- law dawg
- Las Vegas attorney Gary Guymon accused of solicitation to commit murder; sex trafficking charges. [RJ]
- Are medical mushrooms the next frontier in anxiety and depression treatment? Some think so. [Nevada Current]
- New Clark County ordinance could mean jail time for camping in some public places. [KTNV]
- The Nevada Legislature kicks off its 2025 session today. What are you looking forward to coming out of this session? Any bills we all should be tracking? Any predictions? [8NewsNow]
Sucks to see Guymon like this, but it’s not his first time. Hope they don’t bury him under the courthouse, but at the end of the day those are some serious allegations. 1) if a relationship’s not working out, do yourself a favor and move on. 2) Go and see a therapist or get help if you’re constantly flirting with danger, drugs, alcohol, or sex. This kind of stuff shouldn’t happen, and we all shouldn’t just wink and nod when we know something’s wrong with our colleagues.
Our profession is one of the only ones that do not take warning signs seriously. Look at all the lawyer related tragedies in last 2 years. Yet the OBC continues their ineptitude.
“For Michael Galardi to say he paid for sexual favors is scoffable,” Guymon said in a 2006 interview. “I went to (Cheetah’s) like any other citizen.”
Fuckin’ comedy gold. Dammit, can’t a married man just go to the Strip club in peace without being unjustly accused of having sex in the champagne room? What is this town coming to?
FIFY: Can’t a married LDS guy go to Cheetah’s on Family Night.
FIFY: Can’t a married LDS guy go to Cheetah’s on Family Night, *like any other citizen.*?
He can. He just needs to abstain from taking the sacrament with the hand he uses to slide singles in their g-strings.
“Prosecutors accused Gary Guymon, who attended law school at Brigham Young University and has been a member of the Nevada bar since 1989, of solicitation to commit murder, conspiracy to commit murder, sex trafficking of an adult, perjury, coercion with force or threat of force, three counts of bribing or intimidating a witness to influence testimony and three counts of pandering, court records show.”
Rise & Shout!
The Quest for Perfection continues…..
He’s going for the Big 12 – 20 years.
Where did Ted Bundy go to school?
University of Utah for law school.
What a robust defense! haha.
university of utah law school
undergrad U of Washington
When I started practice in the mid 90’s, Guymon seemed to me to be a straight-laced prosecutor working his way up the ladder. I was a young lawyer doing some criminal defense and he was reasonable and patient with me. One of Stu Bell’s golden boys. I admittedly haven’t had any contact with him for well over 20 years, but all of this seems out of character for the the guy I knew 28-29 years ago.
People can change a lot in 28-plus years.
Feel bad for Guyman’s wife. Is he still partners with Lance Hendron?
Has not been partners with Lance for a long time.
The big headline today in the RJ is about the high cost of car insurance. It has affected everyone. I have had to cut back my coverage–UM/UIM and my even my liability umbrella. It is getting too damn expensive. If you have a minor accident you are looking at a $50K claim.
If Metro would go after all the uninsured drivers on the road it sure would help.
Or like california where you cannot sue if you have no insurance.
They need to arrest and charge drivers with no license, registration or insurance. This was how it was like years ago. Now they accept “Mexican driver’s licenses” which can not be verified.
I have had two family members nearly killed by drunk illegal migrants with no driver’s license and no car insurance. These are some of the reasons why I whole heartedly support the mass deportation underway in our country. Get the illegal migrants out of the United States.
Agreed. Just had a neighbor with an an accident with disputed liability and absolutely fraudulent injuries (guy claimed disability with a minor fender bender, then caught on video ) got nearly $100k for his troubles (AFTER his attorney dropped him to fraud).
Speaking of Gary’s case, not sure if it was discussed here but the Grand Jury returned a 25 count indictment against J Scott MacDonald in November.
Did anyone discuss that Doug Crawford’s case was dismissed with prejudice?
Yes, when it happened. He consented to disbarment and they called it a day.
Weird. He’s represented by his former best friend Craig Hendricks who was a DA at the time the gilardi incident went down. Even extra weirder Gary had an affair for over 5 years with a current sitting district court judge. Other judges and elected officials spent a lot of time partying with him. Lots of people are nervous tonight that he may talk.
pretty sure he had one with a now-sitting JP too
There is a Gorilla Pimp among us!
Daylight savings time bill
Read the article today in the RJ on Guymon which has more details. METRO fifty page report. The evidence sounds questionable. Does not sound like an actual solicitation to commit murder but is prepositional. The witnesses against him are strippers and hookers who make dubious witnesses. His biggest problem will be Bar Counsel lying in wait whether he skates on this. With wiretaps or recordings he has problems. Not a slam dunk for the DA or state. If they send this to the AG it will get lost. Complicated case but sounds overcharged.
He defends himself saying it was only the occasional lap dance. See NRPC 1.8(j).
“I enjoyed the occasional client lap dance and threatened to knock their teeth in, like any other citizen!”
Sounds presidential to me.
“I did not have sex with that woman”…. is that the presidential standard you are referring to? BTW the cigar in question was a fine Monte Cristo No. 2 from Cuba.
I have to be honest that I agree with you. He is screwed on the Rules of Professional Conduct. But it appears that he is stating that this was some type of BDSM master/slave or dom/sub relationship with these women. Sounds overcharged. And if Doug Crawford can get away with a disbarment and a dismissalfor actively having sex with his clients, why is it unfair to think Guymon will do the same?
FIFY: “But it appears that he is stating that this was some type of BDSM master/slave or dom/sub relationship with these women, *like any other citizen*!”
I’m sorry, but forcing a prostitute/client to masturbate in front of you by threatening to make sure she goes to jail sounds a little like sexually motivated coercion to me.
Forcing a client to masturbate in front of you? The entire foundation of power exchange relationships is consensually entered agreements and boundaries for such conduct. The “gorilla pimp” stuff is so over the top that it certainly sounds like negotiated talk. Is that what this was? I have no idea. I don’t know Gary’s proclivities. But I want to at least be open to the possibility that there is evidence of a power exchange dynamic in this situation.
Except for the fact that the recorded conversations wherein he makes statements that align with what the “dubious” witnesses say. It’s certainly not the crime of the century but it is unethical and more important, indicative of a mental health or drug problem. This is not the Gary that many of us have known for decades, despite his past transgressions. This is sad and I hope he gets the help he needs. He has a lot of support in the legal community.
Sad you say?! He allegedly threatened to bash his client’s teeth and have her thrown in jail if she did not obey him as well as referring her to friends ie pandering! Crawford threatened no one.
10:47 here. I see reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. I never said anything about Crawford nor was I comparing the two cases. I also did not say that him threatening to knock a client’s teeth out was “sad.” I’m aware of everything in the report. I’ve read all 50 pages of it. What’s sad is that a person who has so much talent and skill and, moreover, has helped so many people throughout his career was brought to this depth due to sickness. That is sad. NONE of us are immune to mental health issues or addiction. As I sated, this is not the Gary we all know. Go back to typing up pleadings for your boss.
nice little attempt at personal attack at the end there, “sadly” you got it wrong!
So you agree with me that your reading comprehension sucks.
Gary’s issue is that some of the statements the State Bar (and maybe DAs) will use against him were made by him on the court record in various proceedings. Perhaps overcharged, but he’s got problems
The police report is shocking. Sounds like a whole lot of evidence to me.