Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

  • Law

  • Here’s a look at the City Center settlement with emphasis on how MGM, despite having paid out to Perini, might have been the real winner. [RJ]
  • In response to a lawsuit [A688898] filed by Adam Kutner, an anonymous blogger from the defunct Wild Wild Law blog has filed a motion to dismiss. Kutner is represented by Bradley L. Booke, while the blogger, Legal Eagle, is represented by Maggie McLetchie. [RJ
  • According to one study, American workers waste more than two hours a day at work. Surely this is higher at law firms, no? [Vegas Inc.]
  • Forecasters are predicting Las Vegas will get 1-3″ of snow this week. Plan accordingly. [AccuWeather]
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Lawyer Bird
Lawyer Bird
December 29, 2014 5:05 pm

Good luck with your defense.

December 29, 2014 6:02 pm

How/why did the CityLife article about Kutner get removed? Was that at Kutner's request or something else? Kutner is apparently unaware of the, "Barbara Streisand Effect."

December 29, 2014 7:59 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I had to Google "Streisand Effect" – that's funny.

It's equally possible that Kutner seeks to capitalize on the Streisand Effect. Kutner does love being a celebrity. If one seeks to attract the type of unsophisticated clients that Kutner generally represents, any publicity is good publicity.

Kutner deserves credit for being financially successful as a lawyer, over a long period, despite apparently having limited legal skills, poor judgment, little self-control, and questionable ethics.

(Please don't sue me, Adam. This is intended as a compliment and it's only my opinion.)

December 29, 2014 9:51 pm

Gotta love me some anti-SLAPP!!!

December 29, 2014 11:39 pm

Attorney Troy Fox aka Legal Eagle must be thanking God that Judge Doublekickstands didn't get this one assigned to her department! Funny how he got his next door neighbor, Maggie From the 8th Street Block to represent him on this one. Is she any good?

December 30, 2014 12:11 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Oh Hai Adam. Glad to see you're paying attention. What's the basis for your comment?

July 11, 2016 11:59 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Troy Fox??? WRONG ATTORNEY STUPID…It's James E. Smith, Conexa Law!

December 30, 2014 1:00 am

The posts about Adam Kutner and the Wild Wild Law Blog raise the issue of the anonymity of posting anonymously and whether it can be ascertained. The blog would have the IP address but not sure if the person or the e-mail account can be accessed. Which raises the question whether anything posted on the blog is anonymous. There was a case that I was involved with concerning yahoo. Yahoo claimed it only kept archives for three months and could not produce anything when requested.
I tend to think nothing on a blog is anonymous and post at your own risk. Any thoughts anyone.

January 3, 2015 2:33 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Do you agree with Legal Eagle or the professor's comments

December 30, 2014 1:55 am

I think when you own/run the blog and not only call someone "a bag of douche" but put an illustrated sticker on your post for good measure, you have a responsibility to have checked and verified the facts before so asserting. How about you?

December 30, 2014 2:33 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I disagree. Please don't sue me.

P.S., I've heard from more than one source that Kutner is a disaster to work for, so maybe it's all true. In any event, you blew the statute of limitations and you're going to lose.

December 30, 2014 3:20 am
Reply to  Anonymous

@ 5:55- It would be hard for me to disagree with you more. I don't think anyone running a blog providing opinions and gossip for entertainment – not news purposes – has a "responsibility" to verify publicly-reported facts before sharing an opinion on same.

December 30, 2014 3:43 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Wasn't the article based on a lawsuit? What happened to that?

December 30, 2014 4:49 am
Reply to  Anonymous

The republication of someone else's defamatory statement can itself be defamatory. In other words, you won't be immune simply because you are quoting another person making the defamatory statement, even if you properly attribute the statement to it's source. For example, if you quote a witness to a traffic accident who says the driver was drunk when he ran the red light and it turns out the driver wasn't drunk and he had a green light, you can't hide behind the fact that you were merely republishing the witness' statement (which would likely be defamatory).

On the other hand, if you repeat what someone else said or wrote in an official hearing or official document, there’s an important privilege that may protect you provided you attribute the information you gathered and are accurate in your reporting.

December 30, 2014 6:15 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, thank you for the recap of torts 1, but you miss the point here.

The blog posts at issue simply repeated and expressed an opinion on the FACT that Kutner was sued (multiple times) for allegedly doing these obnoxious and illegal things. In other words, that Kutner was sued is a fact, and it won't become less true with time or because Kutner managed to settle those lawsuits.

The blogger didn't accuse Kutner of doing these things, and Kutner didn't sue the blogger for defamation, because he couldn't. Kutner essentially sued for false light and invasion of privacy, because he doesn't want people to know these unflattering facts about him.

Kutner is simply trying to erase or hide history, which thankfully, the law does not allow.

December 30, 2014 4:00 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

We have hired multiple survivors of Adam Kutner and all of them have echoed what was written on WWL. Now, I don't know if they were telling the truth, but I believed what they said. Either way, I would never refer him a case.

December 31, 2014 12:20 am
Reply to  Anonymous

NO ONE would ever refer him a case. Why do you think he spends millions a year on advertising.

January 2, 2015 5:54 am
Reply to  Anonymous

@6:33 I don't believe the statute of lims has run when you consider the blogger was latent, hidden and wearing a paper bag over his head, intentionally evading meaningful discovery of his identity so the plaintiff could discuss his concerns with him. Those appearing to run the blog in 2008 were ambiguously labeled Legal Eagle, Beantown, and Joseph W. Law, Esq. Incidentally Troy Fox was admitted to NSB in October 2008 and Joe Law registered with Google as comanaging the WWL blog right after that in Nov. 2008. Kutner's issue arose earlier in 2008, but that is not conclusive as to who published it. So it will be an interesting discovery period if the judge allows before foreclosing Kutner's opportunity to seek reparations.

January 2, 2015 7:56 am
Reply to  Anonymous

"so plaintiff could discuss his concerns with him." Yeah, because discussing concerns is what tolls the statute of limitations. The post was in 2008, with a mention of the allegations in the in 2009. Kutner doesn't file until 2013, and then he only claims for false light. Assuming Kutner can even find his way to the courthouse, the court should throw Kutner a big ol' raspberry. For me, the money quote in the Motion to Dismiss: "Further, the opinion that Adam Kutner may be a douchebag constitutes unactionable insult. The opinion seems to be a fairly popular and widely-held one, by both anonymous online commenters and dissatisfied clients alike." Zing!

January 2, 2015 9:49 am
Reply to  Anonymous

If that quote is accurate, then the MTD stands a better chance of becoming fish wrap than impressing Judge Denton, who commands professional behavior in his court room at all times

January 2, 2015 6:13 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Your mom is fish wrap.

January 1, 2015 8:07 am

Hi, Adam Cuntner!