- Quickdraw McLaw
- Happy Veterans Day and a special thank you to all of those who have served our country.
- Governor Sisolak announced a voluntary Stay at Home 2.0. Are you or your firm going to change how you’re doing things right now as a result? [TNI]
- The Trump campaign dismissed their own appeal in the Nevada Supreme Court yesterday. [Fox5Vegas]
- Todd Bice opines that the current cries of voter fraud are the fraud. [TNI]
- As mentioned in the comments yesterday, Judge Scotti issued an interesting opinion on the separation of powers in Nevada. [TNI]
- We’ll try this again because it may have gotten lost among all the election frenzy last week, but a longtime reader wrote in and is “interested in hearing from the LVLB community as to favorite people/companies for depositions, service of process, etc. I’m focusing on litigation but I wouldn’t shut the door on other types of vendors. I know these types of requests/recommendations have come up every once in a while over the years, but it would be great if we could update for the current situation (pandemic, WFH, etc.).” So, what recommendations do you have? Has a certain vendor made your life much easier this year? What is your favorite court reporting company?
I use Oasis court reporting. One of the best in Vegas. Also Litigation Services.
Comrade Sisolak can pound sand. I will go out as much as possible specifically to defy this.
I'd bet dollars to donuts 9:56 is a Boomer.
Boomer or not, definitely a maroon.
@9:56 It is a voluntary stay at home order. Means it is 100% up to you to do it or not. So how are you defying this exactly? Also, go f&*!k yourself.
He has a massive mandate, the election is over, time to lock down his non-preferred businesses.
10:28 – learn to spell jackass. 10:00 – you're also a jackass. 10:33 – go fuck yourself. I don't know your age group but clearly you haven't mastered the art of "fact analysis" or "independent thinking". What exactly is it about a person in the USA needing to leave their home – or wanting to- that is so alarming to you? COVID19 isn't a death warrant for anyone under the age of 70, except in rare cases and each of those are individuals with pre-existing conditions. So I have a better Idea- we tell those in a protected class – you stay home and then we as a State and a Nation figure out ways to help them. I have zero doubt that each of you have left your homes – you're probably in an office right now. You've likely gone to resturants – you've likely gone to countless places – in this time when we have already been told to "stay home." What is it about Sisolaks new pronouncement that changes any of that? Nothing. If any of the three of you have left your homes in 7 months – then you too are to blame for whatever it is we're all to be blamed for with COVID19. You can try and rationalize it all you want – that's what hypocrites do. Let me guess- you voted for Biden and loved the celebrations in the streets and felt those were "acceptable gatherings." You supported the BLM protests? You will always take the opinion of whatever someone in power tells you because you're all dolts.
@9:56; 10:41 – what did 10:28 misspell? I can only assume you erroneously believed he/she misspelled "moron" and are unfamiliar with the word "maroon". Also, despite your ridiculous snowflake tirade, you failed to answer 9:56 a.m.'s question – how can you defy a "voluntary" order? You may want to read more carefully and critically before huffing and puffing like toddler who needs a nap.
The short clip I saw on the news from his press conference had him saying that, if our economy fails, it will be the businesses' fault. Nice try, Setusback, economic failure will be YOUR fault. As the person in the State leadership position, both the wins and losses fall on your shoulders. The closing of businesses destroys the economy, which comes from your orders. I've got news for you – destroy Vegas and you can be sure that Reno and Carson City will not be far behind. Might want to rethink your cozying-up effort with your liberal elites up north before you trash the economy, ruin the housing market, and drive everyone out of the state. True leadership supports both the citizens and the businesses that provide services to the community. This 2.0 crap is nothing but reckless power serving its own means. Pathetic.
10:46 I could only wish snowflakes shared my mentality. Our country wouldn't be turning into a nation of weak minded individuals who create new words to sound smart. Last time I checked "maroon" was a color. You sound like a tool. I'm going to take a guess that you work for a lawfirm, bill by the hour and treat your legal assistants like idiots.
10:49 – preach. You're correct and I don't find your points even debatable – you're on the money. Can't wait to see how the trolls will attack you.
10:33 voluntary or not it is the principle of his authoritarian threat that bothers me. It's not that deadly we do not lock down America for the flu do we? You seem like someone with no ability to think rationally for themselves and instead get hyped up on whatever MSNBC spoon feeds you. I hope that at least makes you happy or something
And this is the intellect level of the attorneys in this state. Okay, go.
11:26 – care to identify what statements you take issue with? Is it the encouragement towards free thought and analysis that troubles you? Do you feel we should all just take directives from any leader? If so – do you feel the same about Trump? Or am I misjudging you and you are critical of the sheep above and the use of the word "Maroon" for some unknown purpose?
11:12 — What does calling someone a maroon mean? Perhaps if you'd ACTUALLY checked, you would have found this. (Took about 7 seconds.)
Noun. maroon (plural maroons) (slang, derogatory) An idiot; a fool.
maroon – Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › maroon
Congrats on your vocabulary! Very impressive!
11:45 – if a person has to google a word on "wiktionary" – it's a stupid word. Did you make this up? Let's take a poll. Who knew this word? Who uses this word? Who thinks using this word makes one look like a tool? Who thinks 11:45 is probably a tool?
Guarantee Todd Bice uses the word maroon. What a tool that guy is.
9:56 — Job well done. You certainly brought out the indignity. Of course, it still doesn't change the fact that you're an infantile, selfish prick who could care less about his fellow Nevadans. PLEASE let us know who you are, so we can all recommend any other lawyer but you (if you even are one) to everyone who might ask.
11:47 — Thanks, but it was actually my admittedly meager internet skills that solved this problem. 😉
11:26 has the post of the day.
11:48 — Of course it's a stupid word, you maroon. I bet there's lots of words YOU don't know.
11:57, let me guess – you're 11:26.
12:00 – YOU nailed it. Me don't know words. Me dumb.
You all are a bunch of miserable fucks. Are you a male insurance defense lawyer?
What a bunch of maroons. No one watched Bugs Bunny? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NYFq7ZJg4c). Y'all need to chill.
12:08 – What are you? A high and mighty millennial snowflake that didn't get a participation trophy for coming in the bottom 10% of everything?
I got the maroon reference. I was not certain why the outrage at maroon.
Maroon Lives Matter
#freemelania #freeinsurancedefenselawyers
I was reading all of this and can't believe it took 22 comments after the word "maroon" was used before someone pointed out that it originated with Bugs Bunny "What a maroon!"
I like Esquire.
When it was Associated it was great. When Esquire took it over, it became terrible. Overpriced. Awful service. I have not brought myself to go back to Esquire. I kind of like Oasis because it feels like a small company that really cares about its clients.
Anyone but an offical court reporter with one of the courts.
I let my legal assistants decide. That usually comes down to which of the groups delivers the best Christmas cookies and goodies.
11:54 pulls back the curtain!
So much winning.
Are you an attorney? It's a voluntary dismissal due to a stipulation. How is this a loss?
Exactly. So it is a WIN not a loss, right? Time for a victory lap.
It's a win for the voters of Nevada. If Hack-salt would like to take a victory lap over a case-ending dismissal, the sewer drain is over there, Pencil-Neck, to your right.
We actually are making changes in our firm. We are mandating masks for employees again in the office. We are considering returning to WFH models and rotating staff again. It feels like we are going backwards because unfortunately we are going backwards with this virus.
How can you say that? We are moments away from a vaccine and already have therapeutics that essentially cure the virus. We're not "going backwards with the virus." We're going backwards with the politics of the virus.
Look at a chart of cases in Clark County and Nevada. It is going up by big increases. 1000 cases a day. Clark County has the 7th highest number of COVID cases in the nation. I am not an alarmist or a Sisolak fan, but numbers are numbers.
All of my friends asking for accolades because they took a job that provided them with a free/discounted education in exchange for taking a low paying job for a few years do not deserve a national holiday. People who lost their lives in battle? Sure. People who did menial tasks as a job that they chose? Not so much.
I don't know why this made me laugh. I think it's the hint of anger, yet patriotism. I love this! And agree.
No job in the Armed Forces is menial. Everyone serves a purpose to support the logistics and operations of the armed services, and proudly so. I'm distressed anyone would say otherwise.
Jordan Ross – agree completely. Service to our country should not be diminished in any way based on surrounding circumstances. Anyone in the military can immediately be put in harms way if we are under attack. It’s never easy and service members have to put the country’s needs/desires above their own.
Wow, Matt Hoffman is a constitutional law and energy law expert? Fuck you personal injury lawyer.
I like All American Court Reporters and Lit Services.
hahaha I'm a Family Law Lawyer and I filed a Complaint for Custody. The other side filed an Answer. When I opened it, it is just a scan of a footprint!! Apparently, the paralegal or whomever had the scan in rotated and someone must have stepped on the paper. IDK I find that so funny, it's livening up my day. The only downside is that some Judges in Family Court may actually rule for them thinking that a footprint is a solid argument haha
That's the heel of justice coming down on you.
@1:26p – so……. you're not gonna give us a case # so we can see for ourselves how strong the footprint argument is?
If the Nevada sends out 100,000+ ballots to illegal aliens with ID cards or driver licenses, HOW does anyone other than the illegal know if they voted? There isn't an audit process. Democrats love to ignore law when it suits their purpose of destroying USA. Great, you beat evil orange man so that senile old man can take over. If i was one of the judges who lost by a few thousand votes I would be pushing for total, audited, recounts.
You Moron or Maroon! Ballots are not sent out to undocumented residents. This lie is as bad as the lie about the Sisolak Halloween party. How do you conspiracy clowns come up with this stuff?
3:17 you may want to look into this YOU moron maroon.
Fake news. See the updated regulations and more importantly the up-ed piece by Todd Bice.