- Quickdraw McLaw
- 2020 General Election
With ballots set to start arriving in mailboxes next week, it’s time to talk about the contested judicial races featured on that ballot. We welcome your comments on the qualifications of the candidates as well as any information you can offer to help voters make an educated decision. Just remember to keep your comments appropriate and try to avoid defamation.
For District Court Judge, Department M, the candidates are:
- Hughes, Lynn
- Mastin, Amy M.
Hughes gets my vote. I think he has the intelligence and the experience to do a good job serving Clark County. Amy has some bad press on her and she wasn't the nicest person to work with when she was in private practice.
Mastin is mean and has no business on the bench. She'll be a nightmare. Vote Hughes.
Hughes is (from personal experience) as even keeled a human being as exists in the practice of family law. He knows when his client is justified and when and how to rein in the bad apples. He will serve with humility and competency, in my opinion.