- Quickdraw McLaw
- The July 2015 bar exam results are here. The unofficial passage rage was 60% or in real numbers, you have about 186 new competitors entering the practice in Nevada.
- Three Las Vegas police unions are suing Metro over the constitutionality of SB 241. [RJ]
- The road rage trial is continued to March 2016. [RJ]
- See you all at the CPK party tonight?
If any of you feel that the 186 new attorneys in Nevada are competitors…..all I can say is WOW!
All newer attorneys suck. Ever since the economy tanked, attorneys even in the practice for the past 5-7 years are bad, because they go out on their own, and they have a shitty work product. Also, incredibly obnoxious and wrongfully full of themselves.
I wouldn't say all, but certainly agree that a high percentage of them fit that description.
As well as they don't answer when you tell them to get off your lawn.
Imagine if we switched over to the multi-state exam. Then we would have hundreds of thousands of competitors.
Sorry but the economy is unable to absorb them. If there was a confidential survey undertaken, it is certain that it would show that 40 to 50 per cent of all actively licensed lawyers are underemployed. They practice part time, winding down, have other ventures, or just don't have the business. For many it is their choice but this economy is such that practicing is too competitive.
As a solo, non Boyd, former firm attorney, former government attorney, I have to disagree. There is a TON of work out there, most just don't know how to hustle and get it. Lawyers learn the law, but the vast majority have zero clue about business and so they whine about the economy and new lawyers.
If even the lowly non-Boyd lawyers can get work, we obviously need to suck it up and stop bitching about the economy.
The number of folks taking the Nevada Bar had dropped off while the number in Arizona has gone up significantly. Arizona has adopted the Uniform Bar Exam. Arizona also allows folks to "waive in" with reciprocating states. California does it best–everybody has to take the bar- out of state attorneys, law professors, legal services, and federal employees. No exceptions. It is not well known but there are 6 or 7 exceptions to the bar exam in Nevada. It started with faculty at the judicial college, spread to rural D.A,s and P.D.s and now they allow Boyd professors and corporate counsel to "waive in". Terrible.
I hope Nevada never adopts the UBE.
October 9, 2015 at 4:29 PM – While I have said many times that Boyd should choke back the number of new students they enroll each year, I agree with you that there is a complete lack of any training at Boyd about the business of law. I used to lecture once a year about this before my right wing ass was banned from campus. I've been bitching about the need for a clinic oriented toward the harsh realities of competition and profitability at Boyd for years. I won't hold my breath.
I noticed that "Mortensen Sanders" has been removed from the Alverson Taylor sign. Anyone have any good gossip???
Someone stole the letters. They are working on getting it fixed.
I think Michele Fiore is HOT!!!!!
You are funny.
Maybe they're having the letters cleaned? It's still ATM&S on the website.
A** To Mouth & sh**
That is classic.
I've never seen a statistic on attrition. How many lawyers retire, die, or are disbarred every year?
Last I heard, there were 7000 active attorneys in Nevada. The 186 new ones today represent a 2.5% increase. Surely some of those only replace outgoing attorneys.
Assuming an equal number of attorneys retire every year and an average 30 year career, that would be 7000/30 = 233 positions of attrition per year. However, my guess is that an equal number don't retire every year, that there are far more younger attorneys than attorneys in their late 50's or early 60's. That said, I also guess that a meaningful portion of annual attrition from out of the profession isn't from retirement but from switching careers by leaving the law. And of course a growing population creates a little bit of new demand too. Even so, I suspect that the number of admitted each year far outstrips the attrition.
I keep trying to convince Sam Lionel to retire now that he's 96, but the jerk won't listen. Maybe we need to place a cap on the number of slots available for attorneys in Nevada at 7000? So if somebody dies, retires, etc., a slot will open up for a new attorney. Less competition for everyone!
Sam Lionel will be still trying cases when you all are long dead. All that will be left are him and the cockroaches.
Last year 5 young lawyers at my firm just decided they were sick of Las Vegas and left the state. So that's a thing. Of course the firm didn't hire anyone to replace them because lol at associates leaving before 8.
I'm not a new attorney by a long stretch, but who wants to work till 8 at night? Fuck your life. And the partners are going to either cut or swipe the hours anyways. Never understood that.
I am a new attorney but lol 8pm at night, what are we in New York? No one at my firm works until 8. Past 5:30 and there are maybe 5 attorneys total. My firm has about 25 attorneys including partners.
It is rare for any of us to leave before 6-7pm, and there are a fair number left after 8pm. 🙁
Beer truck arrived this morning and is open for business at 5:00. See you there. Cheers!!!!
Crap. I was not planning to go….but the truck is there….I am close….oh, cross my fingers I don't wake up in a gutter tomorrow….
Can someone tell me about the Bob Maheu First Wednesday Luncheons? They look interesting. Is this an invite only event or can a hobo 5th year associate like me show up at the door?
Call Fennemore Craig and ask to speak with Joe Brown's assistant. She can put you on the email list. You'll then get a monthly email through which you can RSVP.