
  • Law

  • Lots of discussion about whether municipal courts should be able to threaten or actually arrest people to collect fines. [RJ]
  • SB 469 would give the Supreme Court of Nevada nearly $600,000 to cover a budget shortfall. [KNPR]
  • U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Gordon ruled the FBI violated the Fourth Amendment by turning off internet service and pretending to be repairmen to get access to a hotel room. [Las Vegas Sun]
  • Attorney and former military prosecutor Craig Drummond is now on the other side trying to get an Air Force Staff Sergeant a neutral and detached review of his current confinement. [RJ]
  • After having been suspended by the Nevada Supreme Court and wanting to get his life back on track, attorney Alex Ghibaudo talks about where he went wrong. [RJ]
  • Public Service Announcement:

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Program

Confidential help from a fellow lawyer is a phone call away
Toll Free: 866-828-0022
Mitch Cobeaga, LCL Coordinator
If you, or any lawyer in Nevada, are in need of confidential assistance with an alcohol, drug, depression, stress or gambling problem, help is readily available through the LCL Hotline.When calling, leave your first name and telephone number. A fellow lawyer, who has also had problems, will call you back. You’ll be listened to with an understanding heart rather than scorn, judgment and condemnation. You can talk frankly. The person returning your call is solving problems just like yours, and is living happily and usefully doing so.
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April 20, 2015 3:50 pm

$600k here, $600k there; pretty soon you're talking about some real money.

April 20, 2015 5:13 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The budget will naturally rebalance after Douglas and Saitta start to draw on the PERS trough upon the expiration of their terms. That will be no loss. His standard introduction at seminars is still, "the first African- America….." Black privildege never abates. Is that all that is remarkable about him? He can work on his Porshe collection full time in retirement. Lets hope Nancy does not return as a senior judge……..she was a disaster as a trial judge. It has been great having her someplace she can do no harm…except get in the way of the workhorses at the Court. 5 is better than 7, when 2 are doing all the work.

April 21, 2015 1:23 am
Reply to  Anonymous


"Porshe collection?"

Better trolls, please.

April 21, 2015 3:22 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I guess whether 5 is better than 7 depends on whether they plan to keep using 3 judge panels. No point in 7 if they don't.

April 20, 2015 5:59 pm

It is a shame that the current Nevada Board of Governors have not instituted any assistance to lawyers programs which aid lawyers with dealing with job loss, lack of jobs, transitioning into other fields if they hate the law firm grind, and the ridiculous glut of lawyers due to Boyd mill, bar exam twice per year, and evolving technology. The BOG take multiple trips on our dime to exotic locations for training conferences. Their executive makes over 150k per year. Yet they will take what amounts to food for a struggling lawyer's family in bar dues, and give nothing back of value or meaningful assistance to its members. Painting a Civility Mural in Newport Beach doesn't count. I challenge the new BOG to meaningfully address the above noted contributors to depression, substance abuse and suicide BEFORE things get so out of hand its hopeless. If you cannot help members in a more meaningful way, please step down and make room for someone who can make a difference. Thank you.

April 20, 2015 6:07 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

You still have until Friday to get your application in to be elected to the board.

Jordan Ross, Principal, Ross Legal Search
Jordan Ross, Principal, Ross Legal Search
April 20, 2015 11:10 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

April 20, 2015 at 10:59 AM – I applaud what I will cynically call you positive perception of the State Bar, but really? They won't even fix the nerdtastic disaster of a website they built a few years ago and that they still refuse to admit was worse than worthless – and that's not really a very important task for the SB. The Bar Counsel's office in my opinion does a good job, within the constraints of state law, which could let him do more, but the rest of the SB? I'm just glad it's your money not mine.

April 21, 2015 5:54 am
Reply to  Anonymous

"Nothing is as powerful than an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

April 20, 2015 10:21 pm

blog is dead?

April 20, 2015 10:31 pm

Blog is healthy as it's non hater posters. Rosy cheeks!