Judges mixed on jury trials during the pandemic. [RJ]
Diamond Resorts, a timeshare company, warns of “timeshare exit scams.” Which is scammier? [PRNewswire]
While CCSD opted for online only, Washoe is going for an in person and hybrid model for its students this fall. [TNI]
Meanwhile, Governor Sisolak has issued a special social distancing directive for schools. [RJ]
The Douglas County Sheriff told the local library not to call 911 after it issued a proposed letter of support for Black Lives Matter. [Nevada Current]
Both Bakersfield and Fresno are majority-minority and more diverse than Vegas. Having only 1 attorney of color out of 46 is abysmally out of step with their local demographics.
I judge attorneys on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Outrageous to advocate racial preference of any kind.
And "sammies" are so yesterday. The paleo revolution has arrived. Ditch the white bread (oh, snap, could I make that into a pun???), and embrace meat and salad.
Smooth? They are brutal scamsters. Scariest day of my life, and I still tease my wife for taking the "dinner and show" bait. I know some people claim to love their timeshares, but hot damn…
July 29, 2020 5:31 pm
If cops think they can just not do their job because someone said something they don't personally approve of, can we start designating where our tax dollars go?
Can you imagine being so triggered by someone saying that black peoples' lives matter that you interpret that to mean I don't support the police? The two are not mutually exclusive.
The BLM movement is plagued with issues and has thus become political. Law enforcement, as in those sworn to do that job, should never get drawn into the political debates. I don't even like the pro-police marches where law enforcement participates – no need to become part of the problem. I'm also sickened by the political leaders (mayors, governors, etc.) that have chosen to politicize the effort of their local law enforcement agencies. It's a dangerous game of chess where the citizens end up as the victims.
Or…here me out here… perhaps government entities like the public library should withhold their support for openly Marxist (or a the very least highly controversial) groups that are directly tied in with rioting, looting and anti-law enforcement sentiment. Just a thought. I would also not expect them to put out an Anti-KKK or a Pro-Joe Biden statement. Public/government entities should be apolitical. But that was so 2019…
What scares me is what seems to becoming a trend, especially in the rurals: sheriffs publicly announcing that they are not going to enforce certain laws. This occurred with the gun background checks for one. Now the sheriff is saying they won't respond based on political views?
These are things that should get someone removed from office immediately. You take an oath to enforce the law, whether you agree with the law or not, and regardless of your, the perpetrator's, or the victim's political views.
The fact that I'm even typing that in America is insane. These are things that used to be so obviously wrong that no one would even fathom saying out loud "don't call us," or "we won't enforce that law." Now they are putting it in a freaking press release!
1:04, I hered you out, and even assuming everything you said is true and the library shouldn't have announced support of any political movement, that still doesn't excuse the sheriff telling anybody that he won't respond to a call for service based on their political beliefs. Not even close.
It is not the job of the sheriff to determine whether or not a law is unjust, he or she is not a lawmaker. If, however, a DA has decided that the violation of a certain law will not be prosecuted, then it would be prudent for the sheriff not to arrest on that charge. But that is more of a strategic decision rather than the carrying out of a politically driven agenda.
Wait, I thought BLM wanted to defund the police … i.e., no cops. So if an organization supports BLM, why in the world would they even call the police? They should work it out with the leaders of their local BLM and find out what the problem is and negotiate a resolution without law enforcement. Not sure what a library could do, but the police are not the answer.
The “defund police” people really need a rebrand. The term allows people like 9:21 to make the disingenuous argument that your movement is seeking the elimination of all cops. BLM does not want “no cops.”
But the problem is defund is a vague word. Does it mean 10% or 100%? Using the term allows the 9:21s of the world to twist your argument to absurdity.
@6:40 – no words are being twisted. You can pretend "defund police" means something other than "no police" but it does not and if you do not understand that you are not reviewing the cities that have gone this direction or listening to politicians who expressly say – disband the police. It is true that for some, defund means reduce funding. But that is not the only position. Also- you can't acknowledge that the phrase needs re branding and then criticize someone for not having your understanding. Black Lives Matter is getting exactly what they want- followers who do not understand their movement is only about police reform and nothing else. Many followers do not understand their platform and that is fine by them because the money keeps rolling in, so why would they rebrand? They won't.
Defund the police means to redirect some – not all – of the funding. Is there a minority of people that want to outright abolish? Sure. It's also extremely curious that it's only now that you start listening to and quoting from a minority's position.
Defund, disband, reduce funding, whatever. It's all the same. Too many police critics thinking they can control what they feel is out of their control. In this case, it's the actions of law enforcement. The LE agencies know what they need to do their job effectively and their budget requests reflect that. Reduce funding and you'll see services reduced. That is not exercising good control of an essential service.
If you want more control over your local police, keep pushing for them to seek out the few bad apples that spoil the bunch. That effort has to be carried out by those on the inside. Conversely, throwing out the baby with the bathwater is not going to work and the entire community will suffer. I think that scenario is becoming pretty obvious.
@11:42 – I have no idea what you mean by it being "extremely curious that it's only now that you start listening to and quoting from a minority's position." You should probably know your audience and you don't know me – or the color of my skin, or my gender. I personally have read countless statements, positions, articles, actual city counsel member statements – as well as actions taken by some cities – and "defund" means just that – no longer fund. You should review the BLM website and the website of all progressive democrats as well as their social media. They become enraged when people suggest that defunding simply means shifting some money out of their budget. BLM wants to abolish police. I cannot help that you want to change the meaning of their platform, I cannot help that you want to change the meaning of "defund" to make it fit a more palatable narrative so that maybe more idiots will begin to support the lie that defund means what you say. It does not. Dismantle, disband – remove the police. That is what BLM wants and that is what progressive democrats want. If it is not what you want, yet you support any of those groups- you might want to do some more research.
July 29, 2020 5:35 pm
As usual, the RJ article is not all that helpful or informative. So Justice Court is forging ahead with domestic violence trials, damn the torpedoes, and two August trials (also criminal) got bumped in District Court. Nothing about what is going on with civil calendars, how they will possibly be able to seat more than one or two juries at a time given the limitations of that building, or how long it may take to work through the backlog of cases even when things return to quasi-normal, whenever that may be.
I heard they were going to use the jury selection room on the 3rd floor. From what I understand, one panel will be picked at a time via BlueJeans with the attorneys and judge in the courtroom. It was unclear if the seated jury would then move to the courtroom for the trial or if it would all be done remotely. Either way, with 32 departments in DC, picking one jury at a time isn't going to clear the backlog. And just wait for a big Eglet trial bc picking that one jury could take weeks.
Justice Court Department 6 is proceeding with civil bench trials. Small Claims trials are proceeding full speed. Understand these are not jury trials but there are proceedings moving forward.
July 29, 2020 6:27 pm
I am not a fan he who shall not be named but this is CRAZY.
Phillips is also suing Ochoa who presided over his family court case. Phillips abused his wife so badly it is documented in their case that she lost control of her bodily functions. He also threatened to shoot up their child's school. Just more of voldemort's BS. Phillips is def NOT a legendary civil rights attorney. He's more of a Roy Den Hollander.
I agree with all of the above. By the same token, Ghibaudo is seriously out of control and is definitely waist deep in pretty shady garbage if you read the posts.
He is not. Haven't you learned yet. Voldemort and his basket of deplorables are liars, grifters, and bullies. They've abused the legal system to harass various individuals for years. Some of them are in jail now. Stop giving them credibility by making comments like that.
Steve Sanson's existence is defined by wallowing in misery, accusations and personal conflict. The fact that his targets are sometimes loathsome figures doesn't redeem him or imbue his cause with any sense of morality or righteousness. It would be one thing if he were battling and making the world a better place, but he's not. His zealous internet campaigns against his targets make Las Vegas a worse place.
9:28– Could not disagree more. 9:36 nails it. There are deplorables on all sides. Ghibaudo's text messages and emails are ridiculous when they are not terrifying. That Sanson posted it does not dilute the fact that Ghibaudo's actions are outrageous as a member of the Bar. If Sanson or one of his goons goes after you on the internet, physically threatening people is never a good idea.
I understand that many of you are trying to protect your friends, influence, or your finances, so this alone makes you bias. We investigated Veterans In Politics (VIP) and the Family Court. It seems like VIP had many friends in family court, many would say that VIP turned a blind eye to the corruption. Yes, corruption, if you truly believe that there is no corruption in family court you are also blinded that you now normalize it. The truth is many judges favor attorneys, many attorneys perjure themselves, many federal and state laws have been violated. These problems exist long before VIP and Sanson’s ban of “Merry Men” are beginning to expose it. This is the same group that fought for the Veterans Treatment Court and protection Veterans Service Connected Disability Benefits in family court. We might not agree with everything VIP exposes but they are doing things many of us just talk about in our “circle of confidence”. Let’s face it the judges in family court goes well past their discretion, we would favor a jury trial or tribunal for relocation and termination of parental rights. We have a Constitution for a reason, you might not agree with it, but you should respect and follow it. So do we have attorneys that make the state bar look bad… answer yes we do: https://yournews.com/2020/07/28/1752871/nevada-attorney-alex-b-ghibaudo-another-restraining-order/?fbclid=IwAR2MnDquRMf7sxGjDeo9m0gODmM3Dj_YrWvjJ1KJk3l6hLqIxqiD6HOaAVA
Fennemore Craig announced a merger with Dowling Aaron, a Central California Law Firm. https://www.law.com/americanlawyer/2020/07/28/fennemore-craig-inks-merger-deal-with-50-lawyer-calif-firm/
46 lawyers on their website. 7 women. 1 attorney of color. Interesting is all. http://dowlingaaron.com/attorneys/
A bunch of old White dudes. But have you ever been to Bakersfield or Fresno? Might as well be in Arkansas.
Both Bakersfield and Fresno are majority-minority and more diverse than Vegas. Having only 1 attorney of color out of 46 is abysmally out of step with their local demographics.
Thats 7 women too many.
should be home makin sammies.
I judge attorneys on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Outrageous to advocate racial preference of any kind.
And "sammies" are so yesterday. The paleo revolution has arrived. Ditch the white bread (oh, snap, could I make that into a pun???), and embrace meat and salad.
I dOnT SeE ColOr
Smooth-talking salespeople warning consumers to beware of smooth-talking salespeople.
Smooth? They are brutal scamsters. Scariest day of my life, and I still tease my wife for taking the "dinner and show" bait. I know some people claim to love their timeshares, but hot damn…
If cops think they can just not do their job because someone said something they don't personally approve of, can we start designating where our tax dollars go?
Can you imagine being so triggered by someone saying that black peoples' lives matter that you interpret that to mean I don't support the police? The two are not mutually exclusive.
The BLM movement is plagued with issues and has thus become political. Law enforcement, as in those sworn to do that job, should never get drawn into the political debates. I don't even like the pro-police marches where law enforcement participates – no need to become part of the problem. I'm also sickened by the political leaders (mayors, governors, etc.) that have chosen to politicize the effort of their local law enforcement agencies. It's a dangerous game of chess where the citizens end up as the victims.
Or…here me out here… perhaps government entities like the public library should withhold their support for openly Marxist (or a the very least highly controversial) groups that are directly tied in with rioting, looting and anti-law enforcement sentiment. Just a thought. I would also not expect them to put out an Anti-KKK or a Pro-Joe Biden statement. Public/government entities should be apolitical. But that was so 2019…
What scares me is what seems to becoming a trend, especially in the rurals: sheriffs publicly announcing that they are not going to enforce certain laws. This occurred with the gun background checks for one. Now the sheriff is saying they won't respond based on political views?
These are things that should get someone removed from office immediately. You take an oath to enforce the law, whether you agree with the law or not, and regardless of your, the perpetrator's, or the victim's political views.
The fact that I'm even typing that in America is insane. These are things that used to be so obviously wrong that no one would even fathom saying out loud "don't call us," or "we won't enforce that law." Now they are putting it in a freaking press release!
These sheriffs are heroes. Refusing to enforce unjust laws is another form of nonviolent resistance.
1:04, I hered you out, and even assuming everything you said is true and the library shouldn't have announced support of any political movement, that still doesn't excuse the sheriff telling anybody that he won't respond to a call for service based on their political beliefs. Not even close.
It is not the job of the sheriff to determine whether or not a law is unjust, he or she is not a lawmaker. If, however, a DA has decided that the violation of a certain law will not be prosecuted, then it would be prudent for the sheriff not to arrest on that charge. But that is more of a strategic decision rather than the carrying out of a politically driven agenda.
Wait, I thought BLM wanted to defund the police … i.e., no cops. So if an organization supports BLM, why in the world would they even call the police? They should work it out with the leaders of their local BLM and find out what the problem is and negotiate a resolution without law enforcement. Not sure what a library could do, but the police are not the answer.
The “defund police” people really need a rebrand. The term allows people like 9:21 to make the disingenuous argument that your movement is seeking the elimination of all cops. BLM does not want “no cops.”
But the problem is defund is a vague word. Does it mean 10% or 100%? Using the term allows the 9:21s of the world to twist your argument to absurdity.
@6:40 – no words are being twisted. You can pretend "defund police" means something other than "no police" but it does not and if you do not understand that you are not reviewing the cities that have gone this direction or listening to politicians who expressly say – disband the police. It is true that for some, defund means reduce funding. But that is not the only position. Also- you can't acknowledge that the phrase needs re branding and then criticize someone for not having your understanding. Black Lives Matter is getting exactly what they want- followers who do not understand their movement is only about police reform and nothing else. Many followers do not understand their platform and that is fine by them because the money keeps rolling in, so why would they rebrand? They won't.
Defund the police means to redirect some – not all – of the funding. Is there a minority of people that want to outright abolish? Sure. It's also extremely curious that it's only now that you start listening to and quoting from a minority's position.
Defund, disband, reduce funding, whatever. It's all the same. Too many police critics thinking they can control what they feel is out of their control. In this case, it's the actions of law enforcement. The LE agencies know what they need to do their job effectively and their budget requests reflect that. Reduce funding and you'll see services reduced. That is not exercising good control of an essential service.
If you want more control over your local police, keep pushing for them to seek out the few bad apples that spoil the bunch. That effort has to be carried out by those on the inside. Conversely, throwing out the baby with the bathwater is not going to work and the entire community will suffer. I think that scenario is becoming pretty obvious.
@11:42 – I have no idea what you mean by it being "extremely curious that it's only now that you start listening to and quoting from a minority's position." You should probably know your audience and you don't know me – or the color of my skin, or my gender. I personally have read countless statements, positions, articles, actual city counsel member statements – as well as actions taken by some cities – and "defund" means just that – no longer fund. You should review the BLM website and the website of all progressive democrats as well as their social media. They become enraged when people suggest that defunding simply means shifting some money out of their budget. BLM wants to abolish police. I cannot help that you want to change the meaning of their platform, I cannot help that you want to change the meaning of "defund" to make it fit a more palatable narrative so that maybe more idiots will begin to support the lie that defund means what you say. It does not. Dismantle, disband – remove the police. That is what BLM wants and that is what progressive democrats want. If it is not what you want, yet you support any of those groups- you might want to do some more research.
As usual, the RJ article is not all that helpful or informative. So Justice Court is forging ahead with domestic violence trials, damn the torpedoes, and two August trials (also criminal) got bumped in District Court. Nothing about what is going on with civil calendars, how they will possibly be able to seat more than one or two juries at a time given the limitations of that building, or how long it may take to work through the backlog of cases even when things return to quasi-normal, whenever that may be.
I heard they were going to use the jury selection room on the 3rd floor. From what I understand, one panel will be picked at a time via BlueJeans with the attorneys and judge in the courtroom. It was unclear if the seated jury would then move to the courtroom for the trial or if it would all be done remotely. Either way, with 32 departments in DC, picking one jury at a time isn't going to clear the backlog. And just wait for a big Eglet trial bc picking that one jury could take weeks.
Justice Court Department 6 is proceeding with civil bench trials. Small Claims trials are proceeding full speed. Understand these are not jury trials but there are proceedings moving forward.
I am not a fan he who shall not be named but this is CRAZY.
I feel ashamed for having clicked before realizing it took you to his site, and dirtier after reading it.
Do these people think that anyone actually cares about their little social media snit?
Phillips is also suing Ochoa who presided over his family court case. Phillips abused his wife so badly it is documented in their case that she lost control of her bodily functions. He also threatened to shoot up their child's school. Just more of voldemort's BS. Phillips is def NOT a legendary civil rights attorney. He's more of a Roy Den Hollander.
I agree with all of the above. By the same token, Ghibaudo is seriously out of control and is definitely waist deep in pretty shady garbage if you read the posts.
He is not. Haven't you learned yet. Voldemort and his basket of deplorables are liars, grifters, and bullies. They've abused the legal system to harass various individuals for years. Some of them are in jail now. Stop giving them credibility by making comments like that.
Steve Sanson's existence is defined by wallowing in misery, accusations and personal conflict. The fact that his targets are sometimes loathsome figures doesn't redeem him or imbue his cause with any sense of morality or righteousness. It would be one thing if he were battling and making the world a better place, but he's not. His zealous internet campaigns against his targets make Las Vegas a worse place.
9:28– Could not disagree more. 9:36 nails it. There are deplorables on all sides. Ghibaudo's text messages and emails are ridiculous when they are not terrifying. That Sanson posted it does not dilute the fact that Ghibaudo's actions are outrageous as a member of the Bar. If Sanson or one of his goons goes after you on the internet, physically threatening people is never a good idea.
I know Alex. He said 9:13 is super brave and tough for posting trash talk on an anonymous blog and f*ck all of you.
I understand that many of you are trying to protect your friends, influence, or your finances, so this alone makes you bias. We investigated Veterans In Politics (VIP) and the Family Court. It seems like VIP had many friends in family court, many would say that VIP turned a blind eye to the corruption. Yes, corruption, if you truly believe that there is no corruption in family court you are also blinded that you now normalize it. The truth is many judges favor attorneys, many attorneys perjure themselves, many federal and state laws have been violated. These problems exist long before VIP and Sanson’s ban of “Merry Men” are beginning to expose it. This is the same group that fought for the Veterans Treatment Court and protection Veterans Service Connected Disability Benefits in family court. We might not agree with everything VIP exposes but they are doing things many of us just talk about in our “circle of confidence”. Let’s face it the judges in family court goes well past their discretion, we would favor a jury trial or tribunal for relocation and termination of parental rights. We have a Constitution for a reason, you might not agree with it, but you should respect and follow it. So do we have attorneys that make the state bar look bad… answer yes we do: https://yournews.com/2020/07/28/1752871/nevada-attorney-alex-b-ghibaudo-another-restraining-order/?fbclid=IwAR2MnDquRMf7sxGjDeo9m0gODmM3Dj_YrWvjJ1KJk3l6hLqIxqiD6HOaAVA
Douglas Co made national news…stay classy, Nevada.
It's on the CNN front page too.
Welcome to Nevada, may we show you the Spearmint Rhino….I mean the James Hardesty shirt hole. Your curator is Elissa Cadish.