- Quickdraw McLaw
- Justice Hardesty wants to look at whether Nevada should have water courts. [TNI]
- Here’s a look at the top criminal justice reform issues on tap in the Legislature. [TNI]
- A look at the issue of bail in context of the Zaon Collins case. [KTNV]
- A look at eviction moratoriums from the landlord’s perspective. [News3LV]
Hardesty, is he retired already? Please, he should look into whether or not we have a Nevada Court of Appeals.
Allow me to rephrase the TNI headline: "Legislators look into ways to maximize the victimization of law abiding citizens."
Decriminalizing traffic tickets sounds just, but what local government is going to give up on this sweet, tasty source of revenue? In the old days, the RJC on Monday was the worst for many reasons, not least of which was watching hordes of lower income citizens having to stand in line for hours to fork over a huge percentage of their income to avoid imprisonment and destitution. The city rubbed it in by draconian enforcement of overpriced parking prices. How many otherwise fine citizens took payday loans to pay a stupid ticket, then walked out of the RJC to find another ticket on the windshield.
Perhaps prison reform should start with every single one of these legislator clowns spending a week in a prison interacting with the prisoners and hearing their stories. I bet it would help. And, the State of Nevada would be safe for that week.
I paid $75 for an expired meter. Absolutely absurd!
Agree that parking, speeding.and some other tickets are expensive in Nevada. But, on the other hand, they're completely avoidable. I was a more careful when I knew I couldn't afford a speeding ticket. Does everything need to be spin as victimization? Sheesh!
Completely avoidable? I got 3 parking tickets for "No Registration" because my car has no plates on it. Know why? Because the DMV is 4 months behind in issuing plates. Copy of my registration is in plain view but do not have plates. Still ticketed 3 times at $75 a pop. So "completely avoidable" is a misnomer.
Yeah…LV parking enforcement can go to hell. Ridiculously expensive and they are completely irrational. What recourse do we have when the DMV is so far behind?
Has anyone received the second dose of the COVID vaccine at the convention center? Any push back on attorneys receiving the vaccine (as there seemed to be with the first dose, depending on the location)? And are they just checking your first vaccine card, or do you need proof of employment as with the first? Thank you in advance!
I cannot get an appointment for the second dose. All booked through March. Any side effects with second dose Pfizer?
Haven't done it yet, but don't expect any push back as long as you have your card showing the first dose. They get second does distributed based on who got the first. They want people to be fully vaccinated. If you can't an appointment and your three weeks is up, you can try walk in. Supposedly they send an email though closer to your appointment and will have room for you to get in pretty close to the 21 day mark.
Everyone I know who got the 2nd dose of pfizer has confirmed the side effects are a little worse than the 1st dose.
I can't get an appointment for the 2nd dose either. I guess just keep trying or try a walk-in at the convention center.
My father in law received the second dose (Pfizer) about a week ago. He said he had a headache and sore arm the next day and that was it.
Thanks on the Pfizer side effects update. Still trying for a second appointment as well.
Side effects from second Moderna shot were a very sore arm and extreme fatigue the next day. Fine thereafter.
I had no side effects from the 2nd dose of Pfizer. Walkins sre available for the 2nd dose of Moderna at Cashman, at least for this week.
I was just able to get an appointment for my 2nd vaccination later this month. They didn't have appointments open this morning so I think you just have to keep checking and take the first one you find. I went through the health district's website. There were quite a few appointments so good luck!
Earliest I could get was Feb 26th. I will just wait until then. Hope others are healthy, and can get the vaccine. Even people who treat like me shit, because I was brought up right, and God does not like ugly.
Excuse typo.
They are scheduling 2nds when you get your 1st (at least they did with me and my fellow attorneys who all booked at same time).
1023am– I am confused. Initially, you state that the legislators are victimizing law abiding citizens, which I tend to agree with. But then you go on to state that traffic citations victimize poor people who cannot afford to obey traffic laws. Which is it, people who strive to obey the laws, including traffic, are the victims? Or are the ones who are breaking law the victims? I agree that traffic fines are excessive and perhaps making them civil infractions and lower the fines would work for society has a whole.
Has anyone heard that their support staff are having trouble getting in to get the vaccine?
Why would support staff, outside of offices that handle criminal law, evictions, or a couple of other matters, be getting vaccinated now instead of in their age groups? Ditto for attorneys and civil judges who will only be hearing matters by video? The elitism of permitting attorneys who do not need to be appearing in person to get vaccinated before 65 year olds, grocery store clerks, delivery drivers, etc. gives lawyers a bad name. I totally understand for those who are actually in court, or obligated to meet with clients in person, but for the big majority of attorneys and law firms, this was a huge blunder.
I think 11:32 does not know how viruses work.
5:46 needs a refresher on the difference between RNA and DNA. But most importantly, 5:46 has ED.
I normally don't care for sensationalistic stories about the justice system as they give the public a warped understanding of how things work, but…
"I understand how the family of the fellow who died feels, but I also feel for a 19-year-old boy who has an incredible future that now is in jeopardy."
WTF is that?
Why would an UNLV basketball recruit have an "incredible" future? Aside from killing someone with his reckless and inhumane conduct, what in his life would indicate that he would have an incredible future? There are no guarantees in life. The choices we make in everyday in life leads us down a path that no one can ever predict.
UNLV has become a real dump lately. They are hoarding vaccines, and bot allowing teachers to get the vaccines. Damn criminal.
12:41–True that there are no guarantees in life, and we can't know if he'd have an incredible future.
But a good case could be made that he had a somewhat promising start to life. He was a 19-year-old graduate form Bishop Gorman, who was a star basketball player there, and was being recruited to play basketball at University, which could have conceivably resulted in an eventual NBA career. But if not, he at least presumably would have gotten through UNLV on the basketball scholarship, and then proceeded on with professional school, or graduate school, or some other desirable career option.
Point being , he seemed to be in a much better positon than most 19-yer-olds, as to potential for the future, but he has thrown it all away.
@3:06, as someone who grew up in Las Vegas within the last 10-15 years (when B.G. has been at the pinnacle of success and winning state/national championships left and right) one could argue the athletes coming out of BG now are in a much worse position than most 19-year-olds — considering the grave entitlement and superiority complexes commonly found amongst the school's graduates.
Whether it is sports or something else, heaping adulation on humans at that young age does not seem to serve them well long-term. I grew up in a small Mormon town where everyone went to the same public schools. There were no elite, private high schools like in Las Vegas. I look at this very different environment than the one I grew up in, and I often wonder if all the expensive extras some parents expend for their kids here really make that much difference in the end. I would guess that parental involvement and family culture matter a lot more. But I could be wrong.
4:59–And heaping this adulation,(which causes a real distorted sense of self-importance which emotionally cripples the individual later in life when they are no longer a high school or college athletic star) is particularly destructive when we consider that most high school or college athletes never get drafted into the pros.
At least as to those few who make the pros, the money is now so staggering that even if their careers derail early due to injury and/or underperformance, and even if they make bad life and behavioral decisions they still(most of the time) still have a fair amount of money remaining at their disposal.
But very few high school or college athletes ever make it to the pros. So, once they graduate, and are no longer playing, they don't have great employable skills(particularly considering that in many cases they learn very little as many of them don't even attend class as they are protected by the college administration due to their importance as an athlete).
I know a former UNLV professor who received contact, as well as subsequent pressure, to give a passing grade to a UNLV basketball star who had not attended class even one session the whole semester, never turned in one assignment, etc.
For men, about three out of 10,000 male high school basketball players will be drafted into the NBA, or about .03 percent. For women, the numbers are similar. One out of 5,000 players, or .02 percent, will be drafted into the WNBA.
I've been curious as to what side effects of the vaccine one would have if one just got over Covid a month ago? Is the tiredness/fatigue an effect of the virus on those that haven't had Covid?
I think you're supposed to wait for 90 days after a positive COVID test/recovering from COVID before getting the vaccine.
I received the first vaccine right around the 90 day mark of having COVID, and my symptoms were in line with other reported mild symptoms-sore arm that started a couple hours after the vaccine and lasted for a couple of days and fatigue and fever that began about 12 hours after the vaccine and last for about 24-36 hours.
Use this link to register for the second dose: https://registration.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/covid-vaccine?location=lvccp
This link actually shows availability unlike the general website for SNHD.
Thank you for this. It actually worked.
KTNV news, you suck Stop making Zaon Williams a victim. Judge Joe Bonaventure, what is wrong with you? He killed a man, and he is out without bail. Lost our votes!
Is he a flight risk? Is he a threat to the community if he has electronic monitoring, a SCRAM, and can't drive?
Dude is gonna do some time, but with Valdez-Jimenez in effect, more often than not now it's gonna be after a conviction, not before while getting credit for time served at sentencing.
KTNV is not making Z. Williams a victim. They are stoking outrage for ratings on two issues: (1) that he was allowed to go home pending trial; (2) the stupid comments his lawyer made. On the first issue, KTNV does not find it convenient to note what 9:14 is correct about- bail isn't about whether the accused is guilty, it is whether they are a flight risk. That nuance is bad for ratings. Better to tell a tale of a broken system that favors star athletes. That gets people worked up and tuned in. On the second issue, I just can't see how it helps your client to go on TV like this and paint him as a victim. It was certainly good for KTNV though.
I hadn't realized until today, but there are only 8 male judges out of the 32 civil/criminal departments in the Eighth Judicial District Court (25%). It appears that the pendulum of equally has now swung far to one side.
I know that the voters elected the judges and I guess it is the desire of the populace to have more women than men on the bench, but I was surprised to see the percentage so skewed.
@ 9:13 has been asleep since November
@931 has been asleep for the last 12 years. The trend has been headed this way for YEARS.
The gals should not get slack because the next victimgroup to ascend to the top of the intersectionality heap are trans, especially minority trans. All those white straight girl power rangers will fall. I've asked my wife to teach my boys how to apply makeup. We all have to work within the confines of the times.