Back in April of last year, we linked to a story about the Alverson Taylor building being up for sale. Now, a little birdie told us “that Alverson Taylor’s building on west Charleston is being foreclosed on and that the firm’s name has been ripped off the building and they are being or have already been kicked out. Word is that they stopped paying the mortgage on the building two years ago. Looks like those notoriously low salaries for the associates aren’t low enough.” Anyone have details?
Is there a Legionnaire’s disease lawsuit in the Rio’s future? [RJ]
Do any of you accept Bitcoin as payment? [Vegas, Inc]
While I cannot comment on the foreclosure, on Friday the Nevada Supreme Court issued an Order in 72366 RYAN VS. STATE, DIV. OF INS. in which sanctions against Alverson Taylor were discussed. In it, Alverson asked that the sanctions be vacated because, in effect, they are moving offices and cannot circulate papers in the state of disarray. Ouch.
June 12, 2017 3:51 pm
A search of the Clark County Recorder shows no foreclosure activity on the ATM&S Building.
In a judicial foreclosure, the creditor/plaintiff has to record a Lis Pendens on the property almost immediately after the lawsuit is filed – and I don't see one attached to the parcel number (163-03-101-013).
This is a US Bank tactic. They get a Receiver to collect the rents first, then amend to commence foreclosure. In light of the fact that there is not even a Notice of Default recorded, I suspect this was done to get the cellular rents which appear to have been added to the property pending the foreclosure.
ATM&N signed a cell tower lease for the Property I believe and have been receiving income. US Bank would have an assignment of rents and presumably has not been being paid those rents.
Over the past 20+ years I've been in the ATM&S space probably 50 or more times for various depositions, early arbitration conferences, 16.1 conferences, mediations, and arbitration hearings. That building has always had just a dark, unhappy pall over it, even when it first opened. Nobody ever seemed pleasant or even content in that place, least of all the head ghoul, Prince Eric. Just an uncomfortable place. Whoever buys that building should have it exorcized before moving in.
Pro tip to bosses: if you have terrible turn over, try being nice to your employees. I'd gladly take my lowest paying lawyer job (a clerkship) over my second highest paying lawyer job (at a Las Vegas "biglaw" firm) because the boss at the low paying job was a great person and I enjoyed going to work, and the biglaw boss was a douche.
9:19– You presume that ATM&S does not want the turnover. It not only wants the turnover but needs the turnover because otherwise people start wanting petty demands like raises and respect. Come in, get chewed up for $10,000 more a year than other reasonable firms would pay and then out the door after year 3. Its a system that made Bruce a great deal of money.
I agree with 9:19, I was also a clerk and would rather do that than some of my higher paying law jobs. Although my judge was a bit difficult at times, it was overall pretty relaxed compared to some big law offices. And I dont feel sorry for ATMS, maybe just the employees. But the partners can eat a fat ding dong for theiry shoddy practice and low pay
I would like to throw a despise and demise party for ATMS. I will provide the booze, the Mormon partners need to get soused for not paying their bills, and we can have the RJC bailiffs serve the cocktail wienies.
I feel sorry for the innocent here, but I shake my head when these law firms act like they are wealthy, when they are really in hoc, and then they fail.
1:47, this is a Rob Graham fire sale. I would beat feet if I were your client.
June 12, 2017 4:22 pm
Can we please have a forum topic on the absolute nightmare that Odyssey/Wiznet/Attorney Shithole has become? It is the biggest nightmare systemwide that I have been party to since Shirley Parraguirre decided to finance the e-filing system by charging only the construction defect cases to e-file.
Please. It is not unuseable. Yes, it is different than the previous version and there are a few quirks, but there are also some nice things about it. Somehow my staff, who I would expect would have problems with even the most rudimentary system, have managed to make the transition with minimal issues.
I haven't had a lot of problems with the new system, but I did run into one. When trying to file a motion with exhibits, I uploaded the motion and then… couldn't find any place to upload exhibits. Got on the phone with Tyler and they said that they had the technology to allow it, but our courts didn't want it. So I could upload them all as a separate document, which I did. The next day, it was rejected because that wasn't what the clerks wanted. I called the clerk's office and was told that it was Tyler's fault that there was no way to upload the exhibits.
If anyone's wondering, the best way to do it is to create one file with all exhibits already attached, and then upload that.
ATMS partners are smoking doobie in their "rented" bathroom stalls. Smokin in the good old boy's room. Hope Eric brought his smokin' jacket, and invites Hemo over with RR.
June 12, 2017 4:44 pm
We (Alverson Taylor) are in a temp space that was a call center. They finally got the a/c working. Those were a fun 2 weeks with not enough a/c. Brought an entirely new meaning to sweatshop. Dress code is out the window. Weekend wear without holes. Our cubicles are like a library squares. Some have printers under desk. Most attorneys/parlegals working from home. Could be worse. Then another move at end of October to permanent space.
That explains all the returned mail I've been getting. Where is the temp space? And is anyone going to return a phone call to give a new address for mailing?
95 and Ann. Next to the Painted Desert Golf Club. That's what Erik Taylor told me. Or is that where you are now?
June 12, 2017 7:41 pm
ATM&N Investments, a Joint Venture, is the owner of record of the real property comprising the Alverson Taylor offices. US Bank filed a complaint and requested a receiver of June 6, 2017. On June 7, 2017, an ex parte order appointing a receiver was entered by Judge Johnson. Case No. A-17-756431-C.
$10 million note taken out in 2007. Interest only payments. Bruce Alverson and Eric Taylor are guarantors. That will be fun for them.
Alverson Taylor sent a notice that they were vacating the building on May 31, 2017, and that utilities would be turned off on June 1, 2017. Seems they wanted to get out before they were kicked out.
Stan the man "Musial" will make sure that you and your clients will get every buffalo nickel or the shi t hit the fan bit coin of money owed to you. I mean OBC.
I don't get the reference. I know that Stan Musial is a baseball hall of famer, and great hitter for the Cardinals. But I don't understand the reference. Someone please explain it to me because this week I am exhausted and pretty much brain dead.
Yes Stan Hunterton is running OBC like Operation Strikeforce. He was tasked with making discipline cases move faster; they are not moving faster (they are actually taking twice as long as they did one year ago). He was charged with making cases less cookie cutter; now the sanctions are all over the board and generally relatively capricious. It is well known by OBC that you talk to that if your IOLTA does not balance by more than $100, Stan will want to pull your ticket.
I don't think anyone cuts the checks. Hence the default on the $10mm loan.
June 12, 2017 9:32 pm
The Building is off the market on LoopNet. Advertised as "Net Lease Investment with 7 years left on lease"; guess that is not true.
"Huge Intellegent [sic] Floor Plan 33,954 SF. Lease Back with 7 Cap Rate" Clearly written by someone who does not even know how to spell let alone identify a good floorplan.
"On Site Cell Towers generating added ROI." Where did that money go? Bruce's fishing lodge?
"Financial Summary (Actual) Net Operating Income $800,000" Not anymore. That means that they were claiming lease income (net) of $66,666.67 per month. And you say the firm had no money. Huh. Can't imagine that.
Kurt Bonds at ATMS is a good guy. A lot of lawyers over there are shitty to deal with, and almost all of them are very sloppy. I always thought he stood above the ATMS crowd. I hope this turns out okay for him.
Seems like a great business model to me. Rake it in, blow it on fixtures and furniture and partner compensation, wait 'til the landlord won't give you another week, go across the street only with anybody still earning and the cheaper hourly staff, start over.
Based purely on what I've been able to scrounge from the dark corners of the interwebs, he was a partner for the shittiest law firm in the state when his dad passed away. Shortly thereafter, his name disappeared from said shitty firm's website. A comment in April 2016 said that he quit (as compared to being fired) and that he got married. NV bar lists him as being active, although he hasn't been involved recently in any Clark County district court cases or federal cases in the District of Nevada. So, connecting the dots, I'd have to say…. I don't have a clue.
June 13, 2017 5:13 pm
What about him? He saw this coming.
November 9, 2017 6:54 pm
The building on Charleston should be destroyed. It was built on land that has a serious gas line leak, that Alverson refused to address. People who worked at the law firm would complain of feeling sick, and a terrible odor all over the building. They were ignored.
While I cannot comment on the foreclosure, on Friday the Nevada Supreme Court issued an Order in 72366 RYAN VS. STATE, DIV. OF INS. in which sanctions against Alverson Taylor were discussed. In it, Alverson asked that the sanctions be vacated because, in effect, they are moving offices and cannot circulate papers in the state of disarray. Ouch.
A search of the Clark County Recorder shows no foreclosure activity on the ATM&S Building.
Maybe it is a judicial foreclosure.
In a judicial foreclosure, the creditor/plaintiff has to record a Lis Pendens on the property almost immediately after the lawsuit is filed – and I don't see one attached to the parcel number (163-03-101-013).
This is a US Bank tactic. They get a Receiver to collect the rents first, then amend to commence foreclosure. In light of the fact that there is not even a Notice of Default recorded, I suspect this was done to get the cellular rents which appear to have been added to the property pending the foreclosure.
"Cellular rents?" What's that?
ATM&N signed a cell tower lease for the Property I believe and have been receiving income. US Bank would have an assignment of rents and presumably has not been being paid those rents.
I hope Bruce does not lose his loving 6th wife over this.
6th wife? Bite your tongue! LDS Scions do not divorce their blushing temple-sealed wives.
Bruce is not married and not LDS.
Over the past 20+ years I've been in the ATM&S space probably 50 or more times for various depositions, early arbitration conferences, 16.1 conferences, mediations, and arbitration hearings. That building has always had just a dark, unhappy pall over it, even when it first opened. Nobody ever seemed pleasant or even content in that place, least of all the head ghoul, Prince Eric. Just an uncomfortable place. Whoever buys that building should have it exorcized before moving in.
Knock it down. Designed horribly like a prison with two rows of cellblocks and the Warden's palatial office up front.
Pro tip to bosses: if you have terrible turn over, try being nice to your employees. I'd gladly take my lowest paying lawyer job (a clerkship) over my second highest paying lawyer job (at a Las Vegas "biglaw" firm) because the boss at the low paying job was a great person and I enjoyed going to work, and the biglaw boss was a douche.
9:19– You presume that ATM&S does not want the turnover. It not only wants the turnover but needs the turnover because otherwise people start wanting petty demands like raises and respect. Come in, get chewed up for $10,000 more a year than other reasonable firms would pay and then out the door after year 3. Its a system that made Bruce a great deal of money.
I agree with 9:19, I was also a clerk and would rather do that than some of my higher paying law jobs. Although my judge was a bit difficult at times, it was overall pretty relaxed compared to some big law offices. And I dont feel sorry for ATMS, maybe just the employees. But the partners can eat a fat ding dong for theiry shoddy practice and low pay
I would like to throw a despise and demise party for ATMS. I will provide the booze, the Mormon partners need to get soused for not paying their bills, and we can have the RJC bailiffs serve the cocktail wienies.
At the tone, the ATMS debt load will be, $10 mill, plus. If you have checks issued from them, cash 'em.
Ha! I have a client with $90k that is purportedly in their trust account. We shall see……
I feel sorry for the innocent here, but I shake my head when these law firms act like they are wealthy, when they are really in hoc, and then they fail.
1:47, this is a Rob Graham fire sale. I would beat feet if I were your client.
Can we please have a forum topic on the absolute nightmare that Odyssey/Wiznet/Attorney Shithole has become? It is the biggest nightmare systemwide that I have been party to since Shirley Parraguirre decided to finance the e-filing system by charging only the construction defect cases to e-file.
Seriously. They took a crap system and made it worse.
Its unuseable. I was NEVER a fan of Tyler Technologies but I want answers regarding this non-operational system.
Please. It is not unuseable. Yes, it is different than the previous version and there are a few quirks, but there are also some nice things about it. Somehow my staff, who I would expect would have problems with even the most rudimentary system, have managed to make the transition with minimal issues.
It's not unuseable. The review process is painfully slow, but the user interface is actually nice, in my opinion.
It sucks. The interface is needlessly complex and counter-intuitive. The last system was easy and straightforward. Bring it back.
It sucks. Take it up with Steve Grierson.
I haven't had a lot of problems with the new system, but I did run into one. When trying to file a motion with exhibits, I uploaded the motion and then… couldn't find any place to upload exhibits. Got on the phone with Tyler and they said that they had the technology to allow it, but our courts didn't want it. So I could upload them all as a separate document, which I did. The next day, it was rejected because that wasn't what the clerks wanted. I called the clerk's office and was told that it was Tyler's fault that there was no way to upload the exhibits.
If anyone's wondering, the best way to do it is to create one file with all exhibits already attached, and then upload that.
Is there a limit on how many pages with exhibits.
I have been told that every 250 pages must be filed as a separate document.
See EDCR 2.27.
Someone please tell me why Grierson still has his job? The "man" is a moron.
ATMS partners are smoking doobie in their "rented" bathroom stalls. Smokin in the good old boy's room. Hope Eric brought his smokin' jacket, and invites Hemo over with RR.
We (Alverson Taylor) are in a temp space that was a call center. They finally got the a/c working. Those were a fun 2 weeks with not enough a/c. Brought an entirely new meaning to sweatshop. Dress code is out the window. Weekend wear without holes. Our cubicles are like a library squares. Some have printers under desk. Most attorneys/parlegals working from home. Could be worse. Then another move at end of October to permanent space.
Where will the permanent space be and why the immediate (unannounced) vacating of the building when it has not sold?
That explains all the returned mail I've been getting. Where is the temp space? And is anyone going to return a phone call to give a new address for mailing?
"Brought an entirely new meaning to sweatshop."
9:44 wins the interwebs today.
More details: Why the hurried departure and disorganized transition?
ATMS always had the best looking and smelling carpeting around.
Carpet never matched the drapes there.
Some cool peeps came out of there….James Murphy, Jen Morales, Kurt Bonds, Dalton Hooks, Dandy Smegac, the pet rat from the dark, dank basement.
Please keep up the Alverson posts.
Wth is Jen Morales?
They won't let us say where we are or where we are going. North is all I can say. No changes other than address… at the present.
It isn't 215 and Durango?
Are they moving into the Asurion Building?
95 and Ann. Next to the Painted Desert Golf Club. That's what Erik Taylor told me. Or is that where you are now?
ATM&N Investments, a Joint Venture, is the owner of record of the real property comprising the Alverson Taylor offices. US Bank filed a complaint and requested a receiver of June 6, 2017. On June 7, 2017, an ex parte order appointing a receiver was entered by Judge Johnson. Case No. A-17-756431-C.
$10 million note taken out in 2007. Interest only payments. Bruce Alverson and Eric Taylor are guarantors. That will be fun for them.
Alverson Taylor sent a notice that they were vacating the building on May 31, 2017, and that utilities would be turned off on June 1, 2017. Seems they wanted to get out before they were kicked out.
This. This right here is why I frequent this blog. This is Grade A, top choice legal gossip.
Who the hell would give them a lease? Then again, G&S rejects some how found a fool to allow them to lease after the bk.
I am loving these posts.
I feel sorry for the poor receptionist at ATNS right now. They should get combat pay.
Stan the man "Musial" will make sure that you and your clients will get every buffalo nickel or the shi t hit the fan bit coin of money owed to you. I mean OBC.
I don't get the reference. I know that Stan Musial is a baseball hall of famer, and great hitter for the Cardinals. But I don't understand the reference. Someone please explain it to me because this week I am exhausted and pretty much brain dead.
Stan Hunterton is bar counsel.
We love the obc
Yes Stan Hunterton is running OBC like Operation Strikeforce. He was tasked with making discipline cases move faster; they are not moving faster (they are actually taking twice as long as they did one year ago). He was charged with making cases less cookie cutter; now the sanctions are all over the board and generally relatively capricious. It is well known by OBC that you talk to that if your IOLTA does not balance by more than $100, Stan will want to pull your ticket.
Stan was old and sick when he took the gig. Maybe the Reaper will show him as much mercy as he has shown attorneys for the last 18 months.
Always hated being sent down to that damn basement. Front lobby looked like a funeral parlor c.1984. What a depressing vibe.
Could someone please provide a basic primer to the EJDC on the basics of bk law? Clueless!
ATMS, that is a good acro for them, is a shit hole. Some of the biggest asses I know came out there.
There goes the State Bar useless annual conference, cowboy.
Is Eric Taylor a closet mortician? He looks and dresses like Count Dracula?
As of a week or two ago they were still running ads on KNPR touting themselves as "business and real estate" lawyers. Oops.
Those sponsor of the day things are booked long in advance. And the firm is not out of business.
Not today. Foreclosure is not a good sign.
Who cuts the checks over there?
I don't think anyone cuts the checks. Hence the default on the $10mm loan.
The Building is off the market on LoopNet. Advertised as "Net Lease Investment with 7 years left on lease"; guess that is not true.
"Huge Intellegent [sic] Floor Plan 33,954 SF. Lease Back with 7 Cap Rate" Clearly written by someone who does not even know how to spell let alone identify a good floorplan.
"On Site Cell Towers generating added ROI." Where did that money go? Bruce's fishing lodge?
"Financial Summary (Actual) Net Operating Income $800,000" Not anymore. That means that they were claiming lease income (net) of $66,666.67 per month. And you say the firm had no money. Huh. Can't imagine that.
Charleston (ATMS)Building should be condemned multiple gas & chemical leaks.
Gonnna go out on a limb and assume a group who can't figure out Odyssey aren't exactly candidates to be early adopters of cryptocurrency
Spoken like a true Grierson hater.
I received two high profile resumes today from ATMS.
Not news.
You are right. Everybody there has c.v. out.
I am sure the Shark Pimp is on the case.
jennifer Morales is over at Gary and Morales law firm
Pretty sure she's working with Sean Claggett.
Kurt Bonds at ATMS is a good guy. A lot of lawyers over there are shitty to deal with, and almost all of them are very sloppy. I always thought he stood above the ATMS crowd. I hope this turns out okay for him.
Kurt– if you are reading this, drop us a note with your requirements. We have a soft spot for you to land.
Lionel Sawyer, Gordon Silver, Half Price Lawyers and now ATMS? Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
HPL is around in some format. And this is the only time that HPL, LSC and G&S will ever be mentioned in the same comment.
ATMS is going whaboom!!!!
@5:09 – Not true. I made the same joke back when G&S went under. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
Seems like a great business model to me. Rake it in, blow it on fixtures and furniture and partner compensation, wait 'til the landlord won't give you another week, go across the street only with anybody still earning and the cheaper hourly staff, start over.
Whatever happened with Nathan Reinmiller?
Based purely on what I've been able to scrounge from the dark corners of the interwebs, he was a partner for the shittiest law firm in the state when his dad passed away. Shortly thereafter, his name disappeared from said shitty firm's website. A comment in April 2016 said that he quit (as compared to being fired) and that he got married. NV bar lists him as being active, although he hasn't been involved recently in any Clark County district court cases or federal cases in the District of Nevada. So, connecting the dots, I'd have to say…. I don't have a clue.
What about him? He saw this coming.
The building on Charleston should be destroyed. It was built on land that has a serious gas line leak, that Alverson refused to address. People who worked at the law firm would complain of feeling sick, and a terrible odor all over the building. They were ignored.