A look at the rising tide of parental rights termination cases. [RJ]
We’re finally at the beginning of the end for the HOA scandal. [RJ]
Here’s another lawsuit against Manny Pacquiao. [8NewsNow]
The other day, someone commented about unlicensed documents preparers and nothing being done about them. Someone from the Secretary of State’s office replied asking for more information. If you have information about unlicensed documents preparers, please contact the division at docprep@sos.nv.gov.
The so-called "HOA Scandal", such as it is, may be fizzling to a close; but despite the legislature's best efforts, the construction defect party will continue. Perhaps the heyday of the mid 90's to mid 00's won't return; but many of the cookie-eaters will remain happily billing $145 per hour to paw through meaningless stacks of crap and join in meaningless deposition objections.
R.I.P. Nancy Quon
May 11, 2015 9:24 pm
A group of at least 6 attorneys from GS are starting a new firm.
Gentile, Cristalli, Miller, Armeni & Savarese? Old news….
Seeing how about 40 attorneys are left, I'm sure the IP group will break off and go somewhere else and the major rainmakers will go wherever. Seems like Fennemore is the place that picks off the old guard (Jones Vargas, Lionel Sawyer). I'm sure they will be in play.
$159k plus per month to rent 54k sq feet of offices in "the premier" business location in town? Wonder what the full monthly nut was, salaries and all. 1 mil? I suddenly don't feel so bad about my small firm's overhead.
Interesting. I don't see the comparison to the pyramid model. Has me wondering if that is the problem.
May 12, 2015 1:45 am
Fascinating. The NV Secretary of State is doing more to rein in the "feralegal" or para-attorney's than the State Bar ever has. Wow. Just Wow. Our Bar is toothless.
The so-called "HOA Scandal", such as it is, may be fizzling to a close; but despite the legislature's best efforts, the construction defect party will continue. Perhaps the heyday of the mid 90's to mid 00's won't return; but many of the cookie-eaters will remain happily billing $145 per hour to paw through meaningless stacks of crap and join in meaningless deposition objections.
R.I.P. Nancy Quon
A group of at least 6 attorneys from GS are starting a new firm.
No changes on the GS website yet. Any word on when and who?
Gentile, Cristalli, Miller, Armeni & Savarese? Old news….
Seeing how about 40 attorneys are left, I'm sure the IP group will break off and go somewhere else and the major rainmakers will go wherever. Seems like Fennemore is the place that picks off the old guard (Jones Vargas, Lionel Sawyer). I'm sure they will be in play.
Posted at 6:25 p.m.
Includes Gerald Gordon, Erika Pike Turner, and Greg Garman
I heard it was at least nine.
You must be a guy.
Ha ha, no question about it, a lot of big dicks at that firm.
Gordon is one of them
Goodbye GS….
Not trying to be cute here, but seeing one big firm after the other implode has got me wondering if the old pyramid model is not working anymore.
$159k plus per month to rent 54k sq feet of offices in "the premier" business location in town? Wonder what the full monthly nut was, salaries and all. 1 mil? I suddenly don't feel so bad about my small firm's overhead.
Interesting. I don't see the comparison to the pyramid model. Has me wondering if that is the problem.
Fascinating. The NV Secretary of State is doing more to rein in the "feralegal" or para-attorney's than the State Bar ever has. Wow. Just Wow. Our Bar is toothless.
and your surprised??
Ah, gummy, come give me a kiss.