- Quickdraw McLaw
- The battle over Badlands continues as developers have singled out three residents who are responding with an anti-SLAPP motion. [LasVegasNow]
- Here’s a follow-up article on the Boulder City gag order case involving Stephen Stubbs. [BCR]
- David Copperfield took the stand yesterday. [Fox5Vegas; RJ]
- Las Vegas is one of the most polluted metropolitan areas in the country. [Las Vegas Sun]
There is a form order being circulated and used by the Eighth Judicial that is hurting Metro.
post it!
No. Do your research.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I am not going to research to guess what point you are trying to make.
It is pretty plain speak to me.
@ 8:34 – WTF?
Yeah, the post makes sense to me. There is no stutter there.
Doesn't make any sense to me. I'm guessing that you need to be a criminal defense or prosecutor to get the reference. How is it hurting Metro? Why not spell it out a bit more on this anonymous chat blog?
There is a form order being used by multiple judges involving the October 1 shooting.
That is problematic.
Who are the Judges? What does the "form Order" say? I checked with various attorneys involved in various iterations of 10/1 litigation, as well as various people inside the RJC, who have no idea to what this "form Order" is referring.
I am sure you have. Record time.
The judges who ruled on the sealed records, warrants, et. al. For the shooting. Call Betsy. I am done posting anymore.
I did call Betsy and talked with her JEA and law clerk who said that they have no idea what you talking about. (BTW Betsy is not the chief or presiding civil any longer so she is getting tired of everyone calling her). If such an Order exists, where is it?
There is no new Order filed in
Case No. A-18-768781-C (which used to be in 2 and now is 12) or
Case No. A-17-764842-W (which is in 16) or
Case No. A-17-764169-W (which was consolidated into A764030)
There is a new Order Denying Stay in Case No. A-17-764030-W but it is hardly a form Order other than it states that the stay and reconsideration were denied.
So where is the form Order that all of the Departments are issuing which screws Metro?
Gonzales is the chief judge until Bell takes over. Bell takes over in May or June.
When did Bell take over as chief judge? Maybe Gonzalo does not know.
I am disturbed by one person who is able to speak to the all the judges and attorneys ex parte in 3 hours 9n the above cases.
Why is Betsy so pissef about being chief judge? She doesn't do anything other than Grerson's dirty work?
I cannot hold my dairy. Who is in charge down at the Eighth Judicial District?
It is Fuck your neighbor time. Who do I file motion to disqualify with??? Bell?
I am about to crap my pants here.
200, call Betsy. She does not do recusals. You commit murder, she wants the victim to clean it up
I have never heard of her granting disqual.
1:48– Nobody said that they called all 32 Judges. 12:22 said that they had checked with attorneys involved in the 10/1 cases, as well as various people at RJC. 1:26 said that they had made one phone call to Dept 11. Both of those things seem inherently possible to be done in 3 hours.
What I still have not seen is any evidence of a "form order being circulated and used by the Eighth Judicial" which hurts Metro.
I heard the same rumor as well, the LVMPD orders are the same or similar. Person does not have to post at your demand.
I am calling bullshit, too. Betsy does not even know if she is chief or not. Judges are in morning calender. You are also talking about getting a hold of attorneys, who never return a phone call.
I hope Betsy is not lying to the public. That is scary.
Rumor about same order being used in different cases wrong, I confirmed.
Reading this thread is 3 minutes of my life I will never get back. Damn all of you.
2:43– You are correct, Person does not have to post at demand. However since said Person started this thread with a bogus rumor, they either put up or shut up.
Gonsalvo say what?
My sentiments exactly. This shit is going on and we are worried about audits. Judges in this town are corrupt. Hafter's words are prophetic. Sorry you passed.
I agree with your remarks except your pronouncement that ALL the judges are corrupt. You didn't specifically say that "all" are corrupt but your phraseology, sentence construction, and context indicate that you meant that all are corrupt.
Some of them are political hacks who lack the legal heft to be on the bench, but don't take money or throw case or engage in ex parte. Therefore, one may not be fully competent or deserving of the post, but that does not make them per se corrupt.
Is there an Eighth Judicial District Court meeting today?
Not that I am aware of.