Governor Sisolak appointed retired Judge Jennifer Togliatti as the first woman to chair the Nevada Gaming Commission. He also appointed state senator/McDonald Carano Director of Client Relations Ben Kieckhefer to the commission. [Nevada Current]
Retired Judge Philip Pro served as an administrative law judge and revoked some contractors’ licenses. [Nevada Business; KTNV]
Any help appreciated: In a civil case, I have to do an opposition and the rules say I have "(e) Within 14 days after the service of the motion … the opposing party must serve and file written notice of nonopposition or opposition thereto" but my problem is the hearing is within that period (never happened before) so is there a rule that says I have to file X days before a hearing? I looked and could never find one. Thanks in advance!!
Was it an OST or did OC file it and hold it until you were within the 14 day window?
I'd suggest you get an OPPC on file ASAP, but notified the court of the fact that counsel did not serve you with enough time to respond. If there's an OST the 14 days doesn't apply.
SLAPP's have to be determined within 20 judicial days of the service of the motion to dismiss. NRS 41.660(3)(f). California says your opposition must be filed and served 9 days before the court hearing.
There is no requirement that the Opp be filed within a set number of days before the hearing. Also, note that Opposition deadlines are based on when the motion is filed and served, not when you received it, but I assume those were both the same date.
Shit. Pulled article to browse and I ended up reading the whole thing. Bankruptcy attorneys have all the fun! After Hertz, can anyone question who the Masters of the Universe are?
October 11, 2021 9:33 pm
Thank you!
October 11, 2021 10:53 pm
Look, no comments about Indigenous Peoples' Day. Do people really believe that designating a day for this or that will make any real change in the lives of those who it is supposed to honor or benefit?
Will it cause "real change"? Who knows. Certainly the Italian-American groups who are trying to maintain it as Columbus Day see some benefit to it.
I think the friction caused by the IPD/Columbus Day dispute has caused a lot of people to learn more about Columbus, his abhorrent crimes (recognized as crimes even back then!) and the fact that he was not even the first European to reach the New World. Whether that more comprehensive understanding leads to "real change" I don't know, but I don't think it's a bad thing.
October 11, 2021 11:46 pm
Look at EDCR 2.20 for rules regarding days filing motions. However, as what someone else posed there are no time rules when a motion is filed with OST.
Any help appreciated: In a civil case, I have to do an opposition and the rules say I have "(e) Within 14 days after the service of the motion … the opposing party must serve and file written notice of nonopposition or opposition thereto" but my problem is the hearing is within that period (never happened before) so is there a rule that says I have to file X days before a hearing? I looked and could never find one. Thanks in advance!!
Was it an OST or did OC file it and hold it until you were within the 14 day window?
I'd suggest you get an OPPC on file ASAP, but notified the court of the fact that counsel did not serve you with enough time to respond. If there's an OST the 14 days doesn't apply.
She (lawyer) served me an anti-SLAPP motion and hearing was set within 14 days from when I got it. Thank you
SLAPP's have to be determined within 20 judicial days of the service of the motion to dismiss. NRS 41.660(3)(f). California says your opposition must be filed and served 9 days before the court hearing.
Thanks – But does anyone know what Nevada law says? Or can direct me where to look? Thank you (OP)
There is no requirement that the Opp be filed within a set number of days before the hearing. Also, note that Opposition deadlines are based on when the motion is filed and served, not when you received it, but I assume those were both the same date.
You're assuming the filer selected "file and serve" but that's not always the case.
Here is a bankruptcy question, are claims of discrimination against a company still under bankruptcy protection dischargeable?
Shit. Pulled article to browse and I ended up reading the whole thing. Bankruptcy attorneys have all the fun! After Hertz, can anyone question who the Masters of the Universe are?
Thank you!
Look, no comments about Indigenous Peoples' Day. Do people really believe that designating a day for this or that will make any real change in the lives of those who it is supposed to honor or benefit?
Will it cause "real change"? Who knows. Certainly the Italian-American groups who are trying to maintain it as Columbus Day see some benefit to it.
I think the friction caused by the IPD/Columbus Day dispute has caused a lot of people to learn more about Columbus, his abhorrent crimes (recognized as crimes even back then!) and the fact that he was not even the first European to reach the New World. Whether that more comprehensive understanding leads to "real change" I don't know, but I don't think it's a bad thing.
Look at EDCR 2.20 for rules regarding days filing motions. However, as what someone else posed there are no time rules when a motion is filed with OST.