- Quickdraw McLaw
From a press release we received from the court yesterday:
The United States District Court for the District of Nevada announces that District Judge James Mahan will be taking senior status June 29, 2018. Upon taking senior status, Judge Mahan will maintain his current caseload and will continue to receive new case assignments; however, senior judges are authorized to request a lower caseload. Judge Mahan was nominated by Senator John Ensign, appointed by President George W. Bush and formally took the oath of office on February 1, 2002. The Court extends its thanks to Judge Mahan for his excellent service to the federal judiciary and the community. The President of the United States determines who will fill the vacant seat. The District of Nevada currently has one other vacant seat created in February 2016.
To continue criticism of the State Bar's functionality, what is up with the Directory search. No obvious boolean logic, inputting additional information causes more, rather than less information. No guides, no way to narrow down the search function or sort by items.
In other words, it's Thursday.
"Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday."
The State Bar website has gone backwards by decades (but hey so has the EJDC filing websites). The square "permanent" cards which fall out of your wallet were a terrible idea. We have Annual Meetings in locations where no one except Kim Farmer wants to travel and the OBC is a disaster of epic proportions. Can anyone tell me anything at the SBN which has gotten better (other than Kim got herself a nicer office)?
Bring back the boring yet well running website we had in 2005. This is what happens when you let IT designers run rampant without adult supervision. I'm sure it makes sense to the never had a date in high school crowd, but the rest of us hate this worthless piece of garbage. Until enough attorneys make it clear they will not vote for any candidate for bar governor unless they pledge to de-stupidfy the website, it won't happen.
I try not to feed trolls so I don't respond to your posts but I'm so disgusted by this comment. "[T]he never had a date in high school crowd" – really?!
Sue me…
Sue him.
That's actually funny!
You wouldn't know it by looking at him, or talking to him, seeing the things he writes, or seeing the way he carries himself, but Jordan is actually a chick magnet. Has been for years. Get with it losers.
Big ego on its way… another case was ruled in favor of SFR pool investors. Banks do not have Due Process in Nevada
Is Akerman hiring? Leave a message, and ask for D. Brenner.
The case that came out today has little to do with HOAs versus banks. It just says that as a general matter a notice of default remains valid to support a foreclosure even if another party forecloses in the interim.
After the tone, the time will be 12:40 p.m.
Read the decision. As counsel for lenders, I don't have much of a problem with this. The HOA's lien is superior, so the fact that the bank foreclosed first means nothing. Its just like if a second mortgage holder raced to foreclose and beat the first. It wouldn't impact the first's later foreclosure at all.
1:35 Except that its not at all like a senior lienholder when your junior lien is foreclosed and you go to sale anyway. At some point, the lender's statutory right has to be recognized.
Compare: (paraphrasing) "Bank has constructive knowledge of the HOAs foreclosure sale based on recorded notice documents (even after it wiped HOA out leaving only a remnant.)" v. "HOA and investor do not have constructive knowledge of bank's foreclosure sale despite notices until the bank records its foreclosure deed." Why the double standard?
Is this a NSC decision or 9th Cir.?
NVSCT – SFR's fame grows
2:18… I can see one difference in your alleged double standard. Its even in your quote. "until the bank records its notice." You need to actually record title documents for anyone to have constructive notice of them.
4:57 – The quote was "foreclosure deed" (not "notice"). All of the foreclosure notices were apparently recorded and on title. Why weren't the foreclosure notices enough especially when the sale agent says "I wouldn't have gone to sale if I had known of the sale." He knew of the bank sale and went to sale on lien anyway. That sounds like a factual issue to me? Instead, the court simply ignored the bank foreclosure notices and their affect on the hoa sale. All of this seems highly irregular and unfair. Apply the law equally.
The law was applied exactly equally. Senior/Superprior lienholder had a pending foreclosure which was recorded and put all parties on notice when the Bank decided to go to sale and credit bid for the property. Bank could have tendered. Bank did not. Honestly I do not like the practical effect of huge mortgages being wiped out by relatively small HOA liens but that is the law after the first SFR1. The law is being applied consistently and uniformly.
9:26 LOL, that's funny. Thanks for lightening the mood NSC
What's up with Bailey Kennedy? Seems like they keep getting smaller.
Don't we all shrink as we get older?
Do we have the ATMs going on again?
Poor Hemo is going to work until he is 90, just like Eric Taylor.
Did Hemo move to BK?
Nothing like ATM. But noticeably smaller since last time I went to the firm's webpage.
Pretty soon the hot shot "partners" of Bailey Kennedy will be fighting for jobs over at Akerman, LLP. At least you get a shoe box sized office over at Akerman that smells like mothballs.
I work for Akerman. The new offices are not that great, but the partners think so. I miss the Capos and the BK being close by. It was nice having our depo company in the same building, too.
BK rocks ass.
No disparagement against Judge Caddish yet today! Since the person(s) who regularly posts attacks on her must be experiencing withdrawal symptoms, they are encouraged to go ahead and post the expected negative material.
I don't expect anyone to kick an addiction cold turkey.
Did you RSVP for her fundraiser yet?
Who do you RSVP to, Dave Thomas or Letizia?
The above poser is middle aged woman who cannot spell her own name. That is pathetic.
I don't understand all the Cadish hate. She's not my favorite, but I think she's thorough and fair for the most part. Her staff sucks I will agree, but you could do a whole lot worse down there as far as judges are concerned.
Her staff does suck. My pregnant wife, who works for me, was yelled at and screamed at by her JEA, which made her cry. Elissa Cadish is her staff.
Half of Ackerman office endorsed her. I heard it was 'strongly' encouraged to endorse her.
Wait, what?
Judge Cadish made a ruling that was jacked up and screwed my client big time. I feel sorry for her that her name is associated with a pos ruling.
Tim does treat my support staff like crap. Cadish talks down to attorneys and makes bad ruling sometimes.
and blames them in the NEW YORK TIMES….very de classe.