- Quickdraw McLaw
- It’s been 16 years since 9/11.
- Requesting public records is expensive in Las Vegas. [RJ]
- Wes Duncan has left the AG’s office to work at Hutchison Steffen. [TNI]
- Here is an article about the recent “war” in family court involving Judge Bryce Duckworth and others. [RJ] (Feel free to discuss, just remember to keep any discourse civil, slander free, and workplace appropriate.)
Investigation into Sanson has been opened by AG's Office.
Fighting corruption with incompetence
Coverband ripoff, Laxalt. I mean, Governor Trump.
Sure he lacks a "basic skillset as an attorney" but he's got a helluva smile!
He comes from Lewis and Rica only the best and brightest.
Laxalt has the iq of a skillet
Iron or steel
16 years and it looks like the terrorists Or is it freedom fighters? Or soldiers of the one true God, Allah? Or CIA-funded dupes of the US Military Industrial Complex?) are winning.
While in complete agreement with all of the posts about the Nevada Supreme Court not releasing anything substantive for 5 weeks, there was an interesting case that came out of Carson City Thursday as a forfeiture case, which goes to the impervious nature of Metro.
Metro files a forfeiture with criminal case. Charges dismissed; property not returned. Crockett orders property returned. Metro refuses. Accused brings Order to Show Cause and orders property returned. Metro says OK. Accused's counsel shows up and is given the property and then the property was re-seized seconds later on grounds that Defendant re-indicted. Crockett rightfully was pissed at the games Metro played and ordered the property returned.
The Nevada Supreme Court's decision is not interesting; they just punted and refused to intervene (so they still have done nothing substantive since August 3rd). It is interesting that Metro just does whatever the Hell it wants. It is also interesting that the Supremes found this Writ so important to dismiss it two months after filing when there are cases languishing for years that got no disposition.
Since Metro filed that Petition, doesn't refusing to intervene mean the property has to be returned per Crockett's order?
Metro couldn't do any of this without the DA.
There are some valid complaints about improper tactics in Family court litigation. One case that was discussed on Vegas Lawyer Show is part of Sanson's movement. Case was appealed, no decision made. Looks like lately Nevada Supreme court is slow on decisions. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Vegas-Lawyer-Show-109269326329184/videos/?ref=page_internal
LOL at "lately".
Ah, the case of mom teaching her son that he's not allowed to love any part of his dad. The movement says the judge changed custody based on illegal evidence. What the movement doesn't tell you is that evidence was deemed inadmissible and never came in.
11:38 I watched the oral argument and Jones in a landslide. NSC will be unanimous. I wish I could say sorry in Russian.
11:38 Do you ever work?
.7 "Review Nevada Supreme Court Docket for evidence of appellate decision being issued"
2:31 Apparently you have never seen an insurance defense attorney's billings. This justifies a minimum of 8 hours of billable time: "Analyze various methods for party to appeal a case to the Nevada Supreme Court (1.20); research, review, and analyze Nevada Constitution to confirm validity of Nevada Supreme Court (1.60); research, review, and analyze each of the Nevada Supreme Court justices to confirm their authority to hold the position (2.60); prepare summary of above research and analysis (1.20); review and analyze Supreme Court docket and determine noteworthy cases (1.10); prepare task list and update analytical matrix (1.0)"
It's because fucking insurance companies pay $120 an hour and cut 1/3rd of bills regardless of how detailed and appropriate they are. If you're not billing 10 hours a day you're not making money.
3:34, this is 2:46. I am not the one who sold my soul to insurance companies. If you are still doing insurance defense and whining about how miserable you are, find another job or better clients.
P.S. I know rates are low, but are there actually attorneys doing insurance defense for $120 per hour? I can't even imagine putting up with an insurance company for that rate.
I love insurance work. No clients giving me shit and I'm not bankrolling crooked doctors
6:35, you are bankrolling the doctors. The more they get deposed, the more they make. Granted, not as much as that crooked Dr. Duke, but you are bankrolling them all the same.
I am planning a party. Can you book the NSC to make crochet finger puppets?
Balloon animals only, pal.
Supremes approve Rob Graham should be disbarred. In other news, the moon is not made of cheese, and water is wet.
Here is the order: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00047405308849711920
From the category of senseless and ridiculous overkill, $17 Million in restitution plus a $1,000,000 Fine to Client Security Fund. If he pays $17MM in restitution so everyone is whole, Client Security Fund is not implicated. If Client Security Fund pays out, that would presumably be included in the restitution. So what is the extra million dollars that you know Graham will never be paying. Is that $17MM in addition to the $17MM which will be part of the criminal Judgment? It was a symbolic act which accomplishes nothing. Way to appear tough Supremes– sound and fury.