- Quickdraw McLaw
- Vacation rental owners, represented by Hutchison and Steffen, are suing the State and Clark County over new laws. [Nevada Current]
- Stricter water rules and higher fees are being proposed by the Las Vegas Valley Water District. [RJ]
- What makes associates happy? Apparently partner and billable-hour expectations? [ABA Journal]
- What makes you happy at your firm?
From the associate satisfaction article: "Associates blasted law firms that talk about mental health but fail to do anything about it." I agree with this wholeheartedly. What I've noticed is firms tout themselves for various "accomplishment" for the sole purpose of patting themselves on the back, but then when an associate tries to hold them to their word and, say, take a day or so off because the billable hours has sucked away your soul, the firm's response tells a different story.
There was an article a couple months back about a biglaw firm that spent a bunch of money on quality of life stuff for associates and was confused why associates still seemed to be so unhappy and turnover was so high. The firm's records showed that the average time for an associate to log off and end the workday was 10:30 PM.
There I was, forced to be in a mandatory CLE about mental health by a profession that, by nature, doesn't lend itself to doing anything about it.
So anyways, I started blasting.
I've dealt with an abusive partner. A few years later the firm finally got rid of him, but too little to late as I had already left. Now I deal with a gaslighting partner, which in many ways is worse.
10:40, I wish you well with whatever issues you have but seriously anyone that uses the words "gaslighting" etc. sounds a little woke to me. You sure the problem is with them?
I'm not the only attorney who has the issue with this partner. I consistently self-evaluate, and the issues with this partner are not with me. But, in fairness to your point, to the extent the issue is me, then at a maximum, I can only share blame with the partner because they are vague and indirect. As to your wokeness comment, isn't being woke the only way to be in corporate America lest you be shunned from society?
In my large/medium firm experience I had to deal with a few drinkers, womanizers, and sullen stressed-out grouches, plus at least one sociopath, but I guess my experience wasn’t that bad overall compared to some of what I’ve read here!
Dear 11:12, 10:47 back – I love you! I was being a little snarky as I hate my job and just want to vent a little and you came back with some wit, intelligence and didn't fall for my slight trolling – well played! Wish I could take you for a beer today – have a good one!
Ha!! I appreciate the acknowledgement and response!
I'm a big fan of my job. However, my coworkers are my wife (also an attorney) and our two dogs working from our two home offices, a home based remote paralegal, and a home-based remote legal assistant/receptionist. The only drinking "at the office" is about 3pm Fridays after we often close early for the weekend, sometimes followed by some womanizing.
Thought I knew who 12:56 was but the lawyer I'm thinking of has a real office. I guess there's more than one pair of husband-wife law firms in this town.
Water Restrictions?
Is this a little too late? The available water for LV is finite. The aquifer is tapped out, the lake is headed way lower. It's nice that "water features" won't be allowed, but this more of a distraction than practical, especially when we continue to allow large housing tracts to be built and add 2000 new pools per year.
So my question, is there a plan? Pipeline from the Mississippi river ? Desalination plant in Mexico piping to LV (I hear AZ is considering this). The point is that the state and Clark County Commissioners are sitting on their arses. There has to a plan for alterative water sources. (taking water from the northern Nevada farmers is not a solution.) Any alternate water source will take years to process and build. Time to get moving.
I do recall that the 99-year compact that rules between Nevada, Arizona, California, Mexico and maybe 1-2 other states expires in 2024 or 2025. I'm thinking that it will have to be negotiated in a manner whereby California gets a lot less because a vast majority of the water goes to California right now, and they are using it primarily for agricultural use. This is important, don't get me wrong, but that could much more easily be trucked than forcing residences to have their water tanks.
I think the compact was made when Las Vegas was but a dot, and Reno/Carson City was a lot bigger than Las Vegas. Same thing (to a lesser extent) for Arizona.
They'll have to reword whatever compact they enter so that it can be adjustable so we don't get into this situation we're in now.
They do need serious other projects too – what about water tanks in residences, going forward at at least, like they seem to have more and more in large cities in Asia? What about desalination? What about linking up with other areas of the country were pipelines can be created? We need a combination of solutions, not just one.
I do not miss working atAkerman.
I say cut CA off with the next compact. They've done little yo advance desalination, despite the water shortage being front and center for decades. Their own fault. Adding to their insults, while NV recycles all our residential water, CA dumps it into the ocean.
Cut off CA with the National Guard if necessary.
TIL the Colorado River compact is up for renegotiation in 2026. I predict the biggest loser will be Arizona and Nevada will be the biggest winner. Agriculture is going to be pulled back dramatically. Surely Nevada can increase the meager allocation we currently have.
I previously read about the possibility of pipelines. It has been looked at, but is extremely expensive and wouldn't deliver enough volume. I've always thought that if a pipeline were to work, it should be from the Columbia River to Southern California. Southern California then takes nothing from the Colorado River, freeing up water for the other six states.
We use way less than our allotment; NV doesn't need a larger share. Unless we can use it to plant trees and get some more greenery in this city, then let's get a larger share.
What's the deal with Akerman? That bad?
"Unless we can use it to plant trees and get some more greenery in this city, then let's get a larger share."
This and to grow. We have a ton of land, we just need the water. We have proven to be the River's most responsible steward, by far, and deserve a larger allotment. We should not have to sacrifice pool size and already sparce natural grass while Arizona is growing almonds, watermelons and lettuce. Give me a break.
And don't forget the cotton too! Lots of cotton!
Just wait until Caesar's legion invades and takes control of the dam
@ 3:16, 3:30 and 4:16
The fact that LV uses less than its allotment is irrelevant. If the lake is dry, it won't matter what the compact allotment is. The lake is 25% -ish of capacity now, has fallen 26 feet so far this year. Will become a dead pool at some number that I forgot, but not much lower than it is now.
Yes, building a pipeline is expensive, but it can provide enough supplemental water. Look at the LA pipeline/aqueduct system, started in 1905, that still supplies most of LA's water.
Hated Akerman. The partner was abusive. The long time female partner is an nightmare.
They seem to have lots of turnover.
1:56 is spot on.
What partner was abusive and how? Why was the female partner a nightmare?
Abusive male partner left. Longtime female partner was rude, stupid, and lazy
I worked at two firms with that “ longtime female partner “. Rude, stupid and lazy? I have only witnessed one of the hardest working lawyers I’ve ever worked with. Rude is laughable to me. Lazy is ridiculous. Stupid? Disgruntled much? Grinding at Akerman isn’t for everyone, but to stoop so low is pathetic. None of what you said is true.
I actually like and trust my coworkers. The work is still hard and stressful at times, but good coworkers make it so much better.
My current work environment does NOT tolerate gossiping, fraternizing, name calling, dirty jokes, slurs, sex scandals, assault, battery, hostile environment, lewdness, substance abuse on the job, etc. Over 20 something years I have experienced all of the above and then some. The greatest stressors are unreasonable clients, opposing counsel, and bench. As attorneys, we expect and anticipate said stressors.
So you work at home by yourself then?
How about about a coke head billboard attorney and his constantly vacationing coke head new associate? Boy does that help morale.
That narrows it down. Just kidding. We know exactly who you are talking about.
How does one practice law without scandalous sex, coke, and dirty jokes? Assault and battery should never be tolerated.
Is the cokehead billboard attorney and head associate looking for company? I have some availability. Drop me a line. (pun!)
Just make certain your car has dark tinted windows so when you go out to the parking lot several times a day to do the blow in the back seat no one in the office will figure out what you are doing.
Who goes to the car. It is to hot. That is why your office has a door.
Unfortunately his has long narrow window on side of door. I guess he does not know about contact paper. But one of his last employers caught him in his office on video so he prefers the hot car. Video is still available and used for entertainment.
His last two employers are well aware of the issue but I guess they never contacted the Bar or the impaired lawyers help group.
What pi billboard hack does not do blow?
Glad to see that words have consequences. $45 Million sends a good message.
Yes, free speech is dead and judges in Austin are completely corrupt. Loud and clear.
The closing statement by Plaintiffs was terrifying. They promised that AJ was patient no. 1 for what needs to be done across the land against all dissident voices: sue them out of business.
Whatever your feelings about AJ, he was railroaded and never allowed to present a defense. I've had clients screwed over but not on this scale. AJ never had his day in court.
Just curious – what would the defense be? What exactly did the judge do to "railroad" him?
He defaulted on 3 lawsuits, didn't he? Lied through discovery. Lied on the stand. Fired over a dozen attorneys. The only person responsible for his mess is in the mirror.
11:13 – Did you sleep through Constitutional Law class?
"Railroaded"? Do you mean the natural consequences of not complying with discovery obligations? Do you think that any litigant would ever actually comply with discovery obligations if no consequences attached? Good luck getting that Brady material for your criminal trial or compelling your old boss to appear for a deposition in your employment discrimination lawsuit when all you can do is give the rulebreaker "the frowning of a lifetime."
The 1A has never covered the kinds of speech at issue in this case. Your "At first they came for the profiteering conspiracy theorists stoking stalkers to harass the parents of children killed in mass shootings…" argument is not sound. Alex Jones' behavior was so far beyond the bounds of decency, the boundary disappeared in the rear horizon. I salute these parents for their dogged determination to hold him accountable.
4:44, ye protector of all dissident voices. If dissident positions do not constitute defamation then there are no grounds to sue the dissident voices out of business.
Your boy Alex Jones got what we like to call the Bahena treatment. You screw with discovery long enough, you find yourself getting to only dispute damages. Choo choo.
The problem is he complied with discovery. Everything. Emails. Cell phones. Computers. Countless depositions. The judge sanctioned him for failure to participate because she couldn't let him put on a case because even an Austin jury would have said no once the facts as spin was presented.
I was starting to substantively reply to 11:13/4:44/5:19 when I realized I was falling for what is obvious trolling.
This is a genuine question. I know nothing about Alex Jones or his trial other than he said Sandy Hook was a hoax. Where is the defamation? I'm not saying what he said is true, but didn't we just used to call people like that dumb? What was the basis for damages? How were the parents "damaged" by that conspiracy theory? I sure hope I'm missing context, but I'm not seeing defamation and, even with the default judgment, the basis for damages.
Jones stated that the attack was a hoax and that the victims’ families were actors who were faking any loss. To walk through the elements: 1) a clearly false statement purporting to be fact; 2) that Jones knew and through any degree of diligence should have known to be false; 3) wide publication or communication of the false statements to a third persons; 4) fault; and 5) damages or harm arising out of the statements.
I am a conservative Republican. This is not a dissident voice; this is defamation of people who are not public figures beyond the fact that they had the misfortune to have a child murdered.
Except: he didn't.
8:51 if you truly don't know any of that, 30 seconds of googling will quickly answer those questions.
I did Google it. Thanks to stellar modern journalism, no article I found laid out the details. All were recent and bare-boned articles failing to explain exactly what was said.
8:54 If you are a lawyer, I hope this is not an indicator of your legal research abilities.
Go ahead and impress us with yours. What did Jones do?
And direct us to a copy of the warrant used to raid 45's home and search his wife's underwear drawer.
You do realize that 45 got a copy of the warrant, a copy of the inventory of items seized, and that he isn't under any obligations to keep it under wraps? He could literally give you that information right now. Of course, he's too busy pleading the 5th in New York to do anything but send out emails asking for your money.
According to far-left anti-Trump Dailymail, Trump did not receive a copy of the warrant or an itemized list of what was taken. I searched a bit online and could only find so-called experts saying "he must have" provided a copy, and one article saying Trump should disclose the warrant, but I don't see the warrant or confirmation he received it.
I did find a lot of articles saying this is "normal." Uh, no, this is the first time in US history. 45 is the most investigated POTUS in US history.
First, Dailymail is well known to be right wing. Second, Dailymail is a rag. Third, every reputable news source is reporting that Trump and his lawyers have a copy of the warrant and could simply release it if that wish. Fourth, the FBI is not allowed to publicly release the warrant. So just stop.
It appears the probable cause affidavit is sealed and no one is allowed to see it. The warrant itself sought "presidential records." Not sure what that means. It took three years to figure out Russiagate was 100% fabricated by Hillary Clinton and her team, so I imagine it will take the same amount of time to discredit this latest attack fabricated by Brandon's people.
Back to work. Good day.
9:52 Bill Clinton’s BJ was more investigated.