- Quickdraw McLaw
- Reno Family Court Judge David Humke is resigning and agreeing never to hold a judgeship in Nevada again. Article also mentions the AOC’s Nevada Family Court Assessment. [KOLO]
- Governor Sisolak gave his State of the State speech last night. [TNI]
- Petition efforts are underway to stop the development of Bonnie Springs. [RJ]
- Editorial about law schools, standards, and the bar passage rate. [RJ]
I had no idea the depths of my depression growing out of the practice of law. I was burnt out and not interested in anything. I was able to keep working. Everything else including personal relationships suffered. I thought that it was just my life as a lawyer and that I needed to toughen up.
I was depressed and had no idea. I've been on medicine since September to help me with depression. I am feeling much better. My family doctor started me on the medicine. Now I see a psychiatrist. I'm engaged, productive, active.
Life is not supposed to be a series of events you do not want to participate in. If that's what you're living, go see someone. Help is out there. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Thank you for this post. What psychiatrist did you go to?
I'm not 11:47 but I go to sandstone psychological in Henderson. I've seen a huge improvement in my life.
can you guys share what medication you take to help with depression?
Citalopram 20 mg daily
Lexapro. Sometimes 10mg's is plenty but if I'm going through a rough patch my doctor increases it to 20mg's. It's a fabulous medication. I think it should be in the water supply. Sadly I still need Xanax some days because while anti-depressants help, they do not entirely kill the anxiety associated with dealing with insane clients and their ridiculous demands and perfection expectations, and federal judges who issue orders to show causes on routine stipulations they don't like…yadda yadda.
1g of Fire og per week does the trick.
Wellburtin 150mg XR. I had many of the side effects when I started. These subsided after about 10 days and I'm good now. Insomnia was an issue but melatonin resolved it. I wish I would have done this years ago.
I can. Some of the lawyers and judges in this town are some of the worse I have ever come across. Hoping James Dean is on the mend.
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I am with you 11:47. Oh I show up at the office. And I sit at my desk. But I am lost. Nothing brings me joy any longer. I used to like to help people, but they were never grateful let alone willing to pay for the services. I used to think I was good at my job but who knows any longer. The outside activities that used to make me happy are just time suck diversions now. This profession kills people.
I'm 11:47. I see Dr. Jain and I've posted her name here before because she's changed my life. It's amazing to be engaged in life again instead of auto-pilot with avoidance. I think that she treats several lawyers. I can't thank her enough.
Marc Randazza is being suspended for 12 months according to the latest issue of Nevada Lawyer.
The suspension itself is held in abeyance. Marc is a fucking great lawyer. Mad respect for him
Marc's suspension was stayed. However there was a SCATHING attack article against him on Huffington Post. Basically calls him a Nazi.
He's an amazing lawyer. Marc's too high profile and vocal for many. Marc has many enemies.
Attorneys who come after you and bad mouth, usually not always, are insecure and are threatened by you.
that article on Randazza is amazing. Hard to believe it is all true, but if it is wow.
I second that you should read the article. Makes the OBC and the NSC look stellar.
Let's give a round of badly cooked roast to our BOGs. Terry Coffing especially. I am seeing so much progress made by you and Paola Armeni.
This profession is why I have become a firm believer in the after life. I do not pay attention to the trolls on here. 95 percent of the legal profession will incinerate on its own.
I join you 3:42 is pointing out that our BoG have done ZERO for our profession. And I hate to hold the newly elected even more accountable but Armeni, Craner and Coffing. Where are the results? What has changed? You hired a Bar Counsel who has never been in private practice and is learning the rules of professional conduct on the fly (I know because I have talked to him–he is confident that he will learn them).
Where have you done a single thing that you promised? Transparency? A joke. Increased efficiency? Never been more inefficient.
HuffPo is a rag and that article had a lot of problems but it seemed well-researched. If it's even half true I am surprised he escaped disbarment.
Huff took the article down…
In other words, Randazza threatened them.
It's still up when I search for it.
Its silly to think they would take it down based on a simple threat. I am the one who called HuffPo a rag above, and I stand by that, but it's a fairly prominent rag. I am sure they anticipated pushback when publishing a 5,000+ word takedown on a famous first amendment lawyer. I doubt a simple threat would be enough to scare them off the story.
3:42 why are you calling out specific BOGs What did they do/not do?
9:45- They are the newest elected BoGs. These are the BoGs that most recently were elected and discussed the discontent amongst the electorate of the rank and file Bar. Coffing and Craner were supposed to bring a fresh voice and non-insider perspective to the BoG.
Guess what? Nothing changed. There is no more transparency. There is no changes that anyone can tell. So yes the problems fall on the entire Board. However these 3 supposedly were elected coming out of a period where our voices were going to be brought to the Board and should be held accountable for effectively lying to us.
so you expect 2 new members to change the BOG and 15 years of issues in 6 months? I am no big fan of the BOG but lets be realistic……
The current crap should not be happening right now. Paola Armeni has been since what 4-6 years. This why I do not refer cases to her firm.
There is a board of governors meeting in Carson City with the Supreme Court on January 29-30. I hope Andrew Craner, Jessica Goodey, and Terry Coffing will consider reaching out to their constituents both before and after that meeting if they intend to change things.
I met Jessica Goodey, and she seemed well intentioned. I am not impressed with Andrew Craner or Terry Coffing.
I have a question for everyone on how to handle an opposing counsel that is a prolific liar. Counsel's strategy is to file multiple actions in different courts. Counsel then goes to Court A and misrepresents the proceedings in Court B. Counsel goes to Court C and does the same thing again. And, on top of that, in oral argument, Counsel rattles off so many misrepresentations at such a fast rate, that it would be impossible to refute every one of them without derailing the proceedings. I try to stay above it and selectively correct Counsel, but the torrent of lies just keeps coming. Counsel is shameless in a way I have never seen. And, I have to admit, because Counsel muddies the waters with lies, it keeps the Courts from moving forward against Counsel's client. Suggestions? I can't overstate the absolute barrage of lies, especially in oral argument.
Sounds like a family law lawyer. They are the worst.
Sounds like someone from Hutchison & Steffen that I was just dealing with.
I am dealing with a lawyer like this right now. Separate suits over the same issue in state and federal court. Our strategy has been to document all the lies and other stuff and detail it for both courts. It is time-consuming, but the courts don't have time to figure it out on their own. Get transcripts of hearings so you have evidence. Prejudice the court against them using their own stupid actions.
As 1:36 said, document everything, and be specific with hearing dates, the misrepresentations made, and citations to the transcript or hearing recording if you have it.
Unfortunately, in my experience, for it to do any good you basically need to have bullet-proof evidence that the lawyer is lying, and not just "zealously advocating" for his/her client. And it has to have occurred multiple times, i.e., is a pattern and practice, and not just a misstep or two.
It takes forever and is hard work, but when you get this evidence, do a Rule 11 letter if applicable, or do a motion to the court asking for sanctions under inherent authority, etc.
Agree with 1:36 overdocument everything and send correspondence (letter or email) with attached documentation so you can MAKE YOUR OWN RECORD of the correct sequence of procedure/facts. Dust off your collateral estoppel legal argument section and start using it as a sword
12:37 who?
So now Judicial Discipline can after Judge Tobiasson for nothing.
What is this a reference to?
There latest cim0laint against her involving metro.
I have not seen a more recent Complaint other than the one that was stayed by the Supremes.