I know of not a single person for whom JAM going away is to their chagrin.
July 16, 2018 3:48 pm
JAM comically casts the sadness and relief of readers as one of righteousness and wickedness. But, while JAM went after unethical attorneys, her default position was to self-righteously attack any attorney that came within her cross hairs. With gaps in evidence and leaps of logic, she often acted as judge, jury and executioner.
July 16, 2018 4:11 pm
I work in the clerk's office at the NSC, seeing some jacked up cases in the lower court lately, if the filings are true.
She was really quick to chastise attorneys (in many cases clearly being fed information from Markell). Yet when the sanctions got overturned and reversed, someone JAM could not find the column inches to say "Yeah I was wrong."
12:58 Amazing ability to parrot CNN, were you as outspoken when Obama raked the intelligence community over the coals for no WMDs? I'd say the average attorney age means their parents grew up during the Cold War and have knee-jerk reactions that Russia is "bad." Go do some research and see if Trump has any reasons to suspect our intelligence community (see the hearings from last week), MAGA!
1:32 pm– Actually I did rake Obama over the coals for attacking the intelligence community without reason when he was wrong. And I also am one who has NO REASON to blindly trust authority or reports from the intelligence community. And I am a what-used-to-be-called Republican. But c'mon man! Trump says he takes Putin at his word and that is all that he has to go on? Trump says that the United States is equally responsible for the bad stead in which Russian relations currently are.
I do not have a knee jerk reaction that Russia or Russians are bad. I frankly liked it when relations warmed between US and Russia for decades. However you cannot simply have your head in the sand and ignore the oligarchical evidence in this case and believe everyone else in the world is wrong and only Trump is right on these issues.
So are worried about Putin meddling in U.S. politics and elections? Do we ignore that it is estimated that our government has and is responsible for meddling in 100 overseas elections? Or how about the intelligence and military communities being involved in the over throw of governments? Let's assume that what the media and the war mongers claim is true. So what? The Russians are only doing what we have done repeatedly since WWII.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies,
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me and I'm gettin' real shot down
And I'm feeling mean.
She did a walk through booking at CCDC according to the Las Vegas Justice Court Register of Actions and has retained Marissa Border to represent her. Anyone know why Bill Gamage is still in custody after having been OR'd on one case and released to low level monitoring on the other case?
For anyone on here who busts on Marisa Border, can anyone comment on her skills as an attorney? It grosses me out to hear attorneys vilified based on something other than their attorney skills, when they are still practicing. If clients want to hire her, who cares? Leave the woman alone.
While I would certainly endorse nothing that BoG has ever touched, to say that I think Rick Pocker will be a better President than Gene Leverty would be like saying do I think Abraham Lincoln would be a better President of the United States than a bowl of rotten fruit.
What's the latest with OBC and new bar counsel? Anything out of convention?
July 16, 2018 10:23 pm
Counselor, as I am lighting my chubb Cuban cigar, you should have settled the case.
July 16, 2018 10:31 pm
From perspective of most rank-and-file attorneys, it does not matter who leads the BOG.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
2:41 implies that we should be relieved as we will supposedly benefit from a lesser-of-two-evils analysis. But such cynical, jaded(although, admittedly, often valid) approach, quite disturbs me.
We should set our sights much higher than believing that two people really suck, but one,once in a position of leadership, will suck less than the other.
We must also resist the convoluted, and self-defeating, philosophy that if some judge is screwing up our case on the District Court level, that in order to get them off our cases, we should reward them via election to the State's highest court, where they could do far greater damage.
July 17, 2018 1:49 am
No one has brought up the MGM complaint for dec relief filed in Federal Court on Friday. Case 2:18-cv-01288. Basically trying to cut off damages and it eliminates joint and several. It basically limits recovery to the amount of insurance a defendant has. Interesting argument.
JAM will try her hand at fiction? Is that not what she was already doing??
July 19, 2018 4:27 pm
Can anyone make sense of Michelle Fiore's proposal regarding a land swap of Angel Park golf course land for Badlands golf course land? I'm baffled. Only thing clear to me is that the councilwoman is not a golfer.
I know of not a single person for whom JAM going away is to their chagrin.
JAM comically casts the sadness and relief of readers as one of righteousness and wickedness. But, while JAM went after unethical attorneys, her default position was to self-righteously attack any attorney that came within her cross hairs. With gaps in evidence and leaps of logic, she often acted as judge, jury and executioner.
I work in the clerk's office at the NSC, seeing some jacked up cases in the lower court lately, if the filings are true.
Please share docket numbers.
Right. You can't just say stuff like that and then leave us hanging.
I cannot, I should not have said what I said. There are some beauties coming up, though.
She was really quick to chastise attorneys (in many cases clearly being fed information from Markell). Yet when the sanctions got overturned and reversed, someone JAM could not find the column inches to say "Yeah I was wrong."
Oops clearly this was meant for the JAM post. Sorry.
You're such a tease, 9:43.
NSC staff calling out lower courts on quality of work product (aka "The Pot calling the Kettle black.")
Somebody is sensitive.
@9:43- If NSC actually got Decisions out within the decade in which the appeal was filed, NSC might have something to discuss.
Reading some of the disposition orders there have been a number of jacked up cases.
@9:11, are you referring to civil, criminal or family division cases?
What does”jacked up” mean?
Civil and Family
Replace with f'd up. Just a polite way to phrase it.
Thanks, I'm used to the impolite way.
LOL.. other ways of saying it.. SNAFU and FUBAR
Trump making the USA look like idiots today. Just when you think he can't do any worse…he just keeps on surprising
He did not make the USA look like idiots. He did make himself look like an idiot and completely a lapdog to Putin.
12:58 Amazing ability to parrot CNN, were you as outspoken when Obama raked the intelligence community over the coals for no WMDs? I'd say the average attorney age means their parents grew up during the Cold War and have knee-jerk reactions that Russia is "bad." Go do some research and see if Trump has any reasons to suspect our intelligence community (see the hearings from last week), MAGA!
You know the Russians dedicated a huge budget to spreading misinformation when they're sending people to law blogs to troll for Putin.
1:32 pm– Actually I did rake Obama over the coals for attacking the intelligence community without reason when he was wrong. And I also am one who has NO REASON to blindly trust authority or reports from the intelligence community. And I am a what-used-to-be-called Republican. But c'mon man! Trump says he takes Putin at his word and that is all that he has to go on? Trump says that the United States is equally responsible for the bad stead in which Russian relations currently are.
I do not have a knee jerk reaction that Russia or Russians are bad. I frankly liked it when relations warmed between US and Russia for decades. However you cannot simply have your head in the sand and ignore the oligarchical evidence in this case and believe everyone else in the world is wrong and only Trump is right on these issues.
Make America Grate Again
So are worried about Putin meddling in U.S. politics and elections? Do we ignore that it is estimated that our government has and is responsible for meddling in 100 overseas elections? Or how about the intelligence and military communities being involved in the over throw of governments? Let's assume that what the media and the war mongers claim is true. So what? The Russians are only doing what we have done repeatedly since WWII.
I love it when 2 wrongs make a right
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies,
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me and I'm gettin' real shot down
And I'm feeling mean.
Thank your for lettin' me be myself.
No more…….Mr. Nice Guy…….No more Mr. Clee eee eee eean!
I saw Alice in the late 70s – he was awesome!
Mel, cook my grits!
Not that Alice haha
"early to bed, early to rise…" the alice theme song
Did they find Amy Gamage, yet?
She did a walk through booking at CCDC according to the Las Vegas Justice Court Register of Actions and has retained Marissa Border to represent her. Anyone know why Bill Gamage is still in custody after having been OR'd on one case and released to low level monitoring on the other case?
Marisa Border, laughing.
For anyone on here who busts on Marisa Border, can anyone comment on her skills as an attorney? It grosses me out to hear attorneys vilified based on something other than their attorney skills, when they are still practicing. If clients want to hire her, who cares? Leave the woman alone.
I am not impressed with her as an attorney. I was her client when she worked for the public defender's office.
I hope she took this case pro bono. Gamages would have been better off with a public defender.
"The Annual Meeting is over and the Pocker era has begun at the State Bar of Nevada."
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it —– no.
While I would certainly endorse nothing that BoG has ever touched, to say that I think Rick Pocker will be a better President than Gene Leverty would be like saying do I think Abraham Lincoln would be a better President of the United States than a bowl of rotten fruit.
What's the latest with OBC and new bar counsel? Anything out of convention?
Counselor, as I am lighting my chubb Cuban cigar, you should have settled the case.
From perspective of most rank-and-file attorneys, it does not matter who leads the BOG.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
2:41 implies that we should be relieved as we will supposedly benefit from a lesser-of-two-evils analysis. But such cynical, jaded(although, admittedly, often valid) approach, quite disturbs me.
We should set our sights much higher than believing that two people really suck, but one,once in a position of leadership, will suck less than the other.
We must also resist the convoluted, and self-defeating, philosophy that if some judge is screwing up our case on the District Court level, that in order to get them off our cases, we should reward them via election to the State's highest court, where they could do far greater damage.
No one has brought up the MGM complaint for dec relief filed in Federal Court on Friday. Case 2:18-cv-01288. Basically trying to cut off damages and it eliminates joint and several. It basically limits recovery to the amount of insurance a defendant has. Interesting argument.
I don't think it allows immunity like the article implies. Who knows though as I went to Boyd and was not class of 2013.
I know I could look it up, but who is in locally for MGM?
Pisanelli Bice & Wilson Elsner are local counsel, plus Munger Tolles Olson out of LA
Link to document: https://media.lasvegasnow.com/nxsglobal/lasvegasnow/document_dev/2018/07/16/MGM%20Lawsuit_1531784831785_48790338_ver1.0.pdf
JAM will try her hand at fiction? Is that not what she was already doing??
Can anyone make sense of Michelle Fiore's proposal regarding a land swap of Angel Park golf course land for Badlands golf course land? I'm baffled. Only thing clear to me is that the councilwoman is not a golfer.