- Quickdraw McLaw
It’s our turn. The deadliest mass shooting in history took place in Las Vegas last night. You can get more details at almost any news site. We hope you and your families are all okay.
A Las Vegas Victims’ Fund has already been set up if you’re inclined to donate. People are lined up to give blood. Let us know if you are aware of any other ways to help today.
Anyone know what website to go to in order to see where we can donate blood? I was at the area of shooting and left an hour before it all went down. Very surreal right now
From Metro's website-
Anyone wishing to help is asked to donate blood for the injured victims of the Strip shooting. United Blood Services will start taking donations at 7 a.m. at two locations: 6930 W. Charleston in Las Vegas or 601 Whitney Ranch Drive in Henderson.
UMC will also be hosting a blood drive in conjunction with United Blood Services. It will be held at UMC’s Delta Point Building located at 901 N. Rancho Lane. There will be updates as to the exact time of the blood drive as more information is available.
If you have a spare room, you could help friends and family of victims by providing shelter.
The UMC blood drive will begin at 9:00 a.m. at 901 Rancho Ln.
Can we have one day free of the negativity? Please.
Double Kickstands to the Shooter's face!
If you're going to donate blood, the current recommendation is to make an appointment. Lots of donors, not nearly enough staff to handle the donations.
They are not taking blood donation appointments until Thursday according to my return call to United Blood Services in Henderson. I am going today anyways and waiting until I give them blood. it is the right thing to do.
I am not working today. This is so sad for Las Vegas. Praying for the city and the victims.
I'm sitting at my desk trying to get stuff done but I can't focus. My clients have all cancelled on me today and I'm thinking I should just take a day off and spend time with my family.
Torn about this. I can't focus, but have deadlines. Feel like we need to stop and mourn, but also life goes on.
Feels like 9/11. Except this is local and like I need to be down there doing something.
Day of mourning for me. This is where I met my husband and started my family.
Las Vegas has been my adopted hometown for the past 12 years now (since I started law school). I've always had a feeling that something like this would happen here because this is a town that attracts big things, whether good or bad. My hope is that this tragedy can eventually be turned into something positive that the community can come together over.
I've met too many people here who don't recognize Las Vegas as their hometown. They have no sense of pride in this city. They come and go and never do anything to make it better. Ever since I decided to make this place my permanent home, I've been involved in charities and organizations looking to make Las Vegas better.
Also, with the Golden Knights and the Raiders coming to town I hope people here will develop more of a sense of community, with more pride in Las Vegas. I love Las Vegas and I'm proud to live here.
2:02 PM. I feel the same way. I fuckin love this town.
+1. Born here and spent most of my life here and never want to live anywhere else again.
I am seeing requests for trauma counselors. Is there anything attorneys can do to help?
Hopefully it will be a small number of cases, but I am sure some of the victims (or family) will need help with legal problems (e.g. insurance claims issues, compromising medical bills, Guardianship of children, probate, etc.) Perhaps Legal Aid of S. Nv. or Nv. Legal Project or one of our other fine non-profit agencies can coordinate pairing clients with attorneys willing to assist on a pro bono basis.
First the news media was consistently stating only 2 people had died. But then the social media videos started popping up. And just listening to the constant stream of shots panning over the crowd… my gut just dropped, because you don't have to own a gun to know that the numbers were going to be horrifically high. It's going to be hard to sleep for a while. My heart is broken for all the families/friends who lost loved ones, or who will be losing loved ones in the coming days.
In an effort to distract from the tragedy, can we gossip about Alverson Taylor? Just received a mailer that their new office is in Centennial Hills by the Hospital. Any news/gossip on the old building?
We don't care about discussing Alverson Taylor's issues, and certainly care even less about them when everyone is absorbed with the tragedy. They were not even that interesting to talk about on a slow news day. They are just a law firm, and law firms split up or lose key players, change locations, experience tension and financial issues, etc. And that means the problems they had or have are not that unusual.
If we decide to turn to "gossip' as a diversion from this tragedy(which is something I can't forsee in the immediate future)I, for one, am not interested in publicly smearing or shaming a firm whose only sin appears to be that they eventually faced some of the challenges most long-term successful firms face at one time or another–internal disputes, financial challenges, shifting client base, key people leaving, being too top-heavy in highly paid partners without enough foot soldiers, ego clashes, and all the other bumps in the road most firms experience intermittently over the decades.
In other words, let's leave them alone. First, it's a boring topic. Second, let's leave the firm alone to claw through their challenges and issues without publicly commentary of things we know little or nothing about. Only the firm itself truly understands the dynamics in operation here.
I appreciate 10:28's attempt to lighten the mood and change topics..but that would be tough to do today..less than 12 hours since the shooting. Maybe later this week. I am happy to see that there is something all of us can agree upon and collectively feel.
I am 100% for discussing the ATM&S issues and move. Clearly topical. Clearly within the bounds of what this Blog's stated purpose is. But not today. Just not today (and probably not tomorrow).
I agree with 11:18 and 11:21 that it is not appropriate to discuss the topic today. But I also agree with 11:00 that when enough time passes, and it is eventually appropriate to discuss it, that the continued blog fixation on ATM&S is not all that interesting. As 11:00 points out, a large percentage of successful firms, over the course of decades, will have issues revolving around finances, client base, internal struggles, etc. It does not necessarily make for fascinating Shakespearian drama
Fuck Alverson Taylor. Nice of them to advertise on this day of tragedy.
I agree 100% with 1:44 in the event that Alverson Taylor is truly responsible for any of these postings.
But I would suggest they may not be as the postings paint them in a less than flattering light.
Or perhaps due to my synapses not operating well due to the tragedy, I cannot recognize obvious stabs at sarcasm.
I received a fax for them about celebrating their move. Touching.
Yeah, fuck ATMS. Fuck the shooter. I have to get yelled at by Bonnie this week for no reason
Why do you get surprised and upset when the universe operates exactly like it always does? Whenever Bonnie yells it is for little or no reason, so why take it personally, or why even make a point of mentioning it? Instead, it is very worthy of mention if she actually yells for a very sound, very justified reason.
Dog bites man is not news, but man bites dog is certainly news. So, if anyone has a case wherein her yelling was justified, that is the refreshing change of pace we need to hear about.
2:33 — As one who all too often has had to sit and listen to some pretty dicey arguments before my own matter is called, I can say that whenever Bonnie "yells" it is because someone is either not doing his job or is clueless. So get a grip you big baby and do your job with some class. That way the rest of us won't have to kill time waiting around and listening to any judicial officer having to explain the law to an ill-prepared litigant.
@11:31 – Although that's not always the case with Bonnie. Occasionally she likes to call in lawyers just to yell at them. Several years ago we sent down a JCCR that had one expert disclosure deadline accidentally set on a holiday. Instead of rejecting it with a simple note to change the date (Lord knows her office is able to reject documents over the smallest issue), she set a hearing to have the attorneys show up and explain why they shouldn't be sanctioned for setting a deadline on a holiday. I was in complete shock at the waste of time and judicial resources. I lost all respect for her over that one.
To:11:31. It's 2:33 here. Because I believe some court official may have a tendency to overact and raise her voice when not necessary, that makes me a lazy, useless unprepared lawyer, and a big baby with no class?
Nut sure I follow your logic, but whatever.
To 2:33 from 11:31 — I didn't automatically assume you were talking about yourself, but whatever. Just tired of hearing lawyers complaining that judges "yelling" at them for "no reason". There's always a reason, and it is the rare case indeed when it's because the judge is just getting his or her jollies. We all are bound to zealously represent our clients, but you still have to make an argument that passes the laugh test. And you should know that, and not blame a judge who's got more than just your case to deal with on any given motion day.
"In Paul Browning’s case, a mixture of disturbing prosecutorial misconduct and woefully inadequate assistance of counsel produced just that. Because the Supreme Court of Nevada unreasonably applied clearly established Supreme Court precedent in denying some of Browning’s claims, we reverse the district court’s denial of habeas relief and remand for further proceedings." http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2017/09/20/15-99002.pdf
And now Tom Petty is dead
Apparently, Tom Petty not yet dead, but no brain activity and just pulled off life support, so by the time I post this he may very well be dead.
A great loss in the pantheons of rock 'n roll. IMO an even bigger such loss was Chuck Berry earlier this year,as he was one of the major pioneers of rock.
But Petty's passing is far more unfortunate in the sense that he is only 66 while Chuck berry was 90.
Suffice it to say, rock lost a couple great ones this year, and several over the last few years(e.g. David Bowie, a member of the Eagles(I have a brain freeze as to which one it was, Glen Frey or Don Hendley, but I think it was Frey), etc.
Petty died earlier today.
And then they announced that he was not yet dead but his prospects are grim. I don't know one way or the other.
Any information on Paddock's arbitration case? Motive for shooting?
What arbitration case?
Case No. A-12-668412-C
That's not an arbitration case, it's an exempted slip and fall case. That's 3 years old. And happened at the Cosmo. May not even be the same dude. Seems like a reach to me.
Williams has reviewed hundreds of cases involving Jared Shafer, who is considered the godfather of guardians in Nevada. In the records room of the courthouse, she was afraid to say Shafer’s name out loud. In the course of his thirty-five-year career, Shafer has assumed control of more than three thousand wards and estates and trained a generation of guardians. In 1979, he became the county’s public administrator, handling the estates of people who had no relatives in Nevada, as well as the public guardian, serving wards when no family members or private guardians were available. In 2003, he left government and founded his own private guardianship and fiduciary business; he transferred the number of his government-issued phone to himself.
That article is terrifying.
It's also not entirely accurate. I thought they had fact checkers over there.
Look into who Schafer had professional relationships. Interesting.
I was at a bench-bar meeting today when an attorney announced that s/he was wearing a certain color in support of her position on gun control in response to the shooting last night. Everyone just ignored her tactless statement and didn't engage her. It made me very proud to be a member of the bar.
Tactless? Do you have a better idea than gun control at this point? Because we have done it the other way and it isn't working. At a minimum, we all agree that taking weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of lunatics is okay, correct? Lets start there. How can you help proactively solve this epidemic as opposed to insulting, criticizing and working to defeat reasonable measures that are intended to save the lives of 59 people (and counting) who were violently and helplessly murdered last night by a machine gunist? Yeah, yeah, the shooter would just go on the street and get those guns anyhow, right? And he'd figure out how to make his now illegal gun – fully-automatic. Because you have a crystal ball. But what if the street didn't supply these weapons, or they were too expensive for him to arm his room, or what if he just lost interest because it was too difficult to get what he needed? It might work, and if it doesn't, at least we tried. That's better than we have been doing, and its all we can hope for at this point. Jonesboro, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Pulse, Route 91…when is enough enough for the defenseless public and when will the anti-gun control faction take a seat at the table? Our own Attorney General refused to enforce the will of our public by refusing to enforce the strengthening of background checks, and he goes unscathed? Nonsense. He should be voted out of office, and someone new with a pulse for change should replace him. What we have been doing for the last three decades is not new, and it is not working – and that is not arguable. So what's your solution 4:21? We can't continue to sit idly by in supposedly safe places such as movie theaters, schools, churches, concerts, malls, without trying something new. I'm listening to any and all suggestions.
I agree with 6:20 PM statements. Certainly, there is no guarantee that implementing stricter gun laws will prevent atrocities like the one we are experiencing, but as a society we cannot bury our heads and do nothing. I believe that gun laws can be created in such as a way that individuals can legally possess certain guns for self protection and/or hunting purposes. What that monster was using Sunday night was for neither. I cannot think of any circumstance why someone would want, let alone need, an assault rifle.
Assault rifles are good for 2 things. Shits and giggles or killing people.
NRA here: Stop going to "movie theaters, schools, churches, concerts, malls." Invest in guns instead! And don't forget gun stocks!