- law dawg
Here are the unofficial primary election results from the primary. Any surprises in the judicial races?
Here are the unofficial primary election results from the primary. Any surprises in the judicial races?
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With early voting here, we thought we would dedicate one last post to the 2024 Judic ..
So Wolfson wins outright and Siscento goes to the general, but at least that carpet-bagger is out, if I am reading this right. Also, anyone who is thinking of adding some stupid nickname in quotes to their name as it appears on the ballot should take note of how those candidates fared. Final thought: The turnout was horrible. I realize that there were not that many hugely competitive contests from the standpoint of the general public, but if you don’t vote, then don’t complain.
Wolfson was not the best choice. My brief experiences with her were that she was arrogant and entitled. I have heard her described by a sitting judge as a bit of a drama queen. She has been a City attorney, criminal, for what 7 years? and satisfies the knowledge requirement. However, unless she has matured, I think Municipal Court practioners will not be happy with her demeanor on the bench.
Money and influence won the election. A better candidate did not.
I think I probably did as many others: The “Ava Bravo” person was an automatic no, I hadn’t really heard of the other one, and Wolfson seemed capable enough, her nepo-baby status notwithstanding, so that is who I went with. We shall see.
I know Rebecca personally and professionally. I can tell you first hand she worked her ass off during this election. She is a relentless fundraiser and did everything she needed to do to win. I sat as a LV Muni Alternate for 6 years. I’ve tried civil cases with Rebecca. She will be a solid Muni Court Judge and she earned that seat.
I don’t think fundraising and winning an election have anything to do with having remotely enough experience.
Absolutely! She worked really hard having her parents’ political machine raise money=she earned the seat. I know you practice with her Jeff and I would stick up for my co-workers also; however that argument that she earned the seat by having a political machine get her a seat is silly.
People earn seats by getting elected. People get elected by running an effective campaign. If she got appointed, you might have a point. But she didn’t, so you don’t. BTW: She’s no longer my co-worker, but I did see the effort she personally put into the campaign and it was substantial.
She practiced in that court for 5 years. It handles exclusively misdemeanor offenses. How much experience do you think one needs?
experience aside, i too have known her for a long time and also came away with the impression that she is arrogant and entitled. some people may not want her on the bench due to her personality/attitude, regardless of “experience.” i personally don’t care if she is municipal judge or not, my worry is that she will use that to springboard into 8th judicial, an arena she clearly does not belong in no matter how many years of muni court she gets. just my 2 cents.
“Lack of experience” is a valid criticism of one’s competency to be a judge. “I don’t like that she grew up wealthy and connected” isn’t.
I hope she does well. However, the criticism @9:30 and others goes to judicial maturity and demeaner based on observed performance as a lawyer.
Get over it. This is so dumb to argue about. Well connected people have advantages in life. This is a tale as old as time. It was this way long before any of us drew our first breath, and will continue to be so long after we’ve all returned to dust. All of the energy spent discussing this is wasted.
So we are we talking all the time about white privilege?
Jeff, this is 9:30am. If you re-read my post, i make no mention of “wealthy and connected” i only say i agree that she comes off “arrogant and entitled” which you can surely agree that others who did not grow up wealthy and connected could likewise similar attributes. the last line of my post directly addresses “lack of experience” issue, wherein i say she does not belong in the 8th judicial should she venture that far down the road.
You tried civil cases as a LV Muni Alternate? In what fkg universe?
Agreed. and that better candidate was not a certain former “Court Admin”
Not judicial, but I had no idea that Elizabeth Helgelien (fka Halseth) was running for office. Her life has been a series of unspeakable tragedies, truly heartbreaking stuff. I don’t know her, but she seems like one of those people with a thirst for the validation of winning an election, any election.
Endorsed by Matt Gaetz
Also not judicial,,, I thought Cedric Crear would do a little bit better in the Mayor election. I expected a three horse race so i’m not surprised by the other 10 candidates or so getting sub 1% but i thought he would be closer.
So what is happening with dep 14? Did the Gov. give it to the sole applicant?
Foregone conclusion
Speaking of political machine: Amen to Letizia going down hard on Ava Bravo. Finally a woman who alphabetically put herself first with an expensive political consultant takes a loss.