As the Trump campaign announced this morning they will be challenging Nevada’s ballot counting in federal court, there was no word yet on which lucky local firm would get the honors. [TNI]
Clark County election officials are in the national spotlight. [Las Vegas Sun]
Supermajorities appear out of reach for Nevada’s legislative Democrats. [Nevada Current]
As the results roll in, let us know if you see anything interesting developing in the judicial races…
I am the Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Election Prophet Extraordinare:
"November 4, 2020 at 1:11 PM
There are lots of remaining votes to be counted and I'm predicting that Tara Clark Newberry will squeak past Jacob Reynolds in final totals."
Also, now accepting today's winner of blog nominations.
November 5, 2020 5:45 pm
I am presuming MAC will handle the latest lawsuit and thereby keep soiling the firm's name. Maybe it will be drafted and filed by the sleeveless "Beer & BBQ" t-shirt ranter. One thing's for sure, though, Trainwreck Laxalt isn't going to do any actual lawyering, which is a good thing for the Cheeto Benito campaign.
O'Mara of Reno wound up trying to polish the turd. Did the MAC partners finally pull their heads out and draw the line at this one? Or maybe the bill hasn't been paid for the last one yet.
Laxalt is a partner at Cooper and Kirk (which pays huge), and he lives in Nevada with a Nevada cost of living. If he leaves that for Senator or Governor he's an idiot. I'd gladly become a talking head if I could collect the checks Adam's collecting.
I'm pretty sure Laxalt does actually live in Nevada. Wouldn't you rather work from your house in Nevada instead of moving to the DC suburbs, paying tons more in rent, and commuting to DuPont Circle every day?
November 5, 2020 5:47 pm
Yes Nevada is getting a lot of attention and the networks do not seem overly impressed with our office of Secretary of State or the AG. John King of CNN said he did not want to sound critical but he found Nevada's lack of communication "frustrating".
It's absolutely embarrassing. the Nevada SoS's office flip flopped yesterday to national media on whether results would be released yesterday. There were no results reported for the entirety of Wednesday. Then, this morning Clark County released the results for a paltry 14k votes after more than 24 hours (despite representations made that the county can process 70k per day). What a mess, and the state (or at least the county) should be embarrassed.
Yeah, I saw that article about 70k a day also. So I'm thinking that, well okay, that's a little slow but perhaps at 70k a day they can finish the outstanding ballots in a few days.
And then 14k? Come on, really? Is this election being run by DETR?
I believe Laxalt being all over the news is a good idea and highly relevant. Who better to explain Trump coming up short here, as he has first hand experience being rejected by voters throughout Nevada.
November 5, 2020 5:58 pm
Laxalt is garbage. Hopefully he goes home to New Mexico after this. John King can suck it…we're counting votes. What else do they want us to say? Because our elected officials aren't acting like reality tv morons doesn't mean they aren't doing their job.
November 5, 2020 7:15 pm
Can someone post which judicial campaign wrangler ran which races? How did Dave Thomas do? Letitia?
McGowan ran Scotti
Cirillo and McShane ran Barisich and Krall
Thomas did Bare
Roni did Aurbach and Albertson
Letizia did Villani, Carli, Coffing, Cutter
Jim Ferrence is currently winning 1. (Yeager)
Ronni currently winning 2. (Lily-Spells & Clark Newberry)
Letizia currently winning 9 (Kierny, Trujillo, Bluth, Atkin, Bailey, Butler, Cutter, Almase, Harris)
Thomas is currently winning 4 (Bulla, Jones, Rochaeleau, Sullivan)
Letitia got lucky — 8 out of 10 women. Don't go thinking he's a genius, he's not. (PS — Neither is Thomas.)
November 5, 2020 8:08 pm
Crystal Eller has narrowed Kephart's lead from 7k to 4k. Is it possible she could still pull it off?
She was a terrible candidate. Her campaign was invisible. In a year where being a female was a shoe-in, Eller appears to have lost to the worst and most unethical judge on the bench.
Crystal's campaign was worse than invisible. It had that horrible Old Town Road parody, and when she did go to events, she came across as paranoid and unhinged.
She may have been paranoid because of all the time looking over her shoulders worried that all those people, who she allegedly defrauded when she allegedly leased her license out to people hawking loan modifications and foreclosure workouts, may find her.
With Kephart's ego I am sure he is shocked that anyone had the audacity to run against him. Kudos to Eller for giving him a run for his money- Literally. She spent 30K and he spend 200K. Praying to the mail in ballot gods she wins.
I've known Peterson for many years. I sure hope Atkin keeps that seat.
November 6, 2020 12:02 am
Nadin Cutter recently committed legal malpractice and has a grievance pending with the State Bar. She didn't timely serve a Summons/Complaint (waited over 8 months) and then when Defense filed a MTD she didn't file an Opposition. A-19-799585-C. Now she's a Judge….unbelievable….
Hardly. Nadin has escaped discipline so many times that I would think she has an in at the OBC. The OP did not say OBC is going to do anything about it. In fact OBC will most likely do nothing and say that as a judge she is beyond their jurisdiction to do anything.
Jesus that one is ugly. Waits 10 months to get a Summons issued. Forgets to file an Opposition to Dismiss? Yikes. I mean I guess good on Nettles to try to clean up the mess but wow.
Wait for it. Does not file an Opposition. Gets extra time from Judge Allf to file an Opposition to explain why she does not do things timely. STILL files her Opposition after the second chance deadline that she was given.
We have a case where default was entered and it sat for months. Then asked to have it set aside via email. Our response was NO. She never filed a motion. We have garnished her clients account. I know another firm that had the same events happen. She is a mess.
I know of a case in which her clients were facing an Order to Show Cause; she did not oppose the Motion. Court gave her an extension. Filed her Opposition 90 minutes before the continue Hearing. Judge said that she was not reading an Opposition filed 90 minutes and held her clients in contempt.
November 6, 2020 5:35 pm
Crystal Eller has overtaken Judge Kephart (+672 votes), Tara Newberry now 5k votes over Reynolds, Jessica Peterson has overtaken Judge Atkin (+606 votes)
Where can we see the updated numbers? this is a crime, congratulations Clark County you just elected a whole bunch of asshats apparently solely based on gender
If you lose by a small margin, I want you to know that I, and many other attorneys recommended to our non-attorney friends to vote you out. We texted them links to the Pro Publica articles. We posted to facebook. When our friends turned to us for judicial recommendations, we went out of our way to emphasize Department 19 and how important it was to vote you out.
What you did to Fred Steese is reprehensible. That you continue to refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing, unlike your co-counsel Doug Herndon, is inconceivable.
I hope Eller's lead holds and that you lose.
November 6, 2020 6:02 pm
Did Trevor Atkin just lose his seat? Can't believe it. These are the results as of this morning. Bill Kephardt defeated by Crystal Eller???
I wish I could have seen Kephart's face this morning when he saw the results.
November 6, 2020 6:09 pm
Does Adam Laxalt have a conflict of interest in suing the State/County over ballot counting given that he was a former attorney general (whose clients include the State and the County at times)? Also, looking at the numbers this morning, it appears that approximately 36k ballots were counted since yesterday's update. Why the delay? The news as of yesterday afternoon was that there were approximately 192k ballots remaining to be counted. Is it really going to take another five working days to count the remaining ballots? I know that we are in a pandemic and that all Election Department employees must be working hard and long hours. Nevertheless, I hope that the pace can be picked up.
November 6, 2020 6:16 pm
Is there a mechanism in the Nevada Constitution to have the Legislature make amendments without ballot initiatives? Would a measure require passage with two Legislative sessions? We really ought to follow the Missouri plan or a modified Missouri plan (with retention elections) for judges.
Article 19, Sections 1-3, is what you're looking for. Pass in one legislative session, pass in next session, send to the people for a vote, and if agreed, it's ratified and part of the Nevada Constitution. Alternative is for the voters to vote on it in 2 successive elections.
November 6, 2020 7:34 pm
The results of the judicial races is a travesty, an absolute joke. Wow, I feel sorry for any of you who have complex litigation coming up any time soon. And no, I am not a candidate, nor am I related to a candidate, and I am a women.
Newberry leads Reynolds by 408 now.
Where can we see updated #'s?
I am the Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Election Prophet Extraordinare:
"November 4, 2020 at 1:11 PM
There are lots of remaining votes to be counted and I'm predicting that Tara Clark Newberry will squeak past Jacob Reynolds in final totals."
Also, now accepting today's winner of blog nominations.
I am presuming MAC will handle the latest lawsuit and thereby keep soiling the firm's name. Maybe it will be drafted and filed by the sleeveless "Beer & BBQ" t-shirt ranter. One thing's for sure, though, Trainwreck Laxalt isn't going to do any actual lawyering, which is a good thing for the Cheeto Benito campaign.
Maybe Phil and Terry can work on it first hand. They'll have all the time in the world now.
O'Mara of Reno wound up trying to polish the turd. Did the MAC partners finally pull their heads out and draw the line at this one? Or maybe the bill hasn't been paid for the last one yet.
Adam Laxalt is alive and well.
Good lord, this asshat is going to be running for U.S. Senator or Governor in 2 years – which do you think it might be? My guess is Senator.
"Asshat" makes me remember the Elle Woods las vegas legal blog. Good times.
Adam Laxalt is asshat enough to run for senat. And the Nevada electorate is asshat enough to elect him.
Laxalt is a partner at Cooper and Kirk (which pays huge), and he lives in Nevada with a Nevada cost of living. If he leaves that for Senator or Governor he's an idiot. I'd gladly become a talking head if I could collect the checks Adam's collecting.
"lives" in Nevada. FTFY
I'm pretty sure Laxalt does actually live in Nevada. Wouldn't you rather work from your house in Nevada instead of moving to the DC suburbs, paying tons more in rent, and commuting to DuPont Circle every day?
Yes Nevada is getting a lot of attention and the networks do not seem overly impressed with our office of Secretary of State or the AG. John King of CNN said he did not want to sound critical but he found Nevada's lack of communication "frustrating".
It's absolutely embarrassing. the Nevada SoS's office flip flopped yesterday to national media on whether results would be released yesterday. There were no results reported for the entirety of Wednesday. Then, this morning Clark County released the results for a paltry 14k votes after more than 24 hours (despite representations made that the county can process 70k per day). What a mess, and the state (or at least the county) should be embarrassed.
Which part of Nevada's governmental structure is not "absolutely embarrassing"? Can't wait to see vaccine distribution!
Yeah, I saw that article about 70k a day also. So I'm thinking that, well okay, that's a little slow but perhaps at 70k a day they can finish the outstanding ballots in a few days.
And then 14k? Come on, really? Is this election being run by DETR?
1:06 wins this posting round. Congrats.
I believe Laxalt being all over the news is a good idea and highly relevant. Who better to explain Trump coming up short here, as he has first hand experience being rejected by voters throughout Nevada.
Laxalt is garbage. Hopefully he goes home to New Mexico after this. John King can suck it…we're counting votes. What else do they want us to say? Because our elected officials aren't acting like reality tv morons doesn't mean they aren't doing their job.
Can someone post which judicial campaign wrangler ran which races? How did Dave Thomas do? Letitia?
McGowan ran Scotti
Cirillo and McShane ran Barisich and Krall
Thomas did Bare
Roni did Aurbach and Albertson
Letizia did Villani, Carli, Coffing, Cutter
Jim Ferrence is currently winning 1. (Yeager)
Ronni currently winning 2. (Lily-Spells & Clark Newberry)
Letizia currently winning 9 (Kierny, Trujillo, Bluth, Atkin, Bailey, Butler, Cutter, Almase, Harris)
Thomas is currently winning 4 (Bulla, Jones, Rochaeleau, Sullivan)
11:44 here.
I forgot Villani. Letizia with 10 wins so far.
Letitia got lucky — 8 out of 10 women. Don't go thinking he's a genius, he's not. (PS — Neither is Thomas.)
Crystal Eller has narrowed Kephart's lead from 7k to 4k. Is it possible she could still pull it off?
She was a terrible candidate. Her campaign was invisible. In a year where being a female was a shoe-in, Eller appears to have lost to the worst and most unethical judge on the bench.
Crystal's campaign was worse than invisible. It had that horrible Old Town Road parody, and when she did go to events, she came across as paranoid and unhinged.
She may have been paranoid because of all the time looking over her shoulders worried that all those people, who she allegedly defrauded when she allegedly leased her license out to people hawking loan modifications and foreclosure workouts, may find her.
With Kephart's ego I am sure he is shocked that anyone had the audacity to run against him. Kudos to Eller for giving him a run for his money- Literally. She spent 30K and he spend 200K. Praying to the mail in ballot gods she wins.
What are Bare and Scotti going to do now?
Partner up for the Star Trek/Winnnie the Pooh crossover the world needs right now
Shitshow, thy name is Nevada
I can only think of one decent agency in this state. Otherwise, this state and judiciary are an absolute shit show.
Which decent agency?
Jessica Peterson has whittled Atkin to 1150 votes (50.09% to 49.91%)
I've known Atkin for many years. I sure hope he keeps that seat.
I've known Peterson for many years. I sure hope Atkin keeps that seat.
Nadin Cutter recently committed legal malpractice and has a grievance pending with the State Bar. She didn't timely serve a Summons/Complaint (waited over 8 months) and then when Defense filed a MTD she didn't file an Opposition. A-19-799585-C. Now she's a Judge….unbelievable….
I am glad that OBC cherry picks what malpractice cases it takes. The complainant must be a friend of BOGs.
Hardly. Nadin has escaped discipline so many times that I would think she has an in at the OBC. The OP did not say OBC is going to do anything about it. In fact OBC will most likely do nothing and say that as a judge she is beyond their jurisdiction to do anything.
Jesus that one is ugly. Waits 10 months to get a Summons issued. Forgets to file an Opposition to Dismiss? Yikes. I mean I guess good on Nettles to try to clean up the mess but wow.
Wait for it. Does not file an Opposition. Gets extra time from Judge Allf to file an Opposition to explain why she does not do things timely. STILL files her Opposition after the second chance deadline that she was given.
We have a case where default was entered and it sat for months. Then asked to have it set aside via email. Our response was NO. She never filed a motion. We have garnished her clients account. I know another firm that had the same events happen. She is a mess.
I know of a case in which her clients were facing an Order to Show Cause; she did not oppose the Motion. Court gave her an extension. Filed her Opposition 90 minutes before the continue Hearing. Judge said that she was not reading an Opposition filed 90 minutes and held her clients in contempt.
Crystal Eller has overtaken Judge Kephart (+672 votes), Tara Newberry now 5k votes over Reynolds, Jessica Peterson has overtaken Judge Atkin (+606 votes)
As of today (11/6) at 930 am
Where can we see the updated numbers? this is a crime, congratulations Clark County you just elected a whole bunch of asshats apparently solely based on gender
Dear Wild Bill Kephart,
If you lose by a small margin, I want you to know that I, and many other attorneys recommended to our non-attorney friends to vote you out. We texted them links to the Pro Publica articles. We posted to facebook. When our friends turned to us for judicial recommendations, we went out of our way to emphasize Department 19 and how important it was to vote you out.
What you did to Fred Steese is reprehensible. That you continue to refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing, unlike your co-counsel Doug Herndon, is inconceivable.
I hope Eller's lead holds and that you lose.
Did Trevor Atkin just lose his seat? Can't believe it. These are the results as of this morning. Bill Kephardt defeated by Crystal Eller???
I wish I could have seen Kephart's face this morning when he saw the results.
Does Adam Laxalt have a conflict of interest in suing the State/County over ballot counting given that he was a former attorney general (whose clients include the State and the County at times)? Also, looking at the numbers this morning, it appears that approximately 36k ballots were counted since yesterday's update. Why the delay? The news as of yesterday afternoon was that there were approximately 192k ballots remaining to be counted. Is it really going to take another five working days to count the remaining ballots? I know that we are in a pandemic and that all Election Department employees must be working hard and long hours. Nevertheless, I hope that the pace can be picked up.
Is there a mechanism in the Nevada Constitution to have the Legislature make amendments without ballot initiatives? Would a measure require passage with two Legislative sessions? We really ought to follow the Missouri plan or a modified Missouri plan (with retention elections) for judges.
Article 19, Sections 1-3, is what you're looking for. Pass in one legislative session, pass in next session, send to the people for a vote, and if agreed, it's ratified and part of the Nevada Constitution. Alternative is for the voters to vote on it in 2 successive elections.
The results of the judicial races is a travesty, an absolute joke. Wow, I feel sorry for any of you who have complex litigation coming up any time soon. And no, I am not a candidate, nor am I related to a candidate, and I am a women.