My favorite part of the OJ Simpson article on KTNV is when the reporter says the estate filed a ‘criminal complaint’.
“Earlier this month, attorneys with O.J.’s estate filed a criminal complaint on the grounds that Justin Simpson, a licensed Realtor in Nevada, used his company — Primary Holdings LLC — to orchestrate the sale of his father’s home in Las Vegas for the sole purpose of avoiding his father’s creditors.”
Would the transfer of the property destroy the homestead exemption and then it becomes in play as an asset by a judgment creditor (a la Goldmans’)? The OJ civil case was a lesson on asset protection.
Can’t be a homestead if it’s owned by an LLC. The LLC can’t live in the house. However, if the LLC is owned by the son then it’s not an asset of OJ’s. Their issue is they believe the down payment came from OJ and he was paying the mortgage. Presuming they can prove it, they’d have a good fraudulent transfer claim for the down payment and for each monthly mortgage payment.
UIM/UM getting too expensive and hard to get. I had to cut it down. So few carriers write it. Liability umbrellas not that bad but UIM/UM is terribly expensive.
I carry 250/500, both liability and UM/UIM, plus a personal liability umbrella (surprisingly cheap but does not include UM/UIM). I can see carrying 100/300 if you are just starting out and don’t have that much to lose. That’s all I carried for many years, but I don’t have time to risk getting wiped out and then having to start over.
9:29 AM here. I couldn’t remember what I had. Just checked. It was 50/100. I just upped to 300/500, the max GEICO offers and it only cost an additional $350 every six months. Totally worth it. I’m not rich, but I’m not exactly judgment proof either.
Nevada requires disclosure of policy limits at the outset of the case. The given reason is fair, but the actual impact is that PI attorneys will use that as a guide to tailor treatment to max the value of the soft tissue case.
And yet you represent them to drive up rates on insured drivers. That’s the bill Uber should pass. If you want to bring a civil suit for damages arising from an accident, you need to be licensed and insured at the time of the accident.
re: PI client no insurance or license
There should be a statutory bar to claims if uninsured or without license. Both are required by law to operate a vehicle. Sort of like what we have now baring the claim of an unlicensed contractor.
That’s the law in California. If you don’t have insurance and you’re in an accident that’s caused by an insured driver, you can’t go after the other driver’s insurance.
I tried to re-shop my insurance based on this discussion yesterday. Nothing. Literally no other options for me. Liberty Mutual and Progressive wouldn’t even give me a quote. No record, it appears like they just aren’t writing here anymore. Geico is the only choice I have that offers what I have now, which is solid coverage and a solid UIM policy. And it costs me $400 a month for two cars and two drivers.
What kind of cars do you drive? I am the person that just upped to 300/500 with Geico and it’s only costing me $250 a month total. I also have perfect credit and drive paid for used cars (always have), maybe that’s the difference.
I got a great deal with AAA, and so did my colleague who has two vehicles and two drivers. I shit you not, he saved like $2000 switching over. Patrick Thomas at the Lake Mead location is awesome and very helpful
I typically run two cycles (initial and one renewal) every two years I switch companies because rates are so much more competitive when you switch.
I just switched (back) to GEICO after a 2 year run with progressive, saved $250/month (I have a 21 year old driver). Before that, 3 years at Allstate and 3 years with AAA before that.
5 years ago with two drivers with clean record and three vehicles worth a combined $50k coverage was $1600 a year. Added a teenage driver and went to $5k. a second teen driver and went to $8k. 4 vehicles with combined value of 70-80k and 4 drivers is six times what it was five years ago, and is scheduled to go to 10x next month!.
Not a ton as far as salary. Less than a lot of insurance defense firms. But no billable hours, better lifestyle, etc. Where they make their money is origination fees – they usually get 25% or 1/3 of any fees generated by a case they bring to the firm. But that leads to those attorneys hooking up with sketchy cappers to get referrals. Then they start making bank and realize they can just put out a shingle and do it on their own since the cappers can get them cases no matter where they work. Hence, a bunch of young PI attorneys nobody has heard of (because they don’t advertise) bragging about their amazing new cars/clothes/whatever on the ‘gram.
Seems like there has been a big “shakeout” in the personal injury business since the pandemic. I know firms who have been here for decades doing plaintiff’s work that have literally been wiped out by the advertisers. It has been rumored that advertising is just a ruse to cover for capping or using/paying cappers to get them cases. The chiros, auto body shops and tow operators are the prime candidates. Then there are the roving cappers with radios that hand out business cards when they see an accident. They claim to be witnesses/investigators. I actually observed this going on
when caught in traffic from an accident.
The funny thing is they’ll see what was reported on here a few weeks ago about the Sandy V. situation in front of the supreme court and think they’re smarter, luckier, and it could never happen to them.
My favorite YouTube videos are the ones from PI attorneys that “explain” how one might “slip and fall” on the strip and then how to properly report it.
January 29, 2025 11:19 am
I have been informed that even the major advertising firms get their cases from cappers. But advertising provides the cover. Obviously many clients are gotten by advertising. A server at a restaurant that I know went to Morgan and Morgan.
Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct 5.3 includes non-lawyers you associate with, including vendors. You can see this in cases of attorneys and data breaches through use of cloud services. The same could be arguably said about working with advertisers who use cappers and then the attorney turns a blind eye to the source of the referral from the marketer. That’s as good as knowledge and something that if true and can be proven, should be reported. Proving it is the hard part.
This is 100% true. Every one of the billboard firms behind the effort to stop capping capped to get where they are. Now that they are successful and made the money from capping cases to advertise, they want to block other firms from doing the same. Not saying I agree with capping, just saying it’s deceptive and underhanded to try to stop the little guys from getting to where you are under the guise of wanting to rid the town of capping when you started it and now just want to block competition.
January 29, 2025 12:25 pm
Off topic, but I have a family member needing an attorney to get grandparent visitation. Who would you retain?
My favorite part of the OJ Simpson article on KTNV is when the reporter says the estate filed a ‘criminal complaint’.
“Earlier this month, attorneys with O.J.’s estate filed a criminal complaint on the grounds that Justin Simpson, a licensed Realtor in Nevada, used his company — Primary Holdings LLC — to orchestrate the sale of his father’s home in Las Vegas for the sole purpose of avoiding his father’s creditors.”
Would the transfer of the property destroy the homestead exemption and then it becomes in play as an asset by a judgment creditor (a la Goldmans’)? The OJ civil case was a lesson on asset protection.
Can’t be a homestead if it’s owned by an LLC. The LLC can’t live in the house. However, if the LLC is owned by the son then it’s not an asset of OJ’s. Their issue is they believe the down payment came from OJ and he was paying the mortgage. Presuming they can prove it, they’d have a good fraudulent transfer claim for the down payment and for each monthly mortgage payment.
There is actually conflicting authority in the bankruptcy court on that question when its a single member LLC
If you could post a cite for that conflicting authority, I sure would appreciate that.
The OJ Complaint is in A-25-909362-C
you’re a hero
Auto insurance “becoming” unaffordable … We are already there!
I have heard that 20 to 30 per cent of drivers do not have insurance at all.
Make sure your UIM coverage is adequate.
UIM/UM getting too expensive and hard to get. I had to cut it down. So few carriers write it. Liability umbrellas not that bad but UIM/UM is terribly expensive.
If your UM/UIM isn’t at least 100/300, you’re rolling the dice driving in this godforsaken city.
Not a PI/ID lawyer. I get the gist, but explain specifically why those amounts.
I carry 250/500, both liability and UM/UIM, plus a personal liability umbrella (surprisingly cheap but does not include UM/UIM). I can see carrying 100/300 if you are just starting out and don’t have that much to lose. That’s all I carried for many years, but I don’t have time to risk getting wiped out and then having to start over.
9:29 AM here. I couldn’t remember what I had. Just checked. It was 50/100. I just upped to 300/500, the max GEICO offers and it only cost an additional $350 every six months. Totally worth it. I’m not rich, but I’m not exactly judgment proof either.
Nevada requires disclosure of policy limits at the outset of the case. The given reason is fair, but the actual impact is that PI attorneys will use that as a guide to tailor treatment to max the value of the soft tissue case.
9:29 here – bingo, I’m not married yet, no kids, not much in assets. As a 29 year old, it makes sense for now, but maybe not in a few years.
We get a lot of PI clients without driver’s licenses, car registration, or insurance. It’s insane
And yet you represent them to drive up rates on insured drivers. That’s the bill Uber should pass. If you want to bring a civil suit for damages arising from an accident, you need to be licensed and insured at the time of the accident.
re: PI client no insurance or license
There should be a statutory bar to claims if uninsured or without license. Both are required by law to operate a vehicle. Sort of like what we have now baring the claim of an unlicensed contractor.
That’s the law in California. If you don’t have insurance and you’re in an accident that’s caused by an insured driver, you can’t go after the other driver’s insurance.
It’s prop 213– uninsured drivers can recover economic damages, but they can’t recover any non-economic damages.
Damn billboard lawyers!
past that!
I tried to re-shop my insurance based on this discussion yesterday. Nothing. Literally no other options for me. Liberty Mutual and Progressive wouldn’t even give me a quote. No record, it appears like they just aren’t writing here anymore. Geico is the only choice I have that offers what I have now, which is solid coverage and a solid UIM policy. And it costs me $400 a month for two cars and two drivers.
If you’re a Costco member, try reaching out to Costco Insurance. They have a little marketplace that comes back with some competitive rates.
What kind of cars do you drive? I am the person that just upped to 300/500 with Geico and it’s only costing me $250 a month total. I also have perfect credit and drive paid for used cars (always have), maybe that’s the difference.
I got a great deal with AAA, and so did my colleague who has two vehicles and two drivers. I shit you not, he saved like $2000 switching over. Patrick Thomas at the Lake Mead location is awesome and very helpful
I typically run two cycles (initial and one renewal) every two years I switch companies because rates are so much more competitive when you switch.
I just switched (back) to GEICO after a 2 year run with progressive, saved $250/month (I have a 21 year old driver). Before that, 3 years at Allstate and 3 years with AAA before that.
3 drivers (teen), 2 cars, 50/100, $280/mo. USAA.
Just checked to see where I would land for a bit more coverage. $400/mo gives me 500/500 and 300k PD.
5 years ago with two drivers with clean record and three vehicles worth a combined $50k coverage was $1600 a year. Added a teenage driver and went to $5k. a second teen driver and went to $8k. 4 vehicles with combined value of 70-80k and 4 drivers is six times what it was five years ago, and is scheduled to go to 10x next month!.
Time to start shopping carriers. You can do better.
Teenage drivers are murder on your rates.
How much money in fees is the average PI attorney (non-owner) bringing in at an advertising firm per year?
Not a ton as far as salary. Less than a lot of insurance defense firms. But no billable hours, better lifestyle, etc. Where they make their money is origination fees – they usually get 25% or 1/3 of any fees generated by a case they bring to the firm. But that leads to those attorneys hooking up with sketchy cappers to get referrals. Then they start making bank and realize they can just put out a shingle and do it on their own since the cappers can get them cases no matter where they work. Hence, a bunch of young PI attorneys nobody has heard of (because they don’t advertise) bragging about their amazing new cars/clothes/whatever on the ‘gram.
Seems like there has been a big “shakeout” in the personal injury business since the pandemic. I know firms who have been here for decades doing plaintiff’s work that have literally been wiped out by the advertisers. It has been rumored that advertising is just a ruse to cover for capping or using/paying cappers to get them cases. The chiros, auto body shops and tow operators are the prime candidates. Then there are the roving cappers with radios that hand out business cards when they see an accident. They claim to be witnesses/investigators. I actually observed this going on
when caught in traffic from an accident.
Hell I ran into a case the other day where we identified cappers working in ERs and as EMTs on the local ambulance franchises.
Alarming but not surprising given the compensation for EMTs.
I don’t understand why capping still happens. The penalties are so severe now. Why risk it all?
Not sure if that law has ever been enforced though. Anybody know if it has?
They cracked down hard a couple of years ago on a few firms to set an example. But nobody has really kept up on the investigation/enforcement since.
The funny thing is they’ll see what was reported on here a few weeks ago about the Sandy V. situation in front of the supreme court and think they’re smarter, luckier, and it could never happen to them.
There are ER nurses and doctors working as cappers too
My favorite YouTube videos are the ones from PI attorneys that “explain” how one might “slip and fall” on the strip and then how to properly report it.
I have been informed that even the major advertising firms get their cases from cappers. But advertising provides the cover. Obviously many clients are gotten by advertising. A server at a restaurant that I know went to Morgan and Morgan.
Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct 5.3 includes non-lawyers you associate with, including vendors. You can see this in cases of attorneys and data breaches through use of cloud services. The same could be arguably said about working with advertisers who use cappers and then the attorney turns a blind eye to the source of the referral from the marketer. That’s as good as knowledge and something that if true and can be proven, should be reported. Proving it is the hard part.
This is 100% true. Every one of the billboard firms behind the effort to stop capping capped to get where they are. Now that they are successful and made the money from capping cases to advertise, they want to block other firms from doing the same. Not saying I agree with capping, just saying it’s deceptive and underhanded to try to stop the little guys from getting to where you are under the guise of wanting to rid the town of capping when you started it and now just want to block competition.
Off topic, but I have a family member needing an attorney to get grandparent visitation. Who would you retain?
T. Matthew Phillips
Elizabeth Brickfield
Ammon Francom