So Fiore drops out of the GOP gubernatorial primary to clear the way for Lombardo and he ends up testifying against her. I guess there really is no honor among thieves.
If Lombardo didn’t want to testify, Lombardo would not have testified. Just like Seaman, Joe and a lot of others in the Nevada GOP see this as a convenient opportunity to rid themselves of competition for donor dollars and votes.
I’m sure some in the Nevada GOP will see this as an opportunity to part ways with Fiore, but let’s give Fiore some credit here. They didn’t help her commit conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud. Fiore and her daughter did that all on their own.
She has been largely irrelevant as a Nevada GOP power since losing the Treasurer’s race. That’s why she was shuffled off to Pahrump. But now she’s truly done. After her “political persecution” defense was stymied her last bit of usefulness to the GOP was gone. Hence being thrown under the bus, although it was a bus that she set in motion.
100%. I’m not suggesting this was anyone’s fault but hers. But politics make strange bedfellows.
October 4, 2024 10:24 am
October 4, 2024 10:33 am
RCV is a really bad idea and will cause huge problems. I am fine with open primaries, then I could participate while changing my vote to (i)ndependent.
@ 10:40 a.m. Agree. God forbid we have politicians trying to appeal to the center instead of the far-left and far-right.
October 4, 2024 10:33 am
“Typically when people are that fast, they’ve already made up their minds, even before the closing arguments,” Sanft said Thursday. “So it had to have been some type of testimony that occurred in the middle of trial that caused the majority of them to say, ‘oh, that’s all we needed.’”
What an odd thing for a defense attorney to say right after taking a guilty verdict.
She is not nearly important enough and not nearly connected enough. She will be done by the time Trump is 2 years in office. I was involved peripherally with some clemency issues in 2020 and if the sentence is nominal, which hers will be.
My guess is that she is persona non grata among NV MAGA, at least in public.
IMO, no way that Mike plays that card with Trump, especially with a case involving a cop killed ILOD.
Trump was also stingy with the pardons in 2020. He granted more clemencies, but mostly where the sentence was extreme in relation to the crime. Those granted clemency still had to serve their supervised release.
Our firm has elected to stop offering any flat fee services in light of Hull decision. We are very busy already. We offered flat fees on some services because some clients wanted the up front certainty of a determined, final expense. Now, the consumer has lost the option, at least as to our firm. We now only take hourly work.
This was truly the end of the last hope for parents whose opposing parent got a free lawyer from LACSN. Now the small firm cannot offer a flat fee for that parent. The cabal wins. As long me alluded to yesterday, anyone that thinks there is not moral flexibility in Nevada’s family law cabal community simply hasn’t practiced anywhere else.
10:47 AM here. I’ve never wrestled with the pigs down on North Pecos, so I can’t speak to the allegations of a family court cabal. It’s disturbing that there are multiple forces in recent years who want to insert themselves into a private contract between attorney and client. They forget that I don’t have to offer flat fees. Hull protects nobody and harms consumers and the public at large.
What’s the saying from law school? Bad cases make bad law? Crazy how much Sull charged that client when he cancelled the work. Makes you wonder if he would have even complained if she hadn’t kept such a huge portion of his retainer.
There is a family court judge who was prior practitioner. My friend gave her retainer but canceled 3 hours later for another attorney. Now judge charged her for 6 hours saying 3 people had worked on case. She was friends with a male from OBC. My friend filed complaint. Didn’t even make it past screening. Oh and what was the work – “research.” And research is rarely needed for a basic divorce.
Ditto. Never appeared in front of her and never will. Spend the preempt fee and try your luck with other judges. Its easier.
October 4, 2024 11:50 am
What is Fiore looking at for the convictions. Is he going to federal prison? Club fed. Assume each count has prison time. Surprised the Judge did not take her into custody pending sentencing if she is looking at mandatory time.
She is a camper security level, but may end up at a low for closer geographical purposes and visits (the nearest camp for women is n TX). I will wait for the PSR, but I am standing firm with predicting 12-24 months.
Regarding CCSD’s budget crisis, could some of this been caused by the pay increases given by Jara during his last few weeks as a lame duck superintendent? In any event, the countless issues faced by CCSD invariably reveal why CCSD should be broken up into separate autonomous school districts. We do not need CCSD to be the fifth largest school district in the nation. If education is truly a priority, then we must limit and simplify the bureaucracy and oversight of a single institution over roughly 400 schools. I understand that the property taxes collected in areas like Summerlin and Henderson contribute in large part to schools in the valley having lesser property taxes, but we must find a better solution than forcing the “richer” areas of town support the less wealthy parts of town. CCSD must be broken apart.
After we #BringBacktheCivilBench we need to #BreakUpCCSD
October 4, 2024 4:57 pm
You know all of those Best Lawyers in town contests where people vote for themselves or their own firm? Well one firm’s two partners told their employees if they voted for the firm, they would raffle off a 75″ television, with tickets going to each employee who voted. The employees did as they were told, the firm won, but guess what? No raffle was ever held.
Perhaps they realized that the raffle proposal might constitute an illegal lottery under Nevada law (i.e. consideration + chance + prize)? Not sure that there’s sufficient consideration there, though.
This firm was named BEST WORKPLACE when it is anything but. Firms that supposedly care about their reputations need to start by being respectful and kind to their employees.
There are two Plaintiff PI law firms that have the award for Best Workplace, Dimopoulos and DeCastroverde. There was a mention of “partners” wanting the staff to vote and I do not believe that Dimopoulos has any partners. FYI.
So Fiore drops out of the GOP gubernatorial primary to clear the way for Lombardo and he ends up testifying against her. I guess there really is no honor among thieves.
Lombardo didn’t want to testify and was a victim. This comment makes no sense.
It would if you had a clue.
If Lombardo didn’t want to testify, Lombardo would not have testified. Just like Seaman, Joe and a lot of others in the Nevada GOP see this as a convenient opportunity to rid themselves of competition for donor dollars and votes.
I’m sure some in the Nevada GOP will see this as an opportunity to part ways with Fiore, but let’s give Fiore some credit here. They didn’t help her commit conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud. Fiore and her daughter did that all on their own.
The Nevada GOP is 100% MAGA. They just lost their starting shooting guard. I doubt many, if any, find this conviction convenient.
She has been largely irrelevant as a Nevada GOP power since losing the Treasurer’s race. That’s why she was shuffled off to Pahrump. But now she’s truly done. After her “political persecution” defense was stymied her last bit of usefulness to the GOP was gone. Hence being thrown under the bus, although it was a bus that she set in motion.
It was your pathetic governor who listened to Barbara Buckley and appointed Patricia Lee instead of Tierra Jones.
There’s no cabal (said sarcastically).
100%. I’m not suggesting this was anyone’s fault but hers. But politics make strange bedfellows.
RCV is a really bad idea and will cause huge problems. I am fine with open primaries, then I could participate while changing my vote to (i)ndependent.
RCV is only a bad idea if you’re a nut job on the far left or the far right. We’ve been beholden to partisan psychos for far too long.
@ 10:40 a.m. Agree. God forbid we have politicians trying to appeal to the center instead of the far-left and far-right.
“Typically when people are that fast, they’ve already made up their minds, even before the closing arguments,” Sanft said Thursday. “So it had to have been some type of testimony that occurred in the middle of trial that caused the majority of them to say, ‘oh, that’s all we needed.’”
What an odd thing for a defense attorney to say right after taking a guilty verdict.
More likely the overwhelming testimony against the defendant. The only hope Fiore has is a Trump victory and a pardon.
She is not nearly important enough and not nearly connected enough. She will be done by the time Trump is 2 years in office. I was involved peripherally with some clemency issues in 2020 and if the sentence is nominal, which hers will be.
My guess is that she is persona non grata among NV MAGA, at least in public.
She is connected enough. Let me Kevin Bacon it for you. Michele Fiore—>Michael J. McDonald—–>Donald John Trump.
IMO, no way that Mike plays that card with Trump, especially with a case involving a cop killed ILOD.
Trump was also stingy with the pardons in 2020. He granted more clemencies, but mostly where the sentence was extreme in relation to the crime. Those granted clemency still had to serve their supervised release.
Trump wouldn’t even free Joe Exotic. Sad!
Hahhahahaha I think Pat Buchanan is a liberal but I found this very funny!
I don’t like Trump or Joe Exotic, but I was sincerely hoping this would happen. Just to spite that bitch, Carol Baskin.
Lol nice pull.
Our firm has elected to stop offering any flat fee services in light of Hull decision. We are very busy already. We offered flat fees on some services because some clients wanted the up front certainty of a determined, final expense. Now, the consumer has lost the option, at least as to our firm. We now only take hourly work.
Solo but same here.
This was truly the end of the last hope for parents whose opposing parent got a free lawyer from LACSN. Now the small firm cannot offer a flat fee for that parent. The cabal wins. As long me alluded to yesterday, anyone that thinks there is not moral flexibility in Nevada’s family law cabal community simply hasn’t practiced anywhere else.
10:47 AM here. I’ve never wrestled with the pigs down on North Pecos, so I can’t speak to the allegations of a family court cabal. It’s disturbing that there are multiple forces in recent years who want to insert themselves into a private contract between attorney and client. They forget that I don’t have to offer flat fees. Hull protects nobody and harms consumers and the public at large.
Well said. Sincerely.
Please provide cite. I missed this one and cannot locate it.
It’s Sull, not Hull. In re Discipline of Sull, 140 Nev. Adv. Op. 54 (Aug. 22, 2024), available at,29.
Wrong thread.
What’s the saying from law school? Bad cases make bad law? Crazy how much Sull charged that client when he cancelled the work. Makes you wonder if he would have even complained if she hadn’t kept such a huge portion of his retainer.
There is a family court judge who was prior practitioner. My friend gave her retainer but canceled 3 hours later for another attorney. Now judge charged her for 6 hours saying 3 people had worked on case. She was friends with a male from OBC. My friend filed complaint. Didn’t even make it past screening. Oh and what was the work – “research.” And research is rarely needed for a basic divorce.
I know who this is. She was very typically working against her clients interests in every phase of the case.
I haven’t appeared in front of her for this reason. Difficult to believe she would be good judged based on my experience.
Ditto. Never appeared in front of her and never will. Spend the preempt fee and try your luck with other judges. Its easier.
What is Fiore looking at for the convictions. Is he going to federal prison? Club fed. Assume each count has prison time. Surprised the Judge did not take her into custody pending sentencing if she is looking at mandatory time.
She is a camper security level, but may end up at a low for closer geographical purposes and visits (the nearest camp for women is n TX). I will wait for the PSR, but I am standing firm with predicting 12-24 months.
She is Camp level security and offense. Not uncommon in Federal convictions to be allowed to voluntarily report.
Which is why she remains out of custody. . . . .
Regarding CCSD’s budget crisis, could some of this been caused by the pay increases given by Jara during his last few weeks as a lame duck superintendent? In any event, the countless issues faced by CCSD invariably reveal why CCSD should be broken up into separate autonomous school districts. We do not need CCSD to be the fifth largest school district in the nation. If education is truly a priority, then we must limit and simplify the bureaucracy and oversight of a single institution over roughly 400 schools. I understand that the property taxes collected in areas like Summerlin and Henderson contribute in large part to schools in the valley having lesser property taxes, but we must find a better solution than forcing the “richer” areas of town support the less wealthy parts of town. CCSD must be broken apart.
I mean, it didn’t help, but you don’t get $20 million in the red by a handful of pay and benny bumps for cronies
After we #BringBacktheCivilBench we need to #BreakUpCCSD
You know all of those Best Lawyers in town contests where people vote for themselves or their own firm? Well one firm’s two partners told their employees if they voted for the firm, they would raffle off a 75″ television, with tickets going to each employee who voted. The employees did as they were told, the firm won, but guess what? No raffle was ever held.
Promissory estoppel? Someone who’s quitting soon should sue them in small claims court just to mess with them.
Perhaps they realized that the raffle proposal might constitute an illegal lottery under Nevada law (i.e. consideration + chance + prize)? Not sure that there’s sufficient consideration there, though.
Yes but it is a good way to lose the confidence iof your employee. Not a great way to enhance morale
Yes several employees quit soon thereafter.
Don’t all the firms win? every ad I see says “Voted Best …”.
This firm was named BEST WORKPLACE when it is anything but. Firms that supposedly care about their reputations need to start by being respectful and kind to their employees.
Yes partners demanded screen shots to prove they had voted for the firm.
Which one?
Plaintiffs personal injury
I Have a feeling I know wHo this firm is
Why so coy? Spill it.
There are two Plaintiff PI law firms that have the award for Best Workplace, Dimopoulos and DeCastroverde. There was a mention of “partners” wanting the staff to vote and I do not believe that Dimopoulos has any partners. FYI.
Neither one of those
Initials toward end of alphabet