- law dawg
- Lack of transparency in auto insurance polices leaves Nevada drivers frustrated. [KTNV]
- Police: CCSD officer left K9 in vehicle over 6 hours, causing his death. [RJ]
- CCSD approves $1M settlement over Durango High incident. [RJ]
- Opinion: We haven’t forgotten about Brandon Durham. [Nevada Current]
- Commission for Judicial Selection candidate interviews for Department Y are happening today. [YouTube]
Misdemeanor for leaving a dog to die in a car seems a little light. Has the officer been terminated?
Finalists named for family court appointment, Paul Gaudet, Nicholas Petsas, and Adriana White.
Emily is the most qualified and did not get the top 3 pick and Nicholas is the least qualified and got the top 3 pick to advance. Not sure what logic there was to advance Paul Gaudet. I give up predicting winners in these tight horse races.
Is Emily a Democrat?
most qualified ?? uh, no …
So who do you think is the most qualified (other than Gaudet and he has been voted out already)?
“voted out”
There was an election. He lost the election. Look I voted for him. He was far more qualified than his opponent. But he lost. There is no more appropriate way to put it.
Low information, low intellect “Voters” . . . . . have no business whatsoever voting for judges and you fucking know it.
Do not disagree with you. However that is our system. We can agree that it is a bad or at least flawed system while also understanding that this is the system and incumbents who lose an election lose their seat.
Your take on this issue is objectively obtuse.
Got it.
I am acutely aware of your obtuseness when it comes to reality.
You should amplify your perception of reality so as to acquiesce to the notion that your obtusity does not belie your ability to see the proverbial forest for the trees.
obviously not
obviously not
If I understand this correctly, Paul was rejected by the voters, Adriana has a job, and Nicholas is the least qualified. Got it.
What a waste of my time watching it but there is no logic in the outcome. That’s Nevada politics.
I’m not sure why the fact that Emily is not well liked is worthy of being deleted, but it’s your blog.
“CCSD approves $1M settlement”
This is nuts. The kid mouthed off, disregarded a lawful order. Even if, (repeat even if) there was excessive force the settlement amount is way out of proportion. A competent defense lawyer could have tried the case, lost, and still had a much lower verdict.
CCSD needs to find a defense firm with cajones.
Don’t forget the $70k CCSD had to pay to plaintiffs’ lawyers for their refusal to turn over public records.
I concur with 5:08 and 5:24.
5:08 pm-I concur. This is why I don’t support the ACLU. They advocate these ridiculous causes that costs us taxpayers who support the school district. This is money even if it is insurance that takes away from education. The CCSD must maintain order in and outside of the school. The school police may now be reluctant to do anything. Did we forget the nice young boy who was beaten to death by a bunch of thugs near the school. The school police must be effective when needed and not neutered. Being taken to the ground does not warrant seven figures.
I know a 400 pound guy who is a bouncer at a bar. He was asked to be a hall monitor for the school district in bad neighborhood school. They need someone his size to help keep order inside the school. His mere presence is intimidating. The school police can not be everywhere and are not there in emergencies. He turned it down because he makes more money keeping order at the nightclub and can defend himself if necessary. Not clear at the school in this current environment.
Bouncer type hall monitors for CCSD. Excellent idea! However, as demonstrated by where money is spent on salaries, we value night clubs above children.
Nah, you don’t get to blame the ACLU for holding the cops accountable. If the goal is to avoid settlements arising out of excessive force claims, the plan should be to work with the cops to make sure THEY DON’T USE EXCESSIVE FORCE (i.e. violate rights).
It’s not Brandon Durham’s fault Metro killed him. I hope his family gets paid. I hope his lawyers get paid too. It’s not the kids’ fault CCSDPD did this. They should get paid.
Ditto for the $9 million settlements for the then-4 and 5-year olds diddled by the CCSD bus driver. Ditto for the $3.5 million settlement because a teacher diddled 3 special ed students. Ditto for the $10 million settlement last June for the abuse of an autistic kid. As for the next 90 or so known lawsuits in the pipeline? Yes, it’s a lot of money “taken away from education.” But what other horrors has CCSD overseen?
This reminds me of the story last month about the Jacksonville Sheriff’s deputy who did a traffic stop for running a red light. They asked if he was carrying. He said he was. They asked him to step out for “your safety” and made him put his arms up for his red light violation. In the course of disarming him they shot him with his own gun because the officer was yanking the gun out by the trigger. Most cops do a great job; however bad acts have consequences.
This is just the ghetto lottery.
Disregarded a lawful order? Was lawfully filming and got attacked by the CCSD officer. We can back cops and call out when they overstep the bounds. $1M is too much money but this video was utterly inexcusable.