The Supreme Court of Nevada confirmed a ruling awarding fees in fight for Tupac murder probe records. [CNS]
Senior Judge Nancy Becker says prosecutors can return to grand jury in prison killing. [RJ]
Should former Governor Sandoval’s application to lead UNR be treated like any other applicant? Orrin Johnson offers his opinion. [TNI]
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck is helping small businesses navigate financial relief–but, it’s not a free service. [Vegas Inc.]
Letters are not required for essential workers in Nevada. [RJ]
Spring break starts for CCSD today. Any big plans? [RJ]
With the new guidance that we should all be wearing masks in public, anyone want to report on what is going on in court? We’re hearing that some aspects of the local legal system have been business as usual cramming people into a courtroom…
The stay at home order has now, for me, become a serious concern. I am down to a 6 1/2 day supply of red wine. I am in dire straights in other areas, having only 2 remaining family size packs of Oreo cookies. I may have to walk the streets tonight to try barter toilet paper for Oreos. God-speed.
Or order from Pikfly. They send a runner to Mariana's Supermarket, buy the items for you, and deliver them. Mostly liquor, fruit, and mixes; not really wine.
I go shopping 2-3 times a week, head into the office frequently. Washed my truck and detailed it yesterday. Out riding when not at home working. Perfectly healthy, getting more annoyed every day with the growing democrat-led police state.
April 6, 2020 4:55 pm
regular or double stuff? The distinction is important.
April 6, 2020 at 10:55 AM – You are self-centered and concerned with only your own needs. I think all of you are horrible and callous and should be thinking about my suffering as I work at home. I almost ran out of my preferred Red Rose tea bags while you worry about your petty problems. Selfish thugs.
Linda Bell sent an E-Mail out to criminal practitioners indicating that all Administrative Orders will be extended by not less than 30 days. ". This week I will be extending all of our Administrative Orders 30 days. It is entirely possible there will be at least one extension after that. We’ll see." That will push everything to mid-May. Why only criminal practitioners? Who knows.
April 6, 2020 7:11 pm
How is civil litigation "essential"? Especially with the tolling if the SOL, discovery and depositions stayed and no trials?
I don't know about your practice. Our practice is buzzing with clients with lease, insurance, PPP/EIDL questions. Also with the Governor backing off of which deadlines he was (could be) staying, there are quite a few deadlines that appear to not be stayed.
Life goes on. I got a call today about a young man who was involved in an auto accident, guy is in a coma, with no Advanced Health Care Directive. His parents want to be appointed guardians of him and his young children. Mom is completely out of the picture, with drugs and criminal record. This situation seems pretty essential to me!
POLL– In the next 5 years:
1. Universal Basic Income?
2. A form of universal health single payor medical insurance?
3. Shift to Green New Deal?
4. Income Tax in Nevada?
1. No chance.
2. Doubtful. I'll give it a 2% chance.
3. Yes, but driven mainly via state RPS mandates. If Biden wins he could reimplement the Clean Power Plan, but states are driving the train at this point.
4. 2 months ago I would've said no chance in hell. There's a small chance now, depends on how long this lasts. But at some point it's too expensive to set up a new tax if it's only gonna be a few percentage points. It's probably easier administratively to just increase existing taxes. I'll give it a 5-10% chance.
1. UBI in some form is coming because of the way AI will make entire sections of the labor force obsolete.
2. Public option will probably happen, single payer won't. Republicans, you had 30 years to put together a serious alternative proposal and you failed. Patience will run out and we will end up with a public option.
3. No. This is whackadoodle pie in the sky stuff.
4. Please, God, no. This is one of the top 10 things about living here.
1. Only likely to happen on a national level or in blue states.
2. More likely than 1, but some form of Medicare or a public option seems most likely to be the next incremental health care reform.
3. Should be done regardless of COVID-19, but now it could be included as part of a broader infrastructure and jobs package to keep us from falling into a depression or long recession.
4. We're more likely to get a lottery or broader mining tax than I'd say we're likely to adopt an income tax in Nevada, and none of those have been viewed as very likely in normal circumstances. Any of the three will require a constitutional amendment. The theoretical absolute fastest that could be done, constitutionally, is maybe one year. More typically constitutional amendments take 5 years: through successive legislatures (which meet regularly only biennially) and then to a general election or by initiative petition and adoption by the people at successive general elections.
1. Seriously hope not. Where do the (D)'s expect all this money to come from when it's more lucrative to stay on the .gov teat than to work?
2. Again, hope not. Where's the money supposed to come from? The insane reaction to COVID19 is going to take YEARS to recover from (new taxes; don't fool yourselves).
3. Never.
4. In 5 years? Doubtful, but possible. Would have to be approved in first election this November then reaffirmed in 2 years again.
Regarding No. 4, given the language in Article 16, Section 1, of the Nevada Constitution, it's theoretically possible for this legislature, at a special session, to propose an amendment to the constitution, have the next legislature, which convenes in February 2021, pass it again, and for it to be placed before the voters at a special election sometime in 2021. So about a year, simply as a matter of constitutional theory. Political reality, however…
April 6, 2020 9:05 pm
"Should Former Governor Sandoval's application to lead UNR be treated like any other applicant's?"
What a pointless, seemingly naïve, question to pose. Whether his application should be treated the same as everyone else's(and in theory, it should), is purely a philosophical or theoretical question with no connection to reality.
Fact is, it will NOT be treated the same as anyone else's. They will not waste time with any meaningful national search, and will only go through the minimal motions of objectivity and fairness by granting interviews to a few select finalists, but at the end of the day it is all for naught.
If our predecessor Governor, who served two terms and remains popular with power brokers on both sides of the aisle, wants the job, he gets the job.
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy from Day #1, regardless of whether or not they waste time and resources on the pretense of a nation-wide search, and/or interviewing a handful of candidates in an attempt to appear fair or objective.
I'm not implying he should not receive the post. In fact, I think he should IMO. I'm just suggesting it is a farce of the first order if there is any pretense to make the process seem really fair, even or open. They should just admit what they are doing, i.e. once the former governor applied, game essentially over.
Not sure why he would want to reign over the Reno University System. Isn't he currently working as the head of MGM Gaming, or some other gaming conglomerate? That seems like a much better gig to me, with, frankly, more influence. But he was always concerned with issues surrounding secondary education, so perhaps he will be happier with his new post.
I didn't vote for him but he's got executive experience, fundraising experience, and he is tied in with political power in the State. I don't know what else you really want from a university head. At my law school, which was private so maybe this is different, our chancellor was basically just a fundraiser.
April 6, 2020 9:22 pm
2:05–after he concluded his second term as Governor, at beginning of January 2019, he accepted position as President Of Global Gaming with MGM Resorts. Presumably, his department was centered on international gaming interests by MGM, and their potential expansion into additional international markets.
It appears he has already resigned such positon, which does suggests he is very confident that he will receive the UNR position.
I agree that the international gaming positon sounds more intriguing that to be the leader of a regional university system which many consider mediocre at best, to put it charitably.
But the gaming position may have required a fair degree of travel, including, of course, international travel, and he may have yearned for a more quiet, less hectic life at this point. I believe he still resides in the Reno area, so he can presumably can fulfill this position without travelling too much.
Plus, even though myself and others may not hold UNR(nor UNLV, for that matter) in the highest of regard, I believe it is his alma mata, and with his influence and connections, he may be able to affect increased legislative funding to enhance UNR.
I think he'd be an excellent choice–who better than a former, very popular, two-term governor?
His task was to open up Japan to MGM. He failed. Murren got fired and so did governor sunny. He is empty-headed. Dumb. Lousy lawyer, pathetic AG, failed judge, and as governor, he did what his strip masters told him. No more troughs for him.
Man. I agree with 6:18. Sandoval was liked as a governor, but he made decisions that blatantly served the interests of a few of his buddy lobbyists and their clients. I voted for him, but I was disappointed.
He was a sellout RINO who played straight in public.
April 6, 2020 9:26 pm
He was a Federal Judge, but was required to resign the position once he declared that he was running for Governor. Is it unrealistic(assuming he is interested) that he could again become a federal judge?
Is it a situation whereby once you resign(no matter how justified and understandable the circumstances) that it is unrealistic that you would ever be considered for a subsequent appointment? Even if the reason you resigned was to ultimately become a very successful two term governor?
April 6, 2020 9:44 pm
I appeared in person in one criminal court today. It was a skeleton crew for video court, though. Some people wore masks, some didn't. Everyone was more than six feet apart. As much as I think people should just stay home, this seemed to be fine.
April 6, 2020 9:49 pm
2:22, I believe it is "alma mater" not "alma mata."
But now that I am done being a picky pain-in-the-butt, I agree with the posts about the inevitability of all this.
In fact, if he's appointed, that should not even be reported as a news story, due to such inevitability. The news story already occurred–that he applied(which also essentially means he will be appointed)
However, if for some unknown and unexpected reason he does not receive the post, that will be quite newsworthy and will merit a story.
In fact, there is at least one other highly qualified and highly influential candidate. Supposedly, anyway.
But doubt he is qualified enough, or influential enough, to beat out our immediate past Governor.
Laughlin Constable Jordan Ross
April 6, 2020 11:52 pm
April 6, 2020 at 2:49 PM – Actually alma mata is correct, but only if you went to Brooklyn College…
The stay at home order has now, for me, become a serious concern. I am down to a 6 1/2 day supply of red wine. I am in dire straights in other areas, having only 2 remaining family size packs of Oreo cookies. I may have to walk the streets tonight to try barter toilet paper for Oreos. God-speed.
Lee's now delivers wine/alcohol, so you're good there. Oreos/TP sold separately.
Thank you for your service 10:56am. I did not know that!
You need to order online early in the morning for next day delivery
Or order from Pikfly. They send a runner to Mariana's Supermarket, buy the items for you, and deliver them. Mostly liquor, fruit, and mixes; not really wine.
I go shopping 2-3 times a week, head into the office frequently. Washed my truck and detailed it yesterday. Out riding when not at home working. Perfectly healthy, getting more annoyed every day with the growing democrat-led police state.
regular or double stuff? The distinction is important.
Regular, of course. Double stuff is too decadent and would make it appear that I am self-centered and concerned with only my needs.
April 6, 2020 at 10:55 AM – You are self-centered and concerned with only your own needs. I think all of you are horrible and callous and should be thinking about my suffering as I work at home. I almost ran out of my preferred Red Rose tea bags while you worry about your petty problems. Selfish thugs.
Linda Bell sent an E-Mail out to criminal practitioners indicating that all Administrative Orders will be extended by not less than 30 days. ". This week I will be extending all of our Administrative Orders 30 days. It is entirely possible there will be at least one extension after that. We’ll see." That will push everything to mid-May. Why only criminal practitioners? Who knows.
How is civil litigation "essential"? Especially with the tolling if the SOL, discovery and depositions stayed and no trials?
I don't know about your practice. Our practice is buzzing with clients with lease, insurance, PPP/EIDL questions. Also with the Governor backing off of which deadlines he was (could be) staying, there are quite a few deadlines that appear to not be stayed.
Life goes on. I got a call today about a young man who was involved in an auto accident, guy is in a coma, with no Advanced Health Care Directive. His parents want to be appointed guardians of him and his young children. Mom is completely out of the picture, with drugs and criminal record. This situation seems pretty essential to me!
12:11 here. You two are right. Thanks for the examples.
I don't think discovery is stayed.
Answers to written discovery is stayed for 30 days. I forget the end date.
@ 10:13, how is written discovery stayed?
POLL– In the next 5 years:
1. Universal Basic Income?
2. A form of universal health single payor medical insurance?
3. Shift to Green New Deal?
4. Income Tax in Nevada?
1. No chance.
2. Doubtful. I'll give it a 2% chance.
3. Yes, but driven mainly via state RPS mandates. If Biden wins he could reimplement the Clean Power Plan, but states are driving the train at this point.
4. 2 months ago I would've said no chance in hell. There's a small chance now, depends on how long this lasts. But at some point it's too expensive to set up a new tax if it's only gonna be a few percentage points. It's probably easier administratively to just increase existing taxes. I'll give it a 5-10% chance.
1. UBI in some form is coming because of the way AI will make entire sections of the labor force obsolete.
2. Public option will probably happen, single payer won't. Republicans, you had 30 years to put together a serious alternative proposal and you failed. Patience will run out and we will end up with a public option.
3. No. This is whackadoodle pie in the sky stuff.
4. Please, God, no. This is one of the top 10 things about living here.
1. Only likely to happen on a national level or in blue states.
2. More likely than 1, but some form of Medicare or a public option seems most likely to be the next incremental health care reform.
3. Should be done regardless of COVID-19, but now it could be included as part of a broader infrastructure and jobs package to keep us from falling into a depression or long recession.
4. We're more likely to get a lottery or broader mining tax than I'd say we're likely to adopt an income tax in Nevada, and none of those have been viewed as very likely in normal circumstances. Any of the three will require a constitutional amendment. The theoretical absolute fastest that could be done, constitutionally, is maybe one year. More typically constitutional amendments take 5 years: through successive legislatures (which meet regularly only biennially) and then to a general election or by initiative petition and adoption by the people at successive general elections.
1. Seriously hope not. Where do the (D)'s expect all this money to come from when it's more lucrative to stay on the .gov teat than to work?
2. Again, hope not. Where's the money supposed to come from? The insane reaction to COVID19 is going to take YEARS to recover from (new taxes; don't fool yourselves).
3. Never.
4. In 5 years? Doubtful, but possible. Would have to be approved in first election this November then reaffirmed in 2 years again.
Regarding No. 4, given the language in Article 16, Section 1, of the Nevada Constitution, it's theoretically possible for this legislature, at a special session, to propose an amendment to the constitution, have the next legislature, which convenes in February 2021, pass it again, and for it to be placed before the voters at a special election sometime in 2021. So about a year, simply as a matter of constitutional theory. Political reality, however…
"Should Former Governor Sandoval's application to lead UNR be treated like any other applicant's?"
What a pointless, seemingly naïve, question to pose. Whether his application should be treated the same as everyone else's(and in theory, it should), is purely a philosophical or theoretical question with no connection to reality.
Fact is, it will NOT be treated the same as anyone else's. They will not waste time with any meaningful national search, and will only go through the minimal motions of objectivity and fairness by granting interviews to a few select finalists, but at the end of the day it is all for naught.
If our predecessor Governor, who served two terms and remains popular with power brokers on both sides of the aisle, wants the job, he gets the job.
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy from Day #1, regardless of whether or not they waste time and resources on the pretense of a nation-wide search, and/or interviewing a handful of candidates in an attempt to appear fair or objective.
I'm not implying he should not receive the post. In fact, I think he should IMO. I'm just suggesting it is a farce of the first order if there is any pretense to make the process seem really fair, even or open. They should just admit what they are doing, i.e. once the former governor applied, game essentially over.
Not sure why he would want to reign over the Reno University System. Isn't he currently working as the head of MGM Gaming, or some other gaming conglomerate? That seems like a much better gig to me, with, frankly, more influence. But he was always concerned with issues surrounding secondary education, so perhaps he will be happier with his new post.
I didn't vote for him but he's got executive experience, fundraising experience, and he is tied in with political power in the State. I don't know what else you really want from a university head. At my law school, which was private so maybe this is different, our chancellor was basically just a fundraiser.
2:05–after he concluded his second term as Governor, at beginning of January 2019, he accepted position as President Of Global Gaming with MGM Resorts. Presumably, his department was centered on international gaming interests by MGM, and their potential expansion into additional international markets.
It appears he has already resigned such positon, which does suggests he is very confident that he will receive the UNR position.
I agree that the international gaming positon sounds more intriguing that to be the leader of a regional university system which many consider mediocre at best, to put it charitably.
But the gaming position may have required a fair degree of travel, including, of course, international travel, and he may have yearned for a more quiet, less hectic life at this point. I believe he still resides in the Reno area, so he can presumably can fulfill this position without travelling too much.
Plus, even though myself and others may not hold UNR(nor UNLV, for that matter) in the highest of regard, I believe it is his alma mata, and with his influence and connections, he may be able to affect increased legislative funding to enhance UNR.
I think he'd be an excellent choice–who better than a former, very popular, two-term governor?
His task was to open up Japan to MGM. He failed. Murren got fired and so did governor sunny. He is empty-headed. Dumb. Lousy lawyer, pathetic AG, failed judge, and as governor, he did what his strip masters told him. No more troughs for him.
Man. I agree with 6:18. Sandoval was liked as a governor, but he made decisions that blatantly served the interests of a few of his buddy lobbyists and their clients. I voted for him, but I was disappointed.
He was a sellout RINO who played straight in public.
He was a Federal Judge, but was required to resign the position once he declared that he was running for Governor. Is it unrealistic(assuming he is interested) that he could again become a federal judge?
Is it a situation whereby once you resign(no matter how justified and understandable the circumstances) that it is unrealistic that you would ever be considered for a subsequent appointment? Even if the reason you resigned was to ultimately become a very successful two term governor?
I appeared in person in one criminal court today. It was a skeleton crew for video court, though. Some people wore masks, some didn't. Everyone was more than six feet apart. As much as I think people should just stay home, this seemed to be fine.
2:22, I believe it is "alma mater" not "alma mata."
But now that I am done being a picky pain-in-the-butt, I agree with the posts about the inevitability of all this.
In fact, if he's appointed, that should not even be reported as a news story, due to such inevitability. The news story already occurred–that he applied(which also essentially means he will be appointed)
However, if for some unknown and unexpected reason he does not receive the post, that will be quite newsworthy and will merit a story.
In fact, there is at least one other highly qualified and highly influential candidate. Supposedly, anyway.
But doubt he is qualified enough, or influential enough, to beat out our immediate past Governor.
April 6, 2020 at 2:49 PM – Actually alma mata is correct, but only if you went to Brooklyn College…