Vicki Greco was arrested and booked yesterday. [RJ]
New owners of the RJ are remaining anonymous much to the concern of its reporters. [Las Vegas Sun; KNPR]
Not Vegas, but missing criminal case records in Orange County sounds like something that could happen here. [Voice of OC]
Want to talk about job statistics for Boyd grads, here’s a link with their ABA required disclosures.
A year ago today, the managing partner at Lionel Sawyer was telling the press the firm was in a “state of transition.” Any firms in a state of transition this year?
Is it really gone or will it pop up as something else? Will the real Veterans in Politics please stand up?
December 16, 2015 9:37 pm
After reading this article, the real issue I think is the allegation of coercion and the judges and attorneys that have a judicial obligation to report Thomas. Thomas should be disbarred at the very lease.
Yeah, keep in mind this "article" was written by Voldemort.
December 16, 2015 10:37 pm
Who is this Voldemort? Regardless, who wrote it? It could be Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan. That’s not the point. The point is did anyone violate the laws? I looked up the rules and NRS that is sighted in the article. They look pretty cut and dry to me and I read the Thomas email. There is some serious violations here. If these Judges and attorneys failed to report Thomas. That is also a violation.
Am I the only person that see this?
"There is some serious violations here." That are some rock solid legal analysis, He Who Shall Not Be Named. MSJ granted in favor of VIPI. Fees and costs awarded.
Steve Sanson
January 23, 2017 6:24 am
I will always put my name on any post, I don't run, I don't hide. This statement is coming from a person using the name Anonymous, that's hilarious. In addition you replace my name with Voldemort, so I cant respond, so I cant defend myself. WOW! Look up the definition of coward idiot! I am right here come get me!
Dave Thomas is the new owner of the RJ, and most of the judges.
I just read that they dissolved the Nevada Veterans organization which was a copy cat of Veterans in Politics.
You bastard. You've triggered Voldemort's google alert, which will surely bring him back to this blog.
Anybody having problems with Wiznet? It has been the past two weeks for me.
This is the best guess. The buyer clearly overpaid so their motivation is not financial.
Greco, 43, um, is that the Mexico passport again?
Mexican passport that only lists Greco's weight only at 240.
Lot of law firms must be hurting, because they keep ripping off their clients.
While surfing the net you never know what you will find:
Is it really gone or will it pop up as something else? Will the real Veterans in Politics please stand up?
After reading this article, the real issue I think is the allegation of coercion and the judges and attorneys that have a judicial obligation to report Thomas. Thomas should be disbarred at the very lease.
Any suggestions?
Yeah, keep in mind this "article" was written by Voldemort.
Who is this Voldemort? Regardless, who wrote it? It could be Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan. That’s not the point. The point is did anyone violate the laws? I looked up the rules and NRS that is sighted in the article. They look pretty cut and dry to me and I read the Thomas email. There is some serious violations here. If these Judges and attorneys failed to report Thomas. That is also a violation.
Am I the only person that see this?
The fact that you wrote "sighted" tells me you are not a lawyer. Therefore I do not trust your reading of the rules or NRS.
Don't ask me to do the research for you unless you want to pay me. I actually am a lawyer.
"There is some serious violations here." That are some rock solid legal analysis, He Who Shall Not Be Named. MSJ granted in favor of VIPI. Fees and costs awarded.
I will always put my name on any post, I don't run, I don't hide. This statement is coming from a person using the name Anonymous, that's hilarious. In addition you replace my name with Voldemort, so I cant respond, so I cant defend myself. WOW! Look up the definition of coward idiot! I am right here come get me!