- Quickdraw McLaw
Although Wikipedia says that Festivus does not happen until December 23, we think its time to commence the Annual Airing of Grievances (we’ll save the Feats of Strength for the 23rd). Anyway, here’s your chance to list your complaints from the last year. Think of it as a virtual bench/bar meeting where you have an open mic to identify the problems you face in practicing law (are you reading this Judge Togliatti?). Feel free to harp on the security and elevator lines (rumor has it the 8 new courtrooms on the third floor will be open by 2013–yay for escalators!), CLE requirements (you got yours done right?), lack of an intermediate appellate court, and Judge Israel’s lack of follow through on discovery rules.
The floor is yours…
We have a bench that is mostly occupied by judges who are incompetent, corrupt, or both. The majority of our Clark County judges are bought and paid-for by campaign-contributing lawyers (and the gaming and skin industries). From the majority of our judges, there is not even a pretense of impartiality. And our electorate continues to put cronies and intellectual lightweights on the bench. It is appropriate that we are considered a judicial hell hole.
9:22- Bravo!
Two complaints, somewhat related. There are way too many California lawyers practicing here "pro hac vice." Second, why doesn't Nevada offer reciprocal admission to those states that do the same. That would not make it any easier for Californians to get in since it they don't offer reciprocity, but it would make it easier for Nevada lawyers to go somewhere else. At least then there would be more of a chance of having lawyers who know the local rules and requirements. So sick of pro hacs who try and don't know the rules.
I may be wrong, but I don't think there are any states who offer reciprocity to NV lawyers for the simple reason that you can't have reciprocity by yourself. NV does not offer reciprocity to any other jurisdiction that I am aware of.
And damn right 9:22.
I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it! But I can't think of anything specifically, so I'll leave it at that–for now.
Our legal community suffers from obesity. The State Bar should require weight watchers in addition to CLEs.
I am against offering reciprocity of any kind. Nevada's high barriers to entry maintain higher salaries than surrounding states, err, I mean protect the public. I love it that if an experienced attorney wants to practice here, he has to sit his sorry ass down for three days of the full bar exam (and is less likely to pass than recent grads). Let's keep it that way.
Ian Christopherson is sentenced to 33 months in Club Fed today. Not a bad guy but has many issues. Tough love Ian. Take a long hard look in the mirror. Avail yourself of all alcohol and mental health counseling while on the inside. Good luck and see you soon.
My grievance? My Summerlin home is still worth $275k less than I paid for it in 2005. I'm the one schmuck in Las Vegas who has continued to pay his mortgage, SID, and HOA fees faithfully every month. Nope, no "short sale" or "loan mod" or "deed in lieu" or "cash for keys" for me. I've been taking it in the keester and throwing my hard-earned money down the sewer for over seven years.
F*ck Las Vegas. F*ck my life.
For some reason people who the US Attorneys Office decides to have a vendetta against keep ending up dead.
I'm with you, 8:41. Suckas!
How did Ian Christopherson only get 33 months? I heard he didn't pay taxes for 10 years and owed almost a million bucks. I don't know who his lawyer was, but sign me up for a retainer if the feds ever come lookin' for me!
Here is my grievance: Escorts make more per hour on their backs than attorneys are making on their feet.
8:41 – then there are at least two of us in town. I'm doing the same thing, paying all the crap on the house I bought in 2006 while watching my co-workers (staff and attorneys) do short sales.
Where's Hawkeye? She always has grievances…