- Quickdraw McLaw
- More money for specialty courts. [nvcourts.gov; RJ]
- A disciplinary panel is deciding what it will recommend to the Supreme Court of Nevada on the fate of Brian Bloomfield. (The comments offer some interesting insight into how some of the public feels about the situation.) [RJ]
- In light of the mention of suicide and depression in that last article, we’ll take this time to remind you that there are other options. This is a tough profession. There will be hard times. When there are, don’t give into despair. Please reach out to those around you for help. Things can get better.
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Mitch Cobeaga, LCL Coordinator
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I am conflicted on Mr. Bloomfield. I have never met him, but I know people who have worked for/with him. They universally say nice things about him. That said, the integrity of and public trust in the profession all but requires he be permanently disbarred. Even if he were never to commit any violation again in the future, what he did is truly beyond the pale. Attorneys are bound to a higher set of standards, and, because of this, a second chance is not always possible.
This is the fundamental tension at the heart of bar discipline. Everyone wants the SBN to throw the book at those who violate ethical rules, steal from their clients, etc. I've heard it a thousand times. They say that SBN discipline is weak, toothless, etc. Yet, when the attorney in the dock is your friend, everyone wants mercy for that person and a "second chance".
For me, the act is the act. You did the deeds, you suffer the consequences. I, for one, wouldn't want a friend to get a slap on the wrist just because I happen to think he's a swell guy. The integrity of the profession is the critical issue.
Until it's you in front of the bar asking for mercy.
I'm just as torn as everyone else seems to be. I feel bad for the guy and I believe in second chances. At the same point, his offenses are the exact type of offenses that necessitate us having a disciplinary body. He undermined the system that we all work in and make our living in. I'm trying to think about what kind of criminal conduct shouldn't warrant disbarment. It's a slippery slope.
Maybe his second chance should come in a different profession?
Who is the So. Nevada Disciplinary board? This seems like it is cloaked in secrecy.
Yes, I feel sorry for scam artists, especially lawyers who took an oath and made money on their perpetual scam, which, unfortunately, is a high percentage of the bar.
I meant to say who is on So. Nevada disciplinary board?
Schumaker and Marek Bute.
Ketam Bhirud, I butchered that dude's name. He is a lovely over at Dickinson Wright.
Carol Zuker
F. Thomas Edwards
Jen Serafina, is Dobberstein still on discip panel?
Disciplinary panel is really cracking skulls.
Are the names listed above the people deciding Bloomfield's fate, or are posters merely shouting out random names of attorneys who are on the board? In any event, you can look at any penal decision pending before the Nevada Supreme Court and one of the documents will be a list of every single member of the disciplinary panel.
*panel, not penal, though penal might work there too.
What poor soul is tasked with keeping Bloomfield out of CCDC?
The one the only the hippie lawyer, Big B Terry
Bill Terry is a good attorney.
One of the absolute best
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anyone hear a status on Gordon Silver?
I can't seem to download it and read?
Heard one of the ex-partners (maybe still on the hook) tell someone that a bankruptcy filing is imminent
Did Silver take his hair dresser with him?
You need to pass a credit check to get hired at Dickinson.
Good thing Gordon Silver had such a strong bankruptcy department.
Is Silver bk hottie?
Help me, please. I am looking for Silver's assets.
In light of the Gordon Silver implosion, what's the status of the lobbying firm they created with former U.S. Congressman from Nevada, Jon Porter? The lobbying firm – Porter Gordon Silver – still has an active website. Seems strange that it would continue. Anyone know?
How is it that broke, corrupt losers end up lobbyist?
I am conflicted as well. I do not know Mr. Bloomfield personally, and our paths have never crossed (I am a civil attorney). For the most part I am a believer in second chances. I can understand how and why some people get involved in actions that they later regret, for reasons other than getting caught. That said, his conduct is a blatant violation of ethics, and not one of those situations where you eventually find yourself caught up in and only later wonder to yourself, what am I doing? He had to know exactly what he was doing at the time he was doing it. It does make me wonder whether this conduct is widespread….looking like a hero to your client for getting his/her case resolved without the client having to do anything, like credit counseling or community service. When I look at it from that perspective, I lean toward disbarment because it undermines the entire criminal and bankruptcy responsibilities. Then again, on the other hand, I think, he's just trying to be a helpful attorney…but that sounds awful to say. Tough decision.
A helpful attorney would be encouraging and directing the client to services and resources to turn their life around, not entering a conspiracy to defraud the criminal justice system and allow the client to avoid the consequences of their prior bad acts.
Brian is a great person and very effective attorney in his specialty. He screwed up bad and acknowledges that. Permanent disbarment seems harsh. Ban him for three years then let him apply for bar membership again.
I think that permanent disbarment is quite a heavy penalty. I would say that he should be disbarred for five years, be required to complete ethical training classes once per year, do restitution (if any), and then have to retake the bar and MPRE if he petitions for reinstatement.
I know Brian quite well, I would consider him a friend. What he did however raises serious questions about what we do and I have a hard time saying he should keep his license. However, I do not believe in permanent disbarment, three years, five years, whatever, he should get a chance to earn his license back. What is more interesting to me is that his good friend Louis Schneider had no problem testifying against him. Why is it whenever there is an attorney in trouble, that POS is sniffing around?
That's terrible. Guess Louis isn't a dude who you can trust help you move a body. LOL
Who is Louis Schneider?
Is he a big dude with glasses and ponytail?
I just snorted out my cheerio in laughter!
Eating cheerios at 3:47 in the afternoon…yep, the life of an attorney!
4:21 you smell good!
Lou is a good dude in person. Watch your back though.