- Quickdraw McLaw
- Congrats to the 64% of the summer bar exam takers who passed. [nvbar]
- Former North Las Vegas City Attorney Sandra Douglass Morgan is leaving her role at the Nevada Gaming Commission to join the board of Fidelity National Financial. [TNI]
- A new online tool helps people facing eviction in Las Vegas Justice Court avoid a trip to court. [TNI]
- Don’t forget to change your clocks back this weekend. [Fox5Vegas]
- With Salt Lake City losing its daily newspapers, could Las Vegas be far behind? [New to Las Vegas]
- COVID continues to affect life in Las Vegas, the latest dominoes to fall? No fireworks on New Years, SHOT show cancels, and MGM is considering shutting some properties midweek.
- Tomorrow is Nevada Day, Halloween, and a full moon! What are you doing to celebrate this year?
SHOT show cancellation is a real bummer.
Congratulations to the Nevada Supreme Court for the fucked up bar exam experience I had. Awful, and you are all putrid.
10:25 You will go far in your new career and I'm not kidding – understanding the the NSC and NSB are a cesspool is the correct perspective to function – I am absolutely serious – welcome to our life
Don't forget United States District Court and Nevada Court of Appeals. The lowest rung of the ladder to say the least.
yes, both are bad. i cannot believe what this one judge is doing in a case my partner is handling. The judge is crea crea.
Hey, I have a federal judge who is retaining a case now that she does not have jurisdiction. Who appoints these people?
We have some not very nice people in our profession. I am talking gas station attack in Grants, NM bad lawyers and judges in this town. Jerp the faith. Stay strong. I pray for people who in this profession who have wronged me. Everything will work out. Stay healthy!
@ 10:25, welcome to this soul sucking profession.
Yall are miserable. I have been in practice for well over 10 years. I love heading into work (no sarcasm), love that I get to sit in the air conditioning with my worst physical injury being a papercut. Early on I made the decision to "work to live", not "live to work." Yah, I'm not partner-level making 400k, but I have a great family and social life (even now).
But wait you say, "don't you want that new Porsche 911"? Nah, I would rather drive the minivan. Good luck coping with your burn out through substance abuse after you realize you've wasted the best years of your life trying to make a billable requirement that is only attainable through fraud.
Figure out early on what's important to you. Anyways, have a nice Friday!
Fuck off.
Don't hate this guy's never experienced 0-60 in under 8 seconds so he doesn't know what he's missing.
1:19 Here. The difference is my 0-60 takes years…years filled with fun memories and family. In the few seconds before you reach the light, do you really want those flicker of images to be a series of .2 entries and a BMW?
Drop the chains. Tell the partner to screw off, you got a life to live.
How is the Pass rate nearly the same this year then it was last year (64% to 61%)? Wasn't the Exam open book? Smells like BS with a hint of Cuban cigars in the air.
They control what the pass rate is by setting the cut score. That's why it being open book or any other changes weren't a huge deal, it you set the cut score at the same level, it will be just as difficult in that you still have to beat the same number of other people to pass.
How much insurance defense experience did Naqvi have until he switched over?
Less than a year.
About as much as he has in actual court experience.