Robert Cottle, Matthew Minucci, and Ryan Dennett are representing a man who lost his wife and infant twin daughters after the Summerlin Hospital Medical Center failed to test for tuberculosis. [RJ; 8NewsNow]
The Nevada Supreme Court upheld a $250,000 award to the family of a man who was killed when a Metro officer ran a red light. [RJ; LVMPD v. Yeghiazarian]
Nearly monopolistic NV Energy announced that it plans to join a California energy sharing network that could reduce your power bills next year. [Vegas Inc.]
The I-Team reports that Nevada’s Department of Administration failed to file state employee tax forms correctly for the last 27 years and now the IRS wants that money. This means that some local judges have been getting emails from Carson City telling them, “Surprise, you owe several thousand dollars in back taxes!” [8NewsNow]
Willardson is at it again posting on the RJ after an article about Jones. When will she learn?
Clearly she won't. Appears to be continuing the type of decisionmaking that brought her fame in the first place.
I simply do not understand what she believes she has to gain from such public and unseemly fights. They do not appear judicial.
She also does not realize that his bad press is her bad press, and she wants to be a Family Court Judge! She is blonde – it must be the answer.