Department P – 2020 Judicial Primary

  • Law

With primary ballots set to start arriving in mailboxes next week, it’s time to talk about some of the contested judicial primary races featured on that ballot. We welcome your comments on the qualifications of the candidates as well as any information you can offer to help voters make an educated decision. Just remember to keep your comments appropriate and try to avoid defamation.

For District Court Judge, Family Division, Department P, the candidates are:

  • Sara Dayani
  • Fred Page
  • Mary Perry
What are your thoughts on the race in this department? 
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April 29, 2020 7:20 pm

Dayani, although she has not practiced, has been an outstanding Judicial Law Clerk for a decade. She is real smart and has a great demeanor and is always helpful, as well as humble.

If elected, she would be a conscientious, well-prepared judge with a really good demeanor.

I think she is the best choice of the three.

That being said, Page is a real knowledgeable and skilled attorney.

But, again, demeanor is critical for this position, and in that category Dayani wins hands down.

April 29, 2020 8:56 pm

Sorry but being a law clerk (and I once was) is not the same experience as ACUTALLY litigating family court cases. It just isn't. We have been down the law clerk to judge without any real practice experience road before (Halverson). Electing someone who has NEVER litigated one family court case to now run a department in family court overseeing trials and evidentiary issues is just too risky.

Perry is a hard no for me and I admittedly don't know Page but would probably have to lean that way.

April 29, 2020 9:27 pm

12:20 here. I totally agree with 1:56 that whenever possible, it is critical to elect people who have actually practiced law, and who have substantive court experience.

But in this case, without offering specifics, there are some real decorum and demeanor problems we may encounter if we elect anyone except Dayani.

April 29, 2020 9:43 pm

This is painful. Page is a HARD, ROCK HARD no, due to ethics and demeanor. Fred has no business even imagining what the back side of a bench looks like. I would like Dayani to at least practice law for one judicial cycle, to have to meet with clients and handled a case from intake through trial. It is NOT the same as law clerking. Been a law clerk. Been an attorney. Been an arbitrator/mediator/short trial judge. They are not the same.

I know people have issues with Mary's demeanor. It is night and day from Fred. Her experience is night and day over Sara. Mary Perry by default.

May 1, 2020 6:03 am

There is no good choice for this race.

May 1, 2020 7:04 pm

Fred Page is rude and nasty to work with. Mary Perry is absolutely awful. She has pulled some stunts that permanently disqualify her in my book. It's a sealed case or I'd spill the beans. Needless to say – I would never vote for either of them. They are ethically challenged on a good day and would both be nightmares on the bench. Sara is head and shoulders above both of them. Comparing her to Halverson is not useful. She's polite and helpful and probably one of the fastest and hardest working law clerks. She's been more than just a law clerk – check her bio. I'm voting for Sara.

May 3, 2020 8:58 pm

Mary Perry is an intellectual giant compared to her competition. We need someone like Mary Perry on the bench; she is an honest hard-working real person.