- Quickdraw McLaw
“The tradition of Festivus begins with the Airing of Grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now, you’re gonna hear about it.” –Frank Costanza

Technically, Festivus is tomorrow–on December 23, but we just can’t wait to get the festivities started! Gather your family, friends, co-workers, enemies, judges, opposing counsel, etc. because it’s time for the Airing of Grievances!
For some of you, this is what you were born to do–this is your moment to shine. Your gift of complaining is finally welcomed and wanted on this one occasion. This is your chance to (civilly- read: work appropriate and slander free) whine and complain about your salary, your job, your boss, the courts, nepotism, Robert Graham, Wiznet, the Nevada bar, bar counsel, UNLV Boyd Class of 2013, this blog, etc. It’s also your chance to provide some feedback about the way things are done in the Las Vegas legal community. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who read this blog and see your comments and suggestions (including administrators, judges, and other lawyers). If you want a refresher on what types of things you were disappointed in or complained about last year, use the search box and enter “airing.”
Sadly, I'm too well known for my #1 pet peeve and if I were to describe it in any detail at all everybody in my office would be by to say "I knew that was you".
If I were to air any, it would be those post-2013 Boyd Grads making the school look bad.
C'mon. The school looked bad long before 2013.
What's the deal with the 2013 class? Why do they get such a bad rap?
2013 gets and deserves a good rap. 2013 was the apex. All Boyd classes before and after are lesser classes.
2013 also produced a greater number of hot lawyers than any other class. Brilliant AND beautiful.
2013 was the apex for Boyd. That is just math.
It's one person who just repeatedly posts about Boyd 13, trying to make it a "thing"
@6:21, you mean like the MAC people who continually tout how awesome MAC is?
1. Jesse Walsh
2. The inconsiderate person who left a full bowl in our office's unisex restroom.
Why are people so terrible in unisex bathrooms??? I feel like every time I go into one, the seat is just covered in pee. I'm not sure if it's men with terrible aim or women who hover above the seat (probably both) but either way it's gross.
Grievance no. 2 won the internet today. "full bowl", classic
And here I was, thinking there was a kind soul in your office that would leave an entire bowl full of Happy Hash for the entire office to enjoy.
More like stinky hash
I'm too old to poop in a room that women are allowed into.
the "blog is dead" guy
ditto…please let it go, guy
It's a gal.
Pete Christiansen Jr is a dick.
Pete is a great guy and a great attorney.
…who can also be a dick. But he is a good dude generally.
But he sure is easy on the eyes…
If you think he's a dick, it's likely because you lied, tried to cheat or let him outwork you and then he made you pay for it.
Christiansen personally reneged on a referral fee I was promised. He is a "dick" for all I am concerned.
Marisa Boshko Border.
I love her, she is an amazing person.
Sure, she is lovely. Ask the person she killed.
Agree with 10:16 AM. Marisa is fantastic.
Marisa belongs in jail and disbarred.
Marisa Border sucks.
Dude, let it go.
Ma. Border gets what she deserves. What she did was awful, and she is not a very nice person.
Petty attorneys whose ego far outstrips their ability.
Just like my salary and my bonus, my dick is smaller than I'd like.
J.D. Evans is an ass.
I don't like it when anonymous commenters trash other practitioners by name in the comments here. It's particularly distasteful because it's such a dehumanizing attack. We're already in a tough profession that drags us down. Let's not do this anymore. I get that sometimes opposing counsel is a "dick" or an "asshole" or even a "clown." It's frustrating. But let's not leave a digital footprint of malice where spouses, clients, prospective clients and children of the target can see it.
And, for what it's worth, when I see an attorney attacked here, I honestly assume that they are just kicking so much ass and dominating their opposing counsel so much, that opposing counsel is a little beta bitch who has no other recourse to address their emasculation than anonymous comments.
And with that….
Your second paragraph is a perfect example of why I don't mind reading trash talk about named attorneys, and why I don't mind trash talking. I say shit here about lawyers that I wouldn't say publicly because with my name on it, I expect you to give it the weight that my name carries (whatever that weight is for you.)
But I'll gossipy-bitch all over someone anonymously and expect that anyone with a brain will give it the weight anonymous bitchiness deserves.
I don't think any of you fuckers even KNOW He Who Shall Not Be Named and I bet he's a lovely person.
He is not. I know him personally. You do not have to take anyone's word for it on here. His actions speak for themselves.
10:34 is Gina Bongiovi. She kicks no ass, she sleeps with her associate partner, Bobby Misko.
La Quinta is the crime scene. Ain't nothin wrong with a little Bonjoivi Law Firm bump and grind.
Good for Bobby! Not as much for Gina, but life would be funny if we all liked the same stuff.
PI attorneys who feel it necessary at flaunt their wealth. And I don't just mean the French provincial courtroom folks
Especially! The French Provincial Courtroom folks with their likewise estate in Queensridge that I'm just praying one day soon has a close up backyard view of high density apartment dwellers.
Their pretentious Christmas party with the two "seniors" welcoming everybody in their "Yes, we are semi still in the closet" suit and jacket combos! Excellence in practice I'm sure! and that midget blonde witch with her fake eyelashes , hair extensions , inch thick foundation, and black crayon eye liner yelling at her staff trying to convince everyone that she's the best attorney at that firm! Some will say I'm jealous … I say I'm observant.
Naqvi was there sucking and slobbering for table scraps. I don't think he was there recruiting any staff for his own boutique law firm. No way the staffers for the french provincial peeps meet the appearance standards for Naqvi. Bunch of beasts that get yelled at and whistled for over there.
You would think that with all the image put into that building that they would have the hottest staffers in town. But, then again the queen wouldn't be able to say that she is also the hottest woman at that firm as well.
She isn't . He is.
He who? Bow tie guy? Silk tie guy? Open collar guy? Humpty Dumpty guy? UNLV theatre major guy? or the wish I was a guy or guys , guys?
So pretty!
Me, Shelly Berkeley and Tracy. How's that for a visual? and Benita Bizarre! Google her
The Eglet group really are such easy targets
Yeah, until you have to defense a case against them
I love this day!!! People who were perfectly fine folks and then became assholes once they put on black robes. I can barely speak to them when I see them out in the wild now.
Cadish can be crabby on the bench.
She is, I agree.
She's one of a few who have gotten up there and then forgotten what private practice is like.
She actually is pretty meek and kind off of the Bench. I don't think she has forgotten private practice with Hale Lane; her private practice was just very different from yours. Despite the political pushback, she really was perfect for the Federal Bench where she could be judicial on the Bench and then retreat back behind closed doors and not have to be part of the community.
She gets a little power crazy on the bench. To me, when you let power get to your head, you are not like that off the bench. Happy that she is nice to you.
Douchey, wealthy, alcoholic PI types. See above comments re: french provincial
Eglet= most despised, most envied, most successful
Richard Harris' attorneys.
Who specifically? I've dealt with several over there and they are usually the most cordial / easy to work with of any other PI firm.
Look at the latest additions. Wait, you are in for a treat.
I'd have to agree – the few times I had a case where they were representing a party, they were very easy to work with, very straight-forward, and did what they said they would do. Of course, I was not representing the primary target and my client didn't have much money…..
Wait a second, Machaela Tramel closed up shop and joined Harris' firm? I guess she wasn't doing too hot on her own. She sucks as an arbitrator too
Tramel is an arbitrator, that is scary. Scary looking to boot.
1) Attorneys that initiate cases in Small Claims court. Go fuck yourselves.
2) Baby lawyers who haven't been appropriately mentored and think every case is the most important case ever. No, sorry, I don't have time to read your 4-page letters about nothing of significance.
3) Fucking traffic (in before "it's waaaaay worse in philly/nyc/la, whatever fuck shit town you visited that one time).
4) $75 home internet service through Cocks, while fast and dependable, is overpriced.
5) Middle class liberal friends who act surprised and disgusted that Clinton was never going to happen.
6) Anyone who supports Donald Trump (like, actually supports him and thinks he's the best person in the country to run the country).
I agree with all the above except No. 1. I am an attorney that does small claims work, and its really in the best interest of the client (isnt that our number one goal?). Why tied up the court system over something worth less than $10k? I am sure the District Court appreciates their docket is less of the shit cases worth less than a used car. Small Claims also resolves issues very quickly, so neither side is being dragged through litigation.
People should be pro per in small claims.
Under $10k goes to Justice Court. Small claims is for neighbors arguing about trees overhanging the property line and disgruntled home depot parking lot house painters.
Small Claims is where Credit Cards Company-representing lawyers go to get their default judgments.
Small Claims court is not Judge Judy and can be a bear. There is a lot of fancy stuff going on down there. Folks who are not represented by counsel get stomped on just like in Family Court. It behooves one to have an attorney. Justice Court is going to 15K. Many personal injury attorneys say they are going to file in Justice Court. Be careful what you wish for, the award of attorney's fees is mandatory and will be imposed harshly against plaintiffs' and defendants'. No attorney's fees in Small Claims. Creditors find it a convenient and useful venue not just credit card companies. They just did away with the mandatory mediation which was a complete waste of time.
If by "fancy" you mean "Referees ignoring all rationality" and "Justice Court judges rubberstamping the Referee's findings, no matter how nonsensical"
10:35 PM: Know exactly what you mean. Some of those Referees are something else. Any in particular that you mean?
Randall Tindall as a referee is a joke. I have never met a more biased asshole in my life
Whenever I have had the JPs like Jansen filling in and hearing the cases and appeals, there has been a good result. There are some referees that are pretty good and some pretty bad. What do you do if you get a bad one? Is there such a thing as a peremptory challenge? The worst part of Small Claims Court is the wait/downtime for your case to be heard. It used to be they would call attorney cases first. Now there are so many attorneys that you wait when they alternate attorneys and pro pers.
I love this list except the Internet. I'm amazed how fast everybody got so jaded about broadband. In '99 you were in your office with the door closed surfing porn during business hours because broadband wasn't available at your house yet. $75?? Think of everything you can DO with that connection. It's your radio, your video store, your research library, your mailbox. $75 for everything broadband does may be one of the best returns on investment in the history of human civilization.
In 1997, I had "Unlimited" AOL for $24.95/moth. In 2006, I was looking at $35/mo DSL at 5 mbps. I'm quite happy with paying $80 for 150 mbps.
Eric nails it.
Anyone who does not acknowledge Trump's greatness is revealing ze self a fool.
RIP Georgia Michael. We will miss you!
Lawyer Bird…I second all of those.
Lady Bird, I mean Sue Johnson, and Baby Johnson, wtf is her name, Tess?
You annoy me more than the Trumps. Please Baby Johnson, put your name for open judgeship.
1 – Are judge's kids off limits? I feel like this is not okay.
2 – Hypothetically speaking, if both your parents were local judges, wouldn't you expect the kid to end up at a high-paying super well respected firm? Again, just hypothetical.
Backus Carranza is high powered?
It was a hypothetical dude. You can test the hypothetical for accuracy and then compare it to real world outcomes if you'd like.
I feel like it is okay. Team Johnson is all for making Eighth Judicial District Court a family affair. Baby Bell is fair game, too.
Bar counsel and Jon Norheim.
Barney Rubble = Eric Johnson is annoying.
Here is an interesting year end topic. Q E is expecting ALL attys to be involved in marketing, describing associate marketing as a legacy issue. Details can be found here:
What do you think? If you are an associate, how do partners at your firm view this issue?
The problem with Quinn is that the hours are already brutal, and then they require marketing on top of it. The firms they complete with for talent don't require the same thing and some pay more. So Quinn lawyers that haven't seen their families bitch about it.
The article says that QE gives 100 hours credit annually towards the annual minimum requirement for time spent on marketing, etc.
Charles Pollock was disbarred. Convicted pedophile, former partner with Pamela McKay.
Danny Tarkanian, for a fifth or sixth unsuccessful run, and Team Johnson supporter.
Rob Graham and his wife.
Firefly and their awful sangria. Mine had bugs in it. Disgusting.
Anybody who lives in Vegas who is a Duke fan.
Bishop Gorman grads. University of San Diego law school grads.
I second this!
LOL The biggest dickface at my law school transferred there SD.
Getting bad advice from a law firm, Sam Schwarz.
Steve Wolfson.
Literally the worst. I've seen this from defense counsel who head over to the other side. EVERY case is the worst crime in the world and there are no extenuating circumstances — black and white, good and evil. He can't let a case go out of fear he might be perceived as soft.
Bar counsel and useless board of governors.
Megan Dorsey and the partners over at Kohler Nebeker.
Su. Johnson and Dorsey are bosom buddies.
Thanks for the visual.
To all those whiny attorneys who don't get over themselves: 1) Um, CQ you're a douche because not all people who shop at Trader Joes is a hippy. 2) AP You got asked to leave because you deserved it… don't blame the staff. 3) RS The rest of the staff doesn't need to see you ask your secretary to "twirl" and 4) AS Um, no – it wasn't great to finally meet the asshole behind the emails.
Bitter former staff.
Former staff wouldn't be so bitter if allowed to work in this town again. Super qualified; won't automatically respect the unrespectable.
Rich and upper middle class liberals. Bunch of hypocrites. Driving a Mercedes with a Givenchy handbag while proselytizing about the plight of the poor in America. Give me a break.
3:49 is Team Johnson. Be proud Trump supporters you are.
And that is worse in your mind than the rich and upper middle class conservatives who drive Mercedes with Givenchy handbags and refuse to acknowledge the plight of the poor in America? Or those rich and upper middle class conservatives who believe that any hardships suffered by the poor are simply a result of laziness and an unwillingness to work hard?
One is not worse than the other; but one is hypocritical, the other is not.
All rich people are the worst because they all put their principles (liberal or conservative) second after getting richer.
The closet bigots who voted for Trump. Your man is a rapist.
Please get help. You are clearly delusional and quite possibly clinically insane.
The greatest advice all day.
4:13 and 4:18, fuck you. You are the ones who are delusional and thank Russia for your rapist getting elected.
I'd say FUCK YOU back but I don't have to. Trump will do it for me by installing possibly half a dozen new SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, bitch! boo-yah hahahahaha Merry Christmas, grinch!
6:37, bigotted Trump fuck. Rot in hell!
I love the smell of my shower gel, carry on, barbarians…
Stay away from Rhonda Long, nasty. She is an Arb, too.
Where is/was everyone's Christmas party?
Stacy Rocheleau and her stupid little disbarred CA lawyer (Eric) who does all her legal work. Know-it-all who owes about 500k to former clients, thus he cant be licensed in NV. Stacy and the dwarf hubby cater to him because he went to law school with her.
My former firm, that is trying its hardest to screw me out of commissions that I earned and referral fees too. It's funny that they think I would walk away from the money they owe me without putting up a fight.
Look, you said, call it 15 percent. If you got lucky and it turns out that 15 percent is a solid six figures, GOOD FOR YOU AND YOUR CLIENT….PAY ME WHAT YOU PROMISED.
If we don't get along any more because you're a douche, or I'm a douche, or we're both douches, sorry, that's too bad, PAY ME WHAT YOU PROMISED.
If you've had some hard times, were stupid with money, or just fucking unlucky, I'm very sorry and I'm glad to have a conversation about maybe trading some of mine for a piece of the future? BUT PAY ME WHAT YOU PROMISED.
I walked away from fees just to make it be over. Funny that, being an attorney and hating confrontation.
Whoever invented it should be waterboarded.
Thanks Obama.
I hate all judges and especially wanna be judges. They all play with themselves under those robes and put their heads down like you can't tell they are sleeping or something. They don't listen to anything you have to say and ignore hard evidence. Commissioners are just as bad, if not worse, because they are all wanna be judges. Even worse are people applying to be appointed as a judge. They are the absolute worst, scum of the earth.
They are DESPERATE for attention and totally HIGH ON THEMSELVES. "THAT'S Your honor to you!" Fk off and die.
Funny how they say the more a man respects a judge in the court room, the more trash they talk about them outside.
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Generally, when attorneys are called "whores", it's metaphorical. I guess you take things more literally.