- Quickdraw McLaw
- The State has a new chief medical director and Scott Dozier may have his last hearing tomorrow. [RJ; Las Vegas Sun]
- Could the proposed tax bill in Congress reduce state funding for the Raiders stadium? [TNI]
- The new Day Reporting Center is open. [TNI]
- Anything else going on out there?
Can we have a thread about the worst sole practitioner/small firms to deal with in Vegas? You know the ones, who do everything wrong (if at all) and have attitudes to boot? Trying to steer clear of personal attacks as some of the ones who come to mind I actually like outside of work but just focus on poor litigation tactics.
So name the worst firms with whom you have problems.
This sounds like a terrible idea.
James McGill. That guy is a complete clown show. Have you ever been to his office? It's in the back of a nail salon on Boulder Highway. A lot of people don't know this, but his brother Chuck was one of the more accomplished partners at Lionel Sawyer. Hard to believe!
There was this attorney Oscar Zeta Acosta that used to practice law in town. I swear he was practicing out of his car. Have not seen him in years but was a disaster of gonzo proportions.
I had some cases with Acosta. He was one of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
A nail salon??? Isn't that exactly like Better Call Saul! Classic!
11:05 AM,
10:01 AM here. You know, I never thought of it, but yeah, EXACTLY like Better Call Saul! Hilarious!
I wonder if this McGill character might not have been the inspiration for that Saul Goodman character? Never would have guessed.
Its all good!
It's all good, man! FTFY
James (Jimmy) McGill and Oscar Zeta Acosta. Awesome! Honestly, I had to google Zeta. I had no idea whether he was a Hollywood character or a real life person. Turns out he was real life person with something to say. RIP
Perhaps without naming names we can generally discuss common irksome litigation practices. Hate the game not the player.
That sounds like a terrific idea!
When OC denies an extension on something like EDCR 2.20(e), claiming they would love to give it to you, but the client won't let them. You know, because clients know all about EDCR 2.20(e). These people earn themselves a permanent spot on my list of non-reciprocity in the future.
Ask the court for an extension. You don't need a stip.
Arguing to the court the wrong legal standard. I thought that was a ethics or court rule.
North Las Vegas Constable wants to be a peace officer but not have to pass the test to be a peace officer.
Hutchinson and Roberson want to invalidate eleven elections involving state legislators. This should piss people off.
It pisses me off and I have to work with one of those guys!!
One of those guys signs paychecks. I presume you work with the one who does not sign paychecks.
Somebody posted yesterday that there are no private reprimands any longer. I thought that was entirely false. I was totally wrong. FYI: there are no private reprimands any longer. If you get reprimanded, it is going to be public.
This is a joke. How is the OBC picked?
BOG hires and approves (supposedly with some direction from the NSC).
The public reprimands are part of the transparency with bar discipline and this was instituted year ago as I recall. It used to be whether an attorney had a complaint or whether there was no formal discipline was kept private. No longer. Now the record is "public". I think we have to worry about them creating an agency, a Commission, or making discipline part of the Supreme Court's operation. This occurred in Arizona. There is now a discipline judge and a very formal process outside of the State Bar of Arizona.
11:52 asking how OBC is selected, is a large part of the problem. We know nothing about how these people got there, and certainly didn't weigh in on the matter during the appointment process, and then we are shocked after the fact at what we wound up with. This also happens when a judge turns out to be startling bad. Attorneys say "How the Hell did he/she ever get get elected?!"
They need to be reminded that when that person was elected, not only was the public paying no attention, but many attorneys were paying very little attention, and made no effort to combine resources and effort to get behind a viable opponent.
Attorneys, in amazement, would say, after the fact, "How did Halverson ever get elected?!" They were oblivious to the fact that in her first election attempt she came very close to getting elected. She received 49% of the vote against Judge Gerri Hardcastle–a judge with perhaps the highest name recognition in that election cycle as his wife was also, of course, a judge, and was Chief Judge at that time.
So, of course, when Halverson runs again two years later, with having received all those votes the previous time, and being the only female in a primary field of eight candidates, isn't it pretty obvious she stood a great chance of being elected?
So, many attorneys tend to stick their head in the sand. They know nothing about how these people get appointed or elected, don't get involved in the process to any extent whatsoever,and then, after the fact when the person turns out to be unacceptable or controversial in their position,many attorneys act shocked these people ever got appointed or elected to begin with.
Before I became an attorney, I naively believed that most attorneys are reasonably politically informed, and engaged in the process of selecting those who will have tremendous sway over our professions and livelihoods. I was wrong.
Bar counsel should be appointed and then there should be a retention election. Same with discovery commissioner–no one voted for her, but she is still there unchecked.
12:22PM–This is an example of the appointed system which brings you the Discovery Commissioner. In an appointed system you have no say as to what gets appointed and retained. This is why appointing judges in Nevada will be bad–real bad. Keep the elective system with all of its flaws.
2:14's post wins in the category of "Most Sarcastic S.O.B."
Bundy Trial back on hold after Feds appear to have lied about conducting surveillance on Bundys. Seriously, we did not make it through opening statements before the trial has to be stopped for possible Government misconduct. Everything Myrhe touches turns to garbage. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/bundy-blm/bundy-trial-on-hold-while-las-vegas-judge-weighs-new-video/
New York Times goes after David Boies and claims he was unethical in trying to quash Harvey Weinstein allegations.
Bernstein and Poisson got me $600,000!
Richard Harris' office got me $0. The largest personal injury law firm in the state.