Department J – 2020 Judicial Primary

  • Law

With primary ballots set to start arriving in mailboxes next week, it’s time to talk about some of the contested judicial primary races featured on that ballot. We welcome your comments on the qualifications of the candidates as well as any information you can offer to help voters make an educated decision. Just remember to keep your comments appropriate and try to avoid defamation.

For District Court Judge, Family Division, Department J, the candidates are:

  • Dedree “Dee” Butler
  • Rena G. Hughes (incumbent)
  • J. Scott MacDonald
What are your thoughts on the race in this department? 
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April 29, 2020 6:20 pm

Judge Hughes, and the challenges she has endured, are well-documented. People can make up their minds about what they think about that. Plus she has been on the bench for five years, so those who have appeared before her multiple times likewise have a real point of reference and don't need my opinion or someone else's.

So, it is more important to focus on the lesser known quantities, MacDonald and Butler.

MacDonald has practiced over 35 years, and is a reasonably solid attorney in my opinion–not a rock star, but good enough. His Family Law experience seems somewhat sporadic, but he does appear in Family Court from time-to-time and performs more than adequately, IMO. He seems to be relatively easy to deal with and is never a jerk even when it is necessary for him to fight hard for his client.

Now although he is a pretty good attorney, that does not always translate to becoming a pretty good judge, but often a candidate's performance as an attorney is all we really have to go on. So, I think if he gets elected that would be fine. He'd probably rate as an average or above average judge. So, a pretty good gamble for those who want to support him.

Evaluating Ms. Butler is a little more problematic. Obviously, as a DPD she cannot represent clients in Family Law, unless she has been on a Juvenile Track, or TPR Track, which I don't believe has been the case. I heard some decent things about her as a Public Defender, but how that translates over is unknown.

Sometimes those with little or no experience in Family Law get elected and do well because they are smart, reasonably humble, and keep their nose to the grind stone and work really hard to learn, and eventually perform well(e.g Linda Marquis.)But more often, those with little or no Family Law experience, think they are great simply because they got elected, and think they are brilliant and can wing it, and it turns out very poorly.

From what I've heard, Butler is smart, a hard-worker, and if she wins she will really apply herself to learn, and be humble and eager to receive help and mentoring.

I hope that's true because I believe she will win. She is certainly running by far the most spirited and effective campaign of the three, at least until the pandemic hit.

April 29, 2020 9:49 pm

MacDonald is the choice. He will not win but he is the best of the three in experience and temperament.

April 30, 2020 12:39 am

I cannot understand why MacDonald wants to be a family court judge other than for the pension. He used to practice family law, but has not much in the last 8 or more years. If he has been around, I have missed seeing him.

Butler-Smart appears to be another of the PDs running for judge? I do not believe she has family law experience.

Hughes has been unfairly raked through the media by a crap stirring person with the initial os SS. The Commission on Judicial Discipline is out of control, and out of its league when listening to anything connected to family court cases, let alone how cases are handled in Clark County. Other parts of the State and the judges that serve outside of Clark County have no clue as to acceptable and routine practice in Clark County. Hughes was judged unfairly by an uninformed tribunal. Staying the course with Hughes.

May 5, 2020 5:17 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Agree completely.

May 5, 2020 6:17 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Butler was a juvenile PD for years. About 7 or 8, I believe. It's just been a few years since she was down there.

April 30, 2020 10:41 pm

Hughes. She's smart and knows family law. Nice of Dee to show up at Bishop, but I have yet to see her in family court.

May 4, 2020 2:16 am

Hughes deserves another term, but she's had some problems in the media. I don't know McDonald. Butler is unqualified.

May 5, 2020 5:20 am
Reply to  Anonymous

SS's radio show and new and improved living room show don't count as media. ��

SS's victims had cases in Hughes' courtroom that didn't go their way, so he trashes the lady.

Someone who got only a couple of endorsement interviews this year really has no relevance. Can't wait until he is completely gone.