These bailouts are so fraudulent. Free money brings out the worst in people. Shameful we allowed this to happen after the financial bailouts of the Great Recession. I've never liked bailouts, stimulus payments, etc. But if we're going to give financial relief again, then I propose everything just goes to citizens. No illegal immigrants, no businesses, no non-profits. Just give all the money to individauls/families and let us decide what businesses we want the money to flow to.
Re @10:39a – that's exactly what I was thinking. How is Pereira & Associates paying less than $100k/year to 14 employees and 2.5x that per month be over $5M. By my calculation that's $291,666.67 total (14 employees x $8,333.33/m max x 2.5 months for PPP loan amount = $291,666.67.)
@10:20 – what kind of firm do you run? PI? For firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare. I suppose slamming Eglet is warranted – unless this money saved his staff. Most firms drain their accounts at year end so Eglets personal wealth does not necessarily reflect on the cash in the firm. So basically – I'm surprised to see the criticism of any firm taking a PPP loan. As an employee of a firm (not an attorney) – thank God my firm took one. I was actually shocked when I talked to some of my friends at firms that were not applying or had missed the opportunity because their firm management wasn't on the ball. I know because my firm was transparent and told us all – which gave us a lot of comfort and then I asked my friends to make sure they were protecting their people. I know several lawfirm staff who have been laid off/fired and also have heard of many attorneys. The lay offs/terminations may not have cmoe yet but without this loan – they'll be in the next two quarters for many firms. I also know several firms that cut salaries and also laid off employees. So – any firms who took this money who may be reading this – BRAVO to you!
I cannot believe that we were hoodwinked into this crappy stimulus. All of congress and president should be shamed and thrown out. This was for mom and pop businesses. Any non-mom and pop business that took a forgiveable PPP loan should be called out, doxed, and shamed.
It's ridiculous that we're saving lawfirm because "firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare." Everything is a NIGHTMARE right now. Shame on us for giving money to lawfirms because "firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare" while not having free afforable health care or massive student loan forgiveness.
Give the people the stimulus directly, forgive all student loans that were taken out over 5 years ago…that will benefit the economy so much more than this ridiculous PPP forgivable loan crap.
@11:51 – none. I tried to scroll through the list and it's not user friendly but when I was scrolling I noticed Kolesar & Leatham – how can that be???? Firm closed pre-covid. I know many staff members at new firms, several lawyers starting their own and some at other firms???? Also – when i was scrolling I saw countless NV firms – good for them. Wise – your employees thank you!
I am with 11:51. Law firms were hit as hard as many businesses, still had payroll and still had rent. I get 12:38's argument which is that it is a nightmare for everyone. You are correct and make a compelling argument for why PPP loans should have been given to anyone (although your forgive student debt argument falls flat). But once we started giving money to businesses that qualify, those qualifications should be applied to everyone.
The gap in income disparities is the root of most of our problems. All income levels had their lives improved from the end of WW2 to the late 70's. Since then, the poor have remained poor, the rich have gotten richer, and the middle class have remained slaves to their jobs and are settling for paltry alms from employers. Greed and the love of money is the root of all evils.
Here is the thing: if firms did not take PPP, there would be more unemployed in the legal community, making moving or finding new work more difficult and suppressing wages. You must forget how things were in 08-11? No stimulus is perfect, but there are people directly impacted and indirectly impacted. How in the scheme of things has PPP payments to any law firms (and no my firm is not on the list of those publicly named) harmed anyone? Yes, it adds to the debt, for those amounts ultimately forgiven, but isn't that basic Keynesian economics?
I work for a solo on southwest part of town. I am her assistant, and she is amazing to work with. I am working temotely during the entire pandemic and received a raise.
We are growing.
Many law firms listed on the spreadsheet taking $150,000 up to millions! According to the paper, however, the public may never know the identity of more than 80% of the nearly 5 million beneficiaries to date because the administration has refused to release details on loans under $150,000 — the vast majority of borrowers. That secrecy spurred an open-records lawsuit by a group of news organizations. I hope they have to disclose everyone who took a loan of taxpayer funds, especially those who won't pay it back.
This is fraud, and the government will go after companies. I am lmfao that Eglet, the premiere, Elissa Cadish's best friend is taking bail out money when he give her at least 5k every in a campaign cycle.
July 7, 2020 5:03 pm
The bar exam article seems like it is continuing to perpetuate its own views of racism and prejudice. The whole impetus of the article appears to be that black=poor, in other words the article (and a lot of public policy positions on race) use being black as a proxy for being poor. Without that presumption, the whole article falls apart. Is it true that all or the majority of black law students are poor or come from poor households? If that's true, then why not give diploma privileges to all black law students when they graduate and not require them to take the bar exam but still require all non-black law students to take the bar exam?
Much like the Boyd students who sent letters to the NV Supreme Court enthusiastically supporting an online, open book bar exam, the persuasiveness of this article suffers a bit given that it was written by 2020 law school graduates who I imagine would rather watch paint dry than have to take the bar exam. I get it–it's no fun spending three months studying for an exam that determines whether you get to do the thing you invested $150K+ and three years of your life in. However, this mentality of "well, there's alot going on right now and I can't focus on studying, so the obvious solution is to just let me and all my classmates be a lawyer," is baffling. Yes, the bar exam is long-overdue for an overhaul, but replacing it with a diploma privilege (i.e., showing up to class and managing to get at least a C on exams) is not the answer. Other states have come up with ways administer the exam while protecting health and safety. Texas can do the same.
• Close to 0% for people under 45
• 0.05%-0.3% for 45-70 yr olds
• Substantially higher for 70+
He also slams lockdowns and says they’re done based on bad data.
I tend to agree that the lockdown is stupid. Social distance, masks, remote work are all effective in minimizing risk. We need to figure out how to try cases. If the Court would eliminate in person status checks and simple motion hearings it would thin out RJC population. Then we could get back to trying cases.
Can you or the original poster point me to the underlying research that supports those statistics? I looked, and the only thing I could find was from March 17, 2020 – right around the time the lockdowns started – and doesn't consider the additional information we have learned since then, or the non-lethal impacts of a Covid infection.
The Stanford guy took part in the now-discredited Santa Clara County study. And he cherrypicked his data – ignoring well-designed studies out of Europe that didn't match the conclusion he was going for. Just because the guy teaches at Stanford doesn't mean he's right and every other epidemiologist is wrong. He can't be trusted on this topic.
First of all, you're disgusting, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Not your family, friends, kids, etc. Any time someone says you're an okay person, rest assured knowing that that is simply not true, whether that someone knows it or not.
Second of all: fellas, is it gay to avoid getting the flu?
That's an interesting interview with him, but it still relies a lot on his March paper. I hope that he's right about the rate, obviously, but he also says that there is a lot we do not know about how Covid impacts people and the death rate. I read him as being critical of the haphazard way the shutdowns were done and the collateral consequences of them. Hopefully, moving forward, we will have cohesive, evidence-based plan to limit the spread. That said, I cannot imagine a way to have an in-person jury trial at the RJC right now.
Defund the Nevada Supreme Court. These recent decisions are inane.
July 7, 2020 10:48 pm
Any other defense attorneys noticing Plaintiff's attorneys are serving more written discovery and much earlier than usual? I am absolutely swamped with written discovery and it all started a little bit after the lockdown began.
YES! I seriously was saying the same thing. And they're not paid by the hour so I am perplexed by the motivation.
July 7, 2020 10:55 pm
Some larger out of state law firms did really well under the PPP loan program because they were under 500 employees. Law firms with more than 500 employees didn't qualify for the program. The following law firms received loans between $5-10 million:
Armstrong Teasdale (424 employees)
Fennemore Craig (283 employees)
Howard & Howard (303 employees)
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie (418 employees)
We should band together under the unifying principle that the attorneys from these firms are buying the drinks for the foreseeable future. This might offset the feelings of frustration when you are working on a matter opposed to an attorney at one of these firms and you realize that the federal government just gave their firm a cash infusion between $5-10 million that could be used against you and your client.
Why? Only mom and pop businesses employ people? The point is to keep people employed. Some of the comments here regarding the PPP loan are really alarming. The program was to keep people employed, period.
50 employees are "mom-and-pop"? 50 employee businesses are actually quite large compared to many of the firms that were decried above as being wolves in the flock. Look–the Government offered the program. Our firm would have laid people off not because we do not have work but clients stopped paying when the pandemic hit and we would not have had cashflow to keep paying salaries and benefits and rent while no money was coming in the door. Why shouldn't law firms be entitled to the same relief on the same terms as dry cleaners and restaurants?
The whole thing is fraudulent and robbing taxpayers. It should have never happened. Doesn't matter if you're Kanye West taking money for some side business hustle, or Harvard, or Hutchison & Steffen. None of them should have received this money.
@5:02 – uhm…this is 4:48 here….ever hear of unemployment compensation? Ever hear of the numerous state and federally funded means tested welfare programs? If there was no PPP money, these systems would have been flooded, countless lives destroyed, homeless, suicide, children hungry…and don't fret – it will happen anyway because the democrats want to keep our country closed and at some point the PPP money will run out. But don't get it twisted man (or woman?) PPP money kept/keeps people working – kept economics at least flowing for a time being.
All the legal elite are taking bailouts, congratulations! Glen Lerner, how much did he take? But, he is giving out campaign contributions and doing daily giveaways with prizes worth $200-$500 a day. Fraud?
July 7, 2020 11:32 pm
Sissylak is horrible for poor and working people. But his rich friends will keep the donations coming. He is worried about $1.2B budget shortfall. So, he cuts education, cuts Medicaid, cuts state workers’ salaries with furloughs—kids, poor people, working people. Instead of severe cuts to those who need it, why not a one-time tax on the rich? Maybe a one-time state property tax on property valued over $1M. Or maybe a one-time income tax on income over $1M, or some other tax on the rich. That would never happen. The people getting cut aren’t donors. True to form, Sissylak takes care of those who take care of him. Not much of a Democrat!
@5:45 – #MeToo is my line. No fair. Having said that, it must be bipartisan because – Sissylack.
July 8, 2020 12:49 am
5:34–so true.
Also,4:32 blatantly reveals his true self. He tries to act as if he is providing supportable details, but actually he despises Sisolak merely because Sisolak is a democrat.
4:32 is the kind of person, who because Obama was black and democrat, called Obama a Muslim terrorist. Of course those people tended to get themselves real confused. One moment they would say Obama is a communist, while in the next breath they would say he is a Muslim terrorist, while in the next breath they would say he is responsible for, and adopts the views of, Rev. Wright as Obama supposedly sat in Wright's Christian church each Sunday for 20 years.
And these morons never stopped to think how can they condemn him as a Muslim terrorist, while also criticizing him for supposedly attending the Rev. Wright's Christian church for 20 years. And what Muslim terrorist embraces communism? None of these glaring discrepancies and contradictions were ever explained.
That said, there is a lot to criticize about the policies of Obama, as well as Sisolak. But let's not be hateful, illogical, bigoted morons when we do so.
5:49 is the type of person who because he's a misogynist presumes any post is from a male because he is a male. So 4:32 reveals "his" true self? Think again – dick for brains. 'twas a lady whom posted …also my post literally listed numerous examples. Go grill something.
I am 4:32. I have been a died in the wool Democrat my entire life. Sissylak is a disgrace to Democratic ideals. He is a less offensive version of Trump–all for himself and those who pay to play.
And I am also 5:49. And yes, I was conscious when I wrote the post that I was presuming something I had no direct proof of(that 4:32 is a male).
But it was abundantly clear to me, and still is, that 4:32 is a male, and a bigoted, hateful, intolerant, immature, sheltered, small-minded one at that.
6:34 calls me "dick for brains" for assuming 4;32 is male, and claims to have been 4:32, and a female. but that is false.6:34 is merely a bigot who got offended when I criticized 4:32 as 6:34 holds the same narrow, intolerant views of 4:32.
All of which leads to the added absurdity when calling me a "misogynist." if anything, I am the polar opposite as I assumed that no woman would write something that idiotic, insensitive and intolerant.
So, no matter how much someone wants to carry on, 4:32 was written by a male. Ask any friends you have who have psychological training. Have them read it and tell you what they think.
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September 4, 2020 3:26 am
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December 5, 2020 7:44 pm
For the PPP curious – this from a Law 360 article: Those nine law firms [that received the statutory maximum of $10 million in PPP] are Maynard Cooper & Gale PC, Day Pitney LLP, Cole Scott & Kissane PA, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, GrayRobinson, Robins Kaplan LLP, Fredrikson & Byron PA, Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP and Thompson & Knight LLP
Well-known law firms received loans, including:
Glen Lerner
Hutchison and Steffen
Legal Aid of Southern Nevada
McDonald Carano
Eglet Law Group
Eglet took a bailout? Wow, my low rent, small firm did not. His bail out money is going to his candidates.
These bailouts are so fraudulent. Free money brings out the worst in people. Shameful we allowed this to happen after the financial bailouts of the Great Recession. I've never liked bailouts, stimulus payments, etc. But if we're going to give financial relief again, then I propose everything just goes to citizens. No illegal immigrants, no businesses, no non-profits. Just give all the money to individauls/families and let us decide what businesses we want the money to flow to.
Wow, Pereira & Associates immigration law firm received $5-10m to support its 14 employees, we are all clearly in the wrong office…smh
What was Eglet Adams' cut from the $800 million MGM settlement? And they were entitled to a bailout?
Re @10:39a – that's exactly what I was thinking. How is Pereira & Associates paying less than $100k/year to 14 employees and 2.5x that per month be over $5M. By my calculation that's $291,666.67 total (14 employees x $8,333.33/m max x 2.5 months for PPP loan amount = $291,666.67.)
@10:20 – what kind of firm do you run? PI? For firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare. I suppose slamming Eglet is warranted – unless this money saved his staff. Most firms drain their accounts at year end so Eglets personal wealth does not necessarily reflect on the cash in the firm. So basically – I'm surprised to see the criticism of any firm taking a PPP loan. As an employee of a firm (not an attorney) – thank God my firm took one. I was actually shocked when I talked to some of my friends at firms that were not applying or had missed the opportunity because their firm management wasn't on the ball. I know because my firm was transparent and told us all – which gave us a lot of comfort and then I asked my friends to make sure they were protecting their people. I know several lawfirm staff who have been laid off/fired and also have heard of many attorneys. The lay offs/terminations may not have cmoe yet but without this loan – they'll be in the next two quarters for many firms. I also know several firms that cut salaries and also laid off employees. So – any firms who took this money who may be reading this – BRAVO to you!
@11:51, which one are you:
Glen Lerner
Hutchison and Steffen
Legal Aid of Southern Nevada
McDonald Carano
Eglet Law Group
I cannot believe that we were hoodwinked into this crappy stimulus. All of congress and president should be shamed and thrown out. This was for mom and pop businesses. Any non-mom and pop business that took a forgiveable PPP loan should be called out, doxed, and shamed.
It's ridiculous that we're saving lawfirm because "firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare." Everything is a NIGHTMARE right now. Shame on us for giving money to lawfirms because "firms that have hourly paying clients COVID19 has been a nightmare" while not having free afforable health care or massive student loan forgiveness.
Give the people the stimulus directly, forgive all student loans that were taken out over 5 years ago…that will benefit the economy so much more than this ridiculous PPP forgivable loan crap.
@11:51 – none. I tried to scroll through the list and it's not user friendly but when I was scrolling I noticed Kolesar & Leatham – how can that be???? Firm closed pre-covid. I know many staff members at new firms, several lawyers starting their own and some at other firms???? Also – when i was scrolling I saw countless NV firms – good for them. Wise – your employees thank you!
12:38 – did you spend some time in CHAZ? You seem angry? And stupid
I am with 11:51. Law firms were hit as hard as many businesses, still had payroll and still had rent. I get 12:38's argument which is that it is a nightmare for everyone. You are correct and make a compelling argument for why PPP loans should have been given to anyone (although your forgive student debt argument falls flat). But once we started giving money to businesses that qualify, those qualifications should be applied to everyone.
The gap in income disparities is the root of most of our problems. All income levels had their lives improved from the end of WW2 to the late 70's. Since then, the poor have remained poor, the rich have gotten richer, and the middle class have remained slaves to their jobs and are settling for paltry alms from employers. Greed and the love of money is the root of all evils.
I can tell Glen Lerner must be suffering since his commercials are never on tv anymore oh wait…
Here is the thing: if firms did not take PPP, there would be more unemployed in the legal community, making moving or finding new work more difficult and suppressing wages. You must forget how things were in 08-11? No stimulus is perfect, but there are people directly impacted and indirectly impacted. How in the scheme of things has PPP payments to any law firms (and no my firm is not on the list of those publicly named) harmed anyone? Yes, it adds to the debt, for those amounts ultimately forgiven, but isn't that basic Keynesian economics?
I work for a solo on southwest part of town. I am her assistant, and she is amazing to work with. I am working temotely during the entire pandemic and received a raise.
We are growing.
Many law firms listed on the spreadsheet taking $150,000 up to millions! According to the paper, however, the public may never know the identity of more than 80% of the nearly 5 million beneficiaries to date because the administration has refused to release details on loans under $150,000 — the vast majority of borrowers. That secrecy spurred an open-records lawsuit by a group of news organizations. I hope they have to disclose everyone who took a loan of taxpayer funds, especially those who won't pay it back.
This is fraud, and the government will go after companies. I am lmfao that Eglet, the premiere, Elissa Cadish's best friend is taking bail out money when he give her at least 5k every in a campaign cycle.
The bar exam article seems like it is continuing to perpetuate its own views of racism and prejudice. The whole impetus of the article appears to be that black=poor, in other words the article (and a lot of public policy positions on race) use being black as a proxy for being poor. Without that presumption, the whole article falls apart. Is it true that all or the majority of black law students are poor or come from poor households? If that's true, then why not give diploma privileges to all black law students when they graduate and not require them to take the bar exam but still require all non-black law students to take the bar exam?
Much like the Boyd students who sent letters to the NV Supreme Court enthusiastically supporting an online, open book bar exam, the persuasiveness of this article suffers a bit given that it was written by 2020 law school graduates who I imagine would rather watch paint dry than have to take the bar exam. I get it–it's no fun spending three months studying for an exam that determines whether you get to do the thing you invested $150K+ and three years of your life in. However, this mentality of "well, there's alot going on right now and I can't focus on studying, so the obvious solution is to just let me and all my classmates be a lawyer," is baffling. Yes, the bar exam is long-overdue for an overhaul, but replacing it with a diploma privilege (i.e., showing up to class and managing to get at least a C on exams) is not the answer. Other states have come up with ways administer the exam while protecting health and safety. Texas can do the same.
This was posted on July 6 thread.
Stanford University's disease prevention chairman says COVID’s infection fatality rate is:
• Close to 0% for people under 45
• 0.05%-0.3% for 45-70 yr olds
• Substantially higher for 70+
He also slams lockdowns and says they’re done based on bad data.
I tend to agree that the lockdown is stupid. Social distance, masks, remote work are all effective in minimizing risk. We need to figure out how to try cases. If the Court would eliminate in person status checks and simple motion hearings it would thin out RJC population. Then we could get back to trying cases.
Other countries locked down way more stringently and longer than we did. They haven't spiked back after reopening.
Ours wasn't a true lockdown. It was a band aid on a fire hydrant. It did nothing. We're in a mess because US is selfish, not self-less.
Our economy is a house of cards right now.
I completely concur with 10:54. The REAL lockdowns worked.
11:10 – #MeToo
Can you or the original poster point me to the underlying research that supports those statistics? I looked, and the only thing I could find was from March 17, 2020 – right around the time the lockdowns started – and doesn't consider the additional information we have learned since then, or the non-lethal impacts of a Covid infection.
The Stanford guy took part in the now-discredited Santa Clara County study. And he cherrypicked his data – ignoring well-designed studies out of Europe that didn't match the conclusion he was going for. Just because the guy teaches at Stanford doesn't mean he's right and every other epidemiologist is wrong. He can't be trusted on this topic.
"Feminized queers."
First of all, you're disgusting, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Not your family, friends, kids, etc. Any time someone says you're an okay person, rest assured knowing that that is simply not true, whether that someone knows it or not.
Second of all: fellas, is it gay to avoid getting the flu?
Gosh darn it, the mod(s) removed the "feminized queers" comment.
That's an interesting interview with him, but it still relies a lot on his March paper. I hope that he's right about the rate, obviously, but he also says that there is a lot we do not know about how Covid impacts people and the death rate. I read him as being critical of the haphazard way the shutdowns were done and the collateral consequences of them. Hopefully, moving forward, we will have cohesive, evidence-based plan to limit the spread. That said, I cannot imagine a way to have an in-person jury trial at the RJC right now.
I sorted out the lawfirms. Who knew Bighorn Law had 88 Employees!? More that Rick….
Kolesar & Leathan closed pre-pandemic, indicates it retained 10 jobs and received a forgivable loan in an amount of $1-2 million. WTF?!?!?!?!
Now they can put 40% of that toward rent. Crazy.
But the partners at Kolesar Leatham are just retiring. They have plenty of m9ney, according to them, why are they committing alleged fraud?????
2:52 – Because it was setup to allow this type of fraud. Most don't need the bailout money, but it was free money. Absolutely ridiculous.
Panic + DEM = PanDEMIC
The Chinese virus is actually a democrat virus. Isn't it Dr. Fauci?
Fauci wears army boots.
And nothing else
…on the weekends.
Defund the Nevada Supreme Court. These recent decisions are inane.
Any other defense attorneys noticing Plaintiff's attorneys are serving more written discovery and much earlier than usual? I am absolutely swamped with written discovery and it all started a little bit after the lockdown began.
YES! I seriously was saying the same thing. And they're not paid by the hour so I am perplexed by the motivation.
Some larger out of state law firms did really well under the PPP loan program because they were under 500 employees. Law firms with more than 500 employees didn't qualify for the program. The following law firms received loans between $5-10 million:
Armstrong Teasdale (424 employees)
Fennemore Craig (283 employees)
Howard & Howard (303 employees)
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie (418 employees)
We should band together under the unifying principle that the attorneys from these firms are buying the drinks for the foreseeable future. This might offset the feelings of frustration when you are working on a matter opposed to an attorney at one of these firms and you realize that the federal government just gave their firm a cash infusion between $5-10 million that could be used against you and your client.
This is insane. The program should have been for businesses with less than 50 employees. True mom-and-pop businesses.
Why? Only mom and pop businesses employ people? The point is to keep people employed. Some of the comments here regarding the PPP loan are really alarming. The program was to keep people employed, period.
4:48- Why is it taxpayer responsibility to keep people employed by private companies?
50 employees are "mom-and-pop"? 50 employee businesses are actually quite large compared to many of the firms that were decried above as being wolves in the flock. Look–the Government offered the program. Our firm would have laid people off not because we do not have work but clients stopped paying when the pandemic hit and we would not have had cashflow to keep paying salaries and benefits and rent while no money was coming in the door. Why shouldn't law firms be entitled to the same relief on the same terms as dry cleaners and restaurants?
The whole thing is fraudulent and robbing taxpayers. It should have never happened. Doesn't matter if you're Kanye West taking money for some side business hustle, or Harvard, or Hutchison & Steffen. None of them should have received this money.
@5:02 – uhm…this is 4:48 here….ever hear of unemployment compensation? Ever hear of the numerous state and federally funded means tested welfare programs? If there was no PPP money, these systems would have been flooded, countless lives destroyed, homeless, suicide, children hungry…and don't fret – it will happen anyway because the democrats want to keep our country closed and at some point the PPP money will run out. But don't get it twisted man (or woman?) PPP money kept/keeps people working – kept economics at least flowing for a time being.
All the legal elite are taking bailouts, congratulations! Glen Lerner, how much did he take? But, he is giving out campaign contributions and doing daily giveaways with prizes worth $200-$500 a day. Fraud?
Sissylak is horrible for poor and working people. But his rich friends will keep the donations coming. He is worried about $1.2B budget shortfall. So, he cuts education, cuts Medicaid, cuts state workers’ salaries with furloughs—kids, poor people, working people. Instead of severe cuts to those who need it, why not a one-time tax on the rich? Maybe a one-time state property tax on property valued over $1M. Or maybe a one-time income tax on income over $1M, or some other tax on the rich. That would never happen. The people getting cut aren’t donors. True to form, Sissylak takes care of those who take care of him. Not much of a Democrat!
This could be said of all elected officials on both sides of the aisle. Our system is broken. What's our next form of government?
4:39 – One in which we love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves.
When someone says "tRump" or "Sissylack" I automatically assume the author is stupid and stop reading.
5:34 – #MeToo
@5:45 – #MeToo is my line. No fair. Having said that, it must be bipartisan because – Sissylack.
5:34–so true.
Also,4:32 blatantly reveals his true self. He tries to act as if he is providing supportable details, but actually he despises Sisolak merely because Sisolak is a democrat.
4:32 is the kind of person, who because Obama was black and democrat, called Obama a Muslim terrorist. Of course those people tended to get themselves real confused. One moment they would say Obama is a communist, while in the next breath they would say he is a Muslim terrorist, while in the next breath they would say he is responsible for, and adopts the views of, Rev. Wright as Obama supposedly sat in Wright's Christian church each Sunday for 20 years.
And these morons never stopped to think how can they condemn him as a Muslim terrorist, while also criticizing him for supposedly attending the Rev. Wright's Christian church for 20 years. And what Muslim terrorist embraces communism? None of these glaring discrepancies and contradictions were ever explained.
That said, there is a lot to criticize about the policies of Obama, as well as Sisolak. But let's not be hateful, illogical, bigoted morons when we do so.
5:49 is the type of person who because he's a misogynist presumes any post is from a male because he is a male. So 4:32 reveals "his" true self? Think again – dick for brains. 'twas a lady whom posted …also my post literally listed numerous examples. Go grill something.
I am 4:32. I have been a died in the wool Democrat my entire life. Sissylak is a disgrace to Democratic ideals. He is a less offensive version of Trump–all for himself and those who pay to play.
I am 4:32.
You are both wrong. I am 4:32.
No, I am Spartacus.
And I am also 5:49. And yes, I was conscious when I wrote the post that I was presuming something I had no direct proof of(that 4:32 is a male).
But it was abundantly clear to me, and still is, that 4:32 is a male, and a bigoted, hateful, intolerant, immature, sheltered, small-minded one at that.
6:34 calls me "dick for brains" for assuming 4;32 is male, and claims to have been 4:32, and a female. but that is false.6:34 is merely a bigot who got offended when I criticized 4:32 as 6:34 holds the same narrow, intolerant views of 4:32.
All of which leads to the added absurdity when calling me a "misogynist." if anything, I am the polar opposite as I assumed that no woman would write something that idiotic, insensitive and intolerant.
So, no matter how much someone wants to carry on, 4:32 was written by a male. Ask any friends you have who have psychological training. Have them read it and tell you what they think.
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For the PPP curious – this from a Law 360 article: Those nine law firms [that received the statutory maximum of $10 million in PPP] are Maynard Cooper & Gale PC, Day Pitney LLP, Cole Scott & Kissane PA, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, GrayRobinson, Robins Kaplan LLP, Fredrikson & Byron PA, Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP and Thompson & Knight LLP