With primary ballots set to start arriving in mailboxes next week, it’s time to talk about some of the contested judicial primary races featured on that ballot. We welcome your comments on the qualifications of the candidates as well as any information you can offer to help voters make an educated decision. Just remember to keep your comments appropriate and try to avoid defamation.
First up is District Court Judge, Family Division, Department A. The candidates are:
- Gayle Nathan
- William Voy
- Cheryl Ann Wingate
An anonymous tip was sent to us suggesting that candidate Cheryl Ann Wingate is the sister-in-law of fellow candidate and current incumbent of Department A, Judge William Voy. The tip suggests that Wingate is close to her sister and that this race is not a family fight, but rather an effort for Wingate to split the voters who are inclined to vote for a female and potentially allow Voy to be re-elected with more than 50% of the vote which would excuse him from the general election this fall. It does not appear that Wingate has a campaign website.
Candidate Gayle Nathan is a former family court judge who was not reelected in 2014 and was the subject of over
200 peremptory challenges during her time on the bench.
What are your thoughts on the race in this department?
Voy, for quite a few years, has been the Juvenile Law face of the Court,as to the Delinquency Division. He has great institutional knowledge, and has forged extremely valuable connections and relationships which enable him to obtain funding, and implement a lot of valuable programs and innovations.
So, I really think of him as a public servant first, and only secondarily as a judge. IMO, as to his actual judicial case load, the hearing masters who work for him perform much of the work on the actual cases(but that is hardly unusual as to judges assigned to the Juvenile Division.)
So, I consider him an above average judge, but an excellent public servant, so I would strongly support his re-election. And, again, I think the reality is that he is far more valuable to us as a guy who can get a lot of things dome for the Juvenile System, and that this is where the focus should be, rather than his actual in court performance. The hard truth is that when evaluating a juvenile judge, how they perform as an actual in court judge is often secondary to what they can get done administratively to improve the system, secure funding from governmental bodies, etc.
So, if he lost his re-election, it would only be a moderate loss to us in terms of losing him as a judge, but a huge loss to us in terms of us losing him as the leader and face of the Delinquency Division.
As for Nathan, I wish to take the high road, but she was not well rated, did attract tons of peremptory challenges, and was unable to hold the seat in re-election. And if she did win, and took over Voy's current positon, I don't believe her personality would be a good fit for the Juvenile System.I don't think she would be able to nurture and maintain the valuable community relationships Voy has forged. That is my view, even though I personally believe Nathan was never a dreadful judge, nor was she a particularly good one.
The Wingate issue, if she is in fact a ringer or straw person to split the pro-female vote, although that is not illegal, and seemingly not even directly in violation of any ethical rules(particularly if it cannot be tied directly to Voy recruiting her for that purpose)is a troublesome development. But, in and of itself, I don't believe it provides anywhere near the justification to replace Voy with Nathan.
I think Voy should do whatever it takes. Most of the voters don't have a clue who they are voting for. When voters are that uninformed, I don't have a problem with what Voy is doing, if that is what he is doing.
10:20–I agree with much of that, but if Nathan did defeat Voy (which I view as unlikely) I doubt very much they would assign her to Delinquency to take over Voy's case load, which would then also cause her to be involved in all those quasi-lobbying and promotional activities you mention Voy undertakes on behalf of the Court.
Instead they would probably assign her a standard domestic case load. Voy's position would be filled by a currently sitting judge with some real experience or aptitude in Delinquency, or by one of these Juvenile Hearing Masters running for judge as one or more of them will probably win their races for newly created seats.
At least that's how I see it.
All of these posts sort of demonstrate how troublesome judicial elections are as a process for selecting judges.
But,as previously discussed on this blog, the gubernatorial appointment process is no panacea. It is never a search for the best qualified applicant, but instead is largely politically motivated–pandering to certain political factions, appointing people who fall into certain categories, etc.
Now, perhaps the appointment process would work a lot better if it were changed. The initial panel(which thins the heard to three names to advance to the governor) is dominated with lay people, often who are the face of certain organizations who have real specific agendas.
Then the final three people are interviewed by the Governor, often with a couple advisors in the room.
The screening committee should include far more people who are in the legal field, even though that would be viewed as elitist and exclusionary by the media and public at large(which is probably why the panel is so light on those from the legal field).
Now that all said, those in the local legal field often have their own agenda and settled preferences form the start, so that could contribute further to the political nature of the whole process, and politics is something that needs to be reduced from the process, if it cannot be eliminated.
Perhaps some out-of-state attorneys and judges, and legal scholars or professors, could be included in the panel, as they presumably would not have a dog in the fight and could evaluate someone's legal skills and experience in a more objective manner. But I don't know how practical it is to recruit out-of-state people. There may not be to many willing to serve, and it may create some real delays and a lot of additional expenditure of resources.
But something must be done to dramatically improve the process. Anyone have any constructive ideas?
Are any of your kids actually doing the distance learning? Once school was officially cancelled for the year and it was announced 4th quarter grades wont matter, I gave up on trying to motivate my kids to do assignments. They already have straight a's, so no point in going back and redoing old stuff.
My kids are doing it everyday. I know this is going to sound sanctimonious but they actually like doing the homework and miss school. I also have a child who is taking AP Exams and those are going forward so online studying has to continue.
My kids miss their friends but love the online learning.
Voy has been sitting in the juvenile delinquency department evading attention for too long. He holds court 3 days per week, although the juvenile department runs 5 days a week. This means the hearing masters are carrying the bulk of the cases. He was in charge of a Statewide committee years ago to come up with delinquency court rules. We don’t have any! Voy has been “trying” to get a sexually exploited girls treatment home for about 10 years, if not more. Where is that home? Voy has no follow through.
There is very little programming for girls that come into the court system. They surely do not have the same opportunities as the boys. Seems like a Constitutional issue (gender – equality) here. Instead of using court AA (filing) fees to work on programming and equality issues, Voy is more concerned about his Spring Mountain Youth Camp (boys only) sports teams. He sure wants them to look good with their uniforms and equipment.
The probation and services providers are all vetted by Voy in one form or another. He has used the same providers for years: those same individuals that are feeding his campaign. They got to keep him happy so their source of income continues. Normally, this would be seen as a conflict of interest, but during campaign season all rules are off. The other rules that appear to be off as it relates to Voy and Wingate are the Code of Fair Campaign Practices as well as the Code of Judicial Conduct. Both are meant to keep judicial candidates honest and to instill confidence in the judiciary as well as uphold the integrity of the judiciary.
It is hard to fathom any reason why Wingate is in this departmental race other than a ploy to throw an election. Are Voy and Wingate so naive as to think their familial relationship would not be known, or is this just a brazen act of deception? Wingate is not even trying to campaign, but why would she? Wingate does not practice family law, and if she really wanted to be a family law judge, then there were many open departments from which to choose.. This whole situation smells, but judges are next to untouchable.
As for Nathan, the preemptory challenges are mostly the result of Equal Rights for Divorced Fathers (look the group up if you are not familiar). Therefore, the numbers cannot be trusted. To compare apples to apples, Voy wouldn’t have any preemptory challenges, because where else can the case go? The DA, PD and track conflict attorneys are not going to be filing challenges.
Everybody has had bad experiences with judges. All judges have been reversed on appeal. Not all judges get the luxury of working 3 days per week, while getting paid handsomely. Nathan is a worker, and was in the courthouse when she was supposed to be. There is an EDCR about that, but the rules don’t apply to all. Perhaps, Voy’s work schedule factored into why the Legislature did not give the judges a raise last session.
Department A is not the juvenile delinquency department. Judge Bell is in charge of which specialty department is assigned to a particular department/judge. Keep your eyes open, changes are allegedly happening soon!
Also, just in case it has been forgotten, Voy had the civil commitments taken from him by the Chief Judge a few years ago. But, that was no loss to him because it was a hearing master holding court. Voy would not be in court on a Friday afternoon.
It is time that Voy goes. Wingate is a plant. That means Nathan wins.
In regards to Equal Rights for Divorced Fathers. It is owned by Kurt Harris since 2014
First and foremost, you are an awful person for posting these lies about my husband, He is one of the harder working judges. You are probably working and not making a living, or you are retired and are bored. My husband works everyday and you can ask anyone that works with him. There are no bad reviews about him on the net, but the same cannot be said for you. Please Google his opponents name and see what pops up.
Thanks, Mrs. Voy! Just voted for Gayle Nathan!
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Hmm, it does not appear that you are denying what your husband and sister, Cheryl, are doing. It is so sad that your family has to resort to trickery to win an election.
I'm not a Voy basher like 4:45, nor am I a complete, unquesstioning fan like 10:20.
But 4:45 is right that the exploited girls home program has been a lot of PR talk for a decade, while Judge Voy instead places far more eefforts efforts in consistently seeking, and obtaining AA funds for his boys only Spring Mountain Youth Camp, for the purpose of uniforms, equipment, etc.
And I don't agree with Judge Voy's spouse, at 8:28, that someone is a horrible person for pointing that out.
However, in support of 8:28, I will say that a lot of what 4:45 says is mean-spirited and false, IMO.
Judge Voy, on the balance, is a real plus and should be re-elected. But even he would know better than to deny(at least I bet he knows not to deny it to himself) where his true priorities and efforts have been.
So Judge Voy, in this next term(and, yes, you will win convincingly) please stop fixating on the boys sports teams, and make some real efforts toward establishing the exploited girl camp–efforts which will actually match the verbal statements and representations you have made in support of such project.
Now, with al that said, I recognize that his hands are so full, and he is being pulled in some many directions with the myriad of commitments he undertakes. But this home for exploited girls is a much more compelling need than to consistently purchase new uniforms and equipment for the boys sorts teams. Some of these girls are like 14 and have been impregnated by their pimp, as well as consistently beaten by such pimp if the girl returns home without enough money each day.
So, let's never forget what's really important.
In a perfect world, Voy should be replaced; but in the context of this election, with these candidates, Voy should win re-election over Nathan, and I think it's likely he will win re-election.
I prefer to look at this with rose colored glasses: meaning those being deceitful and playing games should not prevail. I just don’t understand why some news outlet hasn’t gone to town on Voy and Wingate. I guess that was the idea, fool the general public and even the attorneys. It looks like this is the only forum that has picked up this very news worthy story.
I'm filling out my ballot tonight, and so I'm looking closely at this race for the first time. What a shitty choice. One candidate seems like he's not a great judge but maybe not terrible, but he pulls this unethical "split the vote" crap. The other was a judge and apparently was super hated. I laid out the choices for my spouse — boiled down to "unethical or terrible"? Spouse says a terrible judge is better than an unethical one. I think I have to agree. Ugh.
Meanwhile, there are other cases where there are at least 2 candidates who could easily be good choices.
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