard if you think "triggering liberals" for four years counts as success. I'm leaning toward troll.
It is success, because leftists have been used to getting what they want, no matter how silly, for a long time. They need to be told "no" once in awhile, and Trump is finally doing it. He doesn't bend over when they say he hasn't prayed hard enough at the leftist altar with his public statements. He's going to pardon Arpaio. There are dozens more examples. Once you tell someone "no" a few times who was used to getting what they want, the demands get ratcheted back, and others aren't afraid to say "no," either. His emboldening of conservatives not to be afraid of leftist whining is in fact a huge cultural victory.
So 11:33's argument is that it's not Trump's fault nothing's been done, its the Republican Establishment's AND he hopes for one to two more Gorsuch's on the bench and then Trump will be the best president in decades. 11:33, you wouldn't happen to be an insurance defense attorney would you?
Just more white male paternalism from the right.
11:43 — Without getting into how pathetic your statements are, I did want to note one point you raise. Apparently in your mind, success equals pardoning Arpaio. I assume you picked that up from Hannity or Alex Jones. If that is your barometer for determining success then you are and likely will be very pleased with Trump's "successes"
^^^ Case in point ^^^
"apoplectic histrionics"
What does that mean? Like the reaction to some NFL players who kneel during the national anthem? Or the backlash against a coffee company that doesn't print "Merry Christmas" on it's cups? Like that?
I was a lifelong democrat until the DNC skull-fucked us into Clinton v. Trump. I think a chimpanzee could have beat Trump with a little effort directed down the social food chain.
I usually don't mind a good skull-fucking, but not this one.
Can we please stop re-litigating last year's election? Trump rightly won because he is the president America deserves. For everyone who didn't vote for Trump (spoiler alert) America is the villain not the hero. Always has been, always will be. A big shout out and thank you to the Trump voters for revealing this country for what it is – a dumpster fire of greed, racism, gun violence, corporate personhood, and (too) easy credit.
Your statement is just sad. Stop watching the news, and actually get out into the world. Volunteer for a kids program, join a community softball team, hang out with some real folks (not just your bubble of friends). Realize that this country, though flawed, is not the nightmare you believe.
3:12 – Your privilege shows. Dollars to doughnuts you're straight, white, middle class, and native born. For those who aren't and their allies, sticking our heads in the sand (or softball diamond) isn't an option. Kudos on the "real folks" line. Your restraint is admirable. I'm sure you were itching to write "real Americans." Richard Spencer and the Alt Right would be proud (Ok,not really, they'd just throw a few Nazi salutes).
@3:55 pm. You sure read a lot into 3:12's comment. It's amazing you were able to instantly judge a person and then go straight to laying down the racist card after four sentences. Maybe you should read it again and see that what 3:12 is pointing out is that it does no good to sit on your computer and bitch about how bad the country is when you can go outside and do something about it.
Nothing 3:12 said had anything to do with sticking one's head in the sand. It had to do with go make the community a better place. Don't bitch about the world; make it a better place. The country is a dumpster fire of problems. America is a villain to far too many people. But calling people classist because they encourage changing the world is nonsense.
Am I the only one that tunes out when this blog starts covering Trump and the discussion is only about that? I didn't vote for him, don't care about him and thought that this blog was supposed to be about local legal issues.
Obviously it's everyone's right to post blah blah blah just sayin I stop reading when this is what it's all about. and I know I'm not alone.
2:02 is correct. Let's talk about Marisa Border or the OBC.
Jesus fuck then post something interesting to respond to. Meta shit like "this is boring" doesn't help.
OK everyone. How many of you noticed the only black guy standing directly behind Moron Don in Phoenix last night, wearing a home made Blacks love Trump teeshirt and waving a Trump 2020 poster? Turns out this weirdo's name is Maurice Simonette, but he goes by the nickname "Michael the Black Guy". He has managed (or been managed) to get on stage behind Trump at several of his rallies during the past year. WTF is with this guy???
Did Border get disciplined by OBC?
If you ever went to an Obama rally (I observed several) you would have seen far worse. They bused in the white people and placed them strategically in the audience. They were generally union and government workers who were "volunteered" to be there. The actual folks attending the rallies were non English speaking immigrants and non citizens. It was quite shocking. They even bused folks in from California to pack the rallies. Meanwhile, no one had any idea about this from watching it on TV. It just looked like die hard Obama supporters but it was all staged and manufactured. Quite disturbing because most folks don't attend these rallies. They also brought in Katie Perry for one rally to get star power and boost attendance. As soon as she performed, most of the crowd left except the stage hands and bused in participants. Nothing is as it seems. I reported this to the opposition who was aware of it but could not get the media's attention.
Why were you at a bunch of Obama rallies, Lee Harvey?
Hey 5:15, I went to an Obama rally. I am white. I also went with another white friend. We were pretty close to the front. I witnessed a good diversity of people, white, black, hispanic, asian. And majority, if not all, stayed until Obama was done talking. i wasnt bussed in. I drove there with my friend. It was an amazing experience. It was positive in nature, and we all felt that there was good to come.
I can't say the same for Trump rallies.
I'm surprised that the Ohio judge who got shot was not shot as a result of a domestic relations matter. It seems a lot of these shootings in recent years involved a divorce case assigned to a judge, as opposed to a disgruntled defendant in a criminal case, or some other matter.
I guess a disgruntled criminal defendant, who is enraged enough at a pronounced sentence to murder a judge will be unable to make such attempt because such defendant is invariably sentenced to a long term in custody.
But there is something about domestic relations matters that, in recent years, have made judges a target. Is it just the obvious explanation that people are very emotional about their family and finances and the like, and that they perceive the judge is taking from them the things they hold most dear, or does it go deeper than that? Do some of these judges act in such a heavy-handed, dismissive, insensitive, authoritative manner that it helps push an unstable person over the line?
I'm, of course, in no way suggesting that some judge would ever share any culpability in such shootings. Clearly, these people are entirely responsible for their actions. But could some of these tragedies be avoided if some of these really combustiable case were handled with more care, sensitivity and decorum? Or are all such wackos still going to take a shot at the judge no matter how the judge conducts such proceedings?
You hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, some of the family law judges are dismissive and heavy handed, particularly when the litigant is either pro per or represented by an attorney that the judge dislikes.
It's completely understandable that the parties are upset with the rulings. Life as they know it is changing, possibly without them wanting it to change (e.g. a party getting divorced against their will because their spouse wants a divorce). Their financial situation is going to change rapidly, their relationship with their children is going to change and be dictated by someone that never knew the family, their strengths, needs or dynamics.
I judge that acts like a god and doesn't explain to the parties why things are happening, what to expect, and how by working together they can retake control over their own life is doing a disservice to the parties and the rule of law. The sooner that the parties can begin to cooperate, compromise and overcome emotional responses, treating a divorce like any business transaction, the happier they will be with the outcome and the sooner they will be free from the system.
Of course there are many sand-traps and water-hazards along the way. Unknown by the parties, everyone else involved in the case has a vested interest in prolonging the case at the parties' expense (counsel, experts, therapists, coordinators… the list goes on).
Are you guys actually dancing around victim blaming for violence against the judiciary? We could have a real discussion about the problem of judicial immunity or elected judges but acting with more care isn't going to calm the sort that would shoot a judge.
It may not stop every out of control litigant whom might resort to violence, but I can guarantee that pouring gasoline onto their emotional fire is never going to make things better.