- Quickdraw McLaw
- Judges Nancy Allf and Gloria Sturman honored as trailblazers by the State Bar. [eighthjdcourt blog]
- Lottery system likely for Clark County short-term rentals. [RJ]
- Federal judge rejects Nevada tribe’s attempt to join lithium mine. [Nevada Current]
- The US Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act. [RJ]
- What else is going on out there today?
I'd like to take this opportunity to give a big shoutout to myself and Quick Draw for continually navigating all the domestic and international trolls, misogynists, bigots, idiots, and everyday jerks who seem to love this little blawg! Also, great job to us for (so far) keeping all the defamatory commenters and this blog out of the courtroom! Keep up the great work!
Thank you law.dawg and Quick Draw for keeping this cite going and the great work doing.
Seriously, these guys (dudes? folks? persons?) do a lot of thankless work so the rest of us can enjoy the blog. Thank you!
But what if you just butted out and let the domestic and international trolls, misogynists, bigots, idiots, and everyday jerks say what they say and let them get roasted instead of being the thought police? Cue Wooderson – "It'd be a lot cooler if you did."
Go make you own board and make your own rules. Until then respect the fact that this board doesn't allow that garbage on it or just be quiet snowflake.
@ 3:34 – We've tried that, and unfortunately this blawg quickly turned into a cesspool of craziness, nastiness, and general off-topic anarchy. In my professional opinion, the lack of moderation would have led to a bunch of commenters (and us) getting sued, and this blawg being shut down. This is the same reason virtually all public discussion platforms have at least some rules and guidelines which have to be followed and enforced. I don't love doing it, but it has to be done. The only other option I can think of would be to make this blawg non-public, and/or to have you all sign in to comment, and nobody seems to want those options either. So, here we are.
@ 1:24, 1:59, 3:47, and the vast majority of the remainder of you well-behaved commenters and lurkers – thanks for reading and supporting the blawg! We appreciate you!
Mr/Ms Dawg – That does make a lot of sense. The only thing I object to is labeling (by posters) not you, thoughts that are usually more conservative as "crazy" etc. I could not be more conservative yet I have never called liberal thoughts "crazy." I try to keep my criticisms to something they might learn from. Just my two cents. I wish blogs could be more like graduate seminars (not law school) where the debates are very intense but respectful. But as that does not seem to be possible, I respect your position. Thank you.
@ 4:06 – With respect, you have no idea the amount and/or type of crazy I've have to sift through and moderate, at all hours of every single day/night for the past 10+ years. Political speech is annoying, but I'm not even referring to that when I say crazy.
That's not true Law Dawg. I've posted many times defending Trump or Republicans in replies to comments that are extremely distasteful and guess whose comment you deleted. Mine only.
@ 7:34 I'm not going to keep debating this topic, so here's what I'll conclude with. I didn't say we didn't start culling political comments from this blawg. We did. We had to, because it became inundated with pointless, nasty, political back and forth. So yes, I probably did remove your many comments about Trump and/or Republicans, and I'll do my best to do it again. I'll also do my best to remove comments about Biden and Democrats. This is a Las Vegas Law Blawg. Take the political discussion to facebook, twitter, your own blog, or literally anywhere else but here. I think the vast majority of the readers are sick of it, and most importantly, I'm sick of it. So, in conclusion, we are doing our level best to keep this blawg civil and on topic. If you don't like it, tough. Please see yourself out.
Well said, law.dawg. Thank you for all you do.
Law Cat is so much nicer than Law Dawg.
Law Cat sits on your laptop keyboard, shreds your pocket parts, and knocks over your "#1 Lawyer" Mug. Law Dawg curates a website for a bunch of ungrateful urban hillbillies who have difficulty being polite.
I prefer the dawg.
Thanks Law Dawg. If nothing else the endless political "debate" was boring and a chore to get through in the comments. It wasn't like Lincoln-Douglas quality points were being exchanged. The moderating has really helped.
I am highly allergic to Law Cats
Lets be honest. We all are looking for more dawgs.
Judge Jennifer Togliatti over Judge Nancy Allf+
Some judges are smart. Some are courteous. A few are both. Many are neither.
Sturman, both. Allf, . . .
Judge Sturman is courteous but sometimes gets impatient. But with all the bullshit, who can blame her? She has become one of my favorite judges.
Allf won a bar award? That is like winning a shoe horn.. Richard Scotti is running for Nevada Secretary of State? Check out his facebook, funny as fuck
Out of deference to law.dawg, as well as the belief that we can have a vigorous and open exchange of ideas without direct character attacks, I have always avoided making direct negative remarks of a serious nature against specific individuals.
With that all understood, I have a somewhat difficult and challenging time finding anything I seriously disagree with concerning 5:48's colorful and unflinchingly candid observations about the G.O.P. choices for SOS.
Well that sure taught Smollett a lesson. Out on appeal.
I'm not a fan of what he did, but I agree with the decision here. Dude is on a 75 day sentence, which he's appealed. The appellate court doesn't have the ability to hear his appeal within the timeframe of his sentence. So, keep his out while they hear it. If it gets upheld, off to the klink and serve your 75 days. If the sentence gets overturned and he's already served it out? What then? Do all short-timers get hosed because the appellate court system is hopelessly slow? Just let them wait out their appeal time outside of incarceration.
OP back – Yes I guess that makes sense – it still feels weird because he has the money to appeal while others don't (obviously I don't do criminal law)