- Quickdraw McLaw
With the school year ending and temperatures rising, it’s time to revisit some of our favorite summer topics: summer hours, summer dress, and the Oxford comma. There is often rumor that men don’t have to wear a jacket to court in the summer, but does anyone actually do it? Any new rules or recommendations for women dressing for court? Are romper pantsuits going to cut it? Do any of your offices change hours during the summer? Do you get in earlier and leave earlier? As for us, posting may get a little more sporadic during the summer depending on poolside wi-fi connectivity.
Few judges I know tell people to take off jackets or sweaters in the summer because of the heat. I think that is thoughtful and appropriate while it is 110 out.
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Is it me, or is there little or no cle credit out there right now?
Makes it harder to keep up with the credit.
That's why you need to go to the Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas!
Clark County Law Library. They've got shelves of NBI DVDs/CDs available to check out for free (except for the $50 annual cost of a library card).
You have to pay the processing fee on those, though. Same as the $45 bar cle. Um, I will pass on Austin. I prefer not hanging out with other attorneys.
I have noticed that there seems to be less cles as well. Maybe because of the summer.
Uh, no you don't. Source: me. You check it out, you watch the DVD / listen to the CD, and then you fill out an Alternative CLE Attendance form and send it to the CLE Board.
Practiced in Phoenix years ago and there was a no jacket rule with most judges. When I first moved here, there seemed to be such a rule that was followed in late summer but over the years no one followed it. It sure is tough trying a case in August in a suit.
I have seen one attorney in a hearing without a jacket and the judge didn't make an issue out of it.
For me, I don't change a thing during the summer, which means on court days I have to deal with serious swampass.
You clowns realize the court has air conditioning right. Carry your jacket and out on before you walk in court. If you show respect you will get it. Fucking snow flakes.
C'mon, comish, you know they keep the thermostat high down there at the JC.
Clowns…hope you are Austin, pardner.
5:40 is Bulla.
The campaign between Almase and Campbell is getting downright entertaining. Especially considering this is "just" a muni court election.
The quotes from the last ad are from the comments here.
Did Letizia quote all of the postings about Almase from this blog in the mailer/advertisement at the bottom of this: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/las-vegas/las-vegas-judge-posts-removes-doctored-photo-of-the-rock/ ?
It has gone far beyond entertaining. It is unacceptable for Almase to disparage criminal defense attorneys. Almase has posted a weak apology on her facebook page…..too little, too late. Seems desperate and reckless….
Just saw the ad you're referring, 907, I think it's always low to imply someone represents bad guys. That's not what I'd want a judge to decide about defendants' counsel in advance.
I'm puzzled about Campbell's website, what is "87% judicial temperment" anyway? It says 50% is balanced so does 87% mean 37% in one direction? Dammit Jim, I'm a lawyer, not a mathematician!"
Both are behaving very non judicial with these ads.
She's 37% more fair than a perfectly fair judge! She's more that a third fairer! And you know that because her amp goes to 11, don't it?
They have both shown extremely poor judgment. Neither is fit for the judiciary, in my opinion. Campbell-obviously desperate and down in the pools-struck first with deceptive campaign materials. And I can't believe she sent out a mailer quoting THIS blog…using posts SHE (or her husband) wrote! She's run a negative campaign from the start. Then Heidi disparages the criminal bar as a SITTING JUDGE. How moronic. Both are awful. I'm not even sure who the lesser of two evils is at this point.
OMG, I clicked on the Almase/Campbell link. Both these gals need to walk away. I support Almase, but the alleged behavior is unseemly.
More importantly, my beloved Fiore, a true patriot and defender of our Republic, is apparently being persecuted by the evil Dems. Horrific. I stand with Fiore.
I stand for anyone other than Fiore.
I think 10:52 was being sarcastic about supporting Fiore. I certainly hope so.