Robert Graham poured an average of $187K a month from his trust account into his operating account and made contributions to the LDS church, Boys Town of Nevada, and the Colorado State University sports program. [RJ]
Attorney Tisha Black is seeking a seat on the Clark County Commission in 2018. [TNI]
The Stadium Authority is expected to select Andrews Kurth and Brownstein Hyatt as counsel. [RJ]
The Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and six district court judges are teaming up to offer a CLE on recent Supreme Court rulings–free for those willing to take a pro bono case. [eighthjdcourt blog]
I've had a few cases with Tisha Black. One in particular in 2008-09 was potential lose-lose for angry real estate clients. She worked out a win-win settlement. My client liked her so much, she moved her work to Tisha. I was pissed about that until she referred me another, better client a few months later. Prepared and professional. She's good and I'm sure would do great.
January 24, 2017 4:38 pm
Thanks for taking the time out of your campaign to post an accolade about yourself Tisha.
These types of responses anytime anyone makes a positive comment about a lawyer on this blog are beginning to reach "that's what she said!" status. Gah.
While I do not disagree with your assessment 2:56, I will say that my experience with Tisha is nothing like 8:25 am, and I do question how anyone could have had that experience because Tisha is a nightmare.
My experience leans heavily towards 3:20 and 3:29's position. The problem with the CCC is that it is run by craven shysters. Does she have the strength of character to serve the people, or will she just pocket the dough and sell us out?
2:56 I would agree with you except that this positive statement (and a number of others I have seen on here) sounds so phony and contrived that I actually do believe it was written by her or a member of her campaign.
I'm a bit skeptical when they make vague statements about Rob Graham that he "poured an average of $187k a month from his trust account into his operating account…" I'm sure some of that was legitimate billing and some of it was probably illegitimately disbursed but it's misleading to throw out a big number for shock purposes when it will take months before a forensic accounting can determine how much was actually lost.
It sucks for the charities that received his contributions, because they couldn't have known that he was a fraud. I'm sure the church and Colorado State will be fine if they have to return the donations, but Boys Town of Nevada probably doesn't have the same financial means as the other two organizations.
January 24, 2017 5:04 pm
Three members of Breitbart on Trump's cabinet or inner circle of the very white, very racist White House.
So are we going to see anti-Trump posts here for the next 4 years? Even when the subject does not have anything to do with the current administration? Look, everyone has already chosen their side and no amount of logic or facts will persuade anyone to change sides. We WILL survive this administration just like we have done with all the priors.
Pretty much. I'm no Trump fan, but I am just so tired of reading "Trump sucks/is a bigot (etc.)/the devil comments" and anti-Trump news stories that get front page attention when they should be on page 20 of Section F if they were about anyone else. Can we all take a month off from politics and just post cute cat videos? (I know, I know… "Trump will destroy the world in a month if we don't resist because this is our revolution. #Bernie"
You troll, how dare you comment on Rob Graham. The same person keeps bitching about Rob Graham. Get a life. Wait, there should be open dialogue on the blog, that is a purpose of a blog. What a concept.
10:52 I was with you until the part where you said stories about Trump get front page news when they belong on page 20 section F. You do understand that he's the president, right? An article about a man getting consensual oral favors from an intern wouldn't have made the news unless Clinton had been president. That's how this works.
Not everything the president does is worthy of the cover of the New York Times… that was my point. A story about Trump redecorating his office to add touches of gold (and, thus, he is such an elite) was a lead story on If that is lead-story worthy, then our society is shit.
January 24, 2017 5:17 pm
Not LDS but the headline that Graham was pouring money into the LDS Church is misleading or at least not very informative. The GJ Testimony says that the Examiner saw "some" contributions to the Church. Is that $200? Is that $1MM? Stop tarring charities and non-profit organizations until we know exactly what was given and then ask for the monies back.
It also may not have been tithes at all. Rob has a son on a mission. In addition to tithing, if you have a child on a mission, you are expected to pay about $500 a month directly to the Church to support the missionary. Money paid for a missionary is distinctly different from tithing. I have always thought it was unlikely that Rob was paying any significant tithing, if at all. I still stand by that prediction.
How is restating what was in the RJ tarring anyone? These organizations received money from this guy and are victims as well. However, once it is determined that any donations came from his stealing, then there will need to be an accounting and return of those donations to the rightful owners (victims). Certainly, the LDS church can afford to return any donations.
I think the point is to show how shitty Graham is – not to blame the church for accepting them. And I like the point. Easy to be generous with other peoples' money.
January 24, 2017 6:26 pm
It appears to be Andrews Kurth for the Stadium with Brownstein serving only as local counsel. Surprised the Board is not keeping more of the work in state.
There were several local firms that partnered with experienced counsel. Apparently the statutory mandate about using "small local busness" in the stadium means nothing….
Several smaller local firms partnered with other firms with direct, recent stadium experience. None of them made it to interviews. Once again NV legal work goes to massive, mostly out of state, law firms. I guess the language in the enabling statute about stadium work going to "small local business" means nothing….
January 24, 2017 6:47 pm
It sounds to me like lazy Jeff German is just milking a relatively brief and conclusory 200 page grand jury transcript for as many easy stories as he can. The opinion of some fraud investigator for the DA or Metro is not the same thing as a real forensic accounting, obviously.
Obviously. So noteworthy that the investigator never bothered to calculate the contributions or what they were even for. Lazy lazy lazy–especially considering that the RJ has had these 200 pages of transcript for days so expect every 2-3 days to get another story about what is in those same 200 pages. Jeff German is a hit artist.
Can we get those 200 grand jury pages on Rob Graham and post them here to peruse?
January 24, 2017 10:37 pm
President Trump plans to sign more executive orders tomorrow:
1. The EPA's primary mission will now be to direct rain to farmers' fields, as needed, with any excess to be directed to San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, and Chicago.
2. People still crying over the election will be permitted to donate their tears to the White House kitchen for seasoning purposes at a rate of $20 per fluid ounce.
3. For standardization purposes, all press questions to administration officials must begin with, "You racistsexisthomophobepatriachalfascist."
4. Press corps members wishing to defend their BS versions of the news after being corrected by the President or the Press Secretary can direct their attention to the Undersecretary of the Press for Elitist Whining (the surfer dude in the corner making the "Whatever" W sign with his hands).
All this winning just gets more fun every day. Best insult in response to this post gets 10 LVLB points. Identify yourself with a unique three-letter sequence, and I'll keep track throughout the year. At Christmas, the winner gets a prize.
Not competing for the prize, but I do like the initials for that new department: "USPEW" . Now we just need to work on that standardized greeting: "rshpf" just doesn't cut it; although, who knew that "rsvp" would catch on?
Fuck you, 7:40. You are neither witty nor entertaining. Your jabs are the typical cuck passive combativeness. You probably missed the significance of no. 1. Do some research, moron.
Seeing as how I wasn't attempting to be witty or entertaining, that's fine with me. I do like the phrase "passive combativeness" though. You should probably get back to working on tomorrow's post.
I really like Order No. 1 (or anything like it). It's about time water is returned to the farmer's of CA's central valley, instead of dumping it into the Pacific in an attempt to save a bait fish.
Remember when Akerman was this supposedly national powerhouse firm that was entering the market to be a leader in commercial litigation? They hired former Congressman Jon Porter to lead governmental affairs? They had a federal judicial nominee leading their office? They are a mill now, on par with Tiffany & Bosco or the worst days of Ryder & Caspino.
What do you mean by mill? High billable hours doing incredibly routine work? I'll admit that their work seems super easy and boring. And I don't think I'd hire anyone from there in light of the lack of sophistication involved with throwing people out of the houses they aren't paying for. But the reported paychecks seem to take them out of the typical "mill" territory of firm.
I've had a few cases with Tisha Black. One in particular in 2008-09 was potential lose-lose for angry real estate clients. She worked out a win-win settlement. My client liked her so much, she moved her work to Tisha. I was pissed about that until she referred me another, better client a few months later. Prepared and professional. She's good and I'm sure would do great.
Thanks for taking the time out of your campaign to post an accolade about yourself Tisha.
These types of responses anytime anyone makes a positive comment about a lawyer on this blog are beginning to reach "that's what she said!" status. Gah.
While I do not disagree with your assessment 2:56, I will say that my experience with Tisha is nothing like 8:25 am, and I do question how anyone could have had that experience because Tisha is a nightmare.
Agreed, 3:20. She's a freaking nightmare. Bat shit crazy!
My experience leans heavily towards 3:20 and 3:29's position. The problem with the CCC is that it is run by craven shysters. Does she have the strength of character to serve the people, or will she just pocket the dough and sell us out?
2:56 I would agree with you except that this positive statement (and a number of others I have seen on here) sounds so phony and contrived that I actually do believe it was written by her or a member of her campaign.
Cooley's finest
Playing with Daddy's money.
I'm a bit skeptical when they make vague statements about Rob Graham that he "poured an average of $187k a month from his trust account into his operating account…" I'm sure some of that was legitimate billing and some of it was probably illegitimately disbursed but it's misleading to throw out a big number for shock purposes when it will take months before a forensic accounting can determine how much was actually lost.
It sucks for the charities that received his contributions, because they couldn't have known that he was a fraud. I'm sure the church and Colorado State will be fine if they have to return the donations, but Boys Town of Nevada probably doesn't have the same financial means as the other two organizations.
Three members of Breitbart on Trump's cabinet or inner circle of the very white, very racist White House.
So are we going to see anti-Trump posts here for the next 4 years? Even when the subject does not have anything to do with the current administration? Look, everyone has already chosen their side and no amount of logic or facts will persuade anyone to change sides. We WILL survive this administration just like we have done with all the priors.
Pretty much. I'm no Trump fan, but I am just so tired of reading "Trump sucks/is a bigot (etc.)/the devil comments" and anti-Trump news stories that get front page attention when they should be on page 20 of Section F if they were about anyone else. Can we all take a month off from politics and just post cute cat videos? (I know, I know… "Trump will destroy the world in a month if we don't resist because this is our revolution. #Bernie"
Yup, you will. Trump supporters put him in, so people will rightfully vent.
Can't we all come together to uniformly and mercilessly pillory Rob Graham?
You troll, how dare you comment on Rob Graham. The same person keeps bitching about Rob Graham. Get a life. Wait, there should be open dialogue on the blog, that is a purpose of a blog. What a concept.
Careful. You are going to lead He Who Shall Not Name Himself to believe that he belongs here.
10:52 I was with you until the part where you said stories about Trump get front page news when they belong on page 20 section F. You do understand that he's the president, right? An article about a man getting consensual oral favors from an intern wouldn't have made the news unless Clinton had been president. That's how this works.
Not everything the president does is worthy of the cover of the New York Times… that was my point. A story about Trump redecorating his office to add touches of gold (and, thus, he is such an elite) was a lead story on If that is lead-story worthy, then our society is shit.
Not LDS but the headline that Graham was pouring money into the LDS Church is misleading or at least not very informative. The GJ Testimony says that the Examiner saw "some" contributions to the Church. Is that $200? Is that $1MM? Stop tarring charities and non-profit organizations until we know exactly what was given and then ask for the monies back.
It also may not have been tithes at all. Rob has a son on a mission. In addition to tithing, if you have a child on a mission, you are expected to pay about $500 a month directly to the Church to support the missionary. Money paid for a missionary is distinctly different from tithing. I have always thought it was unlikely that Rob was paying any significant tithing, if at all. I still stand by that prediction.
Donations are itemized on his returns and tracked by Church. In due course, Church will return the money.
Saw a comment from a church spokesperson who said they would review and return any money obtained fraudulently.
How is restating what was in the RJ tarring anyone? These organizations received money from this guy and are victims as well. However, once it is determined that any donations came from his stealing, then there will need to be an accounting and return of those donations to the rightful owners (victims). Certainly, the LDS church can afford to return any donations.
Which judge is handling the Graham matter?
Kerry Early
10:45– The RJ is tarring people, not people restating what the RJ says.
I think the point is to show how shitty Graham is – not to blame the church for accepting them. And I like the point. Easy to be generous with other peoples' money.
It appears to be Andrews Kurth for the Stadium with Brownstein serving only as local counsel. Surprised the Board is not keeping more of the work in state.
Who exactly in this state has any experience with stadium deals?
There were several local firms that partnered with experienced counsel. Apparently the statutory mandate about using "small local busness" in the stadium means nothing….
Several smaller local firms partnered with other firms with direct, recent stadium experience. None of them made it to interviews. Once again NV legal work goes to massive, mostly out of state, law firms. I guess the language in the enabling statute about stadium work going to "small local business" means nothing….
It sounds to me like lazy Jeff German is just milking a relatively brief and conclusory 200 page grand jury transcript for as many easy stories as he can. The opinion of some fraud investigator for the DA or Metro is not the same thing as a real forensic accounting, obviously.
Obviously. So noteworthy that the investigator never bothered to calculate the contributions or what they were even for. Lazy lazy lazy–especially considering that the RJ has had these 200 pages of transcript for days so expect every 2-3 days to get another story about what is in those same 200 pages. Jeff German is a hit artist.
Can we get those 200 grand jury pages on Rob Graham and post them here to peruse?
President Trump plans to sign more executive orders tomorrow:
1. The EPA's primary mission will now be to direct rain to farmers' fields, as needed, with any excess to be directed to San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, and Chicago.
2. People still crying over the election will be permitted to donate their tears to the White House kitchen for seasoning purposes at a rate of $20 per fluid ounce.
3. For standardization purposes, all press questions to administration officials must begin with, "You racistsexisthomophobepatriachalfascist."
4. Press corps members wishing to defend their BS versions of the news after being corrected by the President or the Press Secretary can direct their attention to the Undersecretary of the Press for Elitist Whining (the surfer dude in the corner making the "Whatever" W sign with his hands).
All this winning just gets more fun every day. Best insult in response to this post gets 10 LVLB points. Identify yourself with a unique three-letter sequence, and I'll keep track throughout the year. At Christmas, the winner gets a prize.
Suck a cock.
Not competing for the prize, but I do like the initials for that new department: "USPEW" . Now we just need to work on that standardized greeting: "rshpf" just doesn't cut it; although, who knew that "rsvp" would catch on?
I like 2:37. That means there are at least two of us in Las Vegas. I am not alone.
Those who wish to donate to President Trump's legal defense fund may do so via his appointed counsel, the Legal Institute for Executive Support.
2:37 you are not nearly as entertaining or witty as you think you are.
Fuck you, 7:40. You are neither witty nor entertaining. Your jabs are the typical cuck passive combativeness. You probably missed the significance of no. 1. Do some research, moron.
Seeing as how I wasn't attempting to be witty or entertaining, that's fine with me. I do like the phrase "passive combativeness" though. You should probably get back to working on tomorrow's post.
I really like Order No. 1 (or anything like it). It's about time water is returned to the farmer's of CA's central valley, instead of dumping it into the Pacific in an attempt to save a bait fish.
The others are quite hilarious.
The end of the climate change scam may well be one of Trump's greatest legacies. Thank you, Mr. President.
1:20, thank you, Danny Tarkanian.
What happened to Phil Hymanson? He is not showing up on Greenberg Traurig's website.
Someone should really print out GT's current list of lawyers and then do the same a year from now and compare. Turnover there is unbelievable.
Add Akerman to the list too. They lost at least 5 attorneys in the last year.
They aren't lost. Look under Darren Brenner's shoe.
Crazy, there isn't a single attorney besides the managing partner left from when it opened a few years ago.
Darren Brenner is a minor league asshole.
Remember when Akerman was this supposedly national powerhouse firm that was entering the market to be a leader in commercial litigation? They hired former Congressman Jon Porter to lead governmental affairs? They had a federal judicial nominee leading their office? They are a mill now, on par with Tiffany & Bosco or the worst days of Ryder & Caspino.
What do you mean by mill? High billable hours doing incredibly routine work? I'll admit that their work seems super easy and boring. And I don't think I'd hire anyone from there in light of the lack of sophistication involved with throwing people out of the houses they aren't paying for. But the reported paychecks seem to take them out of the typical "mill" territory of firm.
Akerman does some questionable stuff. They are not as reputable as you think.
10:23 is correct. Chew them up. Spit them out. And leave there knowing very little other than what form to file and no portable business. Mill.